ptintt nnpert Daflp J!3etoi ' .Tuesday, November 30, 1948 .... Pp .m f " ' f I t -1 -4 jsonable Ideas for Housekeepers T0KS VALUABLE TO HUMANITY; Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE "Liz," and the like, would be oui ' of place. " Q. When one calls "at "a woman's home and finds' hrr absent, Is it proper to write a mes-lage on a caM? ' I OF.OKDLNAKY KLUl'KS GIVEN discovered by standpoint, potatoes offer good uere . uWr value for monpv twnt add shortening and sugar. Beat well, then add potatoes. Beat egg and add to potato mixture. Sift flour with baking powder and salt. Add to first mixture alternately with the milk. Bake in a loaf pan 8" by 4" x 3' in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F.. lor 35 minutes. Q. I have always been called "Betty" and am known only by this name by all my friends, ,, ,0, gold in South suggest sev- Inmgs . eral out-oi-lhe-ordinm-v A. Yes. "Sorry to have mi. x 2J L(r the centuries pot- edyoUk" or a similar phrase, to use potatoes. H . i v. r ... although my tun name is tiiza- sufficient I! 1,:' 0 vl beth Jane. What nam should I L e become so wicieiy '."hey are just as valu-nanity as the gold for Q. Is special mourning dress use on my wedding invitations? necessary fat an honorary, pal, bearer? '! adventurers ,;e j m? w - Mn !til1 Toasted Potatoes 6 meilrm-siaed potatoes. 2 tablespoons fat 1 cup finely rolled cracker vcrumbs 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt r C p p Radio Dial V I I I 1240 Kilocycle, tsubject to Change A. In the case of the name "Betty," it would be perfectly all right to engrave your invitations with this. However, the use of such pet names as "Babs," A. No; a black or a dar business suit is in good title. Advertise in the Daily News! are one of the most ,od.s. Nearly everyone Being bland In Ila-Dlpnri well with other the texture is always Economy is ever an point to the home- k t J M TUKSUAX rM. 4: 15-Stock Quotation and Int. 4:30 The Toy Poodle 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 The Looseleaf 5:30 Platter Parade 5:45 Tommy Dorsey and Orch. m -1 1 jpv-r.s. nil fir 2 tablespoons fa; Peel potatoes, wash and dry well. Cut in halves if they are large, rub with sottened fat, roll in cracker crumbs, dip into slightly beaten egg and again roll in cracker crumbs. Place potatoes in a greased casserole. Gift fc'id potatoes uiway S: 4 V i ir point, t ney are ap-as a vegetable but ,. used more often in v3 sl,fh us in bread. w "1 T r for A LEADING LADY bpruiKie wiin sail anl nepper - 'f T ,l puddings, to whicn'and dot with fat. Cover and bake in a hot oVen, 400 degrees F., until tender, about 1 hour. an unexpected ,rich-moisiness. Potatoes in t.d sauces provide a plcu.iiu thickening -huuld not be consid- Yield, six servings. Creole Fried Tptatoies 5 medium potatoes 2 medium onions 2 tablespoons hjicon fat 3 tablespoons tomato catsup 8:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore " 6:30 Musical Varieties 8:40 Recorded Interlude 6:45 Smoke Rings 7 Oil- -CBC New 7:15 CBC Roundup 7 'Ay. 1 eice.ster Square to iiroadway , 8:00 Music by Eric Wild 8:30 Record Album 9:00-Points of View 9:15 Nostalgia 8:30 Heritage of Music 10:00 CBC News 19:10 CBC News 10:15-Les Way 10:30 Pacific Pianoforte 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEuiMcaUHY A M FUSSY ABOUT MONEY Canadians are fussy about the type of money they carry in their pockets say C. E. Campbell, chief of the Bank of Canada's currency division. Here he gives instructions to Miss Marlon Rice of Brockvllle, supervisor, of the disposal of old $2 bills taken out of circulation. People on the prairies an; particularly adverse to handling these. In Montreal, Ottawa and other eastern cities, the 50 -cent piece is looked on with disfavor. ttening food since n iely to be the butter served on them that he pounds. From any j teaspoon salt HOUSECOATS Benge-lnes in gay patterns and plain, fine, all-wool housecoats available your choice of doors. For those gay party nights iwfore Christmas, a DANCE DRESS, trimmed ..with Bugle ..Beads ..or ..Sequins will bring sparkles td her eyes. In all popular sizes.