1 SHORT SPORT (Continued iicm Page 4i Friday, March 4, 1949 Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers ! come September. The current i wave of optimism could be a bv-; product of the comfortable m- SANDWICHES ALWAYS SATISFY "?utei QitaCitlTea uus Vivendi offered Jn tha ? " HOW CAN I ? By ANNE ASHLEY AND THEY ARE POPULAR TOO One of today's- . most nomiiar ; mftM .n,n "conditioning" program In er- i feet for Giant Dlavers at rb FLOORING FIR OR HEMLOCK SIDING ALL TYPES SASH AND DOOR , . . still a Complete Supply of General 0 o i strm-tUm !f ai!d " that has taiP-' flavour. Chopped dried fruits. 5gs; resort. ' " " - j , . , ' On the desert to shed weight. 1 celery, baeon or carrot also Q. How can I clean i earners the boys are doivr It. AH tt take? j is eariy-morning! mineral baths i and rubdowns; a hMee over thei mountains, coif, eromipfc nr arive variation. ton hats? Chopped or slieed vegetables,! A: Ostrich feathers can bo cooked and raw, make good washed by runn! n g them sandwich fillinjrs vrhew several through the loosely-closed hand hunting. In between the sit in in lukewarm suis made with the lunchrooms and q-nlz the j fillings are to be used in a one, two or three deeker. The home economist of the " rm-enammg in the last few years is the "rnake-yourself sandwich." With a variety of white, whole wheat and a fancy bread o. rolls and choice of several fill-! iiiR.s, each person may make' the sandwich that exactly suits the mood. j The bridge club will like thin! bread and butter or two-bite i slue roils with a dainty or piq-i uant filling. j The tobogganing, skiing or wnne soap, then rinse in water! local cowboys- and tourist orj of the same tfwuvrAl.nirf When ! nlii omia Consumer Seetiow, Dominion hanm? up to diy, tie a piece! There is no' restriction on! Department of Agriculture, of sivfng te tlie end of the quill what they eat. Jonest who said and shake frequently while he weighed 196 pounds, this wi.v crying. i ter, U down to 122. Even The ilpott, Evitt and Co. Ltd. suggest the following sandwich spreads which may be made up In quantity and kept to a while before using. Peanut Butter Apple Spread I cup peanut butter 'i ouf applesauce sKaung set like the bread thickly sliced and the rolls at wiener or hamburger type. PHONE 051 RULES 'WITCH NOT SLANDEROUS SOUTHEND, Eng., (P It is not- an offence these oi ys to call a woman a "witch' Judge J. W. Andrew ruled that the word is "not slanderous" when SALTING CUSTOM BANNED SOUTH KESTEVEN, Lincolnshire, Eng. tP1 Many families here keep pigs, like generation before them, and preserve pork in salt on th floor. This is spoiling the floors of so many council housas that the rural district" ftniiieil i pasting slips in lent books saying: "Salting; of plg on the floor is forbidden." . Q. How can I soften lemons? LiP has admitted losing eight A. Lemons that have become j"1 can't afford to lose any." hardened from long standing smiled Jaasen, who looks trim can be freshened by covering antl readV at 185 pounds. them with boiling water and ' letting them ' Wnat's the tem to watch 'n stand for just a few minutes 1 1949 that is, besides Giants.? good' "It,s likely to te a mhle" How Q; can I make a Jansen saw- "Pittsburgh will b sick mom rtenrinri,,ro , i Their chiuce of fillings will be ran kunnwl fresh annle ' BOWLS substantial and they will spread j Mix peanut butter with the it generously. A regular "Dag- applesauce. Add fresh chopped wood'' with four or five thiek apple. Spread on whole wheat slices of bread and . as many! bread. Yield:, sufficient for different fillings, may be built , 3 large sandwiches, up by some. . j - NOTE If cfesrred", applesauce a woman complained that her neighbor's three-year old son had called her a witeh. He said 1 strong