Prince Rupert Daily New : Footbaii- KECtPTlON TO DRILL TtAM (Continued from Page 1) baturday, August 26, 1900 is reahzed Hong Kong will fight if attacked, although as yet,. Chinese CoauauiUaU have made no test of strength. Soccer Shots Business and prof to In itself) he mentions the hundreds of miles of muskeg, its , natural richness, and the enor- Ray Reflects A review of the results of all 1aq(T1A one i-lir bjiMna -ilaimri ' " k" .77 .1 u" "ure w i ' ' "-'j - - - I n , . signuicani. tn enlarged army f77?fj l P1111 Mtrfi 1 e aIth of a11 tnis northern,and extended.air protection tell H50 far this year in 016 footDall j. kiiiii i ion ,o land. Prince is I competitions Indicate how Rupert quite ; tnis . So $0 new pipe iines an(j muskeg-conscious . too. There 1 wej;'s anj mi!e stocks of food, j eveniy matcneu the three teams BSaSS ( might be comparisons arrived at. j 0 and. munitions stored. Vn- changes in their original line-r,ni . I j i i i i. nrp All have had tn maka mnnv rftflllS mnonitll.Hn nnrt vavintti f I ,,... J " ia&K.u n!c uiuw- oh " in" a new w scale of $3.53 an hour. Architects and builders ... . i .... same pasye. regularly.'1"1 8 a"u f1 . vy oa,-lety P'ayea One good feature that no onello.a "'jf'811 Taw nvms in Aiicuorage or rair- fepded against invasion. Evld-banks should make a special cr,,i w0m.nt has hen study of frost-proof water pipes, j iney are sudjoci. 10 Deing neeaea. j I Battery, G.Ms. Play to Draw In a regularly scheduled game in the Manson Cup football corn- petition last everlne. General --; - -rnp t,al-LC'J MflTTPTV STarrArt aiancu wlttl wun nrl oniy elBht Payers but scored first wllen Halvorsen beat Boulter witn a fine cross drlve after Youden had narrowly missed Wi son had hit the upright , , The i''e Battery uuery Dttlf defence ueience was was hard nard pressed and several drives were blucked in the goiu area before John Wilson equalized for the Motors. Alex and Darrow Gomez were dangerous but Price cleared. Halvorsen went close with a free kick and then Pav- imis was iu: too men witn a hard shot. John Wilson hit the upright but the ball went behind. Battery threatened when Dar row Gomez made a fine rnn but Wellens checked. Ferguson headed away a free kick well placed ...... ou u iui a tu say wiism Anyone Ugurmg on stealing a ride on a ra.uay, anywhere in L-anaaa, is piaiu out of luck Many a' traveller has found croring ;,tbe equator an experience to remember, usually with a smile. Within another few months a United Nations army Dta?nh fro,"fn"ih may be planniiig . on on crossing the in 38th paiUlel. What to expect on that occasion will be something else again. John Fisher, who has a gift for praising rny where in Canada when it becomes a matter ' Hawaii or Alaska slackening sails tomorrow night for the ma, vi ait are oiavivtiiiu Ottilia i,vivj i a b ivi vv their efforts ffvlo to k about k...,(u ' south will ,m v, be Todd and ' of business, has been giving at- , men but there are other matters iention to muskeg. Describing , to reckon with. Vitally import-the vast region between Old On- ant not only as an intei na-tario and th town of Moosonee, ; tional trading centre but as a chief port of James Bay (a sea naval bastion serving Britain, it bring Statehood. Perhaps not so much Is heard- but the will is there. Eighty-three years is Ions , enough for Alaska to remain a ! territory. It's time for a change. ' Korea remains in the minds of tm BIRTH NOTICE TT7,T7rPrr' rv. If. J r-, ' HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent WtTlnj Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES. DC 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 St 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. GEORGE RORJE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled.' O. L. RORIE, A.A.E. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone M7 HANDYMAN HOAE SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repalri of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNE YB OIL BURNERS PHONI3 Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Box 1870 by Wellens. A long dropping Kergln, unable to go to Long-drive by Billy Gomez was Just too I beach herself, had been "wonder-high. Halvorsen and John Wll-jful." 1 son cleared well. Ferguson and I Presentations of bouquets can oe sure i before . - a game is . i played, which team will win. I This helps to maintain interest from the paint of view of both the player and the spectators. the - Manson Cup compeU- - t t. . v -" Kuiec 6umjs remain remain to to be be P'ayea. canaaian wgion wm meet eneral Motors once and the Motors wiil lay one more game with the Battery. There also 'one postponed game in the North Star competition out- standing. Taat is Detween the lgkm and the Battery. - OUtl CUilipCVlUiUH Oil U3 lUiiOWS. P W L D P A Pt. t Can. Leg. 7 2 13 6 Gen. Mts... 8 2 6 12 Hvy. Bat... 7 2 13 14 In all their fixtures the Heavy Battery have won six games, lost four and drawn six. The Canadian Legion has won six games, lost five and drawn four. The General Motors team has won four, lost five and drawn six. In the Battery-Motors games the Battery has won three games from the Motors, lost one and drawn three. They have won only one and drawn one with the Legion who defeated them in five games. The General Motors have lost three to the Battery and won only one from them while three gdmes have been drawn. They have defeated the Legion three times, drawn with them three times and lost to them only I once. The record of goals scored for and against indicates a weakness In the General Motors' forward line. The figures show that they have scored only sixteen goals in fifteen games. The defence has only given Up twenty-five goals. The Leeion hac a total nf twenty-six goals to their credit and their defence has yielded j nniv piffheopn anal. i I The Battery has scored the greatest number of goals, name- Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, Zc pei word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. i " SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE iuj i uuia mi. twiu wis. HjfsvrtcrtxT -nti' s t-v Alfred-Rivett. August 24. 1950. M?,D,?:ilN pIntine and Decor-at Prince Ruuert Genera . tm Soenee and Malutlt Hospital, a daughter. ltc J'1""!0! 215. evenings or SIDNEY Go OPTOMETRY Complete VUual i OFFICE HO: 9 a-m- to S pj mezzanine t Geo. Cook'i jt Telephone : MARGARET OPTOMETR is 8 TONE BUI PH0NI BLUE i P.O. BOX GORDON D i OIL BURNER BP? New wick or pot J supplled-AU types and stoves sertlctl conditional guars feet satisfaction J aerrict 733 5th West QUAUTV RE-For Dowutroddf and Worn &j MAC SHOE HOH Box 774 MATTSO: UPHOLS.-IFf Phone Blue 818. P 330 Second A Prince Ruper not' 9 1 i radiant personalities. To show t that little . things might som? times count for a lot, "Mr. Mit chell told how one of the girls had been identified in an ele- vator in California as coming ( from Canada she had , am inanK you which was something rarely heard in the United States these days. Mr. Felsenthal felt the people of Prince Rupert might have taken Job's Daughters a little too much for granted. However, he was sure there was appreciation just the same. He offered congratulations en behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and citizens, to the bethel and made this