fx) Prince Rnprrt Oaflp Jrtos T irsay, November 30. 1943 Canadian Chamber Head Coming Here LECTURES STRESS FIRE PREVENTION Reminiscences By W.J. and Reflections An ludepe-nt daiiy newspaper dfotI to the upbuilding of Print Euprt Ed )! foi4mm!tlo eomp-,-tnjj northern nd central British Columbia (Authorised us Second Clans Mall, Pott Office Department, Ottw) Published ererv afternoon except SimdiT bv Prince Rupert Dally Ne Ltd.. 3rd Arenue. Prince Hupert. Britten Columbia, 4- O A- HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. EMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS ACTn BfRFAD OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION There are some fact almost iinpoiible to believe and here is SUBSCRIPTION RATEB City Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month, 75c: Per Year. 8 00. By Mail, Per Month. 50c; Per Year. S5.00 Latest scientific methods of preventing and controlling fires v. ere demonstrated to members of the city fire department an4 industrial firemen at the week- .... 111 . a curiae . . sif , Incr.B , n..t .. r " H - V L 1U J JJUt Ul I at the Fire Hall by a travelling instructional unit of the prov inclal Fire Marshals office.' The lectures and demonstra tions were given by Jack New- LI C . 2 ' ri ., : t.h ' .Y"' Gi f 11, director of the unit, anijlife in the old dog yet. To get ...... i, . . i rw anil LUnalU Schwarz. assistants. They stress- J ed eu methods meu.oos annmvort approved h oy th tne.iar far from irom shallow. It was . a case VitL.innl iriro Pmiaii.,n -....-t rf u'arip nr travel twice us far.! About six. lpst Saturday eve-. nine, in the neighborhood of "- Second ' . ... . . . Avenue ana ieeona tt., ! we performed three feats, each similar. It's lonaer aco than this newspaperman cares to remember since he did any broad- Jumping but. By Gad Sir, there's uuuiv v..v . . v- ... . - pools of slush icy, wide and ---- -- But the leaps were scored and how proud i and rainy one le!t.. g tllsaJpoin men . For . there .-as not a single judge oi distance m sib"'- i Speaking of Education Week, it may be co-incidence that it was not until deliberations, were well advanced that the nnbil.- became aware of studies, cer- tain'y new' belll sui;ested. One concerned family relations, or ,n wwa, sex. The other lavoed S U',Ur m the " ""le" H' , !"ef W5U ncp" say .tlM''e U nyt nu,ch Men who became old working lor the cit, oI Vancouver and , .. ... CCF. Shows Strength Liberal Progressive-Conservative Coalition THE . government candidate in South Okanagan by-" election has been elected by a close margin and in Rossland-Trail the government candidate has pone down to defeat by a narrow majority at the hands of the Socialists in a riding- where the livelihood of the most of the people is due to the operation on Jarge scale of one of the country's greatest free enterprise corporations. - The electors mig-ht be said in both contests to have expressed some dissatisfaction with the coalition government. Possibly the three percent sales tax, in spite of all the protestations of its necessity and justification, was responsible more than any other factor. : Unless something; drastic is soon done to stem the tide, the results in Rossland-Trail and, to lesser - degree in South Okifnagan, may be accepted as sug- eestive of what imVht rnmp in a p-enpral tWtinn ' m ' " --"" ciation . and Included colored films of metropolian fire de- pamentS B 1 The unit left Monday for the ; luienor waere mey J will nu. f, give . siruiiar classes at Terrace and SnuUiers. Among subjects dealt with were fire deDartment ' tion, chemistry of fire, fire and fire fighting apparatus, fire in-: vcmgauuii, salvage, rescue methods and Inspections, first aid i The course emphasized . the importance of fire prevenlion and special stress also was given to methods of preventing un - due property damage , while fighting fires. j in addition to cily firemen. ! volunteer fire squad leaders . from tho fanariian Viv, nnA V." " Cold Storage - Co.. Canadian nonal Railways. Miller Bay Hospital and the Prince Reupert ",,c""cu' vo-oprrauve were in attendance at the lectures. j Classified AdverMstnt Pay;', son's The results pose a problem and a challenge not only for the coalitionists but for those who would stem the rise of socialism in British Columbia with all that might be implied if they got into power which now would seem to be quite a possibility. For Super-Slrcnlh, Flexibility, Wtithtr , sad Light Weight, the Sew GOODYEAR BRAIDED CORD AIK Stands Out and Standi, f GOODYEAR B.