PROVINCIAL I P337XSCIAL LIB?.A?.Y, LIBRARY ' VICTORIA, 3. C. lf.5 l..: 31, 11 ohhes cscas Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PH0IIE81 VOL. XXXVII, No. 297. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS w Fcdcra I By-Elections n r .Fight to De ni ki i for . Peipim gib-Pi ing nace on ivionaay TAW A (CP) Political interest centres on ,rlpral by-elections which are takimr olace nn to t-Carleton near Ottawa in Ontario; Laval- ountains, Quebec, ana Marquette in Saskat-fandidates in the three constituencies a Su I let ha . jod to comj)Jete their campaigns today with Situation i In Berlin Border Incident Straightened Out Russians Still Irritated Over Radio Blast le appeals lor support Historic City Might Be Spared Agony of Battle NANKING (CP)-A fight to the death for Peiping was pledged in North China today although strong belief persists that the historic city will be spared the agony of battle. Pledge was made by General Fu Tso-Yi, cqmmander in the north. Nationalists and Communists are fighting only a,'; - ; : lis. three-way contest in are George Drew, SHIPPING IS III BAD WAY. U-CimservaUve leader, V J scat In Parliament; Fursry. U.u.r., ana .i fcrCracKcn, aociai rcuw. kals are not oppoMiig BERLIN t A British-Russian frontier incident appeared settled today while the squabble over Radio Berlin went on. Sis British soldiers, held by the Russians since a border clash Wednesday, were return three miles from the isolated the by-election which Ilard Times Are HlUinr Vancouver Waterfront - Decpsea Ships Being Sold VANCOUVER. 9, The Vancouver Sua said yesterday that unemployment, sale of British Columbia boats and lack of car-Go have caused the biggest crisis i after Russell Boucher BOYER APPEAL REJECTED . OTTAWA Supreme Court of Canada yesterday rejected an appeal motion asking leave for Dr. Raymond Boyer, wealthy Montreal scientist, to appeal' against a two-year sentence of conspiring to break the official Secrets Act. The decision means that Boyer becomes the eighth person to go to prison in Canada for alleged connection with the Russian es- pionage ring. Unless several fugitives are found, today's hearing completes final disposition of all the cases which began early in 1916. MARGARINE IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER First margarine to be pro-, duced in Canada since its manufacture and sale was permitted in the Dominion by Supreme Court ruling rolled off the machines of a ulant h ere today. his scat so that the y leader could seek cl- llif House or commons ed last night. A seventh, shot Coalition Is Issue VANCOUVER, K "End of it next ssslon. in the chest after one of the city on the west. The Reds have been reported thrown back on the east and south. Meanwhile worsening government position , in the Nanking area Is Indicated by the withdrawal of defence headquarters to a point only thirty miles northwest of the capital. in Vancouver's deepsea and n Laval-Two Mountains Britons had crossed the zonal shipbuilding industries. Although maritime unions of t (or the decision in a border on a rabbit hunt, is in fcred federal government sub a British zone hospital now. tight. The riding, which northern rim of Orcat-rul, has bwn without coalition" demand was heard sidies as the "only answer" to In Frankfurt General Lucius it f J the problem, shipowners here again yesterday when the Bri It .i k A ation in the House or Clay, British military governor, were not over-enthusiastic. tish Columbia Liberal Associa commended the French for since last July wlien tion met in Its annual execu Ucmiibc, Independent, blowing up the radio towers near tlve session. However, the view prevailed that the executive could not override the decision Tegeld field in the French sector", and the destruction kept the Communist mouthpiece off the U except an, appointor bench. Candidates old Dcmbcrs, Liberal, mure The Sun said that two 10,000-ton freighters here had already been sold and negotiations were under way for the possible sale of more. A mass meeting of shipyard workers is scheduled, for Monday. Hundreds are reported to be unemployed. air for twelve hours. The Rus sians are still appoyed. hn and Republican for Manager of the firm said the staff would be working during the week-end to have some for sale in the stores on Monday. Today's production was a test batch. BRAZIL FLOODS KILL 600, RIO DE JANEIRO Rain continued falling for the seventeenth day in the flood-ravaged areas of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais states, hampering relief operations and bringing threat of still higher water. Newspapers estimate the death toll at 