l?tin Uupctt Dailp J3etos , Thursday, January 13, 1949 LEGION PLANS i K I, February DANCEiLocdl INews Items . :? Three Months For Carrying Knife After electine sneeay trial in C.IRL cuini: HOY SCOUT WKEK II HUE t,(Hi.iH)iin(i tiHti.t-lHii-iiihilHlilnnUllillhiinif IHtMntltllllltOlt'i S O N. Whist, Dance. Valhalla meeting tonight . . BEAUTY . . . UTILITY ... ECONOMY II) WITH menu. Friday, Jan. 14. Election of officers. (H) Boy Scouts' Association of Initiation of five new members and discussion regarding a proposed dance which may be held early in February were matters considered at the monthly meeting of the Canadian Legion in the Legion Hali last night. The Valentin Dairy is Justly Prince Rupert district is making its plans for the annual observance of Girl Guide-Boy Scout proud of Billetcr's 47c milk. You should try 11! (It) city police court Wednesday, Katharine White, a young native woman, pleadeXl guilty to a charge of being in possession of an offensive weapon and was sentenced to three months in Jail by Magistrate W. D. Vance. She was picked up by city police at the week-end with a knife in her possession. Vlvaply weatherboard W. M. WatU and A. S. Nicker- week from February 20 to 27. Four speakers two from the Cereal Cream and Skim-Milk now avaJlablc at popular prices. Visit Valentin Dairy. .(U) SALE-Speciul Sale of Used Fir Flooring, Northwest Construction, general contractors. Four doors west of Prince Rupert Hotel. Phone 003. (12) Make It a Must! Visit North eiikeriainment co.nmittec was son are leaving on tomorrow evening's train for a business irkiu-sscN l llii DiiiiKlas Fir I'lywo odin stuck s f , ltii 12 to 40 Ret available for tarty delivery Boy Scout Association and two charged with investigating the trip to Smithcrs. feasibility of a dance to replace from the Girl Guides will be made available for service clubs and other organizations which the periodic "Bring the Missus' Members of Prince Rupert IBERT & McCAFFERY LTD, HOTEL ARRIVALS i Burns Club please remember i entertainments which have been held in' the past. The meeting will be part of the observance of the week. meeting to be held in the Civic land Dairy today. We will show LUMBER ItUIMUNC SUPPLIES was attended bv 50 members you around. (12) Centre, Friday, Jan. 14, 8 p.m. phone no and First Vice-President James Prince Rupert B. Whittaker, Vancouver; A and (lt- Sheardowns' aie carrying all NOTICE number SteanifittiTS, Local 180 McPherson, Vancouver; A. I!. A Daily news c:ussinca Ads get Quick Results! Johnson, Vancouver; M. Giam- held Northland Dairy products. Drop Nieoll was chairman in the absence of President R. P. Smith. New members Iniated were W. D. Grifhtfis, W. K. Kennedy, Donald Thompson, J. A. Zam-mond and Miss A. N. Tompkins. ercy, Vancouver; T. Clarke A special meeting will be tonight, January 13, at 8 in the Civic Centre. in and buy a bottle. (12) p.m Vancouver; L. R. Hewer, Van (10) NOTICE The Social Welfare couver; E. Langley, Vancouver! kllVITIES 1TED ON AT j,t MEETING R. Homewood, Vancouver; H. a later meeting. Reports on Christmas activities were made by Mrs. J. Slew-art and Mrs. F.- M. Kempton. Mia. Stewart reported on local work and Mis. Kempton on overseas pareeJs Christmas hampers werede-livcred to the Pioneers' Home NOTICE I roin January 10 Waist Overalls and Jeans Western Glove, Caribou, G. W.G. and Headlight. PAIR 3.25 10 $3.95 Bib Overalls Western Glove, Headlight andG.W.G. PAIR 4.25, $4.35 ttnd $4.50 Carpenters' Overalls Western Glove and Headlight. PAIR $4.75 and $5.15 Coveralls Western Glove, Hickory Branch offices, formerly in the Court House will, "as from Jan Singleton, Vancouver; E. Ellin to Jan. 22, the Pioneer Canadian TOO LA 'I E TO CLASSIFY grud, Queen Charlotte .City; Laundries offer you $2.50 worth of dry cleaning for $2.00. Any Mrs. M. Archer, Keluwna; B John, Ocean Falls; N. Mazzone LOST Small brown dog, part Scottish no collar, answers uary 15, 1949, occupy Rooms 6 and 8, upstairs