if V : I Potatoes. io lb. inervr. ,u uununuers. ID - -t.. Jinn mAAoa t rriicii. iij. rrenh frnlt yeet?bie Marrow, lb. .JW v..u.a.. . ; AnricoL 4-lb. 51 Pork&ausaeTT""" T" TT" A! steak. T-Bone. lb. 75 .'i9 (There inav be .v.ii'iailons in ! urines in various Ktoif.s ctfutrft ". i f 7fv. ins on whothfr .sner-ia .l Apples, cookiae, 3ip7" 5 P Pfcklw. cat .wuior. M . a-SST f fi":Y Mifcs. j ids 29 uu ,uwn oeans. lev - w r - I Ham. bofled and rolled, lb Wi Cal- .78 "- 3 ra- Ianc 85 '?rBe ' . Bacon, side, ui.-ce oJJ2lr.u,L 3 f,)r 29 Mled Vegetables : .23 Pastry Flour, 1 ibs ....... ' ; ooump k ,11. in n Naveli .-.-i Diced Bee,s , tin 1 Fimir. . I hard I Liver Sausage, lb 53 21 waa Brans choice . Ill Wheat - M Frh rw Fm. lb. Vetetamm . Mixed was and earrrrts 2for.3S Flour, 24' 1.8J Pork Choos. lb G8 roi... il. 1 Pumnkiri -i ,,r 9i ih nf I ,tii t4 Come Out front Under the Shadow of I i v-.i. - , in- t!4' fc i ,i ti. : " TJ! .-- ii i - . - njurn nrri4 n-m Tin . v t ir irr :n lit ua "imarb. 2 lb ..'.'.'.'.T.'.'. .-it U ikufl ti. i ... 105 14 1 tea IJeLuxe onantitv lb oeeis, Dtinoh Parsley, bunch .Z 05 .15 Tomatoes 211 on 21 Oranc -f nice ! Blended , :ia in iuu ..- Mm 55 Graiwirutt .19 J3 Tomatoes. 20-m. ea 18 .v:::i:: 2 11 ? pint T Doiil GidfllS t iSi z-o c 1 i-iiwKinir fjiuons. a .Da. -2 Medium rarttins 53 Appie. 2-K."Trrt. JloiTZZT J . 31 f anneft rroiM Pineapple, crutihed M Vimd Vimmhen Flannel for I inland .- .41 Pie-es, 20-O7 . . Anrieots. W-rr.. IryUOaiS h'!.letslorprom.t relief fromARTHRrnc anil Kllto-MTIC pain . . .Try DOI.CIN , . ; ' " get a bottle of 100 or filK) talileti ; from your drurist TODAY and join the tliouauils of relieved tufferers vlioLy takin DOLC1N .-I have come out from under the shadow of Pain .. . . " ; Mast druggists carry DOI.CIM. II yours does not, write direct to . .lit! .3 .. .24 'Cherries, aney, 2f-o. Luganuerriea. 20-on. I Peaehes. choice tAttt I Pure, lb y 24 LANTIC PACT CONFERENCES BEGIN Canada's chiefs of staff and their ad-in Washington for the first mee ting of the U.S.-Canadian regional group, under jt. piict. Left to right, Air Mars hall W. A. Curtis, chief of the air staff, R.C.A.F.; FoiilkM, :hief of staff, Canadl an army; Gen. Wade II. IlaUip, U.S. vice-chief of ai n T W. Grant, chief of the naval staff. Shortening! Jt Rose Soarr, fare", bar lb . Laundrv, ease a lor ,2S Soan Powders, larae 38 limce -ri" DOLCW LIMITED Torento 10 Ontario t Z". Chrrrles, '- lb. pat. Coconut. Id Almond Paat. Itt. t'rmt Caite Mix, lb. .... Date. fane, i lb. r,kt Seedless Raisins. 2 tbs. .... .45 45 .3 .45 m i .i-i ! 28 i Tun drtlmiit la sot pabllabX ; or 4ivlTa by t I.lqor Control i Xearft or by th Oovarnmnt of . rltuh CuliuubU. ft Locker Plant ! Seeded Raisins, 2 ibs. Shelled Walnuts. lb 4 Shelled Almonds. m. 351 tineneo tsmus. o oz j.i ! VALENTINE CARDS i I Shelled Bralls. ia lb 42 s 9 - : ry T- -v Jams ar Strawberry. 24-ot. 59 1 Ra. jDerry, 24 ov,. .41 I Blackberry, 4-lb. .81 I I ... -rl v.1() it,v mnnv huIIhiipc! ciifium -rn this Hnrinv rust.imr who htivn no worries i sniiply Tln v know they m assu cd of a iilon'.iful supply of the finest meat obtitin-i,i diliu-nli"'"' None I They Just c .me clown u the Ixx-ker flunt unci pick out Kteak. inhureiT iiK they desire. No hunting from innrket to niiirkel for the meat ihnt Is not nupy ie'p e rent a looker. ve 1.1 nr. money unci worry liy purchasing iiiiillly menLi-. Irani i li- Ux'ker Plant. ert Freezing Company Ltd. and VALENTINE CUT-OUT BOOKS ';:'Gr en ci.:- uii ticicvuuii . . m a As part of its world-wide drive to aid underprivilrgrd thildren ahrl mothers, the t'nited Nations International Children's Kmergeney Fund (INK K.i- has been providing supplementary loo&, hlmrs and garments for the children of Finland. Here, Finnish school girls make dresses for their schoolmates from flannel provided by UNICEF. 