THIS AND THAT Local News items... Tuesday, November 30, 1948 Udar bevelled siding 1 v aim a w lums t,r 100 fsm $14.00, $17.00.and $1J.20 FIR FLOORING 3" Edge Grain, Kiln Dried AIR PASSENGERS ' ' To Vancouver A. G. Hay, Miss M. Hodgson, G. Robertson, W. Croombs, A. Hale. From Vancouver P. Under-hill, H. Brockington, C. D. Lm-bly, W. Croombs, Mrs. Thornton. G. Brady, K. F. Harding, A. G. Hay, R. Smith. From Sandspit R. Smith," D. Moffatt, R. Besque. '- .cr 100 f bm ; . . $18.00 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE llg Thanks. Death Notice J-uneriluS SSlO,l0": Pof and Engagement Announcement ia aaamaga ' L lit Iwn M.lllw. Ail.mi Smite, ' Uttmgto Pybl In advance. pleaw refrain from ui.phonm. one belongs to a neighbor! FOR SALE Ft2ariALK, -0enal Electric TOAAl-Ei-. A11 metal auto, pedal controlled. 41" lorn? s-m Jg?n.g Green 922. 282) TRY A ULAStiJJTJSD AD! A JANTZEN Sweater FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST PULLOVERS with SLEEVES Fine Botany Wool In Fawn anfl Powder Blue; also the Popular Wool Worsted Pullover In Ski Patterns. - ' ' , SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS Brushed Wool, Fine Botany and Cablestitch in Fawn, White, Powder Blue and Oatmeal. 'J: ZIPPER SWEATER COATS- (Pure Wool Worsteds In Plain Colors and Two-Tones. f CARDIGANS Silk and Wool,, Fine Botany and Worsteds in Plain Fawn, Grey, Teal and Wine. May we suggest that you Shop Early while our New Stock of Sweaters is complete In sizes and colors. FOR SALE 1847 Chevrolet. 6 passenger coupe. New uphol- l&h terv00d Ures. with or without radio. Owner leav- 1722. 1315 Piggott Ave. (283) rOB KENT FOR RENT 2 room apartment Apply 100 4th West. (286) FOR RENT Sleenini? room close t town. 221 5th Ave. East. Red 807. 282 FOR RENT Furnished cabin, Nice, clean and warm, 1142 Park Ave. Phone Green 224. " (281) WANTED W A N T E D Car batteries, car radiators, brauti onrf '21 "f.JrPi1 O'ces See B.C. rem i una lxj., Jjiack 324. WANTED Experienced seam stress will take in Rewlne Phone Black S90. 140 9th E. (306 LOST AND FOUND FOUND Keys on 2nd Ave. Owner may have same bv calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) METAL WORK TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENT! A very fine assortment of Cruiser 8 Jackets are available at Acme Clothing. (tf) St. Paul's Lutheran Church. 1 Lutefish and Fishcake Dinner, Dec. 2 from, 5 p.m. Everybody Welcome, Tickets, $1.00. (282) Just arrived New, samples of drapery and slip cover materialsSee them at Mattson's, 330 2nd Ave. (281) Don't Forget Tea Friday, December 3, display of handcraft of Miller ' Bay patients from 2:00 til 5:00 at Moose Temple. (283 Shop Early for Xmas at Orange Ladies' Bazaar, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 1, 2:30 to 5:00. Home Cooking and Candy, Fancywork and Novelties. H. G. Archibald, MP. fol Skeena, Ralph Smith and H. J. Young returned to the city by the Skeena Air Transport Sea-bee seaplane from SandspiU on Saturday afternoon from the Queen Charlotte Islands. They had encountered much unfavorable weather while away which delayed their travelling. Dr. D. K. Merkeley ,of the Indian Health Services arrived in the city on Saturday by plane for temporary duty at the Miller Bay Hospital. A graduate of University of Manitoba medical college, Dr. Merkeley served in the Navy and was recently at Bella Bella. Dr. P. E. Moore, director of Indian Health Services, Depart- ment of National Health and Welfare, is expected to arrive in the city on tonight's train from Ottawa. He will spend two days inspecting Miller Bay In dian Hospital before proceeding to Vancouver and other southern points, including Sar-dis. T. W. Boles, sales manager of Canada Packers from Edmonton, and Mrs. Boles and C. H. Callahan, district sales representative, left by