3 rrJTt tt "rxmm - " , I V Frinca KuDcrt uai lv News J rzv: iiTi Boys Hip Gumboots. Sale Price $4.95. Fashion Footwear. flrss'V & ' v'i5J 1 SHIFFER-HILLMAN ' Wed citv I Constance (39) the Prince George for Vancouver . , . I i. ... i . !' 11 Mr. and Mis. W. Prusky sailed last night on tlie Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Lutheran Ladies Aid Valentine tea -w ill be heid m St. Ptin.-Lutheran Church 2-5 p. m. on Saturday, Feb. 11. . (it) 1 Presbyterian Home Cooking . , ") fiJ .Z& . At f ATUIkir I ' ' 1 .Sato-McR Store Sat. Feb. 11 X'' ' '' Sj ' U.UIH Nfo .jS.v . Arminc Boas, - I T ' V ff L-Tf A provincial sani- w I -f" S r I tanan. sailed last night on the J . - fr J V ' V.VV A'' I " (4t ' j-- Prince George for a trip to Ocean, , if .V 1 ' 4 ' i T '-"V - 1 TVl 1 Falls on ol ficial business. . , 'fV V l?'-. A , a d : n... . r, V, V KIiJ I It, . O "f It 10 L. S. Lefler sailed last nk-hl ,m Jerry's Barocr Shop open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Our own pow-er- (35) f 1 of Shiffer-Hillman Suits .. . K; H ' -II i -, A'- 1' V , - 1 j More Patterns, Greater Var- rrl-' I" the Prince George' for a brief business trip to Ocean Falls. ! Latest, newest, spring styles lor, ladies and genu have just arrived with a brand new set of I N. Whist and S ! A-ZLZCK Ilr'U ' iety of Shades, Finer Quality . -f , . 1 Music by Mike Colussl. Refresh- I ' I - . - - ( . r"rT" I and Greater Values. f j I pnng samples, see them now iL J Wner Spe-i U HOPS! puuc IM'f Fourth ments Everybody welocme. ' at Tip Top Tailors, Street Blue 418. (35l , . f ' 1 J-" I CELEBRATE CHRISTENING OF INDIA aii over me wona. em- i . .. i ,. 1 1 t Women's Shoes and as low as 99c a pair. Footwear. slippers Fashion (39) Hoatine -piiuiie 54 J Special Meeting, 'Carpen ters Union, Friday Feb. 10th, Head Office Representative in attendance. Members please attend. (34) Ave (Ui! Sons. bassies of the Indian government celebrated the christening of the new republic. Holding hags of the new Republic of India, these children watch inauguration ceremonies at the embassy in Washington. They are 'left to right ) : Priti Kaul. three, daughter of the first secretary of the embassy; T. N. Kaul, KashmirIndia; Anil Nehru, six, nephew of India's prime minister, and Nandita Palit, six. Film, ' God of Creation," 8 o'clock tonight, Regular Baptist Church. All Welcome. v It he accident m 7n PAnin pars fn nmnt I courteous and reliable service. 1 K. F. Harding, Martin Erickson, Phone "70 RADIO CABS", the H. Hansen and B. Pedersen 1949. about i stopped at "? Weir X2 V. C WINNER George Randolph Pearkes, leading Progressive Conservative miliary critic in Parliament, went to France In 1915 as a private in the Canadian Mounted Rifles. At. the end of the First World War he was a lieutenant-colonel and held the Empire's highest award, the VictO'ia Cross, won at Passchendaelo for "utmost gallantry" and "conspicuous bravery" in leading an attack despite severe wounds. His bravery also won for him the Military Cro.vs, tin; Distinguished Service Order and the Croix de Guerre. He remained In the army after the war and during -the Second World War commanded the 1st Division In England and later was In charge of the Pacific Command. He left the army In 1945 and was elected to the Commons as Progressive Conservative member for Nan-aimo. He was born Feb. .26, 1888, at Watford. England. (C. P. Photo i ii'fice and al- first and only radio dispatched taxi service In Prince Rupert. 