Prince Rupert Dailp actus Friday, March 4, 1949 At" MEDICAL PLAN "WORKING WELL" IN ENGLAND STONE WORKERS GETTING SCARCE of Old British Craft .Makes Itcstorations Difficult Wair fr,; Snri... Prm.. ft,,,,.. rl!S1x,hd fTPrT 'Trnoon except Sunday b 7 m?.eWS 3rd ATPnUe' Pr,ncP B"pert' Br,tlsh Columbia. A Hl,NTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PER'RY, Managlne Director mmrkk op canapian ppess mraSow - Aran bureau op 9 CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION """efl a. State medicine is workimr out Pi-Ml ( say oubmukiption RATES LONDON CP Britain's abbev '," UJ Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c; Per Tear. $8 00 87 MM1- Month. 50c; Per Year. 5 00 : nalaces and country hnrnw C,J r luy t-ni'ap fall in decay, with no new stonp u-,,,.'"1 iji.,! :j - . ' . - -1 - . f, V-Ji - J f . . - . . n , -,.,. .. - . , ' ... - , i i , - , - , - i - " riM i ;;. buildings built to replace them, and unless unless more more masons masons ran can be k.! -, rais "very well" In England, according to Dr. W. D Sharpe, . arrived city doctor who recenUy completed post graduate studies in Old Country medical schools. He addressed the Rotary Club (briefly at its Thursday after- jnoon luncheon meeting. However, while" the plan is Benefits Enforced Geoi, rumen. ... THE BENEFITS that communism brings to the worker is the theme snncr nf Rprl nlvripatoo A works ministry report on waters t -Recruitment of Masons" poinU Rf pJn, a up the danger. the - Unless the rate of r,.n,it 3 . u.w- tuura" n, ; menf. of nin.siin mil ho i-o(j .t . S , satisfactory in England, he i j would not say that it could be ( j applied with equal success in ' Canada, where physical and ! population conditions diffev i 1 the stone industry will cease to use pr()'( exist, In many areas. Quarries atism' will be forced to close due to disor,. : lack of demand for stone and - !a' the ancient British craft of PR1NC! ; Concentration of a large popu- lation into a small area works to it? benefit. v' i j "Over there, there is a popu-ilation- of 50,000,000 in an area about the size of Vancouver Island and state medicine work's satisfactorily. Howeyer, conditions here are different, Actually, the state I AM) i EACH O -v-v u-vi I w V- v 2; who lyric over the levelling process that brings such untold benefit to the worker; benefits that he couldn't hope to secure in the deeandent democra- Czechoslovakia was one of those democracies, before Stalin's agents betrayed it for its own good 77. and the outstanding benefit of the worker. Czecho-17 solvalua didn't quite realize its industrial deca- dence. It thought of its progressive labor program, its standard 40-hour work week, as something that might well be viewed favorably by its great neigh--bor that had the worker's interests so' much at heart , , . But Russia was interested in the worker in its own way. By it constitution of February 25, 1947, it had made the 48-hour week mandatory. Now,' naturally, in its generous interest in one of its I j newest satellites it felt that all benefits should be ! i j shared. Officials of the Czech communist govern- . ment made the "suggestion" no doubt at a hint from , : the Politburo. The Czech Minister of Industry in J passing on the "suggestion" used a nicely-padded ' velvet glove. Said he: 7 j stone-working, may disappear. 1 The report said that if tin-craft does not attract enough apprentices, new building will be' impossible and repairs to church. public and other stone buildings I will be delayed. Then "maintenance of the country' architectural treasure. will be In jeopardy." 1 The Building pprenticeship ' and Training Council, which prepared the report for the min-' istry said 550 mason's should be' recruited annually. At the pres-i ent the rate was only 128. It i recommended that the govern-j ment should consider measures to encourase storm hniifiino. nr, For ft scheme; he said, is no radical d- ! I parture from the ' panel" med- i I ical schema- which operated prev- iously. Under the panel scheme. I general practitioners handled large numbers daily to deter-: mine whether or not they were ill. If they were sick, h said, they were referred to specialist. TU ! - Ont. ? M0ntreal commandant of the camp and Maj. S. B. McDonald, of Cornwall, CP Photo) pRiNa PRINCE RUPERT f preservation of the craft. Reminiscences YEARS AGO .wic noianans also heard a brief description, of wartime army training