Tr M. Circcgc weir circled 1.1 i), V ictoria .KepOrt.' United Church hut with prii-s and '4'npr:i( expenses risini; It was not easy to keep up. He thought 'hat 19"U locked brighter as there were already fifteen more envelope .subscribers than In the previous year. The Eoard had handler! nvp- " ' . p,,hiUhPrt"v";r PM Oil ire ipf,nm. nt, Ottawa) Prtriw Rnwrt tv.ii. t rt . 7y s,,rrr" ""cpt PritW Simrtny hv ! u A TlWN,fr V- "'". R.M-n. British Columbia.. '-llUnt- " PFHRY. ktanwme , Dim-tor. vniRFS OF r.Nin Ian 1 - A"T),T Bt.iRRAU OP CIRC'CLATIONS CAN Art a : 'Av(rcRrPvIlNp-soc,AT,oN i w.., v..rTr. i-er wccfe. 0c; Per M.miti. '.. v... 7S- ijv. rrr .c .riP. a' ft ! i ear, arum By Mall, Per Month. 50c; Per Tear. Iiioo Youth Accented in New Appointments Throne Speech Ready VICTORIA Tt. 110 Boosting Boy Scouts rtt-v.-rnt 1 a THAT TRP firPAVi7i'riAv , , . . . OKuAMZATION is conduct- v.i?3iits If 50 financial appeal, it is a pleasure to ftcv j;u ei niiifiii positions, nine was wnen no man .under , 4o 4- -it , 1 x was considered much good. Nowadays -tc ; seems few men over 45 are anv ' e"ood. Two of the N )'in,.1:rl,l 1 c. .. .1 f-.u huiu in,- , . . r o, tne i.oy scout movcmeiii governments most important Dositions have pwip O ana im line work it is doing among hundreds of boys in 'this community and thousands in the pro- vinceX)f British Columbia. ortnniz- With vigorous OJanu n:'A 1 1 d t I y'"" ei MncUeaders in Prince Pvlipert, the movement has made excellent ' nroorpw " n,l h; - ea(l 0ut -l 1 ' P, W1-flel' 1 ,. m recent davs to young- men. Llovd Detwiller 32 is - commissioner of hospital ' .... ..J ''"commissioner "of salefux"' brief,y- ' j commissioner of sales tax. At tne beginning of a session T 7" sme,cliMcm everybody says it?, a shame all don t be- , he Ume thaj js wasted j t lk :lK'Ve,a m?" md" 4",can ,n hav Ambers always say they're go- 111 . - . . uuiiiS.Mie past year or jastic groups of Scouts and Cubs that are now ! tiounshmg here are a vivid testimonial to the value Of the activities that .r. hPin rl.-l" Enthusiastic Coii?reatiun ( (insiders Mr.ny Matters at Annual Session Reports of pxpantHnx church W.-il'k which l'PDCwl new nrnh. !ems of ."-prvii-e and finnncp tvpw !$1 neara First United Church ! had its annual congregational ",ii,ms"'c lusinsusu.nuena - ance of church members and ad- herenu was iarRe and the u.-mai enthusiasm of tni-s church per. j vaded the proceedings Onpnf,,,., "'iii.iiri.i mp. ' Fared by the w'en's Associa- business se, mood to hear the ,m,tial r-r;- of the various committees and or-' ."nteatnns. f Jcscph chp;t as elated chairman of the meeting wl'v, mm- C. J. O. Olson as secret arv ' fn. ti-a,.nni tt " mini.srer, h'ev. I,, n pt. OCT. in his -Pnnrt mentlr)nerf I ome nf the manv nrKiov.. were fneir? him. Hp .r,.-i. tht ""I ft t "m-'ie-; rf a n'-rn nvm ber of the children who n-' Sunday Scho-,1 at r.nnr-d t'nf rt Hal) ir, p... r...: - r ''- - not all bein(r active in the C"rhch orsn,P as well the W A. Cretm there. ' We neea tne Church nnn tv. fi idut services nr. wtr- t. ...... under the Prince Ruwrt Mi;ii- SSW: i""""' hm "" " ..... T i renorrmo. fnv tv. r . St!?.rdslD' - Forward .'old of Zl: - - FINE ' T i -p. , , y tl -w inisaoiiitvin orsianizin tne ffcX SiStS smoo.thly f0 18 ""ths. ........................... JlLl .T. cui...a..u ui U. i..c o..o lu . . Both are commerce graduates of U.B.C. These days too. a man doesn t havp much chance . . : : . " : top financial positions unless hPldS 3 ,T'ItrSlty ,degree,' The age-old Alaer story of a youm eoing nuo government, "a "vju.Minea in being as " generous as possible in their response to the appeal. a boost that Premier Byron Johnson gives the' Boy Scouts in a personal statement of commendation on behalf of the appeal: . "The- good work of the Scout movement is such that is