-.. HANDBAGS, like the Dance Dresses, are new arrivals at ..our . store. ..Styles to ' teaspoon pepper irk GENTLE LIHKYITH EARLY DAYS XATIVE the city waterworks until four years ago when he transferred to another department. He was on the job a week ago when he was stricken with the only illness of his lifetime. Surviving are his wife, who t In hospital, three sons, Michael, of Dawson City, John and Frank, both of Prince Rupert, and two daughters, Mrs. O. P. (Mary .Men Comadina Passes Away After Week's Illness NTACID Peel potatoes and slice very thinly. Peel onions and slice thinly. Melt fat in a heavy pan, add potatoes and onion, cover and cook until tender, about 40 minutes, stirring often to prevent scorching. Remove cover, . add uuu J J catsup, catsup, salt &aii ...II and ana pepper. pepper, oui Stir we'l well and and continue continue cooking, cooking, un- uncovered, covered, for for 10 10 minutes. minutes. Yield: Yield: -e'x fix servings. rvings. Chocolaie Chocolate Potato Potato Cake Cake " " 1 1 ounce ounce chocolate chocolate 1 1 square square m I if ' 'V ' igi'1 M8' ' ' I SH PS and WATERFRONT Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. Packer Ribac returned to port at the end of the week from a hunting trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Norman Nelson's party aboard the Ribac includ disci iminat- please every ing taste Another link with the early days of prince Rupert was severed last night with, the death Lyons, and Mrs. W. A. Agnes" Pierce, also of this city. One brother, Peter, survives him in Yugoslavia. Another of Alex Comadina who, following his arrival in 1911, helped with the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific yards and later was for more than 2Q 7:00- Musical Clock 7:45-Singing Sam 8:00 -CBC New 8:13 Morning Song 8 30- Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty ' 'ii' 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 ElTen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 0.30 -Woundup Time 10:45-Scandinavian Melodic 11:00 -Musical Varieties y CTjjLjfri 2rJCX I V I TTi If I yft J I I IiM'tJ-'"- I I I IJJjirfJt) rfffiHtsf ' cup shortening Wrflmmj ''a cu, orown sugar Tj I iJLIL5tA. 34 cup heed potatoes ilTjUi'isiTlli 3 cup sifted all-purpose flour JJfit77j Ti- .,id 3 teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt ZLrt I U cup milk ed Jarvis McLeod, collector of They were Ltd- i: Select your gift, pay a deposit and when you wish to pick up your purchase use our Personalized Budget Plan for easy payment. brother, Paul, died recently at customs, and others. Gallup, New Mexico. I away a little short years a civic employee. ; of a week Mr. Comadina passed away in . 1 nrnimmunti xpx he and exnerienced some ratner onnm.ned later. " ! rough weather which, however hospital after being stricken a week ago. I Carrying did not prevent them from bringing back a bag of geesa and ducks. No Interest No Charges. Born at trsriik. Yugoslavia, i years ago, Mr. Comadina' i . ii i jelt chocolate over hot water, IN TKE SUPREME eOURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATK came to the uniiea siaies in Mi 11:15 -Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather ruiecust 11:31 Message Per.od 11:33 Recorded Interlude 1906, settling at St. Louis, Missouri. Two yea:4 iater, he returned to his native land to claim his bride. Shortly after W. H. Williscroft of Terrace, 8 Her spending a few days in the city following a trip to Van couver, . left, by . last evening's ward, he came to Ontario where-he engaged in railroad con-' struction until 1910. 11:45-Famous Voices PM 12:00 "M'd-Dav Melodies 12:15 CBC News program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast In Hie MulWr ol'thp ".lmlnlMf:iHii Aft" And In Hip Matter ot the Kstnte ft Frank t luiil'iiei-, HeeenKPil. lnlPHtatP. TAKE NOTICE ttMtt by Order ot Hi Honor Judte W. O. Fulton. Local Judge uf tbe Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 24lh day of November. A D. 1848. appointed Administrator of the Estate of PranK Chudinec, late of Ocean 'alls. British Columbia, who died on or about the 3rd day of September. 1948. at Ocean Falls. British Columbia All Dersons Indebted to the said train on his return to' the interior. 7ou yaw it ziie Daily Newsl J That year he went to Van-I couver and then in 1911 he settled In Prince Rupert where he cove cure Just received a larpe shipsxer. 