24 hours service. iH) sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver on Fishermen's Co-operative business. a!1v of the Rupert Bakery Ltd. No New Water Yet In Lakes !,.,., mnllLS 01 fctberms this f nninmuni- NOTICE On and after this date, February 10, I will not be responsible for any debts Incurred in my name unless personally authorized by myself. (37i VICTOR GRANT. M:irDu!iald. New Chamber Of ne Blue 408. r ommerce Head 1 JO Softer weather with rain and snow in the area during the past fv",. r ;-?:.; - .:-.'.;, For . ' O Cakes Pies O Bread, etc THE HOME OF FINE ' BAKERY PRODUCTS MONTREAL Gerald G. Ryan Inteu i Montreal was elected week have not as yet resulted in OB.E. of president rt time jan- of the Canadian any appreciable run-off into Falls ' .. i ! tiilv News. U ( River and Woodworth Lake, T i ... sources of Prince Rupert's hydro- i tNUW A V AIL-VtSLL 519 3rd Ave. Phone 613 Council of the International Chamber of Commerce at its lourEh annual meeting. He succeeds James S. Duncan of Toronto, president of Massy-Harris Company. : ca.st. brass. electric power supply, and tne water levels behind both dams Z urs. riiuiiv tw ; :-, Wus . .me for 11-:alf old. Box i.m m:.iTRv a'T HE: Ct-rtlficalc of TiUp No. 32110-I to Uit One (11. Block Thirty-seven (37). Section Srvcn (7, City of Prince Rupert. Map 923 WHIlREAS BatliifHctory proof of ported by T. B. Black, general manager of the Northern B. C. Power Co With the necessity of holding the draw of water to a minimum, there is no prospect. Announcements Civic Centre Bncge 10th. lor the time Dcing at least, of a Lutheran Tea nntt Home rplnxat.inn nf thp nnmpr mtirmlnu ' t. A Irf , ' , f room. Phone 1 30 nifhcil newly at Summit MARCIIANI) OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS , IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating; Alterations SMITH & ELKIHS LTD. Cooking Feb. 11th. "j which has now been on for two Canadian Legion Card party, weeks, although Mr. Black is February 15. hopeful Card tournament. Catholic i An encouraging factor, how- k phone BiaoK j )' the Hbovc Certtlicate of Title I.SHUcd In tile name of Levi Freo-1 ktad. litut been filed in UiIr office, ! notice is hereby plvcn that I Khali ! t the expiration of one month from I the dale ol th first public a' Ion here-, of. Uhuc a Provisional Certificate .l i Title In lieu of mid lost Ci itificato, j nnlesR In the nicuntlnie valid objec- t j tion be mude to me In writing. DATED at the Land Rtxlstiy Office. 1 Prince Itupert. B. C IhU ltittl day of January, 1950. A. D. ! Andrew Thompson 1 I , Deputy Iteultuar of Tltleo ! (421 (0J. LOOK bUil ma NEW RED AND WHITE i'ric oortnble Sj.00 a COX 274 PHONE 174 ever, is that more adequate sup- j plies of coal are coming for the : reserve steam plant at the dry ; dock which, operating steadily, is bearing the brunt of the load Shiuer Sew- j Hall, February 16. . j : Boy Scout Concert, Civic Cen- ' tre, Fcb 17. j Shrine Bund Concert, Civic ; Centre Auditorium, Friday March ' GOLD SEAL LABEl irtTlMTltS ; now. i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! CLERICAL LEGISLATOR-- Rev. Daniel Mclvor. Liberal representative for Fort William in the Commons since 1935, Is a retired United Church minister, who specialized in political science at university before he was ordained. Born- at Luigy, County Tyrone, Ireland, Feb. 14, 1873, he came to Canada when he was 21. The lather of six children, he is an ardent youth worker. C. P. Photo) 3rd at 3:15 p.m. Tickets from members. Canadian Legion Easter Sale April Sth. Cathedral Sale April 13. Tl'KlTY fur! V OH ire; ore MiowinK: e on two lots ' viiia aimrters .1 rcasuiwble : Sw T. "Nor-, a Folate and St. Peters Spring Sale April; 20 a nu 1. 