600. Officials announce recovery of ',ilO bodies. Seven thousand are homeless and more than 1000 are The ProBrrsslvc-Conser- trred no candidate. of the convention nearly a year ago which endorsed the coalition. Another convenUon next year was, Instead, proposed. Sponsored by the Young Liberal Association, the campaign to free the party from coalition with the Progressive-Conservatives came out in the open a month ago. It Is becoming a '.arqueUe by-rlection Is RUSSIA TO TALK PEACE Ready Now to Negotiate In Regard to Austria, Tass Says VIENNA Oi Tass, Russian news agency, said today that the Soviet Union Is now willing to reopen negotiations for a peace treaty for Austria. Tass said that a note had been handed to Norbert Bis-ehoff, Austrian political representative at Moscow. Great Britain, United States and France, other three members of the Big FoW, have al two-way contest hern, Stuart Garson, for-lul)a Premier and now ALL DRESSED UP FOR COLD WINTERS Although their native Norway is no hot spot, these siiters, Sylvia, 4' and Vigois Froland, 2'z. are taking no chances with a winter on Ihis side of the Atlantic. Heavily bundled in the fur coats, they arrived on the ship- Stavengef jord bound for Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Dutch Army Moving In Netherlands Military forces to Restore Order ' ' ' In Indonesia , ' - , Valuable Jewelry Taken By Robbers Further details of the robbery that took Jewels from the home of J. W. Nicholls, now living in Vancouver,, show the property had an estimated value of more than $5,000. The loot Included diamond rings valued at $3,520; a diamond and saphire brooch worth $1,050, a $450 watch and major Issue within the ranks of the party and may bring a demand from Premier Byron Johnson for a declaration of support from his Liberal The export of pickled macker I federal Minister of ur the Liberals, and 48-Mrs. K.ule Keating for r The voting lakes !cr a campaign which dired by the worst wins of the year. The m ras made necessary A J. A. Glen, minister al resources, resigned pave the way for the al to the West Indies and the United States Is a valuable part LONDON, (f. Responsible of Canada's export trade in fish diplomatic officials ' here said I three bottles of whisky. today that the Netherlands will Canadian Controls on announce officially tonight that hhcls starXliu new military op ready agreed on the re-openmg of peace talks. a Ausriau peace,, parleys- have been stymied since last May 20 when negotiations hit a dead end after nearly two years of futile efforts to write a treaty. GttTson mf6tho Ifotisc UUtiS. ' BABY SITTER IS CHARGED Slxtcen-Year-OId Boy Released O Bail AfU -1 Vancouver Bank Hold-up VANCOUVER OfBail of $2,&00 was set yesterday for Donald Alfred Symington, 16 - year - old baby sitter, charged with robbery with violence in connection with Uic $1600 hold-up of the Granville and Robson Street .': TODAYS STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. ltd. CHJSH0H?IOOHHI10 Imports Are Relaxed Vancouver DIRECTOR era lions to maintain order in Indonesia. The report came u few hours alter the Netherlands government announced the establishment of an Interim government in Indonesia Without the In-(iocslan republic At the Hague the Netherlands .16 ..52 .24 -13V2 .17 Aumaque .06 '4 Beattl ....c .08 t Bcvcourt .02 Bobjo 08'2 Buffalo Canadian Improved Foreign Exchange Reserves En able Government to Lift Ban on Many, Lines ' OTTAWA (CP) Steady improvement in Can 1LICITY Buyonne Bralorne B. R. Con. B. R. X. THAW WASHES SHOW BLANKET COUVER MAN government today issued a royal decree providing for the es "SEAL It. M. Machines, ada's exchange reserves during 1948 has enabled easing of the burden of austerity measures which the government imposed suddenly in November, 1947. Canada entered 1948 with about $450,000,000 in Consol, Smelters 124.50 Con west 1.26 Donalda 52 Eldona 73 East Sullivan 3.05 Giant Yellowknife 4.75 branch of the Royal Bank of Canada on December 4. Judge Mackenzie Matheson transferred from juvenile to police court. Two other youths have been arrested In Toronto in connection with ttie same robbery and are being brought back to Vtui-couvcr by thepollce. gold and United States dollar reserves. : . . tablishment of,a government for all Indonesia -(Netherlands East Indies) which in the opinion of the Netherlands is closest "to the wishes of the great majority oi the Indonesian people." 