! I VICTORIA,, B. C, 165 I ! KAT 31,-49 " L t " mm OnriES C3L'G3 Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." pho::e81 ' ' VOL. XXXVII, No. 281. PRINCE RUPERT,' B.C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS PCABS i Evei Bbnors Air ItC Red Move In Berlin n C.C.F. Wins Back One ! Setting Up of Separate Communist Government Further Complicates Crisis Eleventh Hour Respite For BERLIN Pi Russian-backed Berlin communists established Tojo and SixWar Criminals Seat; Coalition Keeps a separate city government today in opposition to the elected anti-communist administration. The communists thereby made virtually complete the political I t j '' i ' -' ,;,, j :- - t .; - ' J '":'SV : m I X 1 I KT TOKYO, (CP)- Wartime Premier Hideki Tojo and six other top Japanese war-makers won an eleventh hour respite today from the hangman's noose. General Douglas Mac-Arthur said ihey would "certainly not" be executed until the Supreme Court of tailed Males acted on appeals of two of the condemned men. The next scheduled meeting .f the Supreme Court is December 6. Appeals from the International military tribunal's verdict were filed in Washington yesterday on behalf of former Premier Koki Htrola, who helped plot Japan's pre-Pearl Harbor war plans, and General Kenji Liohara, known to the Chinese as the "bird devil omen.' envision between eastern and western Berlin. A new anil-communist government to administer western sectors of the city occupied by Its Hold On Second Rossland-Trail Recaptured By Socialists South Okanagan Unchanged Results Close , TRAIL (CP) British Columbia's C.C.F. party has one riding lost in the 1945 provincial election back in the fold but failed in the attempt to capture another from the coalition government forces in two British Columbia by-elections yesterday. The C.C.F.'s narrow margin victory in Rossland- the United States. Oreat Brit- tain and France will be chosen hi elections Sunday. The Russians have forbidden voting in Trall constituency was the first their sector of the city and the communists ordered their followers to boycott thJ election. Establishment of a scperate government came ,ln the city's Soviet sactor at a mass meet- To Consider Defence Pact 'A. 4,r JAPS QUIT MOOSE JAW Incident of Eviction from Prisoner of War Camp Closed MOOSE JAW, (Pi Eviction ROYAL BANK APPOINTMENT A. F. Mayne, whose appointment as a s s i st a n t general manager of The Royal Bank -of Canada is announced. CP. VESSEL BATTERED ON ALASKA TRIP by-election . set-back for the Liberal Progressive - Conservative coalition since 1945. Robert Browne-Clayton, who retained South Okanagan fo-the coalition is a 31-year-old fruit rancher while James Quinn, successful C.C.F. candidate at ' ing. called with the avowed aim ' Of taking "decisive measures for the protection of united Berlin." The new communist move is Important Conference is Called for Washington This Week yesterday of two Japanese from expected' to nullify a latest com Capt. Peter Leslie brought his Mr. Mayne has had wide banking experience both in Canada and abroad. In 1945 he was appointed supervisor of the bank's foreign branches and shortly after, general inspector. He Is a native of promise plan of the United Na r Rossland-Trail, Is a 42-year-old shop steward and first aid at vessel, the Canadian Pacific OTTAWA, 0i Canada will tions "neutrals' 'to settle the shortly move a step nearer to a tendant for the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. Berlin crisis, which compromise the Russians had express $20,000,000,000 a year defence a pup tent finally closed the Japanese relocation camp here. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police finally persuaded Sue-kichl ' Miyagawa, aged 57, and POmijiro Naka, G5, to leave a tent they occupied since the camp closed last August. They new prime minister, Rt. Hon.-Louis, IAN-Canada's took time out from a busy day to pose for. this newj rait by the National Film Board. After succeeding" kciiic King, he is now busy preparing for the .next ; fejrlwmcnt, expected to open in January. (CP Photo) '. he With an eligible electorate Of Drayton, Ontario, where ed of supporting." entered the bank in 19Z5. 