' 6 - TODAY 0:50 - 9:20 Princt kuptrt Doily Nwi Saturday, March 18, VJ'jO 'BATTLEGRoJ presented to the meeting and noons, Sundays and holidays, accepted: The meeting accepted t li e 1 That the Department of Board of nirccturs' reeomrnen-Publlc Works be asked to 1m daUon to change the fiscal year prove harbor facilities at Weali' end of Uie Association from Point, Queen Charlotte Islands, October 31 to the end of Febru- Waterfront WALLACE'S" "6 E PARTM EnY " STORE" E Sunday Midnife and Mon.Mali DrlkatU Slough, Masset, ana siry or Marcn. ; It una Id fW(an litadaree Harbor, Stevens Is-f Officer!! and Committer: ) IU) I Retiring board of Uirrctois' YARD GOODS : 2 That the Dtuartment of i consisted of H. Hansen, J. Mor- Vivrca IJjidfurx -in 'NIGHT UNTO NIGHT" ANNMAL Fisheries set up a conservation prison, A. Peterson, L. SandVar. program in regards to coho and ; w- Wachsmuth. j snrinsr salmon throughout the The new elected members Of: A SLIGHT! I i Co-op. Annual Deals With Much Business-Resolutions Passed and Officers Elected Here This Week The tenth annual meeting of the Prince Rupert total length of the B.C. Coast' the Board are: Barney Roald, and that the Department pro-1 Hans Pettersen. Pete Husoy. lubit the commercial catching i Jack Prince, Fritz Mostad. of coho salmon prior to June 3 V The Board of Directors for the nmviriin that th. samr action ! year 1950 will consist of C. AND DRAPERY BARGAINS GALORE ! OF . COURSE Which has . can be secured from the Fish Bergen, J J Davidson, Davidson, A. A. Mar- Fishermen's Co-operative Association r days this week, transacted and WUd Life Department of. unuen. reaersen been in session here fou DAVID mVEN.T I Al WALLACE'S with respect to the Alaska Fish-! Eoald, H. PetU-rsen, P. Husoy, J. .ries Prince, F. Mostad. 3. Tha the Department of ' ofncer"' L thA?;SOClatjT ! J or 5' 1950- '" be as fu-' Transport Commissioners be re s quested to make an early oecis-, .,.-,,. 1 President-Martin Erlksen , th inflation nf MON. - TUES. 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. considerable business. T. II. Sorensen, jreneral manager of the Fishermen's Co-operative Federation, reported sales amounted to six and a half million dollars for 1949, to the membershiu. The Fi.h- "I've Association, is now in ef-tions trnens Co-operative Fed,- balance sheet was ciis- feet and that the new org-amzi-cussed in detail. " tion of the amalgamated struc- The meeting was informed ture ni be known as the Fish- level level road road crossing crossing of of the " : i a secretary iv r . Haramg. i Mrs. II. Dow, following a vis-' Tli'inas S:vi,,.. The membership elected Canadian National Railways at Fairview Bay, Prince Rupert. The Association was instructed Messrs. Weeden and Everett as 11 lu ule cuy, sanca uy ine uui- ndlan Fi, Ca iv,.i mui cotln last nittht on her return Chiimtin . " ' Truly a Treat " The wide variety of delicious CAKES will amaze and please you at to donate a Co-od. and Credit' " ... - K i to Masset on taj Associa- mat, amalgamation ui uie crmens Co-operative Union book shelf to the High', -ommle8 were appointed with head office in Van- tion united tisnermens -operative Association, the Kyuquot School and Public Library. Membership Relations Joe Morgan Berg, a member at HH3 Grind..rand. An. Trollers' Co-eperative Associa- couver. tion. and S;e SoinluU O-cpcr- A number of resulutiwiw were RUPERT BAKERY LTD. We Bend Over ity I Rarlruiarrlc 111 UrfcC of ail Fishermen' Co- drew Dvbhavn. Arne Husoy, Ray ! opt-raUves, gave a brief report Haugan, Jens Leland, Bert! on the annual meeting of the princei pet Hasoy. I Co-operative Confess of Can-j Conservation Barnie ROald,! ada. held on March 6 in London, oiaf Olafson. Nels Ruud. Ivar ! if-ii -rl Clearance Sale II vuvnnuiuj hi 11 Ontario. There were over forty- Eldsvick. John Carrx-nter. seven delegates present at this with a fair-sized list of ps- j m0i WAUrArtK please our custonn'rs !To with taf.c out orders of -eJY f meeting representing uo-ops in singers and the usual full freight UniUd States. Canada and cargo. Union steamer Chllcotin, vs M - 2 u o''vi-r lo make room for 'Ty'J our IV O patterns we are now offering our 1049 pat-terns al FINE CRAFTSMANSHIP III Sheet Metal Work and Welding ! CALL BLACK 884 Thorn Sheet Metal Works omer turopean counmeS Capl Harry McU.aili arrlved ln Dim Bentley. a member of Uie port at 2:15 yesterday afternoon Board of Directors of the BC. iTom Vancouver and wavpoint.s. Co-operative Wholesale Society. 