VICTORIA, 3. C. 131 June 31-43 , rTOKTBtEhft AND CIrjTRAL PRTriBB. dbLUMBIA'S NKWBPAPKR ,TTrrrrry . Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrri RHES DRUGS E a II Blue Lify Delivery STAR PHONE 81 Cabs Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 62. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENT8 "AiAS TlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.' or thwest Air I Dimes p amie ivHssin 1 4 n Alaska IDI AMCC fDlTir'C Planes Investigating Fire Senate Passes Marshall Plan Regulations for Halibut ly Announced by Board Jacific halibut fishery On Peak Near Anchorage FLYING FROM SHANGHAI TO EDMONTON WITH THIRTY , PASSENGERS FOR DEATH OF JAN MASARYK PRAGUE, 'ft Jan Masaryk received last rites of state today as President Eduard Benes wept at his bier. ' In the vaulted pantheon of jthe National Museum, which 'was draped in black, the Com- fREGULATIONb hUK I94tt WASHINGTON (CP) The United States Senate moved toward final action today a European recovery program after defeat THREE PERCENT SALES TAX FOR B.C. IS PREDICTED VANCOUVER (CP) Vancouver News-Herald in a dispatch from Victoria last night predicted that Finance Minister Herbert Ans-comb will announce a sales tax for British Columbia on all goods except food in his budget address next Wednesday. The paper speculated that the tax will be 3 cents on each dollar. One cent would be for municipalities and 2 cents for the provincial treasury. The tax would yield about $14,000,000 yearly. ternational Fisheries Commission has just that the regulations for the Pacific halibut 1948 have been approved by the Governor-f Canada and the President of the United ANCHORAGE (CP) A chartered Shanghai-to- munist premier, Kiement Gott- St. Paul Northwest Airlines DC-4 plane with 30 per- are now effective. These regulations apply waid, made the main funeral sons aboard vanshed over Alaska last night, and a ching and landing 01 naiiDui in ana irom oration. He berated critics the waters oft the coasts of the Masaryk in the West and inder-ectly accused them of causing a fire had been sighted on a mountain side. A Civil Aeronautic Administration plane headed for the 16,208-foot Mount San- the foreign minister's death. ing a major drive to slash Its first year funds. By a 56 to 31 vote last night it blasted aside a determined bid led by Senator Robert Taft (Rep.-Ohio), chairman of the Senate Republican policy committee to shave $1,300,000,000 from the $5,300,000,000 Marshall Plan figures. Senator Tom Connally (Dem.- WIS iNNED United States, Canada and Alaska. The Commission was established by treaty between the United States and Canada, to rebuild the stocks of halibut on the banks of the North Pacific. A 0 Canada has ccp known commu These stocks had been so serf Texas), one of the program's te country, it was ously depleted by unrestricted chief sponsors in Congress, pre initially In the fishing that fishing had become DAYLIGHT TIME STARTS APRIL 25 VICTORIA, B Daylight saving time will begin in British Columbia on April 25 and will continue until 2 a.m. on September 26, according to an Order-in-Council passed by Lieutenant Governor Banks on Friday. dieted its overwhelming passage FATAL FIRE IN MONCTON MONCTON, New Brunswick P) Two persons are dead, one Is missing and eight are In hospital with injuries and burns as a result of a flash fire that gutted a three-storey business and apartment block on the main street yesterday. yesterday. The move unprofjtable. Under regulation Royalties Up, Special Funds Provided In Forest Act Changes Kenny Introduces Bill at Victoria VICTORIA (CP) Amendments to the Forest by tonight. Jj- aimed at inose by the Commission, the stocks The bill is designed to speed ford, where Gulkana' C. A. A. range station reported a fire had been seen during the night. (An unofficial late report from Edmonton said helicopters had taken off to search for the missing plane at Anchorage). The plane