commands the ready and generous support of our citizens. Scouting today follows the precepts hud down by its founder and is building citizens of tomorrow out of the boys of today. Scouting not only builds boys in a physical and moral snso Jw , service as an office boy and shaker" chair but Ihe won't he W "",f working to the top Just isn't a"AhS S'-ber a,so exore.ed ab e to do abou con-true any more. More and more th. ."' '"nHHV t a "A . rern nver ,v,f "M"le at Mi'le-a degree is becoming a must" " , Bflv an'i at ' F's'ntnn . to get anywhere in government far i" of P service. The Speech from the Throne Lif ;art: ,7 t , t . u" ASSc'!,tIon. Mr. Siehe--is ' readv Tied in red ribbons! ti h7? UfS ys b'f wt It was an Impowible ta f. it's under lock and kev in the ;.h,", Jhe,Capltal s. .blest e minister to cover cnph teaches the principles of option. rl,bnosl.prt also mean that many more ZSpSZ Si'T'- " - - omm OMn ' S T. Bf &SZSZXt fit from the wonderful training of the Scout move board of stewards Trustees elected ere Mrs. lima Dunn, Dr. R.O. Lai fee, Arthur S. Nk-ker-son, Owen R. Green and Kenneth F. Harding. Mr. Forward spoke expressing the sentiments of those present of the pleasure of having Mr. and Mrs. Sieber In their midst and the appreciation of his work In the great Job. "He is the right man at the right time," he said. Mr. Sieber humbly replied and finished with. "I hope that the Gospel which we profess will continue to grow in us." . REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED It. E. MOkTLMEK 324 2nd A. (Nfiir CFPH For Complete Sheet Metal Work o CALL BLACK G84 o SERVICE WORKMANSHIP DEPENDABILITY T H OM SHEET METAL LTD. MEN'S 10" LACED RUBBER $575 FAMILY SHOE STORK LIMITED Charlie Roberts Jrd Ave. Box fil fh. 357 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ment. COOf) OLD SEAWEED Banks at the opening of the ........ .. . " . This' is the Speech that is sup-' . . . . . posea to contain tne govern- imenfs program of legislation. tt,I3iiv uv ,.et ,,,.., ., -t believing in "let-, "?ut..pP?S",n. .k!W t0 i .'"u wnaigomg vonappen too far in advance. . cm lTu) inn lAri. " Speciol Men's Dre PureRWHpk Now From cst OW ftlt OVERCOATS PAr.TC ?01 c,oMMJ ; Now only mm Prince Rupert Flowers fur in , 300 3ra Avp b, For Friendly; And Advice Building, Insula Decoration PJ !v.r,. ISLAND CT BUILDERS' ftf OiTicral Ti'iiiil.: ...-. M I'.ride SI. MILLIE1 SNACK NOW Bigger and M Mini: HAMBURC! Better and I Full Course M'. I 5-7 pm OPEN fl am tali! Just off Third " W fith SI Vh ( Bapte1 It Winter corr Spring be fart Use Bo prone Ic dccoroticr Thompson Ho Co. Ltd. See Us Fifsl FOR BOYS WEA r0ES THE COCOA SETTLE in the chocolate milk! U that YOU htiv? If it rloPs th rvW ic n,.nlv.W,. St REGAL PRINTERS ' " unaware iwarp that that nnp one nminrl nound uuiic aie LiiaiiKcu in mis man-The tu- c v. c rm ' " Speech from the Throne1 . , , , ner - a seat on the floor of the' 1 r lk u is one of the bits of make-be- u..,. House ....... ... , 1 rageenin, will stabilize one ton of chocolate milk. DoPS thp if'P Pl'Pflm tJiat vnn J-nur lciV cmnotVinoce PHONE t. 1 , , , $4,000 during the year which was ! - W0 more than the previou, tilr Mrs. A. Thompson, president of ; the Women's Associations, ,"", - paid m"' 1 tribute tr!Dute to to the the f'ne f'ne croun prou'i of of wo wo- ' m(n she worked worked with with and and said said: The Conrad w. a. which is th le1 rwest cirrle. deserves a rjat on the back and the rest of us are 1 7ry Pud of them. Thev have ?