1 Ufa in fin x u a, ,r , IC 4:1. f 451. Sonja Tea May 13, a 1 S,.t KM MM Ml 1 1 I J f M J M W I d Ci f S I. 1 ' f f fl7-'mnf. T- V'. f t I II J J J ' ' A ' A O ' St. St. Patrick's Patrick's Tea Tea Sale Sale of ol homer homer rooking and card party, Catholic he Hall Hall March March 10. 10. P v: -i , t t . . . I W A. ' - le ijood d 24U ',tf Ace Mar-Uiree seasons In the Supreme Court of BrlUuh Columbia 111 Probate In the Matli'r of the "AtlmliiibUa- j ' tion Act" And ' , In the Matter ol the Estate of Wll-l'.un N'l. l:ea.sed. Intestate TAKE NOTK K that by Order of H.is Honour Judi;c W. O. Fulton. Lo-eihl Judite of the Hufirenie 'ourt f Hrlltsh Columbia. I was on the 271 h day of January. A. I. I9j0. apjMjlnl -ed AdmlnlsiiaUir of the folate of Wllllnin Noil, late of Iar Lak'-, Hiitu.li Colunibm. who di. d on or about the Sth day of July, 1MB, at V lotchorHc. Yukon Territory. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the mnouitt qf their tndebti dness to me firthwlUi and all pisons havimi rlalinaaijtiiiist the Bald estate me rrqolred to file the in with me pru-pc-rly verllied on or Ix'fore the ;:ili h dav of February. 1950. fallliiu whicn du.trd)iiUon will be made havtni,' reward only to iich claims of which 1 Mmll have Ikcii untitled. Dated at Prince Kupcrt. 1) C this 27th day of January. A. D. 1MW). Krnost fcirl Allen AdinlnlHlrator of the Etate of William Noel. Deceased CO Hrown & Harvey Bon 0M. Prince Itupert. B. r.. COLD or HOT ! .. yVrft . g . A F 1 euerator and . toulv Box rt. B C. 135) 0N NAMEf jer Siwvels es; Aoam' Uiefoi d Bros. lUlnienancis ljn Clamshcl I'tK (iranples; I 'retc Mixers; Prices Slashed! OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN! u.'ks; NtMson lor Stockpile ul; Rice r'orl- nimns; Na-ScraDfrs and Ladies Dresses Lingerie SILK NITEGOWNS Itiial All Rteei tJO) a. National Js; National l.MI ltl..ISIKV AIT iiiid Conveyors. HE: Certificate of Title No 31HOT-I in m,w.it Fi.nr (41. Subdivision of Reg. $5.95. n irom Na- A give $2.95 'y Cu. Ltd, away at Lot four Thousand One Hundred : ,! Khrhteen 141 1HI. Hai.i;e Five; LADIES COATS Regular $49.95 Now fo Clear $9.95 to $15.95 (tfi an A new home built right . is never too cold or too ho Plan to Build NOV CONTRAC'IORS AND BUHNERS KI D 5fil C.O. BOX721 l'or Plans and Estimate? It's GREER & BRiDDEH J (51. Coiait District, said to mn- UniWinled; tain One Decimal Six Nine U 0fl 1 'm. sIlEthtlV i ., nw. or Ihh. Mai) 1402 ' ini; Mucllllies; I wHKKEAS satisfactory proof of; fi condition; low, of the above Cerllflente of Tl-luuelllK lacks 1 ur IhMued In the name of Milton Al- , other articles.; n..i fiii in this otnee. i In Crepes, Wools, and Silks Reg. $15 95 ON SALE $8.95 & $7.95 Sweaters For Ladies Reg. $5.95 DOWN DOWN DOWN $3.95 $3.29 $2.95 Also lovely jersey half slips, panties and bras at greatly fe-r , duced prices. ' LADIES , CROYDON RAINCOATS "V uriccs. B. C. 324. ttt) notieo is hereby e,tven that I slmll. ! at the expiration of one intuitu 1mm j the date of first publication here-. herwf. Issue a rrovlslonal Ccrlill-; rate of Title ti "cu of said lKt , Certitlt iite. unless In the . meantime I l''ie boat. 30-i FIRST WOMAN SPEAHER Mis. Nancy Hodges of Victoria has been recommended for appointment as speaker of the British Columbia legislature. That assures her the honor of being the first woman speaker of any Commonwealth