was carrying 24 passengers and crew of six over the Great Circle route from the Orient. Last radio contact with the big craft was at 11:03 p.m. P.S.T., when it passed over Gulkana range station about 150 miles northeast of here. Airlines officials said the four-engined plane left Anchorage at labor organization "tA United States. on these northwest banks have been improved until they now funds to 16 western European countries to bolster them against si Louis St. Laurent afford the finest halibut fishing Communism. external affairs, tne world and rovide greatly 1 v that immigration increased annual catches. The I been ordered to par worl of tne commission Is an Act were introduced in the Legislature Friday to increase royalties on timber, establish a revolving fund to assist loggers and increase the forest protection fund. The bill, introduced by Hon. E. T. Kenney, Min- istpr nf T anils and For fists, nrn- RANGERS BID FOR STANLEY CUP POSITION TROUBLE IN FAIRY LAND GIVES known communists. outiitandlng demonstration of to answer specific can be accomplished by to whether entry practical International co-opera- already been re- tion and fisheries man agement. NEW YORK, Oi Two youths, one of them the first player 1C:C5 p.m., P.S. T., and was scheduled to make Its first stop at Edmonton at 5:04 a.m., P.S.T., vides for a forest development r -rj . 7 , The Commission consists of Chinese descent to In appear four members, two from each VEATHER today. MORTALS FINE ENTERTAINMENT Dainty white fairies and green and yellow, pixies frolicked, threatened to do battle and then made up to each other in a delightful operetta staged by children of Borden Street School at the Civic Centre auditorium Friday night before a capacity audience. country. Present members are: e luonM t have been called by .u the New j whi.mnre nf the Canadian . up mercy rngni Brings Sick Man To City fund of $2,500,000 to be used to make loans to timber operators. Mr. Kenney estimated that the fund would lead to providing $10,000,000 worth of work within the next few years. He made no estimate of the York Raneers In a move to Department of Fisheries, Van clinch a berth In the Stanley Cup play-offs for the first time i jtynopsis k disturbance giv-t.? the southern B.C. uy has moved in-I causing light snow iugan Valley this ruble cluodiness Is couver, B.C.; Edward W. Allen, of Seattle. Washington; O. N. The mountain fire was to the right of the regular course followed by the airliner. Three of the crew members were from St. Paul, Minnesota, while the fourth, Robert Hay-? steward, was from Seattle. !' Tl:-: fisosnger were oil" work The ninety-odd youngsters made the most of the MipWrrsnn nf Prince Runert. and!8mce Increased revenue to be gained A Canadian Pacific Air Lines 'charming story. "The Pixies union r j.mM. of the United Manager Frank Boucher yes- Statw Fish and WUMf Ser-, . I' : ' -,.-.,, fW MaWt.t Frldav after- krthe province this farm club, r.cK14 r,- wr n,it 'iters amateur New u" "; ......., wiu.e a il y U;in ji JAP CURBS MODIFIED ers employed In the Orient by Ik iih i,.iru temperatures re- . nMi..uS,,.v ...... , . , ... . . f cnrunP - inoon. mnr and Mr James fir Chair-1 ine smaller cnnaren coninouiea Texas and Caiifornia oil com- man and secreUry, respectivelyLarry (King) Kwong of Vernon, Anotner amendment proviaea ine piane maue an bona fide farmers to take uled stop at the north Island pames. OTTAWA, $t Restrictions on the movement of Japanese in rtrlna the current vear. "u "'"c uwc ul ir normal. Jipert, Queen Char- Coast North-:iear !Ijrth today, remain-on cloudy. Sunday onto. greauy to xne entertainment;. The appreciative audience gave the young performers round after round of applause throughout the three-act fantasy. all of Canada east of the off the annual growth on wood lots next to their property. Rl'PEKT DISTRICT settlement after a call had been received from Dr. J. S. C. Dunn that Fred