Frlnea Rupert DoITy Revs BCNDA7 8:30 Recital Saturday, March 18. 1950 I IT mm AJ Cnc,,... tr. v Bowling Scores ' Set Hiah Mark ' Tliis ek saw the first games ! of the last half or the Men's Five Pin Bowling League get under- L , way. Bowling was above average ; in nearly all cases with many ' BOXING - :00 BBC News and i Commentary j 8:15 Memo from Laie Succe.s: ' 9:30 Harmony Harbour J 9:59 Time Signal i 10:00 BC. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 1 10:30 Way or the Spirit 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Report j 11:30 Religious Period i j ! 12:00 N Y. Philharmonic Orch. 1 :30 Church o the Air REAL Portland Flash Winner of One-Sided jMain Event; Lively Preliminaries Norm Applin, 168-pound middleweight, walked 'into General Hosnitai thi morning for an x-ray of 2.00 salvation Army proeramihi. left ankle, after being injured in the third round liSnJCi. iof a K-hluleUighth round main env at the Civic 3:t-cBCNews Centre. Matched ' against 153 -pound Negro flash, Canadlan Legion 3, Cndejir- ables I Prttrmt Errtt S.-Mshts-1 Standings "A" Lracne . Grand Cafe : Brownwoods Home Oil Manson's J C's No. 2 Crescents . . i Blain's .J J. C's No. 1 Stones Triple C's . D. It 8 Scotians .... '- Lracue C. P. A , Commercials Oddfellows Cold Storage Can. Legion Philpott Evitt .' ' New & Better Service 11 Q Q w NIGHT & DAY 123 UNITED CABS 1IJ Stand: Cow Bay Paul Kennedy from Portland, Apphn wm knocked ' ' - x,. Li Mi down by his opponent. Shortly before AppKn wai 'tounted out by referee Bcnnr Windle. Kenr.rdy had knocked the former Montreal mkl.lle-Tight out ot the rins with a te-Tifi- left panch. Ihen he pU-jrd around with Arplin for a while before movirrs: in for the kill. The first round was e.isy. Both batt'.ers lelt each other oit althoneh A'p;;n did not spore many punches The Portland i.e. ; t was rviiin.iiY ;it -anin j5 If ifComoi i ' "--r.j ,i 3rd Af ; for his opjon?:t to tire out. Ncsr dazed Johnson and would have 0 speeding measures for city the end of the first round. Ken- probably knocked him out. V btautiflcation 40 as to bring en-nedy fouled ai.d ha tily apolo-1 the bell had 1:0; gone, ennin? j,anc raiher than unfavorable fiined. The crutid evidcntlv Ukeri the out. Jvhrson pounded Mot- nubiw-ttv the Prir Runert Ph- bloody gaah. Tne two battlers put i.jj sond fi'ht but Sinclair had a slight edge over his Shorter opponent airi took the decision.' In the welterweight divtaor, Richard Morgan, 150 pound r.a-,tire from KUwanga, was matched against Prince Rupert's 141 'ptmd Harry Johnson fr fnr! two minute rounds. Morgan. h f iashitr ih r, took the dtcis "... ...... . , jan's nose ntU it spurted Wood , Kfnvhe this it Mnrw.m fWhtln i m 0-.. -.3 r, mud In the cond round Ik P"s"ea me f.ince Kupen ai-, ii&T ftround K1 Tih and j !pfts 10 th 'a-The third round) as livener the Iourih an(? , Jast- Wst- 11 WM deflnite.yj m"' "S-1- . Th nr4t Ulre preliminaries ; M draws, althouch it n.ight have looked different tc jSOtne 01 the audience. Starting EBY-&50NS "CONTRACTORS REP AIRS' REMODELLING " FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.HJk, Ph-.? Green 3 Box 5M SINGER Wr rrjiirjall roakr SewiiW Msohi nn WORK GUARANTEED ' For Free Estimates Phlne 864 . Singer Sewing Centre Painting & Decorating WALLPAPER HANGING ; . Caii SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 215 233 11th St CHIROPRACTOR Jba.E. L. .Hughes. DC, rta.C. iwni Block "tMMie'BtrC 412 for Appointment -orH 10 30 a mt to it JO p m. and to 6 m. WwiitsJ tr.S Prittii. 