tangible by presenting Mrs. Alex Mitchell with a handsome shower bouquet of carnations. Mrs. Mitcheil. still limping from the effects of a fall on a Longbeach street In which she had chipped her ankle bone, thanked the citizens for all they hat done to help Job's Daugh ters. The reception was some thing of whic.i all were very appreciative. She felt that the people of Prince Rupert were as proud of the drill team as she was. The assistance of Mm. L. W. were also made to Donna MacAr thur, honored queen of the bethel, and Edith Jordan, majorette, before the team marched out. Don Forward was master of ceremonies for the proceedings. mm mm vbM(S3)IiilS Stands SupUtKZ Jt u. oU $4.i5 13.3 ai. Botll. j.23 TANOUERAY, GORDON t CO. LTD. ... th. gin dittilltrt In th. world ima advertisemint is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board by the Government ot British Columbia CAR GOT HIGHWAY HOBBLE ! If your car bumps along the highway, making life uncomfortable for you and the family, better drive up here for ser- -vice on your springs and shock absorbers. The cost Is low and service is rapid. Drive up today! Bob Parker Ltd. Ford-Monarch Dealers The Home of Friendly : Service. Prince Rupert, B.C. lv thirtv-three but havp trivemS01 few cnances. Holvorsen did Yet today, the contrast with a vpar aen is sttikinar and vastly . . . .... t I ieu;tcu enuy v"- ' ani security measures tight-1 a vpi.- asm it seemed wnir L-nn .m.iri r.nt he - i reconsidered. Harry Miss E. Plintner of the Todd and Pluto show . , ! After attending the wedding I here Thursday of Miss Mar- j Is i, vich, the Misses E. Sauer, M. I Krecsv and L. Fereuson are re- turning tomorrow night to the south aooaiu the Camosun Classifie? ads bring resulvs. BtlLDERS & CONTRACTORS - livAJil 11UUL. 17 .W. JJHJA 1111. I LI COMPLETE builders suoolles fast service. Island Citv Building Supolies. Blue 820. (18m) PLUMBINO and Heating Sheet Metal work. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Call 629 6th West. Phone 543. Letourneau and Sons. -tf FOR electrical contract work large or small, call Grant it Newton. Black 8,J9 18tn) MARINE and sen eral sheet metal work. Thorn Sheet Metal Works. Black 884. (18m) ACCOCTTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax snecialist. S. G. Furk Stone Building. Red 593. (20ml FOR SALE OR TRADE DEALERS IN ALL TYPES of! used equipment ; mill tnlnP1 and logging supplies: new and nuprl n.'iro rnnp- nir onH fit.- tings: chain, s'teel nlate and ftos DrSS. yvifnnlS? Ltd.. 25 Prior St, Vancouver. R C. Phonp Pacific (5357 mi t HLTLP WAKTED HELP WANTED Single girl. interested in sewing, for posi AddIv Singer Sewing Centre. Prince Rupert. (202) Tnan mall iui for iiuubcrccut;! housekeeoer. . : small oiiium family, nleasan'. nrivate room, no waxing, sleeo in or out HELP WANTED Bovs or gHs to handirbailv "New routes , should leave their names at the office Daily News. (tf). WANTED Local girl for sales Bnd tvpine services at the Ruoert Radio and Eiectric. Experience and Dersonalitv reauired. (tf) " wanted" WANTED Young business man reauires three-room suite for self and family. Apply Box 781. Daily News. (202p) WANTED Small house. Box 760 Daily News. (217p) I WANTED to care for Working woman's or widower's home for two rooms. Box 782 Daily . News. ' (203p) I - - - WANTED Small furnLshed ap- artment or 'house bv OUiet re-! liable COUPle. Phone Blue 727. (201P) WANTED ScraD cast, brass cornier, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 fitn west. (tf) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scraD iron, steel, brass, cooper, lead. etc. Honest