Prince Rupert Daily News ! us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings i and priests unto God and His What happened? He delayed until his armies vre destroyed In the Red Sea. We fool ourselves by pitting off the mast PRICES T: it ?Ch tire Saturday, March 18. 1950 crvices K, 'Father; unto Him be glorj and CAN'T BE ' important thing in this life and. sad but true, many rind thev put It off too long. t MKV-e r. DIRECTORY Many are in the same position as the rich young farmer ol SATURDAY SERMON dominion for ever. Ameri."Fo-, : lowing this John got a glimpse' : cf Heaven and saw the- most 'wonderful scene. A great torn- I'any of Saints were giving testimony of how they got there that is to Heaven. They sanj a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the Book, and whom the scripture speaks: His An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prin?4 Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia G. A HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRT. Managing Director Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES farm brought forth abundantly, so he said: ' I will pull down my barns, and build greater:- and GREATEST PRESENT DAY JHBACLK (Pastor C Faweett, Full Gospel Tabernaclei MEN'S DRF dress n;; Pant Speeuj I wiU say soul thou hast much goods laid up for many years; eat. drink and be merry." But y wrjr- Per Wek' 20c; Month, 75c; Per Year, 3 T By Mail. Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. MEN S TOPcojtJ all wool H MEN'S DRESS "-"I oJ with r.r... latest God said unto him, "thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee.' He missed his opportunity. Do you know that you have been born again? If not you can know by adherence to the plain teaching of the Scripture. " By Grace are ye saved, through faith: and that not of yourselves: it Is the gift of God." Accept Him today and experience the greatest present day miracle in your own heart and life. BOYS' L0NG .tV! Sei ihea In all r hurrtw at II a.m. and 7:3 aim.; tinda v Srtoool at 1:1S nttpt aa hevn. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th An. W. at Dunsmuir Si Hoiv Communion 8 30 am. SiiadaT SchCKu 2 OO p m. Canon Basi S Prockter. B A . B X. Rector: (Blue TTJ) FIRST BAPTIST 6th Ave. E it Young t MSuster: Bet. Fred Anirobua (Green S13) FnT PRFSBYTFRIiN' 4 th Avenue East first rxiTro 3 6th Are. West Rev. U G. S'.eoer (Green 613i I I IX GOSPEL TABERNACLE 201 6th Ave. West Pastor: C. Pamtt Service 11 a m and 7 30 pm. Sunday School 12 15. lOreen S31) SAvVATKl ARMY Freer 6f?et CO.: Cspt. "iV. Poulrcn tnr-ctorv C.w; 2:S0 pal oiirdav S-hool 3:00 o m. (Elsclr JS9i ST. Wi'S LCTHF ita Ave. at Mcnde ti Paster: E. Sdland (B.ack 610' ; r, 4 . , i 10 open the seals thereof: for Someone may ask what is the greatest present Thou wat slain and hast re. dav miracle. There is. but one answer and that is deemed us unto God by Thy to "be bom again or, in other words, being ready tocj Heaven The new birth is the most essential thing and hast made us unto our Goo in this life Without it man is lost. Jesus made it very kins3 and Priests: h , -v 16iSn on tne earth. And the clear when He said: "Except a man he ! born again he number of them was ten thous- cannot see the kingdom of - " and times ten thousand, and God." Nieodemus asked: -How Philip went down to the city or thousands of thousands." Re7. can a man be born again when Samaria and preached Christ 5:9-11 j he is old?" To which Jesus ans-1 unto the people A great revival To the unsaved God s word wered: "That which Ls born of followed and there was great declares: "Now is the accepted the flesh U flesh (our natural joy in that city. , time; behold now ls the days of birth; and that which ts born John, the beloved, who was a salvation." That means now. of the Spirit Is spirit (our new great shining light for God and "Today if ye will hear His voice birtht. Marvel not that I say righteousness, gave a marvelous harden not your hearts." Yes, unto yon y irnrt b born testimony of w!-at the Lo'd h-a.-". God says "Today.'' Patn ayi aaln." ' don for him. He said: "Urti'-t "Tomorrow." Pharaoh hardened How may w? h born agaip? Hi-n t'vat Icvd r, sr.d -3"n1 his h.'art and .aid iorrorrow The sns--r l vry simnl". Fir. . ' BOYS' WlXDBRt less than hiifp' CHatREs-Som The Warehouse Deal ANNOUNCEMENT was made, with great head- j Tines in the Daily News December 23 last, that j the Fig- warehouse on the local waterfront which was built by the United States Army during the war'.'