i Airfield Speaker Princ Ruptrt Doily News Saturday, March 18, 1950 .. - James N.' Kelly, tfho has b en in Vancouver receiving treatment at Shaughnessy Military fcr- I ;At Women's Club Hospital, returned to the city on (he Chllcotin : yesterday after $48 PRESENTED TO VICTIMS appcarancf long W low cost noon. " Oioige Hills, manager of Kaien w. Columbia a-a9 , Co-operative, sailed aboard the 'an interesting discourse when Spring ASPHALT SHINGLES fire victims of the Moose Hall lire were presented with $68 each at a meeting of the Moose Lodge In their new quarters In the former roller rink Tuesuay night. .The money, presented to Les- Announcements ", United Church Home Cooking Sale at nwrnpsm Hardware, March 18, 11 to 4. ' Prince Rupert Thursday night to "(Indian Superintendent F. E. An-atlcnd a Co-operative convention iIloId addr,ssed the Women's Can-in Vancouver iadlan Club at a meetixg Wednesday night in the Civic Centre Meeting of- Int. Union of ' Mrs. O. R. 8. Blackaoy pr.j,idcd Operating Engineers Local 115, 'ver an attentive group of about SPORTSWEAR . Sh idcs: red, green, green Wend ' '' hi.nd delivered per square $10.75 " per square $19.00 &nd tarVa Jnn T nrttr 1 rf tirniun Prince' ftupert Music 1 Cash for old gold. Bulger's. ! R- D. Cleland sailed last niyht on the Chllcotin lor a trip to Port Clements on Teachers' Fed- cratlon business. j I Meeting of Music and Drama i Festival Committee Civic Cen-i tre, Monday, March 20, at 8 ! P m- " (C6) I Alter a -visit with friends at ; Ketchikan, Mrs. W. T. Terry returned to the city aboard the : Prince Rupert Thursday night. Draana Festival, March 22, 23 VAM wiiriphrand ar,H nun. Home' ' ' uiacu a i. it ui-iii-ui Lutherar. ' Tea and dance in the Civic Centre last month. Refreshments we're Cooking, March 25. .' ... " Varden sinking concert,' Wed. anu bLV" yv- Shad'-1'- T & McCAFFERY LTD, PHONE 116 Carpenters' Hall, Sunday, March sixty. ladies. Mrs. Tiuunas Boiil- 19 at 2.30 p.m. Members are U,e pPf d a Tolc anfc, to . i , Mr. Anfield. urged to attend as the new i -.., . Fr an hour Anll"ld "death benefit scheme" will be V", discussed (65) dl'scussed t,ie -"P & v.liic.x 'ludlan affiLT are' administered. I March 29, S 15 p.m. . served following a regular business meeting. In the chair was Card Tournament, Catholic Governor e J. Hr.iiist.nn D. C. Stevenson, administrator Mr. AnficldM enthusiasm was ! HalL Thursday,- March 30. - Attention All Sons of Nor- of the Prince Rupert v . v General wviivimi transmitted to . his .., limners ,,4.1414 as he 1 a Prince t mvc nujri. ftunert b oy Kvmnhonv Uijljuujr Oreh VIVW Sport Jackets in tweeds and polo cloth materials . Priced from $25.00 to $38.50 u;qv miimUi.ii 1 r, i , , , I t Hospital, and C. A. Berner, vice- told of the various averts of the fstra Concert, Friday, March 31,! on't Suffer N.eeflBssly From Tha p.m.. mre.UnT1nm aGttCn.d eClal Prcsident of, the local hospital i Indian's life from birth to death. ! Kd ' X? Ibuard' wlH attend a re8iwal con- I ExPlainlne. that , (he Skccna W White Eleni;ani sale. Tea. and'. HP, ference of the British Columbia R'vcr Agency was the larecst In (Home Cwklne t 2 p.m. April 1.1 torturing rami Of Arm iritis KIEU.'