tirinrc ttupert Daflp JUclus r Thursday, January 13, 1949 Reminiscences -Cm rTTlT. Pw W'pK 5T- Vrt Month. 75,-. P Year, 19 00 By Matl, Per Month, 80c; Per Tear, to 00 By w.J. d Reflections ACME'S Super if R m,, I When they are prepared to spend between three and four thousand dollars for uniforms, the members of the Greenville Concert Band In the Naas Valley take their music seriously Indeed. An outlay like this contributes to the welfare of their village, and to their own improvement. Far larger sums are thrown away and not by th natives either. It's so easy to recall that warm, sunny afternoon in '45, when it was officially made known that the war had ended! Prince Rupert told business to be gone and gave way to rejoicing! No more wail of the 'alert!" No more extinguishing of lights. No more telegrams and sinking hearts. No more weary waiting and sharp anxieties. Peace! Hardly four years ago. The glad new world. Peace? The bright new world. Been looking it over lately? COMMENCES FRIDAY, JANUAKY 11 I b. '! - QUALITY CLOTHES AT LOW PRICES HAS ALWAYS BEEN OUR Poi i( But LOOK At Those Values! 1 How come, these ominous threats and fresh alarms direct from the storied land of Pales-tine9 Air raids, and explosions, and hatreds and hangings, and diplomatic sleight-of-hand. Well, WE'VE KNOCKED THE BOTTOM OUT OF PRICES-IT'S YOUR CHANcjT ( TO BALANCE THE FAMILY BUDGET! Since the Supreme Court o: ' IT Canada ruled that prohibition of margarine is illegal and always has been, it is not at all strange that people are wondering how many more rules and regulations, in a legal sense, have no right whatever to be on the statute books. In wartime, Canada accepted, without question whatever Ottawa chose lo do. The war is supposed to have ended in 1945. There's room for a shake-up to see what's constitutional! ZJo sentiment aside, there are a i 1 couple of pipe lines extending across the Holy Land and reach- j ing the sea at Haifa. The pipes tap oil fields of immense iin- portance in international affairs and within convenient distance. ! Suppose there was not enough oil with which to light a lamp, j nearer than ten thousand miles? j How often would names like j Beercheba, Jerusalem, Jericho, j Lebanon, Negev and Bethlehem j flare on the world's front pages? 1 WATCH THOSE POINTS MOOSE JAW, Sask. 0 A bit ! of the Olde English Pub atmos- j phere has crept into Moose Jaw j in the form of a 48-man darts j league. Most of the players are I veterans who got acquainted ! with darts overseas. ' j AND YOU CANT BEAT THE BARGAINS , AT. ACME! A Grand Selection of the FINEST WORSTED, TWEED AND THE EVER-POPULAR SHARK SKIN British Parliament Problems PARLIAMENT i to meet again next BRITISH fc 4 Tuesday, January 18. ' The next ten weeks or so will bear much discus-won of fiscal, financial and economic policy generally until Sir Stafford Cripps, Chancellor of the Exchequer, opens his second Budget in April. His first, last April, established the policy of disinflation which is still at work. On whatever side of the -House they sit, Memlers of Parliament are examining this very carefully. The considerable, surplus that the Chancellor budgetted for may turn . out to be markedly diminished by a variety of causes, not all of them within the government's ' cojitrol. And some successful wage claims will be held in the argument to have shown that the stabilisation policy could not everywhere be successfully maintained. In fact, there has been justification, within the limits announced by the government, for most if not all claims granted. Another factor is that the - ost of subsidies on food has continued to rise far " Beyond the limits proposed from time to time. The government's supporters are, at any rate, able to argue that these have been an indispensable instilment in keeping the cost-of-living index steady, and that all of the population, even the poorest, are able to buy their essential foods. Of such necessaries ' there is no rationing by price, and the normal rationing schemes have been able to be kept up. Much discussion these coming months will centre . ;upon the changes that may come to be needed to harmonize the long-term program of the. United Kingdom with those of other countries that share in the Marshall Plan's benefits. These benefits carry great responsibilities wfth them, and among the chief of these responsibilities is. to make the best use of the country's own resources so as to j'educe and eventually end their dependence on gifts tilt United States dollars. The programs that were lately sent to Washington by the Organization for European Economic Co-operation have inevitably ibeen drawn up by the 1J countries, each without t'Jhy knowledge of what the others were doing. This month all are examining the report of the - others' programs and re-examining their own. They -rre to tell the organization at the endof the month "the first results of their studies. That is the point tat which the governments must have their minds made, up to face the tasks of leadership involved j in making possibly very formidable changes in their programs, in the interests of recovery, of the Mar-f shall Plan countries and of Europe as a whole. OFF ALL SUITS & 1 . 