7 30 p ra foe itifr unable to fomf during the dT RFXITW.IST in atwnd Busipess and SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual- Analysis OFFICE HpURS 9 a m. to 5t m. 21 & 24 Besner Block Telephone 212 Everikiga by Appointment scores over 300 and 700. High j men's scorer was Len Darner of 1 Oddellows with 352 and 7M Team results were: Grand Cafe 4. Scotians 0 Brownwoods 4, D. ti S. 0 Home Oil 4, Triple C's 0 Manson's 3, Stones 1 ! Jaycees No. 2, J, Jaycees No. 1 I Crescents 2. Blain's t C P A. 4. W. I. Stares Commercials 4, Ruperi Motors - 0kUel!ows 4, Tom Sheet Metal 0 Cold Storage 4, Ambassadors ! Pushing For Parks Board ! wi'Jl th lit!.(-II idea In Mr. -e RelaUons Council, at its . . v. . .. .1 . . : j . j .. 1 Ii4r jiiuu .luy ii'eciiiig, urcuii-u tp.qaire from the city council as t0 .at progress was being mndc in lhe organl-Jtion of a Park? ' Board, the Idea of which has! been approved. ' i rhe meeting decided to obtain further supplies of the recent in ternational edition of the Prince Rupert Daily News and Ketchi- kan Chronicle for distribution in advantageous quarters. Last about Prince Rpuert and rep'ies t Uiereto. President Ed Mussellam presided over the meetlns. ,mjX - up. the boys kept the audi enoe in stitches. For the firs; four events, referee -was Or.v-ge Howe. Benny Windle took the job forthe final two bouts. Announct-r. was Art Murray nile timekeepers w ere B Cameron and BUl' Lambic. Judges were Jack Jud?e. Georce Howe and Bnny Wind!e. FOR HEALTH'S U Try a Sieambath at Northern Sports & Health SltAMBATIIS SHOITi MASSAGE Open From 12 Noon tolas. 7 days weekly (o. rtiONE this type of fiyxjetmanship I? i r li r H tH rjwM wo . - " - ' In the second round. Kennedy . scored terrific wallops to the nMdriff and chin of Applin.i 'slightly fazing the more cld-rlv fighter. Applin was noticenb'.v tiring. The younger and Hashier Kennedy had the fight In the ns; all the Winie. It was just a- matter of time. Even if Applin had not suta:.ied the injury, the Reeling around ringside was tha'. ' he would not have lasu-d p;s 1he fourth rou. d. The full hou-e did not consider the main event as any en'.er-talnment. -Next time I'll watch j the- preliminaries and leave d r-lins the ma n event", said one lingsider. "Tlie kids were better", said anither. Preliminaries In the Semi - windup Sammy Sinclair, 1G3 pound middle-weiKht. twjk :he decision ovr the evening, welterweights Billy month nearly 200 were specially Morrison, Pn nee Rupert and circulated by the Council r.nt! Bobby Stevens ot ICivpioux were some very r.mplimentary re evenly matched. They bo th plies were received, weighed in at 147 pounds. Next Secretary H. F. Glassey re-came, Chub Stacey, 130 pounds ported numerous , Inquiries from of Prince Rupert and Freddie abroad seeking informanori 99 iormer Edmon:or.ian Mike Rid- ny fM. Charies P..oe zak. 158 pounds. The event was ot luc Rupttt and BiU Black-four two minute rounds. The 'ater- 140 Ps native of Kis-Umo middle. hts came out f t T-x. Manjr r the audience :in the first round and exchanged ihoueht tlie fiU was rapid powerful punches. adm Ur' b(U 5a t ruled 'a draw 1 a lit'Je more clor and life !m ' Bti, isht-rs- were ood. I the pre.-edin? prefimin.