.WnJM Dr, Duncan Black, director 0flHosI)ltal Association to be held Canada in point of numben, Mr. jConra4 St Sdhool. . ;. ' j the Prince Rupert Health Unit !ln Prince George April 21. Mr. Anfield told of liw adminislra- , Hear and see artist-evaneelist on, in advance. Please refrain frin'sna miss rreaa Hilton. P.H.N.. 'oievenson wu also attend an ex- . "u "wnry uj cover mcaicsa, . tist uw" r '.ITo-. "if.? Church. March 24 - April 2 fry DOLC1N . . . now avilHI In thre C"nvnint Th coat id reasonable . . . the r etui t is prompt rliff from the pais of Artbrilii. Rheumatism and Nfmritifc .lieds 2c P" word Per Insertion, ralnimuin sailed last night on the Chilcotin ecutive session of the British statistical and Industrial needs W'S sue, Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, i0 makc a trip Masset 011 offl. 'Columbia Hospital Association in !of the native people. He dcscrlben , . and Kneaeement AnnouncemenU: $2.! , , . ... . v , , s n, villas n.- .. lhie aic o uiipiaNiiit aitcf-0-ei, twt C1AL DlSILA.w ' ' . , j granted leave of absence for the Uves ound &om of them; re- kiM ..' - r-,X.r . ; ".ir-wu-.-., ,iaung numorous ' incidents con Mission Band Explorers' program . tea, Presbvterian " - Hall. April . ; . Canadian U?gion Easter Sale . 4 " . ApriJ 5th. - ; . robs Daughters Tea and &ale Of homecooeui, April B, at the borne pf Mra. A. Mitchell, Fourth Are., West. ' -.- :'... - rKJl'TlN it RMfr, non-toxic ... dofla not harm th hrt or any oth;r orgdn. Your drurtiftt Hxa DOI.CIN. Oct a bottle today and IH VOLCIS help jou tomr out f rort ndr the: phadow of pain! irar oi imiutiona Imk for the 1LCIN term ard vhit parkaf! 100 UUu for t'.'.9 200 UWoU for IX9 available ii hnttl o( 60 U IJ eta. Ualcin Limits Xorontt I A, Ontario i nectcd with the statistical end of , tst Set of unner Denture. it meniorv oi bf-ween Third Ave. and Sixth Ida I'aiimii- Si. Sundav. Reward $5.00 Pleaso return to Dailv News the work. ; , - . P"ot DKPAHTMWrOF AOniCDLTTO. Prairie Farm Rehabilitation ornce. 1 the enfranchisement of an entire (05) prices ana specitications on i 1950 Refrigeration Display Ca.ses Food and Beverage Coolers and Ice Cream Cabinets. (05) I Frlnce Rupert General Hospl- tal board ot directors has re-! village Metlakatla the first VKRMia t TENDERS Queen - Mary - I.O.D.E. Tea, group enfranchisement of its kind I Scaled Tenders will be received In Canada, and ennelndrrl vllh " '" PERSONAL UNWANTED HAiiw- -rcrmiippnt-lv eradicated ,1lh Haca-Ptla the most remarkable discovery of the age. Kaca-Pek) Is Gobardina Slacks . , : . . Blues, -G r e y s,.