Richardson, elderly Massett bachelor, was critically The halibut regulations are based upon the results of biological and statistical investiga ROYALTY SCALE In the Prince Rupert Forestry ill with a heart condition and LEGION SPORTS GROUP TO MEET light. Little change ure. Lows tonight Jnday: Port Hardy needed hospitalization tions carried out by the Commission's staff of fishery biologists. The regulations are guided from year to year by investigations of the effect of past iMassett 28 and 45, district, the increase In fir, spruce and cedar royalties will be from $"l.65 to $2.50 per 1.000 board feet for grade one quality; INTERIOR MAN TAKES OWN LIFE A colorful pioneer of the central interior took his own life this week. He was George M. Biernes, 72-year old Kispiox Valley rancher, who died of a gunshot wound in the head. Friends found Biernes' body in a hayshed on his ranch after . hearing a shot from a heavy Itt 32 and 47. Canadian Legion Athletic .,1nHr..i, llnAH iVlO cfnrVs nf ' ...ill want tl'ttVl IVin In all, it was a complete triumph for the children. J. S. Wilson, principal of Borden Street School, trained the choir and directed the program, with other members, of the school staff. Mrs. Harry Seaman was accompanist. Mr. Wilson was master of ceremonies. At the conclusion of the op ireuwuuiu o"-c win n.v.i 'or . second ona graa Grade' halibut and by annual confer- Lm, Board on Sunday to work J Jo Glen Lee, Canadian Pacific Air Lines agent at Prince Rupert received permission from the company's Vancouver office for the Prince Rupert-Sandspit plane to detour to Massett on the eastbound flight. Capt. James Black landed on Massett Inlet and took Richardson aboard. Rockies have been lifted, Labor Minister Humphrey Mitchell announced Friday, but remaining restrictive legislation, requiring Japanese to obtain permits to enter British Columbia, will remain in force until April 1, 1949. Orders - in - Council tabled by Mr. Mitchell also disclosed the government's intention to continue for another year the prohibition against granting fishing licences In British Conimbia to Japanese, and against their serving on fishing vessels sailing out of British Columbia ports. Football halibut fishermen and vessel making a cinder running track e On ' hemlock, the increase is owners in the major halibut ;at Roosevelt Park. ports. The track is to be used for iReuU'fsi Results from $125 to $2 for first grade; 95 cents to $1.25 for second grade, and 75 cents to $1 for third grade. The 1948 regulations are slmi- f00t, races on the committee's calibre rifle. Investigation by Coroner Murhpy and Constable eretta, Mrs. Seaman, by royal, fames played today lar in most respects to i July 1 sports celebration in whicn The sick man was taken un ti Kingdom: it is expected competitors from i West of Hazelton Indicated sui-1 clde. JSH 1.KAGIE der the care of Dr. C. H. Han-klnson on his arrival here. decree of the pixie king and fairy queen, was called to the stage to receive a bouquet in appreciation of her services. northern towns and native villages will take part. -Final Hound The C.P.A. Canso carried sev "nty 1, Manchester Construction plans call for tne en passengers on the flight to of last year. As Indicated below, only two significant changes have been made, namely an increase In the catch limit for Area 2 and a redefinition ol Massett Nursery area which Is closrd to halibut fishing. FIVE AREAS 3. It was reported that he had been in a despondent mood for the last three weeks. One of the earliest residents of the uuDer Skeena Valley. Mr. KING AND QUEEN WERE OUTSTANDING Prince Rupert. track to be set on a level with the baseball field at Roosevelt 3, Tottenham 1 overtime). Top honors for the perform ORGANIZER AT LABOR COUNCIL Many Matters Discussed at Regular Meeting Provincial and nationwide problems of organized labor IIMI 1 KAGl K The coast is divided into five pt Division HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Portland 2, Vancouver 10. San Francisco 6, Oakland 4. Los Angeles 7, Fresno 5. RUSSIAN OIL INTERESTS Russian oil Interests in northern Persia cover an estimated 40,000 suare miles of the Azerbaijan Province. Rovers 1, Ports- i 0. areas lor reguiaiory puiywco. Area 1A includes waters south of Cape Blanco, Oregon. Area ance were rightly shared by the Biernes had been a cattleman, leading characters, Mary Lou farmer piacer miner, guide and Lunn as king of the pixies, and u man He was well known Beverly Comer as fairy queen. Q early reslclents of prince RU- . Mary Lou was outstanding in rt her part as the king who sought, Fo'r years he packed maU De successfully to establish the(tween port Essington and Haz, claim of the pixies to fairy land.'elton before tne railroad wa3 Her manner and voice were ideal put throughi ln summer he used Charlton Athletic were the subject of an address IB lies brtween Cape Bianco l Arsenal 2. and Wlllapa Harbor, Washington. Prior to 1948 these two Park so that it will not interfere with games played there. A meeting of the committee in the Civic Centre last night narrowed down the date for the International junior boxing tournament to either April 9 or April 10. The card will involve 10 fighters from Ketchikan and 10 from Prince Rupert. It will be held In the Civic Centre gymnasium. Plans are also being projected for a tournament with the Interior towns of Smithers and Terrace which have active box-tne clubs. Puwn 0, Stoke City by William Wiison, general organizer for the American Federation of Labor, before the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Coun .: TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Jonnr.ton Co. Ltd. F'1 Town 2 Mill. a canoe and in winter dog teams. Later he took up land ln areas together formed a single area, Area 1. Area 2 includes the waters between Willapa Harbor and Cape Spencer, Alaska. Area 3 covers the waters from Cane Snencer to a line running Pmgh l. r C1,y 4, Burnley 1. Bob jo 13 ti 0, Prestoii Nnriii cil In the Carpeters' Hall on Thursday night. Mr. Wilson, who has been visiting local branches of the trade unions for the last week, lor ine pari. i Sweetness of the queen Immediately caught the fancy of the audience, and her interpre- tation of her role warranted high praise. Other leading characters were: Agnes Mcintosh and Neila Mc-Kelvie as attendants to the true west from Cape Sarichef f Uton Wanderers 1, Fed 1 (tie). gave an outline of a brief pres- T7,trorf KriVlllcr rlllhi rrn. T"-i' .-. r. "tl Division on Unimak Island. Area 4 includes those waters of the Bering Sea Tying north of the line run-nine from Caoe Sarichef. Lwis United 1. the Kispiox Valley 20 miles north of Hazelton and used it as his headquarters when he took a contract to pack supplies to maintain the Yukon telegraph lines. He staked coal claims In the Groundhog coal fields and placer claims on many creeks. He made large amounts of money, but lost it in innumerable projects. One of these was a plan to establish a game hunters' resort on his ranch and fly hunt is training fighters In the ar- i Columbia the British with Joe Ward acting executivye mory. , of the Trades and u. "nlngham Citv 1. 'queen; Ivy Gillespie, king's min-jister; Jacquelyn Moore, king's ! physician, and Olive Strand, The Area S limit of 28.000,000 Buffalo Canadian 11 Consol. Smelters 95.00 Conwest 80 Donalda 70 Eldona 72 Elder 52 Giant Yellowknife .... 