1 of excellent patterns in.jC; leum by the yard and rugs. Drop in and see the display in our basement department. ; 12:55 Recorded Interlude pmnwmtgiiitfittiiHiiiiitinnninuii 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 1:45 Women In Science estate are required to pay the i amount of their indebtedness -to me j forthwith and all persona having i claims against the said estate are took employment as a powder-man during the vast blasting enterprise which created th( railroad yards here. Later, he worked at Rocher 6p Boule mine near Hazelton and S3 ... Mm 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast m t mm tat the Dolly Varden mine near f Alice 'Arm. Before taking em 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Dor. Messer's Islanderc 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:15 What's News 3 : 30 Dl vertlmen to 3:45 BBC News 3:55 U.N. Report required to file" them with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of December. 1948. failinw which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 24th tiny of November. 1848. GORDON FRASER FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rxipert, BC. (U90I Phone 311 McBride St ployment with the city waterworks department In 1926, he was employed at the Premier mine, near Stewart. Mr. Comadina worked with U.S. VESSEL UNLOADS HERE lis Carrying four carloads of, XM AS PHOTOS Order Early Chandler & Cowgilt For Appointments , PHONE DAY: GREEN 389 ' i NITE: BLACK 613 tlS 4tk Street DeLuxe DELIVERY PHONE 422 frozen fish and four carloads of I lumber to unload here, the Alaska Steamship Co. motor vessel Coastal Rambler docked at mm M It's the AUTOMATIC IBemidlnx Diryeir 1. Handles all fabrics. 2. Easy on the clothes, 3. Automatic controls for heat , . and time damp or bone dry within an hour. 4. Handles 1 8 lbs. wash in one operation. 5. Can be used with any washer. "DON'T DEPEND ON THE WEATHERMAN FOR DRY CLOTHES." Prince Rupert Monday. She discharged the fish at the Ocean Dock and is unloading the lumber today. Both lumber and fish are destined for the American market and will be shipped to the United States in bond. The Coastal Rambler came here from Ketchikan and is under command of Capt. Charles N. Goodwin. E.en Calle . ', . . . for Tasty Meals Chop Suey Chow Mein IrilMlflfrilflffl Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel a.m. to 3:30 a m:' Phone 173 for Outside Orders O ASK THE MAN WHO BUYS ONE - QUALITY 2J rM IMTC IKT T A KIV C I vv J Christmas carries fragrances: crisp wintry air, spicy scent of pine. Add Blue Grass Flower Mist, famed fragrance by Elizabeth Arden. It's a wonderful gift, in a gay gift-wrapping, with a Kentucky-caught scent, to take the Christmas airl Chriitmat wropp.d Bin Or Floww Mitt, I.7S, 1 15, 5 JO, with atomiiw, 2 75 1 AND QUALITY YOU GET WHEN I , WHEN YOUR TANK IS MADE l- Please bear with us TOP QUALITY SHINGLES BY SIDNEY They're Genuine Duroi.l, villi a miprr-saturated felt bane heavily coaled with Kperiully cured asphalt . . . will not lift curl or crack. Colorful slate granule, firmly inibetldVu', jjive permanent beauty ami protection. APPLIED BY APPROVED SPECIALISTS Top quality asphalt shingles are not enough. They should be applied by eport. Sidney approved applicators bav years of experience and a wealth of technical "know how." They miiKt nie ; ' BY THOM SHEET METAL LTDt TIIE Phone Black 884 233 East First Are. OIIPESQ TERRACE Finely-appointed "Princ" iteameri offer unexcelled accommodation and tempting meals foi restful, comfort. ab'e trip outh. PRINCE RUPERT SAILINGS Southbound Wednesday, Dec. 8 SUNDAY, DEC. 19 WEDNESDAY, JAN. o For information and reservations contact liiffh neSfioation. Ahk !r Iney' Genuine Duroid Shingles with appruvt IF Commercial Elotel is undergoing extensive renovation and improvements which will make it the smartest establishment of its kind in Prince Rupert. Meanwhile, all departments are carrying on business as usual and we ask our patrons to continue their favor and be patient with us until the job is finished-December 18. application. ir Made only by Skeena Restaurant TERRACE ; I LLOYD SAUDER, PROPRIETOR j , GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE Open 6:30 a.m. till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays- DINE AND DANCE Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves 1 AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 is n ii v. Maclean, General Agent Plumbing or Heating: Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 171 Box 271 (284) i