-tter Built HOSE is Setting N S Permanence on the Juh Foe all voar lUtSZ and TRANSMISSION KEUiJ eonsult: PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY 712 Second Areoue NEW HOTEL HERE ITHE announcement of the incorporation of a new I I company with the objective of establishing a "line, large hotel in Prince Rupert is of timely in- terest and importance. The city has long felt the need of a modern up-to-date hotel, offering all the facilities and services of a first class hostelry. Prince Rupert fo rmany years has known what ' it has been to have a dearth of suitable hotel accommodation. The existence of a fine hotel would attract more travel and visitations here. Meantime with large new industrial development about to commence, . more extensive hotel facilities with full services will be not only justified but very necessary in Prince Rupert. It is satisfactory to hear that a move is now being made to satisfy the need. ' ' . . POLITICAL CHANGES kA 0RE k due t0 heai'd of the move to break up Zli' the. provincial coalition. The Young Liberal Association convention, calling for the party to go it alone again, brings the matter into the open. tA'ext the British Columbia Liberal Association ex-ir:jfccutive is due to meet in Vancouver and the future BUSINESS AND PROFESSION Give your ion a "Head Start" against the time when he has to trike out on hl own. With a Crown Life 5 for 1 policy you can do this easily and at low cost. A SI .000.00 Crown Life S for 1 policy bought for your son at any time from birth to age 15, automatically becomes HELEN one. The colonial umce .says three ptT cent of the Brltl.sh people think the United Statan is still one of the colonies. This should have the early attention of Mr. Truman. If there is an ' authority on the subject, he Is the .man. Unemployment r in Canada is reported to be shoeing an ln- ,...., i . et fc ther8e wanc,e. i Ottawa. .. . .. ., , . miht be stated that the pay is $6.000 plus free office, free stenography and free railway fare. Position is one of posi tive permanency, but then, re-signaUoiis from the Senate are rare. Dally rtews CiassifUd Ads get Quick Results' Si 0 Mitchell & Currie MMITFO rtiot 3.i UUILDEKS CONTRACTORS f0"jl CHRISTMAS nius Don't let yourself in for a disappointment. Order cards bow have them in time fin Christmas mailing. Prin ting BESNER BLOCK N K W I. T X I I 7 S T K M E R PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or CaH CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS . PREPARED ' R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR Henry Birks, president of the j Canadian Chamber of Commerce, will be coming out to the Pacific Coast from Montreal th latter part of January, the executive of the Prince Rupei; Chamber of Commerce was advised yesterday by Larry Eck-royd. regional representative of the Canadian Chamber, during a visit here. Probability Is that the Prince Rupert Chamber will extend an invitation to Mr. Birks to come here during the tour, also . ........ . . . vvuviHi interior. PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO j Twenty-Five Years Abolition of all mountain rates on treignt ana passenger trafrio , was urged by the Peace Rivei people during a hearine of th 1 Board of Railway Commissione' ! in Grand Prairie They urg?d a fair through traffic scale ap plicable to all of Canada. Thomas Wilson and Spencer! Allen, local fishermen, were lost' ' from the halibut boat Thelma I in the Gulf .of Alaska during! a storm. The boat was owne-i j and skippered by George Fritz.' The Canadian government merchant marine freighter Canadian " Siegneur was due uc in ui port jjiiii, to load lumber for Japan. The4 vessel was enroute from Aus- tralia. Thirty-Five Years The Canadian Mining and Exploration Co. sent experts to ex amine properties on the Salmon River, It also w as reported to be considering making an offer for the Surf Inlet mines on Princess Royal Island. A. A. Cox. architect for the provincial government buildings here, arrived in the ci'v from Victoria. He said that work on construction of retaining walls would begin at once. The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Conservative As sociation elected the following officers President, J. H. Thompson; First 'Vive-President, O. H. Nelson; Second Vice-President, Thomas Maitjand; Secretary, J E. Merryfield: Executive J. H. Kirkpatrick. George 0. Tlte, R. W. Cameron, George W. Kerr, Dr. J. P. Cade, J. G. Scott, C. 11 Orme. F. E. Cullin, W. J. Mc-Cutcheon. TEACHER BEATS PLUMBER CANTERBURY, Eng.. 0" A motion 'that the plumber is more useful member of the com munity than the schoolmaster," was defeated at Simon Lang-ton Boys' School debating society. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy What finer jift than a Kift lor the home . . . one the whole family can enjo. fit n In ff o . . : . y Dinette Suites, Chesterfield f - u v a i i c 1 J Mats and Stair Carpets. 3 Odd Chairs, Smoker Tables, End Tables, Chesterfield Tables and Coffee Tables. Lane Cedar Chests, P Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, P P Doll Carriages, Boys' Wagons P and Tricycles. 4 i Beautyrest Mattress, Restmore Mattress, Blankets, p Bed Throws, Down p p Comforters, Bed Sheets p p and Pillow Cases. p p Everything for your windows. p p p Imported and domestic p p Inlaid T.tnnlpum . -. . fn ... v e.tA.