-yreat Job and are .,U, do- wMr s- Irvlne commended Mrs Thompson on her tireless fforts in this organization, Mr- sieber sPoke appreciatlve- ly of hi.s work here and of the organizations which carried on. . . . .1- u. aioru tile HUIK 111 wlc Junior and Senior Cho rs under lhe leadership of J. S. Wilson ana Henry Fiuym at the organ. I hope my ministry somewhere approaches their fine caliber" said the pastor. J. S .Wilson urged the Board and organizations to keep the needs of the church constantly before the congregation. He pointed out the gratifying response to the Organ and Rehabilitation Fund and felt sure there would be similar responses in the future if the people were kept informed. Mr. McBride was elected to 7mm AD ACME? PRINTING at 21 222 Second Avr. F F S3 CABS Istand: York Hotel, 3rd Ae CAFE IN THE CITY PHONE 79 The New MONARCH Is Here! aa .-u, jji uimuy tne iiiciiiuidcuui ei is nut using .suuiuiu j alginate, another seaweed product as a stabiliser 1 v. ,. '. , '.'.. ' I to. IOU Know OI t penicillin. Ine tirst penicillin Was pro- The duced 011 agar, ' which is a seaweed extract and ao-hv ! , : . . . .. . . i i used extensively in testing penicillin. Are-ovi.-.H. II MORE BEAUTIFUL " ft t: THAN riCDI sM'. '..I'flWpa H terested in fire resistant insulation for vour house,'' 1 A A seaweed ..0.j will -li provide , it. .. m, These are only , a -f ew . t J. K. Nesbitt . , un viiuui nays in . ... . 8 to be short and to the point, . ..... ip... .1 ' n lew IlttlUY ZZ'ZX: ivale ML A s sh M h h .than 20 minutes, cabinet - ministers ministers onp one hour nour and the V Premier as long as he wants. Certalrily tnere shouW ome attempt made to t , , . speecnes. xvtaaame speaker Na HqA wh brevity and always kept her speeches shor, wi, DrobLv be . ... 7. ., '.. - -.... other nasty names. ...m : "in taiiv 1 e LieiiL 1 invprnnr '"h"",'?6"' H?USe- f chamber itself, as a wavs will' - v,. ., , , ... : . el,te ellte ,r,H and th the most hVifCXf faithful V 1 Sti women who worked hard to aet Coalaion re.elected last T ...j ... .. . with the provinces most' 1 distinguished citizens. I "W. N. Campbell, Forest Branch official from Prince George, who has been spending the past few weeks in the city1, sailed last night on the Prince George for ocean Fails. I Niiaui,i..iTi,m..ll - Tilt .A.Ht..n,.t 4. ... .1,.... or displayed by the liquor Control Bonn or by the Government ot British Columbia. ' 1 III f S I f Always Prompt and Courteous; We're Here to Serve YOU Commodore Cafe? ; "Hospitality and Oood Food" Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders'! 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr. LDXtrtl Sl'EAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermedial. Ports Each Thursday ' t 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reset vatlon Write or Call ' CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPRRT BC. TW Tf f "ii c r 1 1 the uses of seaweeds discussed m a report on the ,. , ., , , ' r, i'ii 1 T 1 naaian seaweed industry published this week by Ine1 Canadian Chamber of Commerce - ' ' T , rr,, , ihe report points out that Canada has alginate ' bearing, carrageenin bearing, agar bearing and in- sulatmg seaweeds, but imestions whether the best so and the Several enthllS- . "ft ia. v,1Liitrii , j I ;ot ! good citizenship and co- f the current piwm boys will be able to bene- ih. . ! e : 7 , x a o , t"-S'.t fsivsu, nf of a a cPQA-oorl spau-pprl nvt.-r.t pvtrpt rav. i 1 ' , . . ,. ! f s , G"F the f. . , . I so that a good week-end you ! on .into the sacks but I have seen the men just fill the sacks and guess at, the weight. Thats not! " ' wlt" coal at $l'J 25i per ton! We pay for full meas- j urp and t abou't three.puarlg of a ton for our whether ' the companirs themsyp,VPS a aware oUthe t , illg delivered or not is another thig. Twenty sacks are beine delivered all right but not a ton of coal. "FAIRPLAY" I I FT use is being made of these. The insulating weeds are being used, and carrageenin bearing weeds are being collected and exported to the U. S. This industry developed during the war; shipments increased from about fire tons in 