-Greens, Browns, Fawn and maroon Priced from $12.25 to $20.00 Green River casual shirts a fine wpoj ,, gabardine, in gr,e.y,.,. brown and fawn. Priced at $7.50 D u n I e i g h Sport '.' Shirts in Maroon,.,;. Grey, Green and., Brown, full zipper $6.50 Button $6.95- Tartan Sport Shirts in . a fine rayon and wool,, material $650 .- crived a communication from the tbl "Vi 'C'L - niea t, wi, nu u ;l I ' ; Cathedral -fUte' Anril is 1 411 F'.iur tl.iul 1 m ru'Kiim lime, i nurwjay, niru ..w vu, w mw(,i- - : - o, 19&0. for the construction of th our to better uudrstand the In- The Best British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service commondlng ILs ac- St. Petcts Spring Sole April KuarantiTd to kill the roots r.rr K-r-m.-o. British Columbia. ' n 80 ihi he .Way assume lull 20. liL'i'LnrrelL.0.?!11 n investigating $10,000 of The following Bre the main items measure 01 CltUonship. ot work unci the approximate quantities of ach: -It is nece.sary.for the Indian ' sV aSS TT2f Lab. 079 Granville, Vancpu- j hospital Insurance funds In Brit- vur' B c I lfih Columbia bonds. . PLUMBING and HftaUnc -r i ' - Sheet Metal work. Phone 543 i'S ami iuu'-j-l,.xt to ... - i chevrolft; 4 tliou.salid, suare. ir""'1 Minnt'-s and u Slfulu ns. U5l nyrc Run. i n.ickuniiihd i, w I'lionc Medicine For , Your Rodio 1. Placint; Only. Wood Slave ripe, to help himself to tht stature,' iMsonfy.U' declared Mr. MHeld.'bat 2. Fitting m v.e can mijo. Temp)e. .. :-. ' v Prespytpriaa Sprint Sal? April 27.; ; ...v. , help him to help himself." piecca ' Orange. Sp'ilhs Sale 'and Tea, May J..''. '. -'-.k.; : or call 029. Sixth Ave West. II Letourntau and Sons. Ufi OIL BURNER SraciALlST;'-- Stove srvice and rpoalrs. O. D. Ron)li. Black 900. (051 Doctors, Postors,' ; IS A TRIP TO PfbPC RADIO ' V't&vii ''Church cithers' bay SaJe, May 4iri.- ' j IN THE Rt'l'HEMF fonitT OP ' IlIUTISH COLUM1HA j . . is intoiivrR I i IN THE MATTFP np TUB "ADM1N-r- ISTRATION ACT" . . aud IN THE MATTtllt OV T1IH ESTATE Of HAJktl'KU HKI1. DWr.ASKD Take nntice tbnt by orrlir of His 3. Placing Only. Gate Valva, 62 only. 4 Air rticase and Ulowoff valvesi, siiplld and placed. 21 only. 5. Steel Pipe, 3 gaupe. 2O0 ft. 6. Corr. Iron Culvert, 3fl Inch. IW ft. 7. Corr. Iron Culvert. 30 Inch, 100 It. 8 Cniicpctc. 70 cu. vtl - 9. TlinbiT. 30 M.K.B.M. 10 Rock Protection. 6.000 cu. yd. 11. Common Excavation. 2.500 cu. yd. 12 Pumpliouse 18' x 20', 1 only. Plant, specifications and tender Hospital lra r, , Constitutionalc r estrlctlotis which bar members of the medical and -ministerial ' professions iklLli O Yilkiif' iG5) boat Venus :nr M.iv bi; s !uuvanls I 1 08 1 Chiv. iliuiu) i.s in w .SI eel rack and ;Vf uiin. Will on fi'v pro-B"X 11)31 1'os- 6yr6'irj0nciyke kigh't. May' 5., ; t. Eastern' St'y'Tea May-lS." '" Sonja' Tea May 13. . , r : : SX3.N. Badminton Dance every i Saturday 'night. -' . ' t ' Wonor Jurtyfi W. O. Fulton, local ; , v.ui mv. - .Call Blue 092 . , ,'h 90 Day Ouarantce , For Satisfactory Service Judue of the Supreme Court of lrm lor blciauiR may oe ootainea jroni ClCCUOp 85 memDers 01 111C prttlsh Columbia; I wu on tin- 3rd Horn tne uiuiersiunea at ms oiuce , ,... i board Of-directors Of the Prince day of March. AD 11150. appoinU-d l Hein. (Saskatchewan, or from Ailmlnlstrtr.r'ith (be will annexed P F B A. Office. Victoria Ave.. Km- n.nlr.i iw'ni'tai , nrrai'! 