-r. .iiui a 4 p p that will please you. p p p Many other items . . . p ask us please we are p here to serve you. p p p Phone 75 S27 3rd Avenue p St CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, DC, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLl'E 443 for Appointment Horn 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. aad a to 6 p.m. :vtxii Monday and Friday. 7 :S0 p m. f cm those tumble to comi during th day KECtPTIONtST In attendance afiruoona. a $5.000.00 policy at age 21, with . no increase in premium. IOOK AT THESE FEATURES: 1. No medical examination on purchase course OI ine nartv in rv atinn in wiuiitimi ;u rfrmhrerllv Ko olon',.i,ln..,l ' AT-nntim. fU v-.iww.. ...u, "ur,cl t,ll'f raiiKs wno nave oeen active in . keeping the provincial entity alive. With a provincial election due probably within a year, some interesting decisions will, undouht- or at age ii. 2. Rapidly increasing cash values can provide an education fund, if desired. 3. Low annual premium. Get this protection for your son while he is still a child and earn a lower premium rate. Call a Crown Life representative today. He will be glad to explain the plan in detail to you. CnovN Life tun, nae ig ne marte and there is every possibility Vjnat tne,-e may be considerable change'in the Brit-. ih Columbia political picture. nnaiijf iinaiiy retired iriucu on uu pension pension ar are irjjng ta io nave jve tne amoulU in. creased. Small Graham, in the Province, writes that tne average is well under ib0 There a.- nintv nt tv,-.. pensioners and the longer they iiive the higher grows the cost. secure your future Arowf II a-- P.O. Iiox 721 is trr n fr CMiAAti BROVIIWOODS REALTY Permanent V Bau'.y Cull all its bra: 204 4'.h Street HANDY" HOME SE! GENERAL CON" Buiiding and repmi Roofs, Chimof-ys PI10N! Black 687 M P 0 Box ; TOR YC ROCK and (W won CALL BLt'I m. J. sau: New. M ulrrn I ' All Work CM MARGARET OPT0METH ROOM 10, STONE PHONE BLUE P.O. B QCAIJTT R For Downtrwiai and j MAC SHOE K Box 774 Insurance Comfant O. HAVROT. General Agent. Prince Rupert S.J. KENNY. CX.U., Provincial Superintendent PROVINCIAL OFFICE: RoKers Building. Vancouver MATRON'S UPHOLSTERERS AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Plastic Materials ' Dunloplllo Mattresses Drapes Curtains Bed Spreads Cushions, etc Second-Hand Furniture Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52 330 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT, B C. GEORGE L ROME Pnblic Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compile.: Besner Block Phone 387 PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Colors J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 Wells Cartage Ltd. . Complete Movinr Service: Cratiitf Packing Cartae SLl'E 78 BLl'E 888 -Hnr GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding; a Specialty 1 .... xi, titiufins m me i j i i were removed from the six-inch incision. FOOD SUBSIDIES ! BRIDGETON. Barbados. Q ' The government has voted $470,-' 008 for subsidizing flour, salt fish, salt pork and animal feed unUl March, 1949. ; SITUATION IN CHINA , ' "I M ' ' t Z.r SJTE of occasional resurgences of resistance, I JLlhe outlook looljs dismal for the Nationalist gov-! UETnment forces 4 China. Even United States mili-I ar.v observers, keenly interested in what is going ; n, have admitted that it is extremely doubtful if the communist sweep of China can be prevented I -.4-en if America naid should be forthcoming. Fact j ? tat tnere a strong difference of opinion in the i United States as to whether moie extensive aid . .should be given. The President himself has given .no clue as to what it is planned to do and the chances ; are that it will be nothing. - Japan will probably be retained as the anti- communist bastion. I "In China it is not exactly a case of liking com-, . munism the more but of liking Chiang Kai-Shek I the less. " I AROUSED BY JONES ACT FRAMED AND PUT into effect for the increased protection of United States business interests, ' I the Jones Act is gradually becoming more" 'burden st)me than beneficial and this is particularly felt in ; - Alaska where the territory is so similar and con-; yement to Northern and Central British Columbia. One of the latest illustrations of this growing - hostility toward the Act is seen in the decision of : G. G. kadb.w, a director of the .Alaska Held Com-; mittee and a citizen of prominence in the north, to ; lose no time in working for its repeal. He has had ; personal experience with how great a handicap it can be, and realizes it cannot continue without arousing far reaching discontent Phone RED 561 j 1 savoy HOTEL , Carl Zarelli, Prop. . PHONE 37 P.O. Box' 541 . FRASER STREET; PR IN C 3JRJJ P JS VORACIOUS OSTRICH CAPE TOWN, South Africa. I rioting a suspicious lump in the throat of one of his ostriches a Uiteuhage farmer operated on ii with a sliarpened table knife nd a pair of scissors. One corn cob pipe, two' yards of balling vire andf the lid of a syrup tin ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS ' i