1940 to nearly 1500 tons in 1946. Sjnce then it has dropped to about 1000 tons with a. monetary value of about a quarter of million dollars annually. A considerable seaweed research program is being carried on by both government and private sources. It is expected that markets for seaweed products will increase and the report suggests that these products should be "extracted from Canadian weed a EBY & SONS Contractor REPA1KS - KKMODfcXI.IM. FOINDATIOXS Let us help you plan that new home und-r the N.n.A Phonr Grfcn X83 Hox Sfl r - in cananian lactones by Canadians. ' HOLIDAYS AM) nAYl.imiT u'AVivf! timp iieve connected with a leglsla tive session. It's called "His Honor s speech." The Lieut-' governor, however, has nothing do with it, except read it. Premier, after consultation with nis cabinet, tells his exe- cutive assistant what to put into ...... Not so mucn s a word may be changed after the Premier e.ves his final awirovai Thls is the sP',ech the mem- beis are supposed to discuss in what's known as the Throne fatf - ; a matter , of fact, "lis is just an excuse for M L.A.'s to talk on everything under the erthe Vrone sPeS mentioned, and if it is, very m 1 1 ne bIank yur m to keeP y" 'n "Jiut-Rinht" sleeping comfort aii nifiht iong-utomaticaiiy rZZZtlZVZZT - Automatic Blanket. n chilly nights too you can eniov luxury offing into a prewarmed cd wil" 'he safe, easy-to-wash G-E H'ankct ... the only blanket that Rives the warmth you wam without the weht you d,n,t want- . Come into our stnre ami ik.m display. Three models to choose trom in three beautiful shades, all with rich satin-bound edges. GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC BLANKET !l 1. DOUBLE BED one control S39.50 !. IX)l RLE BED two control $49.50 J. TWIN BED one control $37.50 ea. NORTHERN B.C POWER CO. LTD. ' Besner Block Phone 210 PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing POLLYWOODcaTe MOST UP-TO-DATE C TANDARDIZATION OF HOLIDAYS and day- 1 , , . . . . , 1 1;, 1 J light saving are two subjects which may come ,- be- fore Parliament at the forthcoming session in Ot- ; taVa. . j . ,, . . r 11 avor is growing for the adoption 1 of a standard -i-ii of celehratino- nHtinnal linlirlava on thp AT n n rl -a v OPEN FROM 3:30 PM t 3.30 A.M. We Specialize In Chi:,ese Dlshea nearest to the actual date holidav wmilrl 1 riv0 CHOI' SUEY-CHOW AIEIN For Outside Orders PIJONF 13J SNOWSUITS PARKAS O JACKETS and complete outfit the school boy APT 3 PHONE 79 THE SPORTS. SHOP - The daylight saving nuisance is another which could well enough have some attention, The trouble as far as daylight saving is concerned is not so much gainst daylight saving itself but against the confusion that arises from partial observance such as was inflicted upon British Columbia last year by an arbitrary provincial order which resulted in many communities observing it while some important organizations such as the railways kept on standard time. As we have advocated daylight saving should be universal or it should not be at all. 622 3rd Ave. lUallarr Plutrntary ORMM DRUG! DRUGS LETTERBOX HONEST WEIGHT! PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS-WEEK DAYS, 8 A M. TO F HOURS Weckdys 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12N'oon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE Prlitnr Editor milv Daily News. 1 Coal deliveries are supposedly . put up in 10 pounds to th sack but . how many ot hose 'sacks actually contain 100 pounds of , coal? Many times I have re- reived sacks weighing not over ; 50 or 60 pounds at the most The coal is supposed to be weighed up on the scales and then dumped j n..u UULliJA XS--U INUtI" ' 7 P.M. TO P.M. Dally ear delivery service irom v a m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicjcK from 7 pm. t"1 1 . and Sundaf t ; . n