-had been -'purchased with the understanding that at least one third of it would be preserved and put to useful purpose. Thursday, it was, to say the least -of it, omethmg of a shock to hear suddenly i that the hviTdine had now been purchased for ; d?ir.oi?nV.n. th announcement heMn-j soon confirmed t1 in.ivhaser. So:n Madsen, Edmonton con- ' traeror, v.-r;o TriiT start the work of tearing down o?i : Monday next. , Apparently, something intervened between Dec- ember 23 and this time to culminate in the surprise announcement of what appears to be a final and deffrrte disposition. oVever, as Mr. Madsen says, he is in no hurry about completing the demolition and the "door is still open" for any reasonable negotiations whereby i it -5 r r S I 3 'B'ii'vo nn Tn Lord Jsnt Chrii uij thou shalt bo xsv.-t " Ars ;6:i:. We read in Jolv 1:12 -But as many as receive Him to them gave He the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name " Paul adds In Romans 10:9:10 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouih the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man Movinr. p,k,. Shfppinj aitf c ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Core Archdeacon E. Kodson sinoa School 110 a m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p m. B!n 07' Rf.ILR BPT!ST 629 fitil Ave 1- Green 80S Pastor. Leonard A. Thorpe Services 11 am. and 730 p m Sunday School 12 15 ' Z Complete Re'iaK- lent Service, tjo J Canadian Liquid A. for Oxygen. Awtjv welding suppUet IT V Lindsay i Cir! unto righteousness and Ibelieveth , with the mouth confession is made unto salvation," This is 1 definitely more than a mental 1 ' I consent. Many say I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore much of the building could still be put to use. In fact, he does not see himself why something could not be doneajong these lines. Nevertheless, his deal is for demolition "and it is with him now that business will . . r - V a r Storage Liri 71o of all fires are in residential properties! Dwelling Fire Insurance is inexpensive AP.E YOU INSURED TO PRESENT-DAY VALUES ? Prince Rupert Reolry.Co. P. H. MNZEY Green 667 i I - ff B Cor. 2nd and Pn Est- 1910 rW have to be done if it is to be saved from such a fate. ! f tt hether we like the deal or not and, notwithstand- .'A.' JOHN h! . 1 fcu-jjc leti mai we snouia nave tJif'., (,u :j, warning of what was going to happen, i-JwJ; . 7 -e?5 the matter has now reached a realistic point where ' imZr,Jm$ld$Jt I am saved." But they have no experience of regeneration. To such James says: "Ye Jo well: the devils also believe and tremble." To believe on the' Lcrd Jesus Christ, as the Scripture says, brings- about a definite chanze in one's heart and life. Tlieir character, motives and outlook on life Is changed. Therefore, if any man be uv Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new. It it seems something will have to be produced by the j First Presbyteriai: Church C juunitv itielf if the great StnirtnrP fnr whiVh i Director of Music: Mrs. E. t arjl.-. I i Smith BULG OPTOMrs 1 hird At- e envisioned great possibilities ever since v. ar'js end. T" to be saved. CHANDLER'S VCWTRA1T STUDIO Film Finislilnn K.nlj'Riiii FU.h Plmttt taken at Horn-Phone Green 38S 216 4th TKINCt KLPEHT Ri SUNDAY, MARCH 19. 1950 Morning Worship 11 a m. Sermon Subject: Not Guilty" brings out of darkness In to the Sunday School 12:15 marvelous lighi. w hich only the Evening Worship 7:30 p m. -Uht of the world can ive-Ar.them: "Jest. "1 thir.f " S marvelous Is the fact of thS B.rth that there is joy in 1 - Sermon Sublet: "The Saviour . . .- who Knocks" Heaven. 1 Dnto -vou. t'- Xm flZ'' EYESORES i A .ROUND the Daily News office and elsewhere ' . j'n the city there is new building going on i f hich .will enhance the appearance of Prince Ru-riirtiT3-forer"riew building is in prospect, some of it of likewise joy shall be In Heaven David Murphy win be the MANUFACTURERS' AGENT Wholesale Ware'iousr carrying a re presentalive prompt service to the trade speaker at both services over one sinner that repenteth more than over ninety and nine; just persons which need no repentance." It also causes joy on ' the earth for we read that SAMSON Fourth in the series of Old Testament pictorial studies by Guy Rowe. illustrator of Houston Harte's new book "In Our Image." The story of Samson and Delilah is one of the best known el Biblical episodes. GOODYEAR