5 : Prince tlnpett Dan? fittest Saturday, December 18, 1948 ' MacKENZIE PRINCE RUPERT FOLK ARE KIND I I I 1 1240 Kllocyc BUS-PRO WOMEN' i CHRISTMAS PARTY laubject to Change) generous people in Prince Rupert." said Mrs. Johnson as she OCEAN WAV VELQCIT The greatest apparent an ocean wave is about 'if LTD. Generous Repsonse to Appeal recounted the gifts of clothing, on Behalf of Burned Out furniture and other articles mieg an hour. 'oood Place to Buy" The annual Christmas party of . the Prince Rupert Business & ; Professional Women's Club was held at the home of Mis3 Kay Reid. Several- guest and refrain from tKlephonltuf. !irBHnes SATURDAY P.M. 4:45 Lake Success 5:00 Singing Strings 5:15 Announcer's Choice 5:30 Top Bands 5:45 Sports College 8:00 CBC NEWS' 6:05 Recorded Interlude 8:15 Latin American Rhythm 6:30 Good Music by Goociman IN MEMOR1AM XmasGi St single which had been made. "Ana I have you people at thtf Daily News fo thank for it all," she added. The donated articles are being sent to Perow where they will, no doubt, be milv appreciated by the By mar.. who lost t very thing. the members were received' By Che president, MlsS Frances Partridge. FOR 5AE Twin In lOVinff memorv nf rioo foti,- I u , 'ourci. ... - i t iirin y joiiii vvesiey, wno pass- rKJJ oni-.ii aw toot trolling boat, ed away Dec. 19, 1945. Phone Blue 981. 298 Bulkley .Va"ey Family Mrs. Anna Johnson of Agnew Place" virutally exuded appreciation and enthusiasm yesterday afternoon when she called the Dally News office to express her thanks tor the appeal made in Wednesday's paper on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Byman and family of six who lost their home and' all its effects at Per-ow in the Bulkley Valley. A program arranged by Mrs. M. O. Kullarider' included a MEN'S AWV tWS' CLOTHE 1 rcaceiui oe thy rest dear FOR SALE Now TTonrl-maHM father rturhber & contest involving- Li Gu Both mental and manual skllla. 3 It is swwt to breathe thy name In liie we loved you dearly In death we do the same " Ever remembered hw vi inaian Ruk at big reductions. See B.C. FURNITURE CO. (tf) FOR SALE-New Cups and Baii cers 4 for $1 75. New kitchen Stoves. Slightly Used 3-oiect! Chesterfield Suite. Gramophones. Underwood Tvrewr;t,- t-liing nPW x 6:45 Perry Como 7:00 Saturday Night Serenade 7:30 Organ Music 7:4 Let's Argue 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Dancing Time Winners of the'se" contests were Mm F. Cross, Mlw L. Basso-BSnt, M5S A WKMSnaliy MlsS E. Mvetft, MVs. Si J. Hunter and AMBULANCE PLANE ,A French doctor in the First World War is believed to have ; Invented the first ambulance ! and stmt m great: SA?P PRICES me.n tmtm SHIRTS saav -i mo MEN fPOIW SKIRTS t, Palsley'Si etc. daughters. Mrs. Fannie WrWht! , assortment of floor S - ,, desirm. A- A auU pars, uonnie Milton and erandson Cecil. I never realized there werr; so many kind, sympathetic and oiane ever used. j er in best condition'. Small j Miss E. Moxley, Tattles and other useful- ai-i rj'siiclous refreshments .were Lamp- Lid enolre of CARD OF THANKS ,?s. ncit-s u vpry reasonable prices . . . . B.C. FURNITURE CO Phone served by different club mem-Black 324. itfi bers. . -; : .-. .. ; , ."; FOR SALE Modern six room! - " MEN'S SOS for Dress 4x to $1.23"" I JW a few CeUarettes l.M,,t ilnut arrlvl arriving. through' the . apprentice training course. Items dixcussed- included the selection cf applicants, shop and classroom instruction method-, text took, annual examinations and fir.st aid training. Mr. Rowland H. Miles, who has left for Vancouver, wishes to thank hi manv friends for their kind interest in his welfare, and for the many gilts and cards- received clurint, his recent illness. MEN'S DRESS GLOVES'" j , INSTRUCTING Si AO tO 4.UU-, ; house on waterfront lot at Dodge Cove. Apply P. O. Box 644, Prince Rupert, B C. j (297)1 FOR SALE-1932 Buick Special' Sedan. Apply 1344 Overlixik after 5 p.m. (297) MEN'S HANKERCHFS 3 I Cars. WANTRr iXK tr awe ; MEN'S BELTS-. and- BRACE? WANTED Middle-aacd man 95c to- $1.7 ! Shop Apprenticeship and wants Doarn and room. Write FOR SALE 1940 Ford DeLuxe ,e stock- of Fm'ntHh-arttl Bedding. arP hire to serve you P.O. Box 1825. 