last eve ning's train on their return to the Alberta capital after a visit of Week here-in connection With the opening ,of the company's new plant on the' local waterfront. i a wwmm Hear the simple rulea of the Robin Hood Flour Contest that offers $50,000.00 in cash prizes $1,750.00 every weekl Winner announced every Monday. CBR 10:45 a.m. (Trans-Canada Network) Every Mon. - Wed. - Fri. S.O.N. Meeting Wednesday at o'clock. ! (282) Regular meeting of Job's Daughters will be held Wed. Dec. at 8 p.m. instead of Friday Dec. 3. Installation of officers, Silver March and social. (282) Henry Meyerhoff, proprietor 2, of Crescent Shows, Penticton, is a visitor in the city, having stopped off there Monday afternoon following a trip to Juneau on the Princess Louise. For your Christmas Gifts, visit the United Church Tea and Sale, Thursday, Dec. 2. Fancy Work, Aprons, Home-Cooking Delicatessen, Fish Pond. (282) The offices o: Central Mort gage and Housing Corp. (War time Housing Ltd), at 603 Hays Cove Circle, will be closed be tween 12 and 1:30 daily. (281 , C. D. Lambly, travelling agent for Canadian Pacific Air Lines, arrived in the city by plane Monday to take charge of the local airline office while Ed Williams, regular agent, is on vacation. DELAYED ACTION SANDERSTEAD, Surrey, Eng., 9 Frank Eyles brought a watch home from his Swiss holiday last year without declaring it. He came back from a similar holiday this year wearing the watch. Customs officials questioned him and he was fined $100 for attempted evasion of duty and the watch was confiscated. ' Snow Time IS Tninme FOR BOY OR GIRL, BIG OR LITTLE . . . YOU'LL FIND A SLEIGH TO SUIT THEIR NEEDS AT THE VARIETY. OF GOOD STURDY CONSTRUCTION, SLEIGHS ARE AVAILABLE IN THREE SIZES. 518 3rd Ave. W. Enjoy Fine Radio - with FLEETWOOD Exclusive Features: Shock-Proof Pick-Up. Scralchicss " Record Reproduction. English Speakers. Twelve-Record Automatic Changer at Amazing Low Price $149.95 : jf i yic Oi 201 THIRD AVENUE WEST Announcements All advertiaetvuas n tnu column wlU be charged fur a full mantn at 26 cenla a word range Laches' Bazaar, December 1st. United Church Bazaar, December 2. Bridge, Wiass iuici Crib, Dec. Catholic School Hall. Social Service W.O.TM. Tea, December 3. CCF Bazaar, Sons of Norway flail, December 4. S.O.N. Whist Dance, refreshments, every Friday, 8:00 p.m. St, Peter's Fati Bazaar, December 9. St. Peter's Y.P.A.;show "Fan tasy," St. Peter's. Hall, Dec. 10 ani 11, 8 p.m. Concert at Lutheran Church, Friday, December 17, 8 p.m. Moose Christmas Tree, Saturday December 18, 2 p.m. sharp. Oddfellows' and Rebekah Xmas Tree, Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2 R.m. Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D. E., Bridge and Cribbage, Civic Centre, January 10. W. H. Williscroft of Terrace arrived in the city last night on the Cardena following a trip to Vancouver. I COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made i VALENTIN DAIRY ! . Your Daily- I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE IF IT IS TOYS YOU ARE SEEKING DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR WIDE ASSORT MENT. Phone Red 400 Record Reproduction an J ( Htdz m in ii i PHONE 100 By CHICK YOUNG i PLUMBING Installations and MEMOKIAM i In lovine memory ivinc husband and io passed away Nov-1947. nt thee Father, for ;end. ve was with us to I i j'ict kindness was a each toilsome heavy d. was loved, from .side, love shone until he tlio' Kone, is still our. will love until the i!E memories In our . this world we shall HEMMONS FAMILY. H)K SALE - New Cups and !anrv drsign. Regu- 50c or 4 for $1.75. 'iiristmas Gift. B.C. :REca an in Sell New and Used . Hardware, etc. Used Portable Gra- Kitchen Sets. Va-.caners. small fancv jKSine Boots. Loe- , New and Used Ramrers for wood, ml Kil.nhpn nhairs .i Tvnewriter in best ice UesK and Chairs. Chest of Drawers, British India us for vour furni-;s BC. FURNITtTBtf U24. (tf. ' - Practically new kitchen range with turner. 