rrt the area near Poole, Dorset, from Kenneth' Thompson, a Vancouver visitor who serve doverseas. He gave sidelights on, the English city after club secretary H. T,Lock had read a letter from the Poole Rotary club thanking the Prince Rupert club for a " Christmas Main causes for the decline were said to be Increased of alternative materials, greater simplicity In archltecural de- By w.J. Reflections Twenty-Five Years D. Bergen,- locating engineer for the provincial department of public works arrived in the o.p,ii, lutiuu 01 worKeu stone from other countries and the extended use of machinery. rem, J010nt0, "e's a"ency - ministers make a few sultry re- savi Z thlT S"a ! diSpatch malks" Dpsks are dumped and of l.f? a?' a c" ol shouts from the he welfare of cnriinai , . . .. sup-ior . CltV to start, n. mirwn f. o v,s..u caKe which had " been ut:cn sent sent over over. J " s"-i Other visitors at the weekly way beteen Prince Rupert and, i'Mindszentv ww "7. "7 AU'lLI 00 n01 malce tne raIters . UMCIfU ' when mm. ,nniM D V. oecause ralters in a build- J,vu J1Kr w a market; meeting were R. I. .Bradley, Edmonton, Charles' Howess Vancouver and w. "H. Trotter, Prince George. . . A rem l.ici.. m olicV . . " in like " the House of Commons wner in that country? On, nlifs nf Hnlv "c 01 of i the the ho Holy tr.,1.. Name t si.-.l!w ... .... . . . . .. wv - .. . . wently required a new shaft We could produce more if ve would voluntarily decide that no free Saturday should exist in the five-year plan. Don't you think it is a crime against our building endeavors," -he asked the Communist -party conference 'when we do not work 52 Saturdays ' " a year - What could be friendlier or more convincing to labor than that? ALsoas the New York World-Telegram points out, the Czech worker who pre- Xav, Y " 48"hOUr W6ek' he could Cka COnCentratin P -d Wrk ana Tyee lodge, wllh a .., It was , Lethbrlas, Herala f, ?' "' "i""""1' ant.cipat- ; ruiiy 01 au members in the city.' . suitor wun nis wits about word:, lliere won't be nnv Re- A banauet foil po.-tks sit back, for when every for a wheelbarrow. First, lie had to apply for a license of the proper form from a surveyor of the district council. The licens had then to be registered and i filed by the district surveyor. It ' had then to be registered andt filed by the timber merchant. : i ' " uny, iilcCf ing. at Uie new premises at the corner of Sixth. Avenue , and Bowser Street. i"iif who caught "the break," land was quick to query if-the'v didn't mean "Holy Communion." Someone just escaped making j the year's prize boner. body spwaki rapicUy at the same Unit, who can hear? TEACHERS AND PUBLIC OFFICE Rishts to Contest' Municipal Office Discussed The Whalen PuId and Pnnw Aiyther by-election in ... Eng- uu mo nig cost iuat ui or the me diwc piece ( nf j re-opened its mill at Swan- Joe Louis does not intend to land has 8ne Socialist but how wood involved was ninen -jrnw son Bay which had heon allow nil nf hi. i. - The question.o teachevs hold- V.IUL1L VI LUClUj Lfl liill- i"B Olllce on miminlnal no v"un- - -"jr "cmua, inecom- e or to wuner and decav nils in f 4 " 11 vp !. Stnets m which they Pany planned to operate logging He has resigned as heavyweight "Is , edat -the. March, capips , on . the Queen ; Charlotte champion. Not for him, .the meeting of the Pririfri RV i no vf 'humiliation of beiric; unable to Parent Teachers' Association. ! A conimittee was appointed' Thirty-Five Years stand up again after having been knocked down and with 50,000 more or less intelligent citizens looking on. The very thought is unbearable. Joe will B C TF ;plnJUnCtl0n With the services were held by SX&JrS G .;H- Port Simp! citkenshin to tP.h.. m at me Methodist Church in ' honor of of the the "Teachers in B.C s, h, second anniversary devote his choicest thoughts t." ODPninc-" " -. . the business of promotion and of its 118 PenmB- right -f to servo a pugilism preferment. So what loses, diplomacy gains. aldermen, reeves and mayors, only," one member stated. "Pre- Jack Lindsay, who received a trial snipment F of timothy wmuuiy ,nay hav e8w "aieguards, which , , from - the Bnik-w vnii iu numDer of school chil- FIRE TRAGEDIES pJE YbilNG WOMEFand a youth perish in r then- burning house at Morden, Manitoba. With-; ; in another couple of days three children die when S hme at New Brun" , ... , Yesterday juck. seven more persons perish in Hali- Sixteen lives of value and promise taken, most ...of them with the journey of 'life hardly commenced - Sueh repeated tragedies, fraught with killing - hock, remorse and lasting grief, are so frequent as to be almost commonplace. It is idle to talk of re- ,ducn such fires :v through some system capable of being enforced. That's impossible Despite all laws, inspections and solemn warn-hs people vly in the face of Providence. occupief f CntinUe t0 be erected d occupied. Tb There are thousands of death-tran all vT ? 