1 207) 5 passenger Coupe, new luo-ber. pncift cnnditltin PVinrtip Red 244. . ( 297 1 WAN-Ik D Car oaueneg. car radlutor.s, bras.s mu oootrt-r, paylntf (rood ptices See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. Organization of Canadian NatioiTal The first system meeting of apprentice class and1 shopy instructors for Canadian- National Railways was held here yesterday under the chairmanship FOR SALE-Pair of Baby Doll HhfMH, size 7. 650 7lh Ave. East. itfi U our Window Display i if fl PI f ' mTyw USUAL RATES : MinA STATIONS' Ssl'M-- JT ,a """- FOR SALE--4 room house. 1381 Overlook Street. Excellent condition. Priced for quick sale WANTED Junk scrap iron and scrap- steel. Phone 543. Ufl WANTED 8 or 7 h p. air-cooled motor. Marine General Re-patri. Phone Green 919. (301) Terms available. (tf) FOR SALE Mantel Radio $30. Console Radio $15. Electric Washer $45. Phone Red 880. (298) rfkMU P GOING: AJUr ' fl2 rfTv fc Tl'ESbay, I3ecember 21, 1918. to TJi ' V5v U - noon Satcrday, January 1, 1949. w t'' V 4 ftETURff: ' ' iJCk y ' - . Leave Destination up to Mid- kk QsCXY LAyf niKht. January 3. 1949. i of L. H-. Dexon, Montreal, general supervisor of apprentice training. More, than 25 instructors attended from the company's shops at Vancouver, Winnipeg, London, Stratford, Toronto, Montreal, Moncton, St. Alban's Vt and Battle Creek, . Mich. - Perfect Fit and Good Malce S3T.50 ; MEN'S TOPCOATS , $22.00 : MtN'S PANTS For Dress and Semi-Dress? $4.50 to $9.50 ... i MEN'S GABARDINE COATj! Tailbr-Made, AH-Wool 5 : Regular ' $45 NOW MEN'S HATS : Wew Styles and' SAodes ; $3.00 to $6.15 1 MEN'S dress snoes Solid Leather, Good Pming" Black and Brown $6.00 t $10.00 BOTS' SPORT SHIRTS Assorted Shades , $1.45 t $1.15 BrVy HWfcflfBT-fi.ined . e t o $1 W9f OlF BWSE f Pnri Wiwit FOR SALE '39 Dodue Panel. First class mechanically. New paint. Superior Motors. (302) I M Vv 0 Full information JUfl I f 1 ' ' ' from nV cent ffP&lffiftfLi l r il - m m -if r FOR SALE Large 4 Wartime on tith Kant, with oil stove and washing- machine. Reasonable. Phone Black 779. (302) - KgL v I "f"-r,n The meeting was held to discuss phases of the apprentice system through which- skilled- FOR SALE 1945 Chev V,-ton nick-uo truck, heater. A-l con .. (W J mm L; . . m m rm .- technicians are trained'- for the dition Blue 848 or Black 838- company's motive power and' car . 8;3s.D m- . . ..AL shops from coast to coast. Many, FOR SALE Cnenllit Bedspreads wh0 now hold supervisory posi-4, 8 I MOIIIUIIUU BUI I Mil ti'ons, entered railway service 90 to SMS' 4 Our new collection of party- I BOT8 BELTS am KR tfE-? METAL WORK goer gowns are sure popular!' y 7DSl rr & . w- m . , tr. v Diamond X Wadding RING $4.99 ea. At wholesale price,! first quality beautiful Chenilles, well tufted, in all colors,, for double or single beds $4.99 each. Full 90x100 spreads with basket of flowers design, completely covered with Chenille for $8.98. Also Habitant hand-hooked ruas 18"x38," well BOYS' ffli-wwm srnii JsACKETS-PlaidS W v4 rv Si PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET META!. WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-in. Letouri'oau tt Sons, -129 Sixth West, fhone 543. (tf) SiTH DRESSffW fiOWNS ShantuttR, H'ad-embroidere Made1 in- China) Reg. $22.00-4 LOST !