1 & JVV M & V fitter. Ivtl I'll J , M HIGH MASONIC OFFICER HERE Dr. Benjamin Bailey of Winnipeg, Supreme Grand Master ol the Knights Templar for Canada and Newfoundland, highest order of freemasonry, arrived In the city Wednesday afternoon to pa.v an official YARMOUTH, Isle of Wight, CP 1 ' A heron raided a goldfish pond here and out of 300 fish j $74.95 Suits Going For $56.20 $46.00 Suits Going For $34.50 Bargains Galore Within This Price Range! Preceptory I left one. i visit to Klncolith here. He will remain here until Friday evening waen he will leave by train for Edmonton. Dr. Bahey. a retired dental "BUILD BC. PAYROLLS" surgeon of the Manitoba tal, was guest of honor at a ner given by memuers of the i Preceptory at the Broadway PACIFIC MILK QUALITY While they last-2 PAIIT Suits Reduced From $72.00 to $54.00 Cafe last nigh-., alter which he paid his official visit to the Preceptory at the Masonic Temple. A vsiit to the c:vic Centre i yesterday left Dr. Bailey amaz-1 ed at the extent of its commun- j ity services and the spirit which j maintains it. I "mm mm JACKETS. A WONDERFUL SELECTION OF FINE MATERIAL IN POPULAR SHADES I LETTERBOX mi ir Try Pacific Milk, that creamy- ( rich, vitamin packed milk that is everyone's favorite. Good for j baking and cooking. At all i grocers. j PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum packed a $34.95 Jackets Going For $261 -6.i S21.9! Jackets Going For SPEEDY POLICE WORK Editor, Daily News: On Monday afternoon we had occasion to call the City Police in connection with a shoplift-ng suspect. We do not know those responsible but from the time we called the office untii the suspect was apprehended was a matter of minutes. We would like to express our appreciation at the speed and dispatch with which the whole case was handled. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for the use of your valued space. JOE SCOTT. "UNFRIENDLY CITY? MAN, half dead from the effects of trying to ; A end his life by taking gas, was saved in Van-i j:ouver last week. A note, written by him, declared Vancouver to be "the most unfriendly city in the ft world." An extravagant and undeserved charge, Surely, even allowing for the circumstancesl The - same might be said of any city, anywhere, the size of Vancouver. On the other hand, Prince Rupert is known as a small, new town where about every- : one is kindly disposed. Few people are disregarded, j They are glad to be able to assist. It is certainly fine to be known as that sort of community and . long may it continue. Probably the same could have '. been said of Vancouver half a century ago. If and when Prince Rupert has a population of a quarter of a million, what then? "Doubtless, another Van-' 'corner! .Cities change, but human nature doesn't.' CKandler & Cowgill Pln-ugriHlier Developing, Printing , Enlarging fa 4 216 4th Bt. Box 645 SLACKS . GABARDINE AND WORSTED Choose jour Slacks for casual w ear now anravc. A wide variety of shades. , " all sizes $21 .50 Slacks Going For $16 13 $7.95 Slacks Going For .$5 .96 A New Leaf For a NEW' YEAR "I i! M & ml CRUISERS MACKINAWS LEATHER JACKETS Be ready fro the New Year at home and in the office with CALANDER PADS that will help you keep your appointments. We also have assistant Dally Journals and Pocket Diaries. STRANGE INCIDENTS : AN OCTOBER 20, in Washington, Marvin Smith, "Ay attorney in the Solicitor-General's office, hi I namo mentioned in a spy investigation, hurtled to ; his death in a circular stair well in the Department of Justice. , , Last week, Lawrence Duggan, a former trusted ; employ of the State Department, jumied, fell (or ; was thrown) from the fifteenth storey of a New ' jVoi'k office building. On Christmas Day, Sumner Wells, former Un-'. der-Secretary of State, who had come to the defence OFF 0fiuk Top Coats r (14 I'rait If! 0 ACC Kvcry One of These IU 0 Uir Outdoor Garments ' '''ii "l.lf ,oi miggan, is iouna naii-irozen on a roaci near nis state where he had "gone after midnight. In our world of today, with" its tangled webs, its 10 OFF ALL SWEATERS 1W Regular $42.95 COATS Going For long hands of vengeance, its undergrounds and terrors, strange things happen. What Washington 4-eems to need at the moment, is not further investigations of un-American activities but a super-class detective. Ottawa Journal. 'SCARVES 95cr TO $1-95 fis) Ormes Drugs $32.20 THIS IS NOT A CLEARANCK SAKK-4U FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -12 NOON 2 Pit, 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. '. STOCK IS NEW. COME EAKLY FlUI; OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME STATIONERY GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS JANUARY 14, AND TAKE YOUR C i.;r SEE sior N A t Emergency bicycle deli?erj from T p.m. til! 9 p.m. and Sunday Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. Dibb Printing Co. WD VIE, CLOTHING STORf Hesne r Block Phone 234 PHONE 81