and the Phiflies have : iSCHEDULE r ,. youn" bill club with a sound for tne sick room can be made r THE MODERN WAY MELBOURNE, Australia pi The harvester of a Victorian ( farmer broke down and he rajig , the anility 38 iniius away for 'spare parts. "I'll be there in a few minutes to pick it up," he sakl. He was in his own plane j and was on his way back in-Islde half an hour the boy had probably seen the J word in a picture book. You saw it in the News! a sandwich laf (la. lbs.) cuts into 30 or 40 thin slices and may be omitted and the peanut out of a pint of vinar belled B e. al t h nrt butter blended with a little, with one quart of myrrh. 0,mWL , . w. ,, , .- i.y Bees vs. Stars, f,i- B.iv. Bclmonts f ;ck. Boosters vs. i a Li...- ... . . lilUUftl VU 1JO.-3 AJ UC LVUll U U ill will reauire i ' III 1UH ( I nilT I Or ' wt n-tti-vH I ah an n4 IfADCirm fl LJ j ! nn T . ..Ui. l Chicago' fr.r Cnrfla,llm. T 9 ,V.U- .1 7 . , - '! i. . . .... " i inClUUm ,' Auiiiu, i uutRci aitceif ana cnoDDea iresn appie. i umc kiu giovcs? "rinii't. nvtlftff tHo fart ihAv'M S isters vs. ruwi- Savoury Liver Sandwieh Spread A. Dye them -a tan color byipot hitters probaWy more .300 dipping them in saffron water llh, ;, nthor VK, vn i - desired sliade is ob- are preferred, less butter may; be used. j Cheeses of different types are usually relished. Grated cheddar, processed cottage or cream cheese may besoftend to Cavairetta, and Lowrey the untli the tained. V Less and professional . " i P v. .-. ' J ' ' ..i hit," said the ex-Nebraska University gridder. As to- the Giants themselves; well, take a look ar the banner flying over pound liver (pork or beef) j 1 teaspoon- salt i 2 cups boiling water 8 slices cooked bacon 1 V cup sour cream 2 tablespoons- prepared '' tard . . , .. . 2 tablespoons minced onion teaspoon salt. Vb teaspoon pepper Simmer liver with the one BUYDGES and McLEAN, BASKETBALL TIME-TABLE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS spreading consistency with salad dressing, milk or fruit juice and used alone or in combination with nuts, raisins, chopped pickle, jam, jelly, marmalade or preserved ginger; or. for a piquant filling,- a little chopped f-WAY jv SKUVICK SLACK- OHfi Delivery Needs Income Tax Returns Compiled for 30 minutes or until tender. MORE GAMES IK LEGION TOURNEY bacon, onion, pimento, olives or j teaspoon salt and boiling water chives may be used. 1 Drain and cool. Put through Besner , Block PHONE 000 Room 31 Eggs, hard-cooked and slieed J meat chopper with cooked March 5 Old Timers games sponsored by Job's Daughters. March 7 High School vs. Rupert Hotel, Peoples, vs. High School, Stones vs. Fashion, Bo-Me-Hi vs. Brownwoods. March 8, 9 and 10 Native series. March 12 North Star vs. Kinsmen, Merchants vs. High School, Co-op vs. Savoy. In yesterday's games in the Canadian Legion English billiards tournament the higher Service ItA'E C4fi ;i,mrieou.s Service or chopped, may be pepped up bacon. Add remaining ingred-with sharp salad dressing or ients. Store in covered jar ' in chili sauce and chopped pickle, 1 refrigerator. Yield; about IVi onion, ham or bacon. Some cups spread, people like a pinch of curry, handicapped players were victorious in every match. In the opening game, Vic MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52fi 330 Second Avenue Prinee Rupert, B.C. March 15 Kinsmen vs. High BETWEEN THE BASKETS (Continued si em Page 4) Duncan (x35) won from James Nieoll (-15) by a score of 150 to PRINCESS' LATEST HEART-THROB? - No week would be complete without a new authentic rumor about Princess Margaret, and latest report couples her name with that of Tom Egerton, wealthy commoner considered one of the most eligible bachelors in England. The picture shows the princess leaving the Lingfield race course after attending the races. Egerton is In foreground. ! School, High School vs. Doms, Stones vs. Merchants, Savoy vf. a grave error, me manage- Bo-Me-Ht 103 while James Lawrie, playing x20 against Jack Judge, (scratch), with the aid of a well powder for extra, seasoning. Ham and other meats may be ', thinly sliced or finely chopped; and seasoned with chili sauce or other pickle, mustard or salad dressing. Celery, onion,' cheese, hard-cooked egg, grated carrot or sliced radishes , blend well with meats and give extra flavour. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS S FLOIUSTS g Third Avenue Y SERVICE I GREEN 787 Rupert, B. C. , I I DECORATING $ HANGING ijr, PAINT1NO S GRFES 981 ment appointed some younster , March 19, 21 Play-off semi-to throw the ball baek to mej March 26, 29, April 2 Play-oii after each shot and he must finals. played break of 21 points, won by 15 points, the final score be ing Lawrie 150, Judge 135. Have had trailing with the. The following unscheduled in- Globe Trotters the way he kept termedlate games to be playeXl 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. In the final game ol the day 1 Fred Hardy (x35) was matched putting English on the ball. This if they affect final standings against Neil Cameron (15 or no1 Morgans vs. Merchants, High School vs. Fashion. Peanut butter is a general favorite. Mixing with jelly, marmalade, applesauce, htvney or rmloed fruit makes it of. a resulted in my chasing all over the court each time I made a grab for It, thereby putting me count) and just managed to come out winner ly 5 points, with a score of 150 to 145. Cam MARGARET McLEOl) " OPTOMETRIST -ROOM lu, STONE BUILDINC will snread Off position. ' LADIES' BOWLS consistency that eron made a very slow start, t OTN'ICIAN j My rooter, for whom I ha1 't ind Repairs "A" SCHEDULE Newly Re-Opened TMM 5TEIB COFFEE SHOP 351 West Third COMPLETELY RENOVATED AND REFURNISHED " BETTER THAN EVER Downy-Flake Do-Nuts Our Specialty frequently falling just short of his required 15 points, but ended up playing a strong game with breaks of 26 and 43 the made reservations early knowing I would need someone on my side to keep my morale above ! COLTISH I A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. March 7 O. & A. vs Annettes I BLACK 750 . 1 the ,,; depths, o,,.... was forced into th; ,Variety vs uejong's, Savoy's vs highest so far recorded in this tournament. "W Eitsl, seconn row 01 me oaicony j gci, 0f)f)wes y by's: Taft & & PHONE BLUE m P.O. Box 1184 tnrougn some error ana 1 nau I difficulty locating his voice at j 1 all. All these pitfall resulted I in my taking an early lead ini Manson's, Orange vs. Westview March 14 DeJong's vs. Savoy's, Scuby's vs. O. & A.; Annettes vs. Variety; Manson's vs The word music comes from the Greek word mousike, which means any one of the arts over which ' the Muses, nine goddesses, hold sway. Idling wood Delivered $ and Operator inp for Hire ft W TKANSFKR Ot It STOCK OF BEDROOM SUITES IS COMPLETE. Oriental Walnut HhU Walnut Avudire Bleached Ooloniat Maple Birdseye Maple , Prices from $150 io $298 Phene 715 We Deliver 327 3rd Ave. me contest oui lauenng uiiner I westview Westview. Ornnoe Orange vs. Taft ; j the strain an,d hitting the post odOWPS HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permament Waving By CHICK YOUNG BLONDIE It Isn't from Their Mother's SideT Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 656 T MACHINE a . poor second in tne new 01 two. Now " if you are figuring on entering this contest take warning; by these facts. Get about six months' practice, make sure you are In, top shape and don't listen to that drone on the P.A. system which goes 'one out of five, three out of six," etc. That was my greatest