711 end Ave. W. Blue 992 CUT DOWN YOUR COST OP Llvlnir. Bv raLsinir rabbit meat In vour own back vard For information and prices of brcedinir stock, write Orand-vifw Rabbilrv. 4140 Douslus Road. New Westminster. B.C. . H FOR RFJST FOR RENT Good" slcciiin? niiini for workimr clrl. 000 Tlioinuson St (Oal I-'OR RKNT - Board and nin or room. Phone Bluck 000. t! FOR RENT Suite of "five of-licos. MoiU'm in every res-iwct. AvalUiblc March 1. Plume 57. O. P. Tinker and Co. Ltd. (tf) of the estate of Hamuel Bell. Into loops, u c. ut)on tne ai-posit oi --- of Stewart.. rtrlUsh Columbia, who Twenty Dollars (20 001 cash or a came Up for ' Critical Considers- j tiled ou the 3!Jtl) U"y of tk-romhrr. certified cheque for the amount 1 .. I1 at . Uie .. mwiwy monthW: mrcunt meetlnis' Ol Of to the IK-celver Gneral of at Prince Kujcrt, 111 ULh payable Coliimbiu Canada, which deposit will be re- (he hospital'- borird Thursday t ah per.s..nS indebted to tnr mhi f, ?.ZunTot tilght" The 'inaltcr .had been ol tbVlr imjepsednesa to me forth- order within on month after tenders previously raised at the ahnilal with and all nerxms huvlni; claims l.uve closed Classified ads to.'lng results. tender Is not - PRINCE RUPfRT ..- MUSIC and DRAMA ; . FESTIVAL - calnst the tsald Estate are required The lowest or any to file them with nie proMTly wri- iiccessarily accepted. fied bo or before the Kith tiny ot , April. .1050. lalllne. which dlM.ribu-1 tlon will t made having reHril only I By uroer. nn. l. a. Thomson, Director. PFItA. 810 McCullum-Hiil Dtuld- tng ltcKlna. Husk. 1051 liieetlng of the Association when Dr. L. M. Greene, and , T.-W, Bl own sought to ftod good reason for (fjvj.cl. rest rlclpnts. At the present time, a membrr of the; Medical Association has a Scat on the board t"y appointriicnt of the Association.' Inftirniation.' vyUi ..yc. sought from the British Columbia trull DITMT 'Rin..ln .ileenhn ' ""' riiraa oi wmcn i enii J- For Friendly Service And Advice in Your Uell lifjtlied. 08) V crrain en-,'.; ml r.iii'ii' u;.i.k :). i Gal vUnUff 7 li p. c u in u li t e . ;. (05l ctiimilftp new I llir laU'.sts v inns, brace-' laces rU bl'i Jewel-T'll'niiUi Sit Li-st .slvl-Ji'Acllers I72i iv n-ita. Un-n and chests, el'i'inc intiis rlnc licater. I'iicr 'articles, xt the U C. tf Cihv. roune. IlI'MII HM lilllt U JIIH.II. iu Dated ,,,, at , Prince ,,,.. Itmx-rt. ... iw- I5.C. II, jl town. 221 ruth Ave. Building, Insulation and WANTM) IN THK. W.'1'HEMF. (WW OP IJKITIWII COLUMUIA Crd IhiV itf Mmt'h, I . , OOItDON 1-itAtilJlt POItHKS, I Prune Unpen, lit;. , AdmliilatraUr with the will tin-j ueJked of the Estate of