25,000 in the two constituencies coastal steamer Princess Louise, into port here at 5 o'clock last night 25 hours overdue but undamaged from one of the fiercest gales which the ship had encountered on the Alaska coast. Southbound from Juneau, the Louise was due here at 4 p.m. Sunday but a 72-mile an hour about 18,000 turned out, nearly six thousand more than in the will go to New Denver ia British alliance that will likely have important effects on Internal policies. At the ambassador level spokesmen for seven powers, preparing a North Atlantic security alliance, will meet in Washington this week to consider a draft proposal of a pact general election. Columbia. in HIGHWAY CASE DOCTOR BOYER LOSES APPEAL Browne-Clayton polled 4,918 EXPLOSION IN PORTLAND PORTLAND if' A waterfront votes to defeat Bruce Woods- The pair had refused to leave the camp when others did and southeaster reduced her pace to worth, 34-year-old school teach a standstill as 20-foot waves held out for return to British Columbia. er and son of the late J. S. Woodsworth, founder of th3 battered her sturdy hull. But not undamaged was Capt. explosion rocked Portland's in STRONG SUPPORT Automobile Association Makes Its , being called the greatest defence alliance in history. Ambassador Hume Wrong will Conviction and Sentence Under Official Secrets Act Sustained ' MONTREAL Dr. Raymond Leslie, whose long hours on watch resulted in a frozen THE WEATHER dustrial area last night, ripped a building Into fragments and sent one man to hospital. Prop i represent Canada. check as a result of seven de Synopsis giees below temperatures which erty damage is estimated . at As Major Objective Local tvement ite Meeting Government Heads rindj SUoHg no;thwe8teriy w accompanied the gale.- . UViiiG COST- C.C.F. party, Woodsworth polled 4,200. With only one poll out ot.28 still to be heard from, Quinn had - 4,743 t In Rossland-Trail against 4,471 for the coalition candidate, Alexander Turnbull. The standing of the 43-mem-ber Legislature now Is: Coalition, 36. C.C.F., 11. were developing along llic coast) ii for adequate maintenance and improve $75,000. .. The office of the Portland Dock Commission erupted in a ball of fire as a blast splintered it. ' Walter G. Kratt, 47-yeai-old Boycr, wealthy Montreal chemist, today lost his appeal against, a conviction one year ago for violation of the Official Secrets Act In the 1946 espionage case. Decision against yie appeal was unanimous. The decision was delivere l in a fifty-page judgment said to be one of the longest in the history of the Court of Appeal. The 41-year-old exlostvcs expert was alleged to have given information in 1943 to Fred Rose, former Labor-Progressive Mem orthci n roads including the Skeena River into Prince Rupert is paining strength and a result of the annual meeting of the Brit-Ma Automobile Association in Vancouver iviK-t-s being held at Victoria with the pro- . - ..i,.,.!.,! rrtivnrnmrnt. nnH rlprwrt- PROBE AGAIN f inal Session to Open Tomorrow Credit Vst To be Examined , OTTAWA, f The Prices Commission tomorrow will open final public hearings in the five-month old probe of the high cost of living. this morning in the wake of last night's storm. These winds are expected to decrease to light tonight with southeasterly gales developing over the north coast tomorrow ahead of another ac live storm approaching from the west. Cloudy, showery weather is expected in most sections today with rain expected along the coast tomorrow morning and snow over the interior Labor, one. . . Yesterday's elections followed port engineer, apparently touched off the explosion as he turned on an electric light In the. basement when he went to investigate a smell of gas. He was the death of James L. Webster. Liberal in Rossland-Trail, and the resignation of W. A. C. Ben mcntal heads. i In narrow, treacherous Lynn Canal. 200 miles north of Prince Rupert, the Louise encountered the blow which Capt. Leslie described as one of the worst he has encountered. Despite Its fury, Capt. Leslie declined to sack shelter, but pressed on southward into it. So great were the seas that on several occasions, they forced water back through the plumbing vents, pouring it into the cabins of the 104 passengers. As well as being the roughest trip of the season, it was also the last for the Princess Louise this year. She will go Into dry-dock in the south and be replaced next week by the Princess Norah, which will be under command of Capt. Graham Hughes. nett, Progressive - Conservative in South Okanagan. The Commission will call two taken to hospital where he is reported to be in a satisfactory condition. Doors and windows rattled as much as ten miles away. ber of Parliament, about Can- covcrnment officials to report. Huo Kraupner, secretary of the Prince Rupert Automobile Association, who went south' to attend the Automobile Association meeting, flew to Vlctoru for a conference with Hon. E. T. Kcnney, minister or lands and forests, on the Skeena Highway on the general credit situation ada's secret process for