erading. PromDt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B.C. Phone Pacilic 6357. (tf) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE 3rd Avenue Business for Sale. Ideal for Woman or Couple. Location is one of the best. $5,000.00 WILL HANDLE Information only to those Genuinely Interested S. D. JOHNSTON CO. PHONE 130 FOB RENT D ' FOR RENT Fully f urnishpH housekeeoine room for quiet couole or business eirl. 801 Borden Street. (tf ) . FOR TRENT Sineer electric portable sewins machine, $5. per -wmrrth. Immediate deliv-ervj Phone 864, Singer Sewing Centre. (211) FOR j RENT Room to share. Reel 471. (tf) FOR RENT Room and board or Boom ior rent,. Fhone Black BHOj (tf) t FOR jRENT Rooms for . rent. I M.. ' '111 n. Tl T' I i - iuw oav. niacK 100. i (200c) -4- FOR (RENT Sleening room for two 116 8th West. (201p) ' FOR RENT Room and board for '2 men. Phone Red 660. ' ' (203) FOR ' RENT' Two-room aoart- ment. 1 No i children. 743 9th Ave, West (202p) . ( I PERSONAL -1 ALCOHOLICS anonymous 1 Oftprs .v.,itiufi inn ;rt release from ririnkinn- Tt w a wSoVand confidential' serv- ice for men or women rendered without cost or inconvenience' bv other alcoholics who have foiiiKU freedom from alcohol.1 Princ Ruoert. P.O. Box 130. (H) UNWANTED HAIR Permanently eradicated with Saca-Pelo. 'I'ha mdst rmnrkuhiA Hinv.. ' eryjof the age. Saca-Pelo is guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair and contains no drues or chemicals. Lor-Beer Lab, 679 Granville. Vancouver. B C.. (H) The, Rupert Order House, wish to announce to their manv customers that thev have moved to their new location at 733 2nd Ave. Wast. Agents for "Master-built' and "Lord Ralettrh" cloth. Fall suits and overcoats irom 31.00. f7 f . REPAIRS WATCH Remus promDt effi-clefjt service. George Cook Jeweler. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' ,.: OIL BURNER SPECIALIST-i Stdve Service & Repairs. G. D Koiisnn. Black 503 Uf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Two-room cabin on ! two well cleared lots, well lo- 1 cated near liavs cove Ave.; Dunbar broke up several attacks. Bond fisted away in a dangerous attack. Alex. Gomez took a beautiful corner kick but the ball went Just past. Ford was dangerous but Mazzoni cleared and the game ended with the score tied one each. Teams: Heavy Battery Bond; Dun bar, Ferguson, Mazzoni, Darrow Gomez, Billy Gomez. Schroeder, iParkhouse, Pavlikis, Halvorsen, Alex Gomez. General Motors Boulter; Price, Wellens, Lien, Hornell, Ford, Youden, Reynolds, Pat Wil son. John Wilson, Large, Magee, Lee. Referee Dave Fyffe. COMMTNT The game was badly Inter fered with by a very strong wind j mat maae uie oau periorm un-. predictable antics and kept the players guessing a lot of the time. i Bond had little to do In the Battery goal but fisted away ef-1 fectively at a critical period. uar ana rerguson were reii- ab!e defenders. Mazzoni played strongly as cid Billy Gomez Darrow Gomez was alwavs a threat with strong forcing runs'. and a rare sense of anticipation, i Sshroecer played hard. Pavlikis j very well getting a grand goal and later defending effectively. Alex Gomez was always danger- ous' mattery was without Cam-1 CIU"- i Boulter P'ayed an alert game. Prlce klcked verv sureIv and nlavpH tiarrl Jnhn WHorn t - " V, v.":.: ... ii,v. ii.. rn' Hi m.v 111.11 uh liClll when he Played a strong game at '"ae right and then in the' second half was very reliable at back. wellens uas always a hard- driving, good tackling piayer, occa'iionauy trying ior oa'8 Ford was very clever 6a!i control. Uen did w"? ! , . , weu ( " his Iirst game for weei Large- ln tne econd half Played effectively. Forward, the Motors were ineffective with hardlv a T"r Z.' M v.. .i. u... olsen was missed as he was un able to turn out. Manson Cup Standing P W L D P Can. Legion 7 4 3 0 8 General Motors .... 