3.65 God's Lake 61 Hardrock 13V4 Harrlcana .07 Heva 12 Hdsco 30 Jacknife 04 Joliet Quebec 35 Lake Rowan 12 'y 3, Leicester City h l Barnsley i pounds and the Area 4 limit of 500,000 pounds remain the same as in 1947. The Area 2 catch limit is 25,500,000 pounds, an increase of 1,000,000 pounds over 1947. There are no catch limits general of pixie army. VARIED ENTERTAINMENT WELL RECIVED A square dance by eight older youngsters brought exclamations of praise and delight from many 'bor Congress of Canada on Cha nnan of the committee 18 TtTT f "th? ' cmdlan ! He alMtSd or efforts bein, SSTSe eplSsZlll'n-de to bring int. the trade on movement the displaced who formerly held that post. Mr, Nlcoll is still active, however, i I persons who are being brought . I to Canada and who are settling events. promoting sports ( CTDirfcTPrM MOTHER The housing shortage, Mr. "overs o, Coventry Plymouth Argyllo for Areas 1A and IB. adults, while the smart displays OPENS MAY I f 1 forest 0, Fulham Lapaska 061aOf marching by the pixie army Vancouver Bralorne 9.75 B. R. X 07 Cariboo Quartz 1,50 Dentonia 11 Grull Wlhksne 04 Hedley Mascot 70 Minto 02 Pend Oreille 2.50 Pioneer 3.15 Premier Border 04 Vz Privateer 18 Reeves McDonald ' 1.20 Reno 10 Salmon Gold 19 Sheep Creek 1.00 Taku River 55 Congress 03 V Pacific Eastern .05 Vz Hedley Amalg 03 Spud Valley 15 Silbak Premier 44 Oils A. P. Con 14 Yz Calmont 40 C. & E 3.95 Foothills 3.35 Home 5.80 Toronto ' Athona 07 Aumaque 15 Beattie 62 Bevcourt . .35 The fishing season Is agal'.i Little Long Lac 1.15 i 111 4. Nm:,,,,,,.. opened in all areas on May 1. It ends in Areas IB and 2 when B 2. ers into the great hunting grounds he knew so well. But misfortune overtook the scheme. In his constant explorations, he discovered a low pass through the mountains to the Peace River, which had it been used for a railway, would have opened valuable acreage for settlement and given the north. Improved rail service. The funeral was held at Hazelton on Thursday. ; UlMt'd o. W..vl Wilson told the delegates, Is IS RECOVERING j caused by lack of building ma-"CHTCAGO ffi Only survivor . terials resulting from the fedcr-from the crash of a Delta Air- al government's export policies. Hues DC-4 plane on the muni- Only 30 per cent of Canada's clpal airport here Wednesday i lumber production is retained nleht Mrs. Tripolino Neo of for thed omestic market, much flch Albion 2. the Area 2 catch limit Is taKcn, and In Areas 1A and 3 when the Area 3 catch limit is reached. Area 4 closes at the same FSH l.KAf:i i were greeted with enthusiastic applause. A dancing group of small boys and girls also showed evidence of many hoours of practice. The fairies, too, were graceful in their dancing. Led by Drum Major Art Nick-erson the rhythm band repeatedly pleased the audience. Mrs. Kathleen Stone was In chnr-re pf the younger dangers, Ivision "a" time as Area 3, unless it has been closed earlier by reason of ln Clyde 3. ! suburban Oak Lawn, Illinois, is of It low grade. Sawmill opera- l- Mirren n h., Lynx 09 Vz Madsen Red Lake 2.85 McKenzle Red Lake 51 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.18 Moneta 35 Negus 2.23 Noranda 43.50 Louvlcourt 74 Pickle Crow 2.03- Regcourt - .06 San Antonio 4.05 Senator Rouyn 4j Sherrit Gordon 1.78 . Steep Rock t.90 . Sturgeon River .....:..i. .20 -. . Silver Miller 27 recovering after suffering severe i wrs, ne sam, preier to sen in burns on both her legs and both j large quantities on the export arms were broken. As she was, market, rather than cater to Motherwell 0 2' 'alklrk 0. " LOCAL TIDES the fierv wreckage i domestic needs. pistle 2. ti.j Sunda the attainment of Its own catd limit. Set line vessels are again allowed to secure permits to retain for sale one pound of halibut with each seven pounds of other salable species of fish caught Incidentally while fisn-(Contlnued on Page 5) i aud Mr. J. A. Rutherford or-Iganized the band. Other ers assisting in the production 2. tie). High March 14, 1948 .... 3:18 20.6 feet 15:37 19.1 feet .... 9:33 4.6 feet 21:2 5.7 tact 3, AW,, ed the Miami-bound plane, she screamed hysterically for her child, a seven-year-old son, who perished with twelve others on board. Chicle, used in the manufacture of chewing gum, was first brought to the United States as a substitute for rubber. Low the Suth o, Hearts were-S. A. Cheeseman, Mrs. Morris, and. Miss .O. Fester.