the by afternoon. l''orecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Clearing this afternoon. in Canada and also two finan- manulacture ot tne super-expio-cial men will be asked as to , sive R.DJC. the amount of credit Canadians 1' Boyer was sentenced to two are using to make purchases, years in penitentiary. Sabotage On Troop Ship Overcast tonight with light rain RECORD RAIN V situation. Mr. Kcnney. accord-iiiB to a message from Mr. Kraupner, went on record as beinn 100 percent behind the IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER ((Pi Heavy, rains by morning. Cloudy with showers Wednesday afternoon, winds northwesterly (25 , m.p.h.) except 45 in exposed sections, shifting to southeasterly (25), by midnight and increasing to 45 by morning, shifting late in afternoon to westerly (35). Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At and gales again lashed the Winston Churchill 74 Years Old Today Central Interior Due for Great Expansion, QQ ' Official Feels LARRY G. ECKROY1) SEES POSSIBLE MIGRATION FROM SOUTH MAKE ATTRACTIONS, OPPORTUNITIES KNOWN Possibility of a migration of population from the A Lower Mainland last night Power services were interfered with. The Ladner ferry in the Frascr River was stranded. campaiRn for better consideration and maintenance of the hluhwuy. Mr. Kraupner was Invited to return to Victoria today for a further conference with Premier Byron Johnson anl Hon. E. C. Carson, minister iT public works. LONDON Winston . Churchill ;. Port Hardy 34 and 40, Massett r e a c h e d his seventy - fourth birthday today. Yesterday, the Vancouver has had 13.7 inches of rain so far this month, a Story Told by Repatriated Canadian Seamen Returning From China VANCOUVER, Qt Hint Of sabotage aboard a Canadian-built troopship enroute to the Chinese; .Nationalist Army came today from 39 repatriated seamen back here on their way home to Montreal. . The seamen said it was discovered 0 that the steering engine of the steamer Ching Men, built in Montreal, was insecure and threatened to break loose. On another occasion the welding connecting a lifeboat keel grab broke loose during a 38 and 41, Prince Rupert 37 and 41. record since 1909. wartime Prime Minister took part in a fox hunt, riding to The Automobile Association hounds with evident enjoyment convention In Vancouver also went out strongly in support of Mr. Churchill almost broke up the campaign for the northern Fraser Valley and other parts of southwestern British Columbia where unrest was noticeable to more open spares of opportunity in the interior of ' the province was suggested by Larry G. Eckroyd, field service representative of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, "who spoke to the ex-, was a pioneer country, These the House of Commons session ;WN Mayor of 1030. popular no-year old mR chief magis-'iiaUa's capital, has lie will not seek Affcctlonutcly "iuirtitbuiit" by his f has represented 11 London, Eng., Moscow and :: TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. I Id. v..- .r Aumauuc 15 today. The old master of Parliament merely walked into the road. A motion by Mr.. Kraupner, seconded by Aid. Cromlc of Vancouver, that the convention oi-t. hrhind the northern bran Chamber In his usual manne ches in their fight for main Bayonnc "5 Bralorne were the days when peopl. wanted convenient and, comfor table accommodation' and de cent roads. but it was enough. Membeis broke into a ' round of spontaneous cheers that drowned out a Labor minister who was ques tcnancc and improvement of the northern road was followed lcr"'an capitals. A wiH caused his re-'CP Photo I ecutive council of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce yesterday during a visit to Prince Rupert. Mr. Eckroyd had just completed a motor trip through the central Interior and he predicted that that area was on the verge of an ever greater Everything should be done to tioning the Minister of Town and Country Planning. B. R. Con 02 '2 B. R. X 8'2 Cariboo Quartz 105 Congress ,3'2 Hnrllptf Mn.SCot' 30 storm, threatening the lives of the sailors. In the steering engine several bolts were fastened by . only a few threads to the foundation plate. There were no nuts under the foundation. The men who toTd the story are the first of 120 seamen being flown to eastern Canada after delivery of the ships to be used for troop carrying on the Yangtse River. ' bring the tourists here and sell them the country when they came. The importance of industrial promotion and possibilities of tinizing Bcattie 47 Bevcourt 23 Bob jo 13 Buffalo Canadian 16 Consol. Smelters 124.00 Conwcst Donalda 53 Eldona -85 East Sullivan 3.00 Giant Yellowknlfe ..... 