TRANSCANADA prince Uuprrt Dailp Jlcto Saturday, December 18, 1948 F1 anr O.Aa portatiou experience with the Chicago-Milwaukee Railroad, lie) joined Trans-Canada Air Lines traffic department when It was first organized in 1938 as sec- relary lo the general traffic Waterfront Whiffs APPOINTMENTS Walter VUm-M,, Better English Air Sew Officials For l.inrs Are Named I manager. In 1947 Mr. Fulchei 'was made general supervisor ol JJER COME. ' methods, a post which he held 1. What is wrong with this sentence? 'The man who uro- until his new appointment as director of . traffic procedure,' with headquarters In Montreal- SUNDAY MIDnTTToI r MONTREAL Appointments in the traffic department of Trans-Canada Air Lines were announced yesterday by W. Gordon Wood, general traffic man- ceeded me was a soldier." 2. What is the correct pro nunciation of "lien"? Another Davis Raft Being Re-lashed Crab Industry Pays Off Cod Fishing Now Suspended The Bowrjy Bys milt: uunrrT cvv ... Roy Edgar Deyman joined the Dollar Steamship Line in w ? aRcr. V. H. Fulcher becomes dir-( .t-i .if t i-o f f if nriuorliirA R P I 1931 and In 1938 transferred to British and Irish in . The Cobra II 'Hard Boiled Mahoney I Railways as assistant manager. sales and H. Johnston passenger Half a million feet of los, remnant of what was once a Davis raft containing more than twice that amount, are -.----, lying along the . waterfront ..,., here near Jl. A. 1 A i i 3. Which one of these words Is misspelled? Gangreen, garnishee, guarantee. 4. What does the word "endowment" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with do that means "easy to manage"? Answers hwnmes rlireetor of cartro sales. ' Toronto office. In August 1940. virtnr ntnr iionn. itpnrv s,.ivir Fnirhpr ininpfi nini4'ne ne entered entered Trans-canaaa i rans-ianaoa ai Air At III .... . .. T fnpc cjirvipA aa traffic r' . ;r" T , " , .. ithe Canadian National Rail- "H-,! B8 uwik into a SP3 Wort hv hnnm Jlffpr hrpakinrr lin par v tViicI ,.. ....... ... 'pnraiivp in rharor nf the Wind -- -- J - ji r -"v "- wavs in as assistant sia- - - week While enrOUte from Alaska to State of Washing-1 tioii agent, at Brandon, Mant-!sor area and became field as 1. Sav. "The man hn nip- inotnn nnrtc sistant to the general traffic 100a, ana aiier iunner irans ceded me.- 2. Preferred pro-! The Davis raft partially dis- ed a mishap while seeking shel-1 manager, at Winnipeg, in 1944, ..u..i.u i, e as .ntegrated at the beginning of ter in a Dundas Island cove. ' tion 10 according ' to Alfred Barnes 1 and ana then lnen general general supervisor uPervuor oi 01 in me, second e as in end un- (hP ur-Pk nff th Portia r,ni , ' T es,l Dasscneer sales, a Dost which he r . 4 v .tvuAo iwt an Louiuau.'u inn n rr iji Ln-iiiKrwirr i no itre&sed. two syllables. 3. Gan- held until his new appointment while under tow of the Seattle 650,000 feet of logs when the ; general shipping position has tug Hercules. Official surveyors lashines loosened. . imnmvnrf hc,ntiaii i t- J gift of nature; talents. 'His B;grene. 4. Natural capacity; early endowments had fitted who investigated tho loss at past two years that her dollar MON. - TUES. MATINEE 2:30 i MONDAY i EVENINOS One Showing Onry at 7:15 p.m. edwTgl ROBINSUn I IDA LUPJNO 2 JOHN GARFIELD iBARRY FITZGERALD' The Queen Charlotte Island expenditijre next year on the him for the work he was to do." crab industry Daid off sn chartering or hiring of U.S.A I I. Taylor. 