1 beovercrowded. Matches will be left will ha ? , be careless smokers. There ' from voting on matters in which thatlt was the Quality f1" rlnce Rufort is their firms ve immed?atelr fchat he had ever see- " f W" ?Ce a day when the school concerned, could M. V ' population, total- tended . to ' keep teachers from ' Frank A. Ellis returned from a ',C" tures taken voting on matters in which they trip to Prince George and re- JmSS "nfttnp hi 7 f " are personally involved." ported that the interior town rTh t' 7 7? 0" Rl" One municipal head has was thirving, had a populatioJ KaSKii stated that teacher mBmK,,.. of 2.onn and Qc u.. le!ea Tlle alAhaoet end U s safe on on his his T. wJ ,"1 "re- 0 say their rst reading mat council council would would act. actually w be trains trains a a week from Edmonton I'hone Sll " air ter consisted of the, small hand iium luuiig less xre-quently than are the present members of his council." Possibilities of. holding a fail set sheet,, run off on a hand-press and bearing a message from John Houston himself. There was precious little read- AIR PASSENGERS convention in Prince Runert. mi; iireiuer anvwnerA fu in 10 Vancouver G. Asninnii t? are being considered. This convention would serve the teachers of a district extending as far as such points as Ocean Palls and Terrace. . "Vuu have no idea how having ababy ties a person down " Jovce. M. Shapiro, S. B. Rob- 61 tS" f ' .. ; Premier St. Laurent and Lead- qoTT 777" er Drew Put lheir stormy : Vn You saw K in The News: thoughts into word, f!,hin. , i And there will be 7ust lam T 1 ,eft "l of dlnary everyday lack foresight In hunH hundwds inta oSJn ? wys a blaze can oriV. Tuesday. 1 1 Knnriav, 1' BUILDING LITTLE BROADWAY CAFE ALICE W j PORT SuntB? Always the tn Kat 7 mes. Permanently unexplained. As-this is written it is practically certain that .uuMung city the long arm of the rlest,-,,,. C'eStr0e'' , achnf out and filing its victimhe 18 cipHnethateaetlX'S:,;:;::15056''- - BUILDING BIG WHICHEVER it is YOU'LL GET (SATISFACTION WHEN YOU DEAL WITH US -CONSTRUCTION IS OUR BUSINESS CHABUB1 s.s. Cjui!iai 25. 10 p.m- , FOR W- CII.IRUITT ...i.i.iin I I i -t ? . ?- ,-7.' i. in p.m. High Wage-Earners 0 Better ErTdSh I R A M ' prince K! Tliir:! Awn By D. C. WILLIAMS few In Australia SYDNEY, Ausu-a;;a -Only three percent of wage-earners in Australia earned more than $3,200 during the financial year 7f5-48- .F1S"res just released show that these 63.313 higher income earners were paid 16 per-v cent of all incomes paid during the year. On top of that they 1- What is wrong with this sentence? H woul not hear to our leaving so soon." 2- What is the correct pronunciation of "pecan"' PHOTO H TRY OUR Business Lunches a Specialty CHINESE DISHES An Extra Treat to Take Home Chow Meir, Swwt and Sour 603 3rd Ave. W. THONE 200 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders ' and Contractors PHONE 3fi3 QUICK nil 3. Which nni n i ... I . V-l:!.' V; li7J M' v -rU'i 11 ill!! .., vl tucse word.1" is misspelled? Criminology crescendo, cretone. 4. What does the word "insatiable 'mean? Prince W PACIFIC 300 3rd Ave. ANSWER.5? Flowers i iiu uui, o.o percent of all Income tax. Biggest number of tax payers were in the low income group who earned between $640 and $1,600 a , year. This group numbered 1,286,121 or 62.65 percent of Australia's 2,-052,926 taxpayers. There were 4g4,365 persons earning less icYcuunng & Untractinq I nCAf.E I j cum PANY - LIMITED 1- Say, "He would not consent , to our leavmg so soon." 2. Pronounce pe-kan, e as in. me unstressed, a as in CdLn, accent second syllable. 3. Cretonne. 4 Incapable of being satisfied or appeased. "Our minds possess by nature an insatiable desire to know the truth." Cicero man (540 a year. Classified advertising always brings results. ,a, stevedores and Contractors .:' "PACIFICO- 1,,," I . in th. fourth Chicago lnterniu Si ES?"."0:" ??- p,ct" " ""ll Mn-r t It, tle ,.,Colum T, I?. K