4.50 God's Luke 40 Hardrock 22 Harricana ., 08 Heva -09 Hosco 17 Jacknife .043,: .03 Vt by an amendment by Aid. Hal-ford Wilson of Vancouver that the highway committee of the Association make Improvement of northern roads one of the main objectives for the coming year. The amendment was carried unanimously. MV Krmmner followed Hon. Congress period of expansion. Indeed, he thought the period was overdue. expansion were also emphasized Encouragement of the tourist jttJaSport Industry might make a good 'by Mr. Eckroyd. Necessary and WEEKLY RUN IS RESUMED As a measure of public service in view of special condiUons of Isolation of the community, Union Steamships Ltd. is resum comulete Information should bi J (P A - - lirrmtixnrl ready and available. Specific Pacific Eastern Pend Oreille -00 Pioneer 2-60 Privateer I5 Reeves McDonald 3.25 Reno 06 Sheep Creek I-70 Sllbak Premier - -31 ' Taku River -30 Vananda 48 Spud Valley - 09 a B ' n d a, covering "es of amateur and ll sl"it, has , been ,y Uic National point from which to start, Mr. Eckroyd suggested. The more visitors that . came to see the country and Its good living con ditions ttnd opportunities, the more chances that people would be- Interested in coming to the Hon. E. C. Carson, minister of public works, tn speaking to the meeting and gave, first-hand facts as to conditions on the Cariboo and Skeena highways. ing weekly calls at Stewart with the steamer leaving here Sun LOCAL TIDES . Wednesday, December 1. 1913 High 1:45 20.0 fwt ' 13:20 22.8 feet Low 7:24 7.2 feet 20:04 1.3 feet Joliet Quebec . Lake Rowan La pa ska ., Little Long Lac - .42 ... .05 05'2 .... .70 .14 day nights for the north, it was announced today by Getald Mc- i area to settle and make their types of industrial opportunities should be outlined and connections followed up. Every possible concession and assistance should be made available. Mr. Eckroyd spoke of the tremendous growth of British Columbia in recent years. With Its still undeveloped resources, it was the fastest growing province of Canada today. Yet the population of the entire vast prov- Oils nctmg enntrman of the fitness win nrobe what ails Lynx ' t'.'iircrencc In Ot-iy 7 and 8, dominion sports-)0tlil's will discuss the Bean general manager of the company, in a message to Frank homes. Mr. Eckroyd spoke of the vital importance of cood roads and Canadian sports. Ross gives No 1 snot to the question of Caiia- Hn' n.iriMnation in interna- RECENT CONSTITUTION Cuba's present consUtution Skinner, general agent here. During the past month Stewart had been reduced to a fortnightly service owing to the question 0f uma. "U". '('lease,; Jl"ss of Calgary, tionul comoetliton and ask making known the fact that! they existed. Even yet one heard In Vancouver that there was no road to Prince Rupert or that Aanglo Canadian 4j A. P. Con 27 Atlantic I-17 Calmont 58 C. & E. 8.45 Home I3 50 Central Leduc I-7" t Mercury -25''i Okalta - 170 Purlfle Pete 3.40 was adopted in 1940. f delegates whether it is feasible to wlLhdraw or "who should ni-rimi.ie nraaiiize and conduct Madscn Red Lake 2.15 McKenzle Red Lake 33 McLeod Cockshutt 79 Muncta 37 Negus 2.11 Noranda ; .... 55.00 Louvicourt 3634 Pickle Crow , 199 Regcuurt 05 Sun Antonio 3 45 Senator Rouyn 41 Sherrlt Gordon 2.10 dteep Rock 1.55 Sturgeon River .12 Canada's participation." lit was impassible. He suggested la campaign by publicity and ( other, means . for developing a Basketball ince was still only half of that contraction of traffic there fol-of ( Los Angeles. lowing the closing of Premier The local Chamber directors mine. ' heard from Mr. Eckroyd of the The community later asked rapid growth of the Canadian for a reconsideration of the ac-Chamber organization from 430 tion. stressing the desirability to 580 member boards in a year of weekly mall service and the K "I vs. KAY-HI Willis Iav Ix'fii advanced la.V nri k..i. ,.i.. This question, apparently prompted by Canada's poor .39 Princess better understanding and knowledge of Central British Columbia. "See B.C. First" might well Royal Canadian South Braze u 23 showing, at the Olympics, M-LLln the status of the Cana K Ulid jr.i,,..... TONIGHT 9:15 BO-ME-Hl vs. CO-OP, as compared with 94 in 1944. He accessibility to medical and Jios be a good slogan. Above all, the . - "uay. rriuay ?7 Thuwday. and tlckets good Friday. Toronto idea should be dispelled that it (Continued on Page Six) pital services of Prince Rupert dian Olympic Association and its sponsoring body, the Amateur Athletic Union. 33i .13j Silver Miller Athona (U)