1. Government regulations pro .42 .22 rm 1 1 hibited or limited imports of a long list of foods and consum .uoyz ftor of public relations .wliaii Pacific Air Lines, 'n at Vancouver in 1911 Jcatcd at Toronto and nni University, Wash-DC lie Joined D. U. 15M, covering; the Press at Ottawa from 1937 to ' enlisted with the Royal ' Air Force at the oiit-' li'istiiiiins and in April, .10 er goods from the United States. Other regulations imposed spe God's Lake Hardrock Harricana !.. Heva Hosco Jacknifc ..' Juliet Quebec .... Lapaska Little Long Lac Lynx tax 011 electrical refrigerators, vacuum cleaner's, electrical appliances, outboard motors, toilet artidles and many other things was removed entirely. On another range of goods, running from motor cars to cameras, the tax was reduced from 25 per Prince Rupert's three-weeks'-old snow blanket took on a dejected look today from the effects of an overnight rainfall and a southeast wind which re- ) duced It to a wash-out overburden of slush and glare ice. Rainfall of 1.3 Inches for the 24-hour period v a 10 o'clock this morning reduced snow depth magically and made walking hazardous on ice-covered, streets. In the downtown district, sand was sprinkled liberally by city workmen. The thaw gives indications that, despite the -earliest heavy snowfall ever recorded here, the .04 .42 Turgeon to Probe Transportation .UO'2 cial taxes hi most cases 25 percent of the: sales prices on many of the same goods. During niie first half of tiie year Finance Minister Abbott made regular reports to 'Parlia OTTAWA. O Hon. W. F. A .. .82 .. .14 Cariboo Quartz t.. 1.15 Congress 03 Hodley Mascot 40 Pacific Eastern 04 Pend Oreille 5.65 Pioneer 3.10 Premier Border 023i Privateer 15Vz Reeves McDonald 2.82 Reno 06 Sheep Creek 1.5S Silbak Premier 36 Taku River 28 Salmon Gold 11 Spud Valley 05 Vananda 45 Oils-Anglo Canadian 4:30 Atlantic .80 C. & E. . 5.90 Central Leduc 1.40 Iloilie Oil 13.25 Mercury .20 Okalta 1.45 ' t PaciHc Pete 2.60 , Princess 10'2 Royal Canadian .lO'z South Brazeau .18 Toronto Atllona I .13 cent to the 10 percent which Prince Rupert Wins Again had been In effec before the austerity program started. ment on the growth of the for 'reeded overseas to cs-Uif directorate of ovrr-''lic relations, remaining until late in H44 as ; wf overseas public rela-!a 1915. Mr. Machines Public relations de-,l f General Motors of 1 Limited and later was Turgeon, veteran of several royal commissions, is to head the government's proposed royal commission on national transportation, it was learned today. Turgeon, former chief Justice of Saskatchwan, is now Canadian minister to Eire. ' Madsen Red Lake 2.40 McJCenzie Red Lake 32 McLeod Cockshutt 93 Moneta ' .40 Negus 2.19 Noranda 54.50 Louvlcourt 37 Pickle Crow 2.15 The next relaxation came on October 19 when Mr. Abbott announced that the import ban Bo-Me-lli Defeats Kali! ' by 39 to 31 Score KETCHIKAtJ, (Special to the eign-exchange reserves under the dollar-conservation program. He ended them in June when the reserve had grown from its December, 1947, low of $451,000,-000 to $700,000,000." Since then there lias been a further improvement and the r of the New York office Unllv News)-Bo-Mc-IU Rain Regcourt .05 Yi city may hot experience a "whit1; Christmas. ; Heaviest rainfall came down, during the night when torrents of water were driven by a southeast wind which reached a top velocity of 30 miles an hour between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Man Information Ser- makers of Prince Rupert con was being lifted from many fruits and vegetables. Since November 1, housewives have been able to buy United Stales lettuce and tomatoes. Scheduled for later removal was the 1 ban on imporWd cabbages, carrots, celery, spinach and ,grapes. tinned their wlnnliiK ways In San Antonio ..: 3.85 Senator Rouyn v .42 Steep Rock . ; 1.65 WacIiini'R hec.'inie n.iiel- the international basketball series by winning the opening WHEAT PACT INCOMPLETE LONDON (pi Canada's minis Sturgeon River 122 finance minister says that he is "pleased with the' improvement." First relaxation of the aus lla6T or the Press Bur-"' NatlrxiHl Ifciil-ad TransCanada Air Silver Miller 34 The Import quotas, for citrus terity program came on August 11 and la,sl October tlri's were loaned bv the THE WEATHER Synopsis flow of warm air from th 1 when the finance minister announced the abolition of Uie special excise taxes intended to 0 U"' Department of Na- game of t he two-game return series here from Kayhi by a score of 39 to 31. Bo-Me-Hi had won the first two games in Prince Rupert. The Rainmakers were not playing their usual good game although they excelled on the rebounds. Their penalty shoot-Ing.was poor. ter of agriculture, Rt Hon. James O. Gardiner, leaves for Ottawa tomorrow with discussions incomplete on the price Great Britain