in the Stone Block, located at Third Avenue and Fifth Street. ..IWJBlOlBOTHIS- au utino,splierc of tirltdlllH'Cl was evi- thing over $2.50, 20 off. Water to Nipper. Vicinity of 621 Vancouver; B. Dysart, Nelson proofing and moth proofing at Thompson St. Phone Green 998. (12 1 I and to private homes In the city, while he lceps! Rub hi , monthly meeting a small extra charge. (12) H. Bosworth, Vancouver; R. Ellis, Vancouver; T. Rose, Van Mrs. Stewart said. She told of The annual general meeting throat, chest and 4 If C bac at bedtime W ' V warming... VtVORUI couver; D. Bailey, Winnipeg MILE-STONES! Valentin , ry Chapter, I.O.D.E. iiiiir when 'reports !;, Clucr in.tlviUcs Dairy lias served Prince Rupert of the Prince Rupert Fishing Vessel Owners Mutual Protective Fund will be held in the common lounge, Civic Centre Sunday January 16th at 2:30 p.m. All good condition and in time for the Christmas celebration. Refreshments were served by the hostess at the conclusion of the business session. Mrs. A. T. for 25 vears. (ID by .committee (red JANUARY 'CLEARANCE SALE an eie,ht - year - old girl who, hearing of a needy family, wrapped up some of her own Christmas presents and Joined the Quern Mary ladles In delivering them. Mrs. Kcinptun read several lelti-rs from grateful recipient? of overseas parcels. They acknowledged their receipt in Suits Overcoats. Shoes,, mis SUil $6.50 cellaneous items. All sale goods! held at, the home M Foole, Uorden received noinina- members please attend. 12) Northlanu Dairy is contacting all inquiries as soon as pos Suit Parkin was winner of the monthly raffle. February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Parkin, Borden Street. at cost. Sale commences Monday, January 10. Prince Rupert Caribou fiC A A Blue Denim In ei-.s lor uic coming sible. If you wish tickets for Suit I . I 1 . . -I ... Jons will oe neiu uk Ek. $7.25 guit Headlight Blue Drill Northland Dairy products phone 13 and a salesman will call or tickeU may be . obtained at Fishermen's Co-op. (11' ANNETTE MANSEIX'S January Clearance of Dresses. 75 nwsKPR to dear at 2 for the Painters' Overalls Sheardowns'. 1' SALE! Deane s Quality Clean ers offer 20'.1 discount on all dry- "MY TWO PET PEEVES WERE '! . i price of 1. You buy one and get one free. This season's dresses, i.jwcst styles and fabrics. Call cleaning orders of $2.50 and over. Time Jan. 10 to Jan. 22.! WASHING OUT DIAPERS fcsto early for. a better selection ak 525 3rd Ave. West. tf and Smocks Western Glove Make T ntZ 9 Garment Work Sliirls Priced from $1.75 w $3.95 get Don't miss this chance to WOMEN'S OXFORDS OXFORDS !) maC&4 STRAPS STUAI'S AND AND PUMPS PUMl'S i $2.50 value for $2.00. Call 283 and our driver will call and deliver daily. ' 13) AND SCRUBBING THE Instead of the regular weekly luncheon today, the Prince Ru pert Rotary Club is having a dinner dance tonight in honor of Tony Crawley, unttl recently II TOILET BOWL BRIDGE LESSONS GET UNDER WAY i the last single member, and" his bride, the former Miss Nan Bavestcr. a First of a two-month series of j weekly bridge lessons was given i to'lC card players in the Civic, GROUP 1, $1.95 Values to $8.00 NOW GROUP 2, $2-95 " v Values to $8.00 NOW GROUP 3, $4.95 v Values 1o $10.95 NOW Velvet Overshoes $3.95 . Women's lied and P.rown Pullon Rubbers $U)S liraiilHilililllllHIl!!!!!!!!!! Centre Tuesday night by Garnet li'I'lii'Mlllllilllllllllllli Beaver Coat is Given Bracken Hull who is acting as instructor JorAho course. Tuesday night's lessons were in the elements of Bracken, John trick relired Irom the i billing counting the WINNIPEG who recently leadership of Conservative mi' Pnvrcssivc-' values of hands. Later lessons nirtv was the I'111 deal with the proper play- Men's HARTT Shoes IiMi of actual bands, with demonstrations of correct tech' FOR YOUU 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL'itkn 705 CIVIC CENTRE I)INL(; ROOM ni(ues by Mr. Hull. Mr. Hull ItCCil'LAK $15.93 SALK I'RICK Black . $11."; Ibown S12.!)