assembly. Mrs. Hodges was born in England 01 years ago. She has been Liberal-Coalition member for Victoria since 1941 and is president of the National Fed 7 eration of Liberal Women of Canada. Mrs. Hodges is author of the column "One Woman's Day'' hi The Victoria Daily Times. Her husband, Harry P. Hodges, is editor-in-chief of the newspaper. (CP. Photo 1 pasihoue. KuSlv i 1 1)111111! I'hmnv '-ul. (3i)i Reg. $27.95 NOW $17.95 1-3 OFF Housecoats Bengqline, Satin, Wool and Flannel STATE '; valid objection bo nuulo to nic writ ho!. DATRD at Hie I,nnil Iteitlslr? or- ' flee, Prince KuK-rt. 11. C , tills ltit" Uuy of January. ID.M), A. D. Andrew Thompson IC'IAL OFFER SPECIAL! SLACKS Deputy KcKlstrar of Tine: H11 I'unv lurulslied. Owner anxious 'l will take $1,- '.nu'e pusv uav- GABARDINE SUITS While they last $39.95 tt." Wl-ltl'l of tn tlie Supreme Court Reg. $6 45- Priced as low as $2.95 25 OFF Ladies Luggage 1 B Tton' Yoimirs. nil Insurance. Columbia In Probate In the Matter of the "Almlnltlr-tion Act" And ! In the Miilter of the Ksl.alc of J-t ,.i, :t.,i-tiirOn. Dt'iTascd V a. Const Dis-' 'Oil acres tim-; '"Is Point, l'or-' in. i- i-,,..,. .. .... , CHILDREN'S WEAR BARGAINS r ' niiiftt II u.- WE CANT FIX BROKEN ONLY 19c HEARTS BUT BOYS' SCHOOL PANTS Reg. $125 NOW $2.95 BOYS' WOOL JACKETS To Clear $3.95 Reg. Priced at $G.45 COATS and COAT SETS Reg. $19.95 ' NOW $9.95 SNOWSUITS SPECIAL ! ! To Clear $4.95 Reg. Priced $12.95 & $9.95 !i " iut oi sai- :1 b pit. .shell- ; Jimor and w in- j f'Kl oiicn water. I I ft'ri minutes to f Ideal fori I others to make ! I L" runted, -no en-1 f.V'r inl'or- Willi tin Sim. Kuuert (37) Irtinie four lo-I'Ulse, priced to I $1500.00 down r In easv num. TAKE NOTR E that y ortlcr of His , Honour Judge W. O. Kiillou, l.'io ; Jntlse of the Supreme Court of JW'- tlsh Columbia. I was on the MM-. ony of .lanuarv. A D 1!. nppt'tn'-- ed AdminlKtrator of the ost.tle nf J'- ; cub GJorhiKbo, late of Prince Ku- . pert, British Columbia, who lust known to be livlni? on M.ocn ami. lIHa, unci Is now ' presumed to be (lead. , . All persons Indebted to the s ; estate are re.Uirid to P"y amount of tliclr Indeiiietlness to ";M forthwith iinti nil persons '"nl".;t claims against the Biiltl estate retpilred to rile them with mo I'"'- I perly verllled on or beton' the ' 1 I day of March, lf0. falllnu w""" I distribution will be made liuvliiK J' " Kurd only to such claims of WE CAN FIX BROKEN RADIOS - For Children's SOCKS Reg. Price 40c VANCOt'VKli VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday, 9 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday. 1:30 p.m., CoquiMam AMC15 ARM, STEWART AN1J TORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. FOR NORTH OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Cliileolin, Fen. 3 and 17 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH JUKEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Feb. 10 and 24 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 508 Call Blue 9U2 1)0 Day Guarantee THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE BARGAINS AT (EN'S RADIO CLINK DOM'S DEPARTMENT THE 13. C low cd in sce-f school, priced I Pi'rcent return f11' rentals. For I Private or in-F'Hies See Ro-l Limited. (38i Phone Red 846 BoX 71 McBride Street l have been notiueu. DATKI) ut Prince rtuptil, this 31st day of January lliftO Uordon Kruser Forbes I Olficlal AdmluistraU.r Prince Rupert, U. C, For SA Us factory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Rlue W (to) fW .Shoes od- HdKRf .7 aur