633 Tatlow (283) -Best location in Miat and Grocery Illliv pnninrw'ri nn 3 !a 2 large warehouses ' back, one capable s Si) ton of flour and , oilier 75 ton bale W C. Morris. Box 81, (285) Lot nn Dnrt Aun Wllanpmis Inmhpr 'none Red 165. (284)' Gonri Tlmnthv Huv Oil. Fn R Jfita.aiioa "e Box 495. Prince (284) -3.5 ft. Trolling v II. Crown nhrvs- MC. Cnmnlotj n'tth '"dies, Inuuire P. R. " lo-od. (282) FOIt SALE lu an estate we offer ' OV M'iltcrl Ifnrlrr '"livered to us on or wcemuer 4. 1948, "'WHIP nrnnnrlinc . 'm lot at 8th Av- U)t 20. Block '(m house and two "(2 Young St. (Lots 6 Section v terim-ipv it ki d "I ill. H) I-lPP tni.nfh s nmv be bid on sep- niKiirst or any "ut necessarily ac- TINKf U CO. LTD. r"nce Runprf. nr. (284) Mdore Cafe m 1 Ktcr Ttlnr, T- ever v . (1 d Service in City ff Send-out Orders favid Chow, Mgr. CATHEDRAL FALL SALE AND TEA Evening branch of St. Andrew's Cathedral Woman's Auxiliary were hostesses Saturday afternoon to a large attendance of ladies ,at their fall sale and bazaar in the church hall. Receiving were Mrs. Basil S. Prock-ter, and Mrs. F. E. Anfield. Convener of the bright affair was Mrs. Harry Hanson, who also was in charge of the fancy work booth. A large number of 1 members of the Evening Branch assisted in the tea room and at the stalls. Pourers were Mrs. J. B. Gibson, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, Mayor Nora E. Arnold and Mrs. E. Hodson. The tea and sale was opened at 2:30 by Canon W. F. Rush-brook with appropriate words of welcome. Mrs. Alf Rivett was in charge of the tea room while the novelty and candy stall was directed by Mrs. Reg Good. , Ladies i of the Afternoon Branch directed the home cooking table. They were Mrs. Jar-vis H. McLeod, Mrs. C. C. Mills, and Mrs. T. B. Black. ' Cashier was Mrs. E. Lindseth Bandsmen Hold Informal Dinner Officers of the Prince Rupert Shrine Club Band and the band committee met W. J. Coombs of Toronto at an informal dinner Monday evening at the Civic Centre, discussing prospects of purchasing of new instruments for the band. Shrine Club band committee members were George E. Peters, A. E. Ferguson, J. T. Langridge and T. H. Wilford, while band officials present were F. M. Gulland, president; Peter, Lien, bandmaster; Gun-nar Varfeldt, Rupert Fulton, William Beck. Mr. Coombs arrived by plane from Vancouver Monday, returning south today. HOW CAN I ? ? V By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make use cf lemon rinds? A. Don't throw them away. Place them in the dish water when washing greasy dishes and they will remove any fish and onion odors. This will also remove any marks from the dishe... Q. How cah 1 make a good cleanser for silver? A. Common lump starch is an excellent agent for cleaning silver. Rub it on with a damp cloth, allow to stand for a few minutes, then rub dry with cheesecloth. Q. - What siiould I feed a pet turtle? . ' ' A. Pet turtles shouid be fed raw beef, insects, earthworms, vegetables and fruits. BLONDIE "Oh, they aren't all mine ... HARBOR HAVEN FOR WILD GEESE Ornithologists and bird fanciers always have admired wild geese for their exact navigation as well as their ability as longdistance fliers' and this morning a flock of honkers demonstrated that they have good sense as well. Beset by a night fog, a large flock of geese, presumably heading south, sat down in Prince Rupert harbor to await better flying conditions. Probably their leaders, in their wisdom, knew that they were picking not only one of the best harbors in the world but one in which the use of guns Is frowned on by the game authorities. There was nothing secret about the night rendezvous. The flock improved the hours of darkness "and early morning dusk by holding racous council, a racket that could be heard in many parts of the , city. They took off again as it grew lighter. Flights of geese over the city In the last week are said to be the heaviest in many years. At the week-end a series of flights composed of thousands of geese passed over,' heading grimly southward, despite the buffeting of-a gale. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert H. Meyerhoff, Penticton; W. Croombs, Toronto; P. Underfill, Vancouver; A. G. Hay, Vancouver; J. Graham, Vancouver; C. D. Lambly, Vancouver. DANGEROUS OVERWEIGHT Obesity often produces high blood pressure as Increased muscular activity places a greate.-load on the heart and blood vessels. (; kici::iccicicicic'C'C ANNE'S Opposite Health Unit HOME-MADE CANDY XMAS GIFT BOXES Order Now Blue 389 tftCtltilCX)t mm Men's Worsted Suits Single and double-breasted; perfect fit and style. Special .. $37.50 Men's All - Wool Gabardine Coats Tailor-made. Reg. $43. Now 530 Men's Dark Broww Topcoats-Good fitting. Special $22 Men's Dress and Work Pants All kinds to choose from. Special from $2.95 to 513 Men' Windbreakers New. fancy designs; all-wool, per- tci. fit. From $8 Boys' Pants All-wool, s1 fit; all sites. Regular $5. Now 53.5d Boys' AH - Wool Pullover Sweaters All sizes. From $1.30 Boys' Shirts For dress and school. All siies. From $1.25 Knitting Wool 3-ply, best quality. Reg. 40c. Now 30c 5-Piece Luncheon Sets Make beautiful gifts. Regular $3.95. Special 52.25 Kensirs. SHEET .METAL WORK. Tar and GravM Rant. ins. Letourne8U & Sons. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) MACHINLitr I-OH SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date tvpe National Portable 8awmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) NEW EASTER, NAIR LINE NEW DELHI, O The government of India is examining a scheme to start the eastern air service to link India with Burma, Malaya and Australia. The question for decision now Is whether the agency undertaking the service would be government - controlled or a combined one as In the case of Air India International. Moving, Packing, Crating Shippim and General Cartage and Storage ,. For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Seryice, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones SO and SI Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 FIwers lor All Occasions PETER PAN GU T SHOWE NOVELTIES and GIFTS Greeting Cards HANDICRAFTS LENDING LIBRARY Phyllis Pullen 229 Third Avenue West J FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN , THE ROUGH CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Cardena Sunday, 11 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM AND PORT SIMPSON (Stewart Fortnightly) Sunday, 11 p.m. . FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, Dec. 3, 17 and 31, 10 p.m. for north queen charlotte; islands- s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 10 and 24, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aeent Third Ave. Phone 568 NOW AVAILABLE I -But Still They're Handy. TTT l-'-FI I 5twemoimg)I I 'illlllll' lsiLJ rH liA - - f ' ( DEAR, BEFORE VOU LIE ) -L a6e3aais' L-gg L DA5WOOO. 6EPCPE VOL) 1 BEFORE W " tpwN-.WILL vou FIX f v r"tr, LIE DOWN, WILL VOU ( i LIE DOWN ) s. ' CV, THE SINK DRAIN FOR ME? ) ( HUSBANDS) ' r RUN UPSTAIRS ANP GET X " 6W-A--4 ARA S SHE SAYS lLV 1 f wtwe laundry basket? hi ' "V ' r soppy lot) I 3 kal moulding for home-craft use. Simple p dna easy to instaL - Supplied in eignt L)wu nhapes to suit every home need. No aal tools required. s , . . LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL E " yj! Fv La5j Erfc .., 1 , . . . . . . . - Ttt - - I,, ui i .1 i i ar nil i.i. i ii i i ii i i. i. i OMPSOM HARDWARE CO. LTD.