TIRE Si RUBBER CO. Tires, tube H rfalr-pretentious scale such as the new schools and j istatto the projected hotel. Ketchikan KTKN Dial 930 L hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO. Umps or!y. fi and Incandescent, 8 to 230 volts. ! At the same time, there remain many dilapidated eagres, the revolting appearance of which becomes , GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA - Ratfo HOLLYWOOD cafe ST. ANDREWS. CATHEDRAL MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY flashlights, ignition batteries. O H WOOD & CO. Industrial sanitation, pap" '' deodorizers. DUSTBANE CO. of B C Dustbane. RisaJ. Isr.i'. hotel and restaurant supplies. IMPERIAL WTf'INO R ft nth. rj OPEN FROM 1:30 P.M to J:30 A.M. e specialize In Chinese Dtshei even .the more obvious by the presence of the new construction from which they detract Some of these notorious structures which con-tinueJo mar the scene would appear to nave been 1'jrig due for action and citizens who are solicitous cf the appearance of the place and are imbued wiih a feeling of civic pride and wondering why something is not being done about them. SUNDAY. MARCH 19, 1950 ' Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. and after Evensong Sermons by the Rector on the Lambeth Report - .1 11a.m. Baptism & Confirmation ' ' , , 7:30 p.m. The Christian Home Marriage and Divorce CHOP SUEY-CHOW ME IN PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY h. llai SUNDAY 12:30 p.m. PO Bot 772 t'i K-ii1kI Avt- For OoMlde Orders PHONE 133 j Possibly, they have been there so long that a lot j rjr,T".-'t7.Trt0Zi;.' YT.Tr of people have got used to them, particularly the j i''''-' o ( Very day passerby. But to newcomers and visitors ttey must indeed be a repulsive sight. Serving You In Prince Rupert . . rmes VCHCI OF MOPHECY D STRANGE, BUT TRUE! ruo SERVICE BY LICENSED PLUMBERS the Pioneer DmjS' PRESCRIPTION SE As a "career" Life underwriter Ed Mussellam of trio Great-West Life offers u complete service rtirough which you ran provide for retirement, family protection, accident and health etc. He Is backed by a Company with a proud record of 58 years service, in which 425.000 policyholders now own more than one and a half Billion Dollars of insurance and annuities Daily Delivery Service YESTERDAY was one of those queer days in the t news. Right here in Prince Rupert we re-ljrted a "flying saucer," vouched for by one of our njost responsible citizens. It was our story of the (liy and, in view of its authenticity, could hardly be djsmissed as 'just another of those things.' j Then there was the sad but true story of the sudden and unexpected deal whereby the great Uixjfd States-built warehouse on the waterfront hacLbeen disposed of for demolition. Equally interesting and also having something of the incredible about it was the story of the Ger- Phone 81 Ed Mussellam ' , d Mussellam, your Great-West Life representative, is a member of the 1950 President's Club for the second consecutive year. .He is a full time Representative of the Company. General Delivery Prince Rupert . Great-West Life ASSURANCE COMPANY miao Ofr.ct - wiametc When you call you may be sure of expert repairs by top-notch men. Try us! PHONE 108 Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating BUD SCHUMAN (Old Post Office Bitig.l, POPULAR PENS by Your future is our business Today r.Kiny girl's experiences in the Russian concentra- ' lii'M camp. Yes, it was an interesting day in the n(vs in Prince Rupert and the tinge of unbelieve- a'e. despite the earmarks of authenticity, added trj the interest, t ALUMINUM WARE i Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Good i turred to the city on the Chil-ccici yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where r. Good has ! beeji receiving treatment at Satin-Glo PRODUCTS Kitchen Utensils You'll Find Every Item For Your Kitchen -- ot - WATERMANS Mf EVERSHARP SHEAFrti RUPERT MOTORS -LIMITED Used Cars and Trucks '$435 Down buys 1947 1 V2 Ton G.M.C. " $445 Down buys 1 948 Vi Ton Chev Panel with station wagon seating SPECIAL 1939 1 -ton Internafionol $300 total price " for Shughnessy Military Hospitat. ; Complete Stock of All Pens from $1-75 Mr Got continued to j Jhrough Was Weodworfcf roor Port Clements, ana Furniture Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. School Inspector Joseph Chell RaiieoHaht nietit'on the Chilcrrfin foria trip to' Queen Charlotte Island points on official duties.