6 2 2 3 6 Heavy Battery 2 3 2 6 Always Prompt and Courteous We're Here to Servs YOU Commodore Cafe Hospitality and Good Food" Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders i Sid Ave. David Chow. Mgr. LOST LOST One pair of glasses. TiMnrlpr nlpnsp rpt.urn in Mnru- aret McLeod. Joe EnrightJ Reward. (200p) LOST Ten-foot white rowboat off mouth of Skeena Wednes dav night. Please contact Julius Hadland. Dodge Cove. (201p) FOR SALE FOR SALE Used Electrolux. Phone Green 279. (201) FOR SALE 1949 Ford Prefect Sedan. A-l condition. Phone Green 279. (tf) . . .-. .. ok oAiiE' rortauie tvpewruer, oracticallv new, $50.00. Phone Red 622. (202) i V" . SAh-Bea cnesierne a ana manning cna r ana laqie aI1 for $40.00. Cabinet radio,! 50 0- A'v 12 9th E,,, ; uip 1 FOR SALE 1937 Ford sedan overhauled. 202 6th Ave. West. Phone Oreen 531. (201p) i 1 FOR SALE Self-stoker Iron : Fireman furnace. Call Red 284 after 6 p.m. (201p) ) FOR SALE 3 -piece chesterfield suite. 116 8th West. (201P) FOR SALE Smart looking coal and wood stove. 202 9th West.1-(201) FOR SALE Man's bicvcle. good I condition, $15. Also walnut! veneer 6-oiece dining roomj suite: excellent condition. Keasonaoie. Fhone Green 726. I201p) FOR SALE Fumed oak diningl table and chairs alsn crlfiK china cabinet. Call at 326 6th Ave. nast. (200c) i FOR SALE Buffet and table. Phone Red 471. (tf) FOR SALE '45 ChevT iA-ton truck.. A-l -condition. Phone iv Black , 152 between 7 and 9 D-ni. (200p) I, FOR SALE Man's suit, like ! new. too small for owner, Room 51. Prince Rupert Hotel. UUJP) excellent household furniture.! Due to strike action called for Noon Friday, A.; the last northbound sailing LEAVES VANCOl'VB 1 DAV, AUGUST 24 at 9:00 P.M., DST by special are SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS Sunday 9:00 p.m. DST Regular Schedule Monday 1:30 p.m. DST Regular Schedule (instead of Tuesday 1:30 p.m.) After noon Friday, August 25, no cargo will be load' Ion Steamships Ltd. vessels but passengers and ba? will be handled after the deadline. All ships' enroute will continue their present tr: home port of Vancouver, B.C. LMf nlV $9000- termS,FOR SALENumerous Items of! wasnmg machine, chairs, ra- WANTED Young couDle. ex-dip. 4-Diece bedroom suite, pecting babv in few weeks are china cabinet, end table, din-, ripenpratpiv in npprf m ap up only one fewer, thirty-two. 'r. i,n,ii. ,iu i. "c 'wucc nuuis In a game) have been made. Davp Mlirrav Of t.hp Tjcrinn turned In one of these. Pat Wil-1 Of the Motors has On tWO . , . . nv. n.c mice . . . L V. ! I -. Limb iils fccam rcgisierea, 9.I1Q ana, Nick Pavlikis, rtan"erou. centre! of the Heaw Battery has also 'scored three goals in a game on i two occasions. Both were at the exPense 01 tne General Motors. One postDoned game In the' North Star competition 1 ""rj"" might, leave the three tenms tiprt in I points. i the Battery defeat the Legion, each team w n l ri , have eight points. The Legion's ll"1 oci . n win ui uiaw ior tne Legion would give them the 1 trophy. Mr. and Mrs. M. Vermee and son Frank are sailing tomorrow night for Vancouver on the i Camosun. ' ACT Notice of liie-'..n to apply to I-eawMnd In the Atlln Land Recording Dis- water mark, and Irontins on Lake Street near the foot of Rank Street, """I laying beneath the present Wharf Structure. Take notice that I. Harper Reed.' rrospecior, 01 Atlln. B.C., occupation Propecting, intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at Post No. 1. being Its Easterly Cor. thence