5. Docile. iributed it to poor construction of the raft. A well-built raft, they say. would have held together under the conditions encountered on the trip. j vessels will be almost nil. Hugh Johnston joined the Chicago-Milwaukee Railroad in 1929 and then owned and managed a freight audit bureau in Winnipeg until Joining Northwest Airlines. In 1942, he was appointed regional traffic manager for CP Air Lines at Edmonton. Fiva years later he Joined TCA as manager of cargo sales and ! I MORE EDMONTON HOMES I EDMONTON, (f Land sales this summer that Massett fishermen are planning to go into it in a bigger way and, as a result; Alex Wylie and his son. Robert, Massett boat builders, are having a busy winter. ! The Hercules, a Seattle Tug 'and Barge Co. towboat left port For the first time the people of China will soon be eating herring from Great Britain. The Herring Board has just shipped DRESSES By PEOPLES STORE I Holiday Time means Dress a Up Time for ladies. You'll find our selection choosj but not expensive. a THE WAY YOU LIKE TO LOOK RUPERT PEOPLES STORE for the south siiorUy after bringing in the damaged raft.i ana nome building continue to boom here. Since Nov. 1, there have been 16 land sales to the value of $18,780 from which will e built 20 homes valued at $140,000 and several industrial plants. more more than man o 8.000 wu samples samples cured cured The rc-la.shine job will be by -centiy, me W'ylies, who went 1 Armour s,iof .,.. over to the Islands a enimip "nf, ,n brine. Several thousand more WM,ubv aiu AS IA- . 1 pected to be done within th:Vea ago from Prince Rupert, samPIe going .... to the West next couple of weeks. Armour-launch a Anc 46-foot boat forIndies- Tne method of curing cuwrf FEW CARS IN 1900 At the turn of the century, total motor vehicle production In the United States was 4.192 cars. recently comnletprf a r..iachinr Ray Benson of Massett and im-l . i . ' mrriiatiilv IqM fha toAl t . ' TH09SANS Dill) IN THiCAST! IlMIN mil iiii hi nrnrr igvic nr .... 'J - auiu Uli. RtU 1U U AZTEC 5ET1 LEMENT -Mexico City dates from 1323. :u-ii the Aztecs settled on an island in Lake Texcoco. - . Vm i ait, yji lc of two brought in by the Se- larger boat tnelr own- 11 witl. The linjr Aqu.tania, on a re cent voyace from Encland in attle tus Monarch, whirh suffpr.' a 52-footer, which will be! rWAINtt MttUAiTf txRtcrto bt Michael cjr 'wwwixwwwtxttttwttwutKt'wTttutxtwnttuu,,,,..,....,.,,., USfd 10 thC "ab fishery" Thei-, Halifax carried back 500 bags ol r wcxxxxxw plan to instal a ion horsepor'niail not unloaded while she at I Caterpillar diesel engine. " i in port due to the refusal of You Must Ik Seated by 7:13 to Sec the ! longshoremen to work overtime. The cod iisnery, which has Tnis nieans that hundreds ol been the only form of fishing I Christmas parcels and letters for going on in ihe late fall, with ' tlelivpry in E"Sland cannot ar-thc exceptioij of course of some ! rivc until- 1,1 a11 likelihood, after dragging, has folded up, at least i C1iristmas. for the Christmas season. D' ' Complete Show Jio- iswM mii fl if liveries recently have been sm'tii ! and it is expected that they will j li 1 Sockcyc salmon pack iu me Prince Rupert fisheries district for the year 1918 is placed at 162.584 cases as compared witn 167,530 cases last year and 110,- now altogether. Some grey cod which has been landed Ls oemg sent to. Vancouver for m S wS;i tf s ' 341 cases in 1946. shipment to the American market, this type of fish havim. r rz f-,- vs c i fTTx l.ANii nw; STnv Aj-r j ! little appeal to Canadian ta-sts On her regular weekly sailing I lie: CVrtifkaU- of Tltlr No. a.'i7:il-I j to Lot One Thousand Throe I Hunclntl mid Thrrr Il:i03i. ! Ilanne Flu- (5. Coast District WHKKEAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title t IssutHl In the name of Anthonv c to rrince Rupert and the is lands. Union steamer Cbquitlani api. Alt Aspinall docked here1 TcrFS1"'n'co has b"e" " ,, nonce is ncrcoy aivcn that at 1 Dm. Fridav , I shall, at the exoiration of ! ver. This week, she will vicif 1 nionth frxjiu the date of Ihp firm TOASTERS AUTOMATIC IRONS BOUDOIR LAMP SETS RADIOS COLUMBIA RECORDS ELECTRIC RAZORS w .