8ai;uis at 11:30 p.m. for' Masset reported continued growth in lnin whenre shc wiu re. this orjianization and informed turn here tomolTOW to sall al Uie mretins that busmess trans- 9 , on ,u,r reUrn ain0U"tCd 03 MoSooo"1"5 Chllcotin Is to make one more voyage on this route and will then George Vierrek, chairman of be repiared by the steamer Cam- "CHICKEN IN THE Ror CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Reservations i Take Ou; 0 riionf a 50 OFF Li Canadian K.ducatiufi Week March 5th tu 111: EilucuUon EverylxK'ys Business CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! EARLY 'ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED uie wortnern B.C. Co-op coun- osun whrn u comJn of Uw , cil gave a report on behalf of ' Vancouver-Bella Coola - Ocean this organization, and Informed f-as run the meeting that this organiza- ti.n con.-l.sLs of all co-oprra- ."05. 'I.uUu,r"t7,r r:....' McBrUlc St. Phone 311 For the Best in Watch Repair SEE FEEL LIKE L0AFIN'!!! tives and cmlit unions from awn p.((.i1k. Ajr Um,s an,V4.,. ; Prince Rupert to Prince George. ! in U)(, d,v by ve!u.,.(inV ,l Bernlwf Ped.-r.sen reported on v-ooll-s plane f,om Sandspit. II,.! behalf of the BC. Co-operative L. ond; ncrp on 0rficlal dllU(.s Union which has Just completed vi bc rtturilin to Vancouver' their annual Pentic meeting at t thc first f , k ;m. B.C. - . - - , GEORGE COOK, JEWELLER You'll be Satisfied : Box 1188 6.95 & 7.95 Plain or Double Strapped Modern Dancing 1946 Ford DeLuxe Sedan 193C Ford Sedan 1MO Ford DeLuxe 5 pais. Coupe. 1937 Pontiac Coach 1933 Ford Bus suitable for mobile home, has good motor and running gear. George Verick. .secreUiry of 'he Prince Rupert Fisliennen's Credit Union, advised the mem-b,-r.-l'.ip that they had done a business of approximately four million dollars during 1949 and . that this organization was increasing steadily ! ' For economy reasons, thc members were asked that, after the Area 2 halibut season, fish deliveries at the Prince Rupert plant be regulated as much a3 possible to eliminate the handling of fish on Saturday after- Taught Quickly and Easily Expert Instruction in I ovtrol, Walt JUlrrhu;, Ithumba and Tango Thc R.C.M P.'s May Take Over The B.C. Police BUT You Can't Beat MILLIE'S FOR HAMBURGERS Full Course Meals served 5-7 p.m. MILLIE'S OPi:N 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILY Just off Third Avenue 118 6th St. Ph. Ord. ru Blue 92 Private Lessons Hours: 4:39 p.m. tv 19:00 p.m. For appointments Phone Green 491 Mary MatDonald Director Prince Rupert School ol Da ( 1 t b I f 1 en I V lut of your heart ' PHOTO FRAMES Fromc Type Mounfs ffc'c our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Lei Us Help If you have a li""1" lirnhlcin or air I '"t lo build t-u , Uitfft 'jlitt tit, Hi.t,4;jUi.ltij lii;Miiiititi Tu.iiiUU MITCHELL I q T.S.S. miracle! r a mighty Limited BUILDERS 4 COff PRINCE RUPERT UvViia 1 4;r-. , n , f - I SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Port Eoch Thursday at p.m. FOR KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNKiHT fJEl"J! IMPROVE A Mrokc of your pen, and your amlribution to tht Red Cross is made. Hut lfk behind tliqt cheque in your mind's eye, tee it helping lo tend precious blood end plasma to a Canadian hospital. lliur, fa imagination, the siren's sudden wuil, " Emergency r See the color 0 life flood, sfou ly back into tlie ace of the victim. 'E3AMEHE For Reservations Write or Call CITY Oil DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT B.C. A Rcol Trcot for thc Fomily us Red Cross Blood Transfusion Sen-ice saivs another life! e' 0 10 tnat tixe wry Bift you make might be one thut brings to past this greatest of all miracles! VjKn your heart and your purse to muintain and extend Uie Hnl Cross h n e Hood Transfusion Service, the Veterans' Sen ices and Outpost llmpituh, the merciful and never-ending work of Disaster Sen ices. Remember, tlie lied Cross cannot do thi 'uvr without y out help. F' '; PRODUCT OF CANADA PACKERS Thc nork pf merry Meter etuis,.. MEEK & ' i ' This year rhi nd is ui;cnl for -,.: $5,000,000 lo carry out the woik i yuu expect your Red Cioos to do BUILDERS -end- CONTRACTOR WE Dd ALL TYPES OF REMODELLING BUILDING :: 1.. Kitchen Cupboard 'Floor Sanding Asplwlt and Ri"lWf Re-Roof ing Concrete and Foundation Work Storm Windows local Campaign Headquarters Norai'erti E. . IPower Co. Tile Lay""j III'' ' " Call at 215 1st Avenue West FRLIS KSTIMATLH : 3" f P.O. Box 1129 Phone 210 Tay incuts May be Arraiig' ''