downfall., I im .iiililiilli 11 ; yjjst .' Whim 1 ' f TO BE WBEP Vpy'i I & -S V COOKIES UP rfV reV'Q DOING? fV-3 ANPWCH, GOT THE SIU.V Jt feV -i-" Apaddv r & T -raeep J&&fcL T fCJ ' srvJ .habit of J?isg . H &4SyS 'CK 7 WITH M Trfc. ysU XZ fr-SJ EATING AT J Jfa&&ri A HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS It SIMPLEX GAS I and 5" WEKF.L ENGINES vi(-c and Parts I and users of In-t'!i"s are Invited to 1 to view our varl-!;'!i(l talk over equip-us. Building and repairs of all kinds FOR lUorkmen ONLY Pioneer Dryback Coats $8.25 Pioneer Drybaek- Pant S6.95 Khaki Cuveralls $5.15 Denim Pants, 8-OZ $3.50 Denim Pants, 9-OZ $3.75 Denim I overalls, 8-oz. $5.10 Denim Bib Coveralls .. $4.65 Denim Smocks $4.85 Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners mediately asked for a rematch on SU Patrick's Day, that also beingr my day, but my request were unheeded and the last time I saw this Minor fellow he wore a victor's? grin-as though someone was- tickling his nose with a feather. I don't like that guy! ART MURRAY. PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings R L RORIE l!'tant, Andltor, etc P.O. Box 1670 e lt)rri(! Compile 'k phone 387 Optical 'Elusion'. T - CHENEY FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE -WORK CALLBLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern . Equipment All" Work Guaranteed ' 'I ' '',' WHEN IS v" Blue a.nd White Boilermaker Coveralls $15 Khaki Pants Group 1 $4.50 Khaki Pants Group 2 $4.80 Painters' Overalls $4-95 Steelltilt Pants $4-75 Moleskin Pants $5.95 Heavy Humphry Fishermen's Pants .. $11.95 Diutilde Diamond Pants $5.45 Ironnian Pants $5.50 ItannockliiM-n Pants .... $8.50 HE'S ONE CK- I HUbt )i Y -VUT NOW, WHO H V 'r,r"--:, JL Mtocreitl t ALASKATRIP IS CALLED OFF Illness, injury and absence of players has caused cancellation of a trip to Ketchikan and New Metlakatla which was to have been made this week by a Prinee Rupert All-Star basketball team. The team was to GUVS WHO WANTS ( nX f COULD THAT EE . tw"r"'-! dct iti f JiRNTlST SMITH BLOCK f P.O. Box 1401 TO PUT OFF EVERYTHING I I S' V RINGING THE A cS K-T--n . t -I UNTIL. THfe LAbl H MINUTE A ' W?M TO COOK THRU Y y - FFfVrouP) 4t I . hi 4, QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn 8le MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Sox. 774 v Second Ave- 5 Ctage Ltd. " M"ving Service 4 Skills Cartag. in J Acme RED 516 1 have departed this Wednesday j on the Prineess Norah, return-i ing at the first of next week. The players unable to make the trip included Jack Lindsay, who is away in Vancouver on business; Don Fitch, who Is in Van-i couver receiving surgical treatment for a basketball injury, and Jimmy Forman and Rupert Holkestad, both of whom are on the sick list. Potluek! CLOTHING STORE rmes Drugs f!l!l!ll HI I U 1 1 4 1 1 I -1 ' I OF TASTY MEALS AT THE i fsuea.v.iP i ves-if he M - can SHE tell if 1 He f i-fAMA, CAM ) .i upa 2o J CAN SHfi -( AMBtnouS ANO . H'U MELP HER J f fO, PEAR, A 6.Wt.TELUI-XV Vno" AiO TELt HCT-t. MAKg)( INUOrwiOUS, T WITH THE DISHES T V THAT'S Ju&i a,4EihRH A MAN ) fuNClTANCINli ENOUGH MONeV w Q ) ' AFTEf? THE Ja ' U A 6AM8L6 tU-NO OR M3T ) Tl OP A FAMILY? J C -l ' T !-. li vv rfM f.U vT T6R Twey " .5 T7it --Jr-' JV? ? V'ASi vo al TAX J- Mil" PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS RE H0URS-WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAYS ANn HOLIDAYS -12 NOON T 2 P.M., J 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. Chinese Dishes a Specially CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Emergency bicycle deliver! from 7 pjn. till 8 p ni- ' end Sunday Hai-MiUp.m. Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel1 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders , PHONE 81