-' FOVNO FOUND-CfOld locket on 3Vd Ave, MmCS buiiruH Owner may have same by call- j. Winners, seiein yours now. the gay, social eveninga'.of the Woliday Season. , We also have a fine selection of Sequin-Trimmed DRESSES an GABARDINE DRESSES. NOTE TO SANTA a HANDBAG . . ? BLOUSE. . . . a NIGHTIE . . . aHOUSECOAT -.-ptJAMAS-DT-LINGERIE . NOW ! . . $.9Ty 5-pe ttxtntm sets Beautifut Desimis ' ing at th? Daily News ana V MjK&Z M See then,- S made, 3 for $4.00. These articles retail at double the price. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. Money immediately refunded if not satisfied. Handicraft paying for this advertisement Reg1. $4 50 NOW (tf) If you'll nt l ' f I 0 yotir own Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke mm l A.itOff.S- ANBRIIIEF FOUND Small brown pup near Kine Georsre Hotel. Owner in St. West, Montreal, Que. (SV EmHwidwd'artd Lace Edge quire at Daily News lor ..InriC formatlnn' and to oav for thisf 3tk to 95c film . . RA-OfES' HOSE ; fi BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ad. , tf) LOST Car chain in' citv. 600x18. Please return to Salvation Armv. Fraser Street. (It) .KNITTFN WOOt FOR SALE Hot air furnaci. in e.wd condition. 410 6th Ave. West. Phone Red 402. (298) FOR SALE Davenport, Table, 4 chairs, magazine- stand to match. Steel bed and mattress. All in pood condition. Phone Green 751. (299) Skeins and Balls. Best Quality Diamond & Wedding RING make gifts a lady appreciates. Do you know that a small deposit will hold any merchtiiioe you select and when you pick up your' purchase Sweet Sixteen s Personalized Budget Plan may be used to pay the balancs. No , Interest-No Carrying Charges. IffETAE WORK RIN'CE RUPERT TTUC COLLECTOR N'D MESSENGER MARGARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING is Created for loitSL ' romance, S(Sr FOR KENT 3 and 4-Ply4-Bi'g Variety 30c and 4-oz. 60c BOTfS PANTS Tweeds and Worsteds Big Atwortment. Prices - $2.75 to$I.M Householders Install a steel Stand under your oil drum and" eliminate that fire hazard. Call THOM SHEET METAL LTD., Black 884. 258 East First Avenue. (tf) 3eer. Soda, Perfex and FOR RENT 2 room apartment lunuslied. 221 5th Ave. East (300) GliiRer Ale Bottles " PHONE RED 751 BOYS' SWATER-AU-Woof MACHINERY FOh SALE Assorted- Prices $1.30 to $3.75 FOR RENT Street level offices and warehouse. Phone 640 or 530. (tf) MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERERS AND THONE . BLUE r! P O. Box 1134 always yfS?'' for-a- ytii' Jl V Lifeume". iW I There's, f -- Vg DP...D:.. I TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date Cvpe National Portable Sawmills manufac FOR RENT Sinale sleeping- FURNITURE REPAIRS Hf n room, lurnished. 650 7tn Ave. East. Phone Red 47. (tf) Plastic Materials DunlopMo Mattresses '-if: tured bV National" Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. tf' ; Sf WOOLS A$ rOtLEGE 'apes Curtains FOR RENT To quiet couple, 4 room flat. Apply 215 4th East. (tfc Spreads Cushions, etc HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP '-..' 1. :,s.fcs.a.ft3s2j2iS.3sS;8s5i3i3i." feond Hand Furniture KJS. . J. j. .vfcfc-afcjAl Blue 818 - P.O. Box 521 CrVTE SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Winter examination. Write M. C. C. School, 301 Endei'ton Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. 