." guest of honor here at a reception. giveiLby former .collcagufs of the Manitoba Legislature. A handsome coat of Manitoba beaver was presented to Mr. Blacken. said that he expects attendance to iiicrca.se as the course gets under way. Men s Dross Oxfords .... $6.r Men's Work Uots(; in. . $.'!.!"; 10 in. . .W SAbK STARTS FRIDAY JANUARY 11 :l U Aniiounceinenti 411 l1vprLlrrfltt"i.r n ITllA CUlUIIH. will b rhni Ked fur a t ill month ! BUSES-SiuBBOBa at 36 ienui a tu Family mm S(orc j ! Crlbbage. Whist, Bridge at if winter's here... s lime to think about SriUNO KU'AIKS 8 I - - - - 1 1 C-alholic School Hall, Jan. 13 , p.m. BABY'S COLDS Hep Nature To Fight Them Off MJicfll Spt''f, 4o fe any puch tftmif us a in'f f'T rt'his tmlv Netnrt liTBelf mn d. i1. t?. when laby enifflps, r ptufTy brpattiing varn you f n cold's IHTsrnfA IHTsrnfA cwiprrat rwipfrai t t rn'p rnp with with Naturv. Nature. i'-p that baby Is k-pt irarm, jrt plpnly f sljp.-wi'l taVr "v ;1m enre that the iMiwcla are thoroughly clonrH (f hnrmftil want. To d" this wittvul Up.-sf ii injr bahy's vho ayntem and further Vfkpning M. try But.v'B Own l'Hbhia. Wild, yH art promptly in grng 1 id of (be irrrtHf ingr material' that make baby r&tb"B and f-crii?h. Mra. liorir' MeUrble i( fcirarttro pays: "My baby rf 6 mintbn canfrht r na-(y cold o I trtoj Baby's Own TnhHii and bc Ihi-rw this cold off quicker, than f'ver b.foii, J certainly am for HabyV Own Tiii'lfta from now on." KffrcUxe also in !ttMnr tixublTt, ntkation and otbrr simple baby ailmcntj, 2i(. Mi 10U1 P.T.A. lea and mtislcai I Thursday, January 27. i Burns Banquet. Presbyterian I Church Hall, Thurs. Jan. 27. Salvation Army Native Girls I Hostel Birthday Tea and Home ; Cooking Sale. January 27. 3-(i. If your limine gutters iieeti attention, it your boat needs new tanks, see us; ' we have the equipmnct and experience to do anything in the Sheet Metal line. miiuamjatiuijiiiiuuiiii The Shrine Club Band will hold a concert at the Civic Centre January 31. Cituibral Chapter I. O. L. E. Valentine Tea ami Home Cooking Feb. 10. The Uniled Church Valentine Tea at the home of Mrs. A. J. Dominato, Feb. 17. The United Church Spring Sale, May 5. ONE CENT V l4J"'ir fcii f I A THOM M1LL1 SHEET CANDY SALE I rn 0 KMiM I l MMAi.Yi.-ii P0RK& METAL LTD. ANNE'S ,;rLt RFANS IfPi 1 -. mmmmmmmummml I UUnl W 4235' F Plionc ULAC'K 881 .. J '"BWaBr 11:11 P. CM Wif? REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Income Tax Id-turns Prepared (jajcsaD R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFi'Ki 32E (HID BROADWAY CAFE Always tin- llcst Place to I'at HIGH QUALITY FOODS TRY OUll SPECIAL UUSINESS LUNCHES OTI CUTS ) HfiYALClTY I " DW 0 is ! Plumbing or Heating Cull , ! SMITH & ELKINS 1 Carving Sets Pocket Knives j Phone m Box 271 PYREX DOUBLE BOILERS CommOllOrC Cafe Casseroles Table Cutlery ! lSpr,DcL:1 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. : QJl : I ..(Mthly Urboktol. V i ' il l.'T All ' HOLLYWOOD cafe '- ( I1WWM -c"y-'' e" yyTS1 COMPLETELY RENOVATED "'"Urr ZtJ W Most Up-to-Datc Cafe in "Better Than Ever" ' the City Best Food and Service in City So' . imH-lut Cf4Artl Open from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. " for orders U MM , . Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. i-n.fj.i-fj pcciaiize in Chinese Dishes MeBrTde CII0P SUEY C110W MEIN ' Mturiue Strt btreet 1HONE PHONE 311 FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 Classified Ads Bring Results! i " '. i : " J; COSTS IN Yt J f" ,,lT' i,l,i,,n f Javtx is soft and gentle, it I ' i M' ,n,.,n,u"ly that "quantities' required" in I I iliicttmns are one-ball to one-third less than ior i,M ,i.. ii ,' . . . , r ........ v., inviniiiij; anu cleaning nuius. rove this for yourself. See how it docs a better J money. TRY OUR CHINESE DISHES Extra Special to Take Home! Chow Mcin Sweet and Syur 608 3rd Ave W. . Phone 200 VEX Liquid Sunshine i i D E I N BRITISH COLUMBIA!