will pay for 140,-000,000 bushels of Canadian irncp nn acting dlr south off the Pacific Is bringing curtail buying. Now extensive new easing is announced. fruits and fruit juices were increased from 50 to 75 percent of the amount bought from the United States in the base year July 1, 1946, to June 30, 1947. At the same time the government was Improving Its external financial position, it was building a surplus in its domes Public relations in elder, fiitlruic In that position milder weather to the British Columbia Coast. The Kooten- TAXES REDUCED Your HOLIDAY Date AT THE CIVIC CENTRE 'itKes un his now rlnlleR On August 1 the 25 percent ul,der tbe ,94S,-M Cn- of public relations for tract. 1,1 January 1, 1949. ays experienced, a cold night last night with Cranbrook reporting a temperatur of 15 below. Elsewhere mlnlmums were higher than the previous night and will continue to rise today D.P.'S ARE NOT tic financing only slightly smaller than the record-breaking on SNOWFALL Ketchikan played a good game In the first half but fell d6wn in the second. , It was a rougli game for l!cl-erees Wengcrt and Schost to After conferring today villi Sir ytafford Crlppa, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gardiner told the Canadian Press: "Our- discussions resulted in suggestions created last year.i JOINING REDS MNITOBA Music The first seven months of the Sports and remain mild Sunday. RlPEO. fpi Hnnw nlims financial year resulted in a bud Southerly gajes and rain oc fi'lo curred along the North Coast get surplus of $533,600,000, com Manitoba's Labor-Projrressive Party Admit Failure la Efforts to Enrol Them pared with the finance minis vy(j Kill lUln Manitoba to open 'J'n which have been during the night. Rain Is expected to spread to the south ter's forecast In the spring of a Sunday, Dec. 26, 9:15 p.m. CHRISTMAS CAROLS Thursday, Jan. 6, 8:15 p.m. HARRY ADASKIN Famous Violinist FRANCES MARR. Pianist which may result in a settlement which will be satisfactory but It Is necessary to discuss the suggestions further at Ottawa before saying that final conclusions are reached." It is understood the vital fac Saturday, Dec. 18 LEAGUE BASKETBALL Thurs. and Frl., Dec. 30-31 KETCHIKAN ALL-STARS vs. PRINCE RUPERT International Basketball I from a f.iit ..r 1. ...1 WINNIPEG, O) - William C $489 0()0 00Q surplus or the whole coast by late afternoon today. Snow is falling in the interior. handle. Individual scoring: Prince Rupert-Flateii 6, Don Schcrk 15, Sid Sdierk 3, Carlson 0, Spring 2, Sunbcrg 0, Olson 5, Davidson 2, Webster 6. Prince Rupert took 78 field shots and made 17. Ketchikan made 10 out of 85 field shots. ' llMllic ( koss, jwanuooas top cu"""u" I financial year. "1. OUU1T8 Ol CH1S, ail(l trucks are reported ist, admitted by inference in an Snow flurries are expected to be Rd. Hii'hu'.,,, , ,.ln,.i This year's high surplus cjm blned with the possibility of 1 1949 federal election leaves Ot --r."ij ill JUl IH I II 11 u Wc"s held off the roads tor in the discussion Is whether snW Stounerl In fnnr nl' (.hp iipw agreement Will take the tawa and the country as a whole H buried vehicles. The fall place of the four-year contract Another game will be piayeu tonight. counting on tax reductions in mc inches. , which ends In 1950. the spring. interview yesterday that his Labor-Progressive , party has flopped in its efforts to enrol displaced persons under the Red banner. Ross asserted that displaced persons coming to Canada were screened so that those selected formerly supported regimes like Adolf Hitler's. said he' knew of no instance where D.P.'s Drama Children Monday. Dec. 20 Tuesday, Dec. 21, 7 p.m. LITTLE THEATRE PLAYS KINSMEN Proceeds to Salvation KIDDIES' CHRISTMAS Army Christmas Fund TREE Income tax, left untouched In general over the Interior by tonight. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast- with showers today and Sunday. Wind southwest (30 m.pJi) today, becoming westerly (25) tonight. Mild, Lows tonight and highs Sun- , day: Port Hardy 34 and 42, Mas- sett 35 and 45, Prince Rupert 85 7 and 42. . ; , TIPS FOR ALBERTA this year's budget, Is considered LOCAL TIDES kmmoNTON. Groups of the likeliest field for Mr. Ab asketball bott to offer reductions. Cuts Sunday, December 19, 1948 in some of the heavy indirect 19.3 feet A i&mxj (EljriHtmais displaced persons, mainly from Europe, continue to arrive here. The latest group was. composed of 31 Immigrants most of whom had relatives here. JONIGHT 21.6 feet joined the communist party High 3:35 15:00 Low 9.10 taxes were also considered good possibility. 8.3 feet here. -Bi'wnwoods vs. Co-op 2.4 feet 21:55