330 Seconct Avenue FORYOUR FOR RENT Larae Housekeeping room. Middle of town. 813 3rd Avenue. (tf) FOR RENT 833 3rd Ave. West. Suitable for store, warehouse or workshop. Front will be fixed. Prince Rupert R -"- (It) Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4t.h Street Phone 655 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 'CHICKEN IN HELP WANTED THE ROUGH' Diamond1 & Wedding RING for VOU at whatever price you plan to pay. Choose from . the selection of exquisite Blue River Diamond and Wedding Rings ... at better Jeweller everywhere. " :' '' CAU, RED 705 E0RGE L.' RORIE c Accountant, Auditor, etc. ne Tax Returns 'Comprint FO" PENT Anartment in Rand Block. Prince Rupert Realty. ( It) CIVIC CENTRE HELP WANTKD-Clerlt for of-lice, compe'ept) to keep books and- records and be able to handle tvrewriier and do' general: steno-n-anhv. Please write stnMnfl' n lalifications. evperi- HANDYMAN ' HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS DINING ROOM ner Block Phone 387 Jl Classified advertising alwayi brings results. ence and- salary expected. Box I" PAPER HANGING AND 4.'2. Dftll News. MALE "itELP7 WANTED1 Building and repairs of all kind Roofs, Chimneys - Oil Burners PETER WANTED bv the . . WOOD FINISHING t Shades, Stylos and Colors J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 Guarantee Ortl-liean- ilh e.ti-h Blue Kner 1K-numd King -and a fre insurance policyl Opposite Health' Unit I ANNE'S PHONES , PAN GIFT CIVIL SERVICE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Open Competition) SATIONARY ENGINEER. Grade 2 (for the Terrace Infirmary, B.C.) SALARY :$212.00 per month in HOME-MADE CANDY a XMAS filFT BOXES Order Now Blue 359 MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN Black 687 Red 894 evening P.O. Box 1070 R. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST UTTE 5, SMITH BLOCK EVER AT BULGER'S ... ; ; Just received, a large shipment of Costume rem1"'1'.3'.1'':8 .: .1-00 TO 6.UJ SHOPPE Xmas Cards Novelties Xmas Gifts Lending Library cluding current cost-oi-wvnm Bonus and $10.00 Special Living Allowance). QUALIFICATIONS: Must have 4th Class Certificate. Annlifnttnn Forms obtainable if 705 P.O. Box 1401 9. .1 from Government Agencies, the t FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J- SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed Phyllis Pullen PIANO TECHNICIAN iiiR, Voicing and Repnlrs MIKE COLUSSl Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East Civil Service commission, weu-er Bids.. Victoria, or 570 Seymour St., Vancouver, to be completed and returned IMMEDIATELY to the Chairman. Civil Service Commission. Victono Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions 229 Third Avenue West i A wonderful assortment of Diamond Kings- 25.00 TO 450.C0 A wide variety of Sterling Silver Dresser , -!fnS:':":.. 34J II? Bulova, Waitham, Gruen and Elgin Wrist; . Shes. 29.75 TO 65.0 Ji.i..Sl.::Kr3i:s''''St t Comnodore Cale iVells Cartage Ltd. ! I Complete Moving Service , it r tf QUALITV REPAIRS For Downtrodden Ileels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Second Av Box 774 al'ng Parkinf Cartage I E 780 BLUE 989 E VANCOUV-VICTORIA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Cardena Sunday, 11 p.m.. CoqulUam AfK'K AltM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, l1- P m- FOR SOUTH QCEKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS FOR YOUR ! " I v ! V 'i i y s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 3, 17 and ' i . 31, 10 p.m. ICR NORTH Ql'EKN rilARIOTTE ISLANDS COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service in City Drop in and browse around. Youll find many in teresting and practical solutions to your gift prob lems in our varied stock. , Dec. 10 and 24-, s.s. Coquitlam, A metal moulding for home-craft use. Simple to instal. Supplied m ciuht cut and easy to practical shapes to suit every home need. in special tools required. ' IHOMPSOIt HARDWARE C07im 5 V el 10 p.m. - . i SKINNER Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third- Ave. David Chow, Mgr. WE DKLIVfeK m ' ' MrBride St. i 411 :: Prinoe -Rupert Agent