Samuel'. Decoration Problems " WANTKD TO f?KNT. 4 - room Hospital Association "and., other Bell, tlccca-scd. , IN I'ltOILMK 0M ' fiimJiru auaruncnt or iur-: nlied houso bv a .suurrin-! tendent. his wife and 2 year old son. Box 679 pallv News. 67, ' '(hospitals Bs-to their practice in AdmiuiNlra? ,matte-P'ancj , )he undf-. '. "t Conlmencing Wednesday, March 22, 1 :30 p.m. , ,;SV ' ' ' Concluding Friday Tiieht.'March 25 - - ' . ' Afternoons. in Capitol Theatre- "'" " ' " i " , Evenings and mornlrigs,'CjYic Centre";" . -'., -v.. : i -., AdmlsslonT-Morninss and Afternoons, 25c and 10c ,.'.; '..'v.i - i. ' j- ' ' EvrningsSOeyand 23c : ',( No Season Tickets) t In the mutter of . the - - - - I J tion Act' and r - ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders Supplies ' : in the niBtter of tiic istiitc of Rcpi- . lying reasons for .'same. : OP nalrl Herbert Johnson. Deceased. . IN THK MtTPMKMF COUUT IintTISH t'OI.UMUIA' IlKl.l WANTED FKMAI.E HELP WANTED Cuiiublc rook for . lunch . Kns Mcltridc St. Blue mo . j lllT.I'fii:il.e. f Take notice Unit by order of Hjs Honor Jud',-e W. O. Pulton, local Juduo of the Supreme Court of I.N rHOUATK foiuitcr: also waitress, rnonci JJlack 883. v 1 07 1 ' n Ue Matter of the "Artininlhlratlon ! Kntinh Columbia. I was on the 8U) Art" and ' ' liiy of Murc-h, A.D.. IPSO, aumtel f WANTE-1 Siih.rllal.rihiHirx . li I In i)ii mattjr of the Kstatp of An- .viiuinl.strutor of the etau . oi drew llajiveji. ilreened. intesliiU'. Hiiiiniiltl HiTlH'i't Jolinsou. late u ifiirostnt a. n itionai nrm in Take tint ten that, bv orriur of HI Uwer IN'ht. Bnttsh Columbia, wiio Si'.strleiU'd terriUirie-s. Car llraiu .111,1-.. W. O I'lllton. local duel on the SMIl day of OctolM' Sm:ill invf'Klmi'nt and refer cnees reauircd. Bubv Butler Dlstribirtors. 1170 Kinsswa f STARTS t wrk , vVjJ , "iowesi fis 1 , ! ' ' :. - Vancouver. B.C. RUPT C$MENT PRODUCTS LIMITED Ready-Mix Concrete Deiirered to the Job lii'in Ainlv ' ur Kuperli tf 'N N AMI'S r Klitivi-ls; , A (I a in s i'Wwd Rins. Mniiliii;inet' n Claiii.,liell Granules; l!f Mixers; : "rt.s: Nelsim Iw Stui-koile ii: Rice Pi.rt-ruini)s: Na- S'TUIHTS and !l All Steel Natiiinal Nalinnal ;id Cuiiwvov.s " (nun Na-' Co, Limited. (tf Lnmlx-r 2" x Jiidue of the Hnprenie C'hutI of ni4!i, ut Lower Post. Ilrltih Colum-J Brllltih tkjluinbla. I wan ou the titb bin. day of March. A D. HMO. nppolntitl All perwuiH Indebted to the said Aiiiiilnlstrator of the eatiitc of An- estate are required to pay the drew Hansen, late of Prince Rupert, amount of their Indebtedness to Die BrttL'il) Olumbla. who died on the forthwith and all pivrsons bavins 8th day of December. 1MB, at V"n claims against the said Estate arc couver. BiitOsU Columbia. reciulred Ui file them wHU me, pro-All iersons ludebicd to the said p rly eriried on or before the 15th cstat are required tn pav the amount uav of April. 