Nor- tneriy so leet Westerly 100 ft. Southerly SO ft. Easterly 100 ft. all more or less to commencement point. Commencing at a post planted at Its Easterly Corner, near crossing of Lake Street and Rank Street Northerly 50 ft.Westerly 100 ft.thence Southerly 60 feet; thence Easterly 100 feet to point of commencement and containing 5000 area feet more or less. Use of area to ' be for Lake Boat Shelter Dock. HARPER REED. August 1st, 1950. (220) WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING See our Kodak Camera ' Line-up. Flash attachments for all Cameras. Kodacolor and Kodachrome Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. 320 - 3rd Ave. W. . ing room table, chest of draw- commodation. 2 or 3 rooms trlct ot British Columbia, and situ-ers, table lamns. trilite lamp. furnished, or what have vou? ate on tn Atl,n Townsite Lake shore etc. 957 Hay's Cove Ave. Phone ! Mrs Find'lav. Kt. Elmo. (200o) Montage between High and Low Black 941. (201p) ? fil'ed cushions: bow-end bed. soring, mattress: dresser, chest of drawers: LeSage piano and bench, excellent condition. 1402 8th Ave. East. (200pi HI-POWERED Snorting Rifles-Write for latest catalog. Dealers enauiries invited. Scope Sales Co.. Ltd.. 32Q Queen St., Ottawa. Oni.. (tf) FOR SALE New beds complete. oieeoing cots, unuainted chests of drawers. Scores ot otner articles, verv reasonably priced. B.C. Furniture Co. (tf) FOR SALE 1949 Chev. Sedan, 4-door, one third down. Armly 70 Cabs. (tf) 6-room- .Wartime f u'lv insu- lated' anif basement excavated; well decorated and paint-edi' Reasonably oriced with some terms available. i FINE HOME for large family or; someone wantinar revenue house.- Verv large living room' cl1dtW!nonbnXSrS:l cement s foundation, hot air lufnace. large playroom in baseme.nt easily converted to suite. Located well inside bridge, is close to schools. Can bei Dei do bought ior casn or terms. FOr ii information or insoection self R Robert E. Montador Ltd. (204) FOR, SALE 5-room house, full cement basement, 2 bath- rufiiiK and suite with 2 corner lofe, harbor lew. Phone Black job ui mmij niuouiuiuacai- enue. (200p) FOR) SALE - 5-room house, carpets, double bunk, pioed-in oil heater., oil stove, vacuum cleaner. Phone Black 735. (tf) FOrt SALE Eight-roomed hduse; two cultivated lots, nar Conrad Street. $5,000 $3H)00 eash, balance like rent. Phone ,Blue245. (219p) FOR 8-room house. Fifth , Avenue East. Box 762 Daily Mews. izuop) FOR SftLE waterfront oron. ertv' mi Lakelse Lake. 2 ibins. about 300 vards south of old hoWl.' Write Mr. S. Kohut. New .Dodson Hotel. 25 East Hastings St.. Vancouver, B.C. (tf) I LING THE TAILOR IF Yrtll ARE WISE YOU WlH OUTFIT THE LADS AT THE J SPORTS SHQ LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS O MADE TO MEASURE SUITS O LATEST STYLES IN COATS O HIGHEST QUALITY O GUARANTEED FIT PRESSING WHILE YOU WAIT LING THE TAILOR Box 286 220 - 6th St. . Phone 649 NATIONALLY. KNOWN NAMES I Ling-belt Soteder Shovels; I Cranes: Draglines: Adam?, Road Graders: Llttleford Bros ! Black Ton Road" Maintenance I EnuiDment: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grannies; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: ' Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile! and Snow Removal: Rice Port-1 able Centrifugal Pumps: Na-i tional Dragline ScraDers and i Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoi s t s: National Portable Sawmills: National I Rotary Screens and Conveyors I Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf i Jackets Trousers n, Hals FOR SALE! 5-room furnished house with 2 lots. AddIv 436 Sher-brooke Ave., or phone Red . -57. - (204p)