2.10 2nd Avenue . Phone rtetl 307 k, fJC'l Now rv ill HAe tc i.ic A. tju -?-JXi i 1Li T TO GET OU " VvlU-w'JT )Qyf A etoj?iECEi!c - ! - ! : ' . t I 1 lit- LOHDIE house row jc rri tr;t. ""- rt 2 Sid 3rd Ave. Bos lilt Red 4IW Shrine Band Concert, Feb. 3, Civic Centre A IHTLt V X vT .,J., ''IT T ft GAME dou'" ,v ()" V" t .ifo by Z5 a laT -3- VvMf.rMfcVtW A LULU tf flume. '3 U j ' , r- r - .r- T-. ,r- , 1 e. , fi' I t :. Wl dU L THE HOUSE -IS 1 f f 9 if1- rTu r- CAN TELL BV ) V 7 1 51 I lihl-Sj THE PIPE. I KNOW PAGWOOD - f t I I II 1 fl ' 1 I I 'C t-w r- .-v. I I ; "I f , I II I ft 1 I A : K II , V .wut t Headquarters for WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT Skis and Ski Equipment ' C.C.M. Matched Ice Skote Otttf its t 1bspilrjLiTY '. i Campbell Badminton Racquets and ShuHlecocksj Sleighs IX SCI BY Fl US Bil l. Sf l BYFI RS . mm ...... Qood Food For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices ' Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN ITliSLS'ir 11 dDIR BIT.I. SCI'IIY FI R runs i bii.i. scritY fOCJ DILL SCUDY JELex (Cate 2nd Ave. Opp. Rupert Hotel 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders IX SCl'BY FI RS BILL SCI BY Fl'RS .. i - -- --Mi . . I JSHOES by (! Now Here! NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH You get the Good Things first from the Chrysler Corporation :;;! rill II 3! C EVERVBODV Tol I I f IfrAPPEO. BUT ONLY f, 1-4 I i" LI iH v.v.I? C guard every j ( sp,?i0,? !7d ' K - -- V ikmnmf I I : I I ( BLOJDlE WAS FOPGOTTEN ) I I t'fLSk 1 " f? I KrtOW JMSJl I can get out op ti-tE Ws -e?g Just exactly rA lr1 ( UPSTAIRS BATHROOM A rXfVTK) Jl II I "" " J, VWWAX Mli'S Xt?V-4l I winoow, with the aid Jk HUWJ I ...--v thiimk-inG X '" nT 1 . u' V IHE BlPDS IN r' w"f ( FOP TWE FEMALE. 'A- .' tug TREES IT 1 MINO TOTPV J V SC I -- --- - " High Compression Engines Hydraulic Brakes Floating Power - All Steel Bodies : Automatic Over Drive Transmission Fluid Drive And Many Other Firsts See your local Chrysler Plymouth Dealer RflPERT MOTORS LIMITED II JUST ARRIVED. ! First Time in ' Prince Rupert j I . "WW -ca i -joi ' - MANUFACTURERS' AGENT Wholesale Warehouse carrying a representative slock for prompt service to the trade ; GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. Tires, tubes, batteries, f hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGIIOUSE CO. Lamps only, fluorescent and Incandescent, 6 to 230 volts. : - GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA Radio batteries ,. flashlights, Ignition batteries. G. II. WOOD & CO. Industrial sanitation, paper towels, cups, deodorizers. . 1 ' ' ; " DUSTBANE CO. of B. C Dustbane, Sisal, Janitor supplies, hotel and restaurant supplies. IMPERIAL WIPING- RAG CO. and others PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Famous Brower Research Orthopedic Shoes and Boots B, C and E Widths - BR0VMV00DS Fhone (532 M, A - A