1950. talllns which dls-of their liKlebtedneas to me forth- tribuUuu will be made, bavliv! reirard Willi and all persons bavins clalmti enly to such claims of which I shall ntrainst tuts said Estate are required have been notified, to file tlum with me properly verl- Dated at Prince Kupert, B.C. this WANTKD Sincle trill with Rood sevulnz exuerirnre for uer-maiitiit nosition. AudIv Sinner ckwini Machine Co. 16O R.KAL ESTATE WHY PAY KENT TO OTHKIW Choice lots arc still iwullable here so ulan vour future home on the lot. vou cliooso now. lied on or before the l&tli day ol fllh Day of March, 1&0. b:rnkst kabl allln, Anrll. 1IIAO. falllmt which tlistrimi- Consult us for now NHA rcsti latlons: ulilll.S. ideas, and the i tion will be made having regard miioertv most suitable fori only to such claims of which I shall AdmlnlstrHtnr of the Estate of Reginald Herbert Johnson, deceased. Iihit tiren notlliod. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Co Brown & Harvey, Prince Hupert, B C. 109) x 11) .s. Used ! '''. Call till' '3 ( U i I ; ,lvt.i(l st.vlej swiliir l'.M!) IW.' I I)atl at. Prince Rupert B.C. this 7th day of March, lnO. OOltDON hUAHWl FORBES. 1 Prime Itupert. B C. , Administrator of the esUite of An-, drew Hansen, deceased. (07) r7.. ffRICES: inclutle Darex the fifth ingredient iu Concrete Four Sacks Cement to Yard $16-00 per yard Five Sacks Cement to Yard $17.50 per yard S 1 x Sacks Cement to Yard Sl-95 per yard No Orders Accepted for less than two yards EQriPMJENT FOR RENT: Two wheeled rubber tyred concrete buggies bac per day Seven cubic feet capacity v Single wheeled concrete barrows 50c per day ORDERS TO BE IN ONE DAY PRIOR TO DELIVERY "s . 1 , Phones: Office 60; Plant 5G1 vour famllv. C1iooksc youi homcsltc and build later. Sec Allan Armstrong at Arm-strone Aircncics. Phone or Orccn 297 lEvcs.). i.Ti Fort QUICK SAJE 2 .acres land. Harden. Iiousn 20 hy 30. N mile trom Terrace. 2300 ctush. Box G73 Diiilv News, tf 1 mi 1 ' Vjitiverlible r- Plione 7!H IAND KECISTKV ACT He: Cirlillcat uf litle No. 4!W-I to lot, ElRUt inmijnd and Kixty-llvc (Wi&Al.- IlaaiKe live (Si. Const Iron and Braaa Castings Electric uid Acxytylece . ' Welding vcniniis. (GGi ! HOBEHT E" MONTADOR LTD. '..Chev. Dumu' Have Seventeen 17 cveit,n "'mil. Plinne nouses for vou U cnoosc irom on ..r ,m., lu 11, a hulKP District., said to-conlMln we. mm-! dred and frHxtv (1001 acres, more i.- cvnentlnr then-out any NOTK't T 'ONTK U'TOU urn. IU7, SPECIALISTS ON MWM1LL 4nrl ULNIXQ MACHINGRT ('l)l 'v iii Hood; vou arc looking for. I Wu have houses in every section of tOWll. ' ' Wo haw houses fully ' ' ' ' ' lusicr. .wif porilou i t the Hi'tiit-of-Way of the Sealed tenders will be receivr-d P IKimlnlOu Tele-.Tiipli Line, havimj a to noon. March 21)th. lUf0. by the. width ot oue Hundred (100 feet, undersigned, for the construction of whlel) tny He WtUiij) the bound- tm oltiie and Mores Building at; nric ,r these lands and exceptlm; Quern Charlotte- Clly. B.C. 1' v, liisuretl. i I U7 1 j . - ! ENdLISIl BONE CIIINA CITS anil SAUCERS. . .... 