-.-o:v M,rnin8 BUlul.J , H,al Crrl.lle.u. of TVtTe i7, ieu of lor Van aiternoon and sailin couver Sunday night. ELECTRICAL sam lost CcrtDicatr. wnlpss in Iht m-antlme valid objection be madf to me in writlne DATED at ihi. i u ...I t...i... By 1950, the strcnath nf th i ?!!!c. Prl,,c'' R"mrt. n c. tin. British merchant fleet wiU be KSAa restored to its Dre-wnr r.-,r,,ni Deputy Registrar of Titles. LAMPS GIFTS y y y y y y y y y y y ( 18) LIMITED NUMBER OF GENUINE LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAINS flic CONSOLETTE AT FLEETWOOD ' By THESE T I I r T" r a rv i -v r-""ttm LOOK AT FEATIRES a. & w M n m . a . . ! . . . . p. TABLE 1 $4.50 TRILITE $19.95 TORCHIER BOUDOIR BED to $19.95 to $24.50 ' $23.65 $4.50 $3.75 I Elizabeth Ardan't J Hand-O-Tonik J hat a gifted way of keeping hands J creamy-soft, candle -smooth. 1 In fact, her famous lotion lends a holiday touch , lo work'O-doy hands the whole year through. CkfhNMt wr.W HMl--rnlk JI.J5, y y y y y y y y y y v y y y y y y y y I Your For the Ladies Gi Practical Gifts Xmaa (Sift AUTOMATIC IKONS .... $!).!)." $!:.!.-) to That Please TOASTERS $7 New ShiKk-Frouf Pick-up. New 1 . Record Changer. Scratchless Record reproduction. En;lish Celes-tion Speakers. Jf Powerful Supcr-Ilet Radio. Beautifully Finished cabinet in walnut or mahogany. LOOK at this Price!! $159.95 STORE to m..)) to $1 !.!: IjlELECTKiC KETTLES MLU 5i 5. i Ormes Drugs LOVELY LINGERIE piIOTI'LATES... to .75 Uellnhtfiil Llirpp.tiiM'P LiiomhU-t; Tnilv a onderIsil t" for her. BLOUSES D (.ENERAL ELECTRIC MOFFAT RANGES NOMA LIGHTS BARGUNS IN' l!K nvniTir.v . u Mes anu colors iik'Ukiiiis duck anu - GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS With Pump Control . $149.50 Mareonl 5 tube Mantel, short and Ion m RC A 5 tab. Mantel. i,r, plastic cabinet j," "J 00 STRINGS . $1.60 lo $l.7i $1.15 to S3.V. I WREATHS $229 TO $299 GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS i EXTRA LAMPS 8c to 1.1c a luoe ,,nle, SH5J A'07,f; & WICK I est eiock of blouses In the city. HOSIERY . ' Sheer Nylon pencil .seams, ao practical a gilt. MEN SHOPPEUS WELCOME EVERY COURTES? EXTENDED . Xmas Gilt Boxes Free Aiiiieiie Mansoll y v v 5 y y y y y y y y m y y y y v y y y y y y y y y y y r y I- r I THIRD AVENUE WEST PHONE 100 J Floor Polishers $59.50 v I Vacuum Cleaners $89.50 TO $9150 ELECTRIC IJLANKETS ELECTRIC RAZORS . .. DRESS SALON $11.50 SI 9.93 to to CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Si !.() $26.73 . ?:m.k PADS ELECTRIC IIEATINC ELICTUIC FIREPLACES ELECTRIC HEATERS Announcement ltY CfUKFE MKHtS $9.30 TO $23.65 nnii r.i... . .... ... in a 537.50 TO $43.40 $6.25 TO $7.75 a are invneu to vi:u uur sii",n- r r y Floor Sanding A Specialty uie BiMt-ux Oas and CUMMINS Diesel tngme display. RADIOS We maintain a Darts and lirst class reualr seivire andar RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 General Electric Philco Northern Electric equipped to service all makes and lypes of Internal cor bustlon enelne3. 0 a 0 m P"fumeS Colognes Bath Salts and Gift Sets by , , . Tardley, Rubenstein and Iu Barry I io .U5 W0 If you are contemplating the purchase of a new moW sure to see the SIMPLEX Oas and CUMMINS Diesel un m i - . tainnnliC For HER For HIM i larpp ran it o nf cWne (tmna , nhiuica trrim. rAViv 'ift Seu by . . . '1 y y y y v Seaforth. Yardley and William Roiim,h Lighters Pen Set Bill Eotl- 4 r to buy, dependanble to operate. Bytovn Machine Works Northern British Columbia Power I Moving, Packing. Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd -and Park Avenues , Established 1910 Phones fil and eg I McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED m COMPANY LIMITED (W. J. RICHARDS) BESNER BLOCK i ihiku AVL. and SIXTH ST. PHONE 79 liaily NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BKU"