-uics of-: - ! rre : fired. In the final round. Had- j Prkr to tn main evenl-zak connected with Sinclai-j 'unk Cbas-ber of Cunmerce , near the eye. K-aviriR the Prince i nat.-h4 Iwo of its' members as -Ruoert i!mfr with a Mr. ,md. Mrs. t1nxleroo'er ' A'f CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle Subject to Change) l SATli RDA Y PAL 4:30 Sports College 4:45 Music for Modems 5:00 Music from the Film 5:30 Prairie Schooner 6:00 CBC News 6:05 National 'Hockey League 7:30 Organ Music 7:45 Armdale Chorus :00 Wnatrha Know, Joe 8:30 Current and Choice S:00 Byng Whitteker Show 1:30 -A sons in the Air to oo-cbc News i ( 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Musical Program 10:30 Dal Richards Oreh Il:08Wrther and Sign Off ; j t (TYTTvrrrfi I j j : i J mm j ; ! This advertisement is not; I published or displayed; hy the Liquor Control; Board or hy the government of British Colum-, bia. ' Professiona Bytown Machine Works Sales Service and Parts Simplex Gas Engines i h p. 185 h p. Cummins Dependable Diesel 65 h p. 550 h p. Inquire about our long term Warranty and Service FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUSl 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box ft'tt 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 ! t e- b g F 3:17 How About the Weather 3:27 Weather Report 3:30 Winnipeg Symphony Or ; chestm 4:30 My Uncle Louis s.:0 National Sunday E.-n- ing Hour 5:45 The Old 8ort?rs :0O Sta?e 7:00 CBC News 7:lu Week-end Review T:29 Special Speaker 7.30 Bach Bi-Ontenary Series 8.00 Starume 9:00 CBC Vancouver String Orch. 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News . 10:15 West Coast. 1850 10:30 Prelude to Midnight ll:00-Weather and Sign O.'! ' MONDAY -AJ.. 7:00 Musical Ckx'k 8:00 CBC Sews 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for M'Xlems 8:45 UtUe Concert 9:00 BBC News St Comty. 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morrnng concert 9:50 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Carson R6bLson and His . "Buckaroos" 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 ' Rita Martin's Musical Kitchen" 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Round-up Time 11:30 Weather Rport tl:31 Message PerioU 11:33 Recorded Interlmle f 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies P. "2:00 Mid-Oav r.ieiodles 12:15 CBC Ntws " 12:25 Program Resume ' 12:30 BC. Farm. Broadcast 2 : 55 Recorded 1 nterl nde 1 :00 Afternoon Concert, 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells a Brory 1:45 Commentary Cooking School, - v . -2:00 B. C. School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Singlhn .Strings. . 3:00 The Masic Box . 3:15 Don Messer and His Islanders -" ". - . 3:30 Intrnallonal Com. 3:40 Divertimento , MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS 7.95 FAMILY; SHOE STORE LTD. ' - ' Charlie Roberts , ' ktox 838 Phone 337 j VANCOnXh VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday, 9 p.m., Chllcotin Tuesday. 1:30 p m., CoqWtlam MCE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS w. Chllcotin Mrch 17 and Jl 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH Ql'EEN CHAJUX)TTE ISLANDS . ss. Chilcotin March 24. 10 p.m. and 24. 10 p.m. FRANK I. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent"" Third Avenue- Phone 588 Wale, 132 potinds. from Hasel-lon. This light weight bout offered not too much spectacular boxing -lihoa ih the boys were same. t A! U lhe Uifhtweurht clx Worthin-rton and Harold H-l i , I errop who had a'wavs been ji'miin!' throitfhont their tnar-, ria"c. Ttiey f'nully derided to reule Mi mn'ler piv?e and for , tdl In tW! rine. With rer. ree B"i-ry Windle in tte miki:e of th ; ffospiTAurr Qood Food 'For Tosry Meols . .."--'''' At Reasonable Prierr Chinese IMsh- wiaHy I CHOP SUEY 1 ' CHOW MCIN IRexCate ' 2nd Ave. Opp. Rupert Hotel 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders m 1 1 m .- t ! -w-fATU KMT I I.-'.? A 'fV,. t I Vi-f . 11 i M - e DR. P. J.CHENEY I ' f tA. MARGARET McLEOD i f DENTIST SiTTE 5, .SMITH BLOCK OPTOMETRIST j Phone 705 . - P. O. Box 140! Rom 10 - : ' :-' STONE BUIDINO j . . QUALITY REPAIRS i for Downtrodden Heelt . PHONB , nd Worn Soles BLUE 593 . MAC P.O. BOX 1184 SHOE' HOSPITAL Box 774 ; Second Ave. ' ' ' FOR SALE HANDYMAN First Cldsf Garden Dirt HOME SERVICE i 2 SO ord GENERAL CONTRACTORS , Rork & Dirt Fillings $2 yard anj Budl R ,r ot u KAIEN TRANSFER kinds i ' ' Phone Blue 981 (84 ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS GEORGE RORIE 8. CO. 1 Public, Accountants and Audi- mark 334 Red 894 tors. Income Tax Returns P. O. Box 1670 ffompiled . O. L. RORIE, AAE. ' 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. " Burner Block Phone 3CT B & W TRANSFER . . . 1 pry Kindling Wood A P. GAR D NCR & CO. rlS Fir Chartered Acrmintants PHONE RED 182 a l, beix. c a , -ZZZZZZIZIZZZZZZZ. Prince Rupert Hotel Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Terrace March 10-April 1st Third Ave. West 'Prince Runrt Realty Co Prince Ktipr-rt Phones: Green 6C7-Days April 1st - April 15th New Restcience Phone Number Red 94 li mrtir n Type Ale g hand-in-fcand-! friTfl X 1 HAPPINESS FOR SALE . The hnpp'if (lmt route from tll-..rrtril lu, wntt wue wad liil.lnn pfnul.,! fur, bj !li- To-iHi t U etiviiiial n iiiei tiM-nl f.n inriifne tiiftn n ut lur the i ivni. hi rf y,mi i ivir..', inn In- jmirs l hr i uiii I. hp a-nir:ini-e. j i im' m vtMI a d,rf i h;i(itie luUy. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA JOHN T. FOWI.E 142 5lh Ave. East, Residence Phone Black 549 Oifire: 11 MARCH VORTRX IRON IMumbini? SMITH rnoNE 174 At home innny7conipnny. . .1 . Hospitality and Burton perfect companions Burton Tvoe for thoe mtormal evening nome Ale is refreshment it h finest with J mellow-brewed flavour and -tHfymg taste. Iru beverage of moderation the perfect expreMion f fenume hoipiutity that it m Mwck a part f or Cwttiiw Kfe Imrton Typt Alt u mt foi , if ttetjrttrr, ihrn twj imported s!e.mOnly f2.47 ttttt, huluJmt t AND OIL HKATilUS OIL BURN KKS FIRRMAN STOKERS & fleatinp: Alterations & ELKItiS LTD. mmmmssmmmm REXAIR BOX 874 3-ia-l Mechan ical Housemaid 9 IT IM'KTS IT MOTUPROOFS f IT ATOMIZES it snxMriMis RFc.s . rr sweeps NOW III KK IT Pl'RIFIES IT CLEANS IT DEODORIZES IT Hl'MiniFIES . IT SCRt'RS DURTON ALE OF B RE WE R ! E S 4 NEW WESTMINSTER DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTI8T Suite 7, Smith Block phone 525 P.O. Box J31 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permnit 'Waving Beauty Culture In all lot tratKhM 204 4th Street Phone 55 iuri COAST VANCOUVER VACl'UM CLEANER -; Phone Today for Free Demonstration !4hE. C. A. Gustafdon I. Black e This aJvtrttwmtnt. It rot oubhiMd "l , "