79c . . . irw a We have houses with smaii titwn navnicnts. l.ct, us kutrw what vou arc lHikiivr lor Muvbo wp can bt'lD von. , , , r lttiiipinbcr-whtii vou think oi iiouses thtnk of MONTADOK Vdur frit-ndlv aticnt. at-r ' KOU1SUT E. MONTAUOlt IT" . . (Gli also the ItKiit-of-Way of the Urand Plans nnd specif icat Ions may bo Trunk l'luilie Hallway. euntuini.M! obtained from the pistrlet l'orcster. Nine necluit'l Two Six ueres. Prince Kupert. the I'uresl. Uanirr nl more or. less. ' Wueeti Charlotte City, or the under- WinsitEIS siitlsractorv proof or loss slunid. uinn u deposit of fi.OO, of the above . ttrrt If Irate ol Title Issueil i feuntlnble upon return of plans and In the, name of jeor;c Unnibly has speelllrationn iu ritl conUIUoiu beei) fili-cK In tills nrtlee. uotlce Is within thirty days of the date of hereby nlven that t shall, at the ex- f opening of tenders, plralliin of one montli f.":im the (late. Tenders will iut be cotwldrrrd of tile flint publication hereof, issue ,,,,1,, im,le out on the form supplied a Provisional C'ertinnite of Title in nllU Bjj;l)cc ftm R deiKsit of 10 per- I ut' 413 , or; 14,t nn i "Jiuibiv inii-cd' Gtllltl' ' Phone li" ; 60)' ! ... , . - Js a . . r machine. I FOR SALE Bcnutiful home in mis .1- Sccllon 2. With V1CW iwu pen of said lost UertiueiH". Hilled ..put, ,,f the tender Is enclosed, bedrooms. Stolu firenlvlCC. Oil J thJS meantime valid oDJecllou be made ( t.IlfS,,H,s t tha unsueecsiiful ten-fUlilltCC. etc. Situated OH COr- to' in writ ln: . JdiTmi' lli be returned when the "vai alter 5 (09 1 ' I!!1;, iivt- nuim. ncr lot. tlood uaruce. Phone .t Pnirtl at tne i.nnu m-pi"".' " ;; coiitnicl Is awarded. Prince ttupert. Hi:., this -0th day of, rh(, 10W(,Kt or y tcnOcr not nicest l'ebruary, lt'Ml. A II. surily luceptcul. ANUHKW TIIOMI'MJN. T,M(,,rH nultit i,0 submitted in the ' k 710. Heel 813 lor further particulars. . (btj) w:i (lilil 'ac ear t.;.,- Deputy Iet:.tnir ol nuis. ,,,1,!,,,,,, marked "Tender tor the FOR SALE Four room war- (7i) ur olfi ' Mil"1 const ruction of an Oft lee and Stores f'V"? door time on 1st Overlook. Anniv .... -1424 Piu'got Pluce. Iii8i SCHOOLS Join the Gyro Contest AND COLLEGES FOR SALE Wliuiiucs couch: . - CIVIL SERVICE and mattress like new. Phone i hxaMINATIONS .'liH uRh,s -sli 3;i0 (7U) IW. blue minding at Quecu Churlotto City. ll.C." C, 1). OIMUIAltD. Chief Pon-sU-r nnd Ui-puly Minister of Forests. Pubrunry ail. 1HSU. Piiiilamint nuihlings, Victoria, B.C. (05) Rl 901. 11 i.BEpare NOW for Surintr Ex CHINA SHOP Across from Liquor Store MANSON'S Urcen 900 COURTESY OF FASHION FOOTWEAR 3rd Avenu C - I HI lJ C AT I? T rlnl IIAHtl r11l 14 I I I I I 111 til 17 1 I ' . ii Endorton jVllrai. f,, c a t nesj49. earsu-irniiKT concern. School, 301 Bldi; (h) Winnipeg. Man. 11;i. pl,nr,0 r-to r.r ppr 735 lifter 0 i- A nt HjK i rAATWC A"d" 67i 0,m ' BOPS For For Style Comforl 4.95 8.50