I v ORHES DRUGS Daily Delivyer NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PH0I1E81 VOL. XXXV11I, No. 10. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS i in is Nationalist Chm ah About in) n n n t -Break up i orsea (iveriinirnt Behind line Policy ' lakes Complaint Trying For I SulletiuA I COMMUNISTS OFFER TERMS Hop Record The British gov-, standing solidly be-i(ja Secretary Ernest his policy on Pales-is announced yester-pite of Conservative aid charges of anti-There will be no FOR WAR END Bill Odom Approaching Coast This Afternoon on Way From Honolulu to New York I policy, a spokesman SEATTLE, tfi-Capt. William P. B111) Odom, flying his Chiang Named 'War Criminal' Flight From Nanking PEIPING (CP) The slngle-engined "Watkikl Beach." winging eastward today in tish Foreign Office day that Israeli had violated United Na-orcli rs and the pres- quest of a 5,285-mile flight re cord for small planes, reported ' v ' ' t) f l r - . It ' 'iC 4t ' " ' . - kill'- 1 ; '"' ' '' i f ft x r;.,r WA . S " ' - - . ? . - . a II) 1 1 'i'fii.aii(.jiiimiiMritft,TiMiiW''gJ jfv.as tne resun oi jew- military and financial po himself 500 miles off the main- ,ion. sition of Nationalist. laud coast at noon. Bucking n the other hand, in liohd winds, he was five hours EDEN ON PALESTINE LONDON Conservative spokesman Anthony Eden expressed fear today of a British-American break over Palestine. He described the terms of Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin as "confused." Speaking at Warwick last night, Eden said that the Labor government and the United States Department of State must share the blame "for failure of either to' declare a firm policy and take a firm line."" He said that the destruction of five British planes by Israel forces during a battle between Jews and Arabs on Palestine's Egyptian border last Friday was an "unwarranted and aggressive act." NEW HIGHWAY NEEDED VANCOUVER Speaking before the transportation and customs bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade, Hon. E. C. Carson, minister, of public works, said tltpre was need of another through highway to the United States south from Vancouver through Lulu Island and Ladner. He failed to indicate, however, w hen construction of such a road China has become so bad that opposition to the bldud schedule. He had chang l before the Security the United Nations, hI Britain Is menac- ed his course In order U pass Communists may break cr- the coast about 300 miles 'h military and poll- sobtli of - Seattle. Two United States Army Air Force planes went out from McCord Field to meet hh and accompany him to tlio coast. pdom with his silver plane left Honolulu last night at 6:32 and asked that Bri-uiifl naval movc- iivcstigated. i' the official Rus- irncy, Tu.ss, claimed Britain was netting war In the Middle li armies were bciii',4 Uie Suez area and in the eastern Mcdi-The Arabs were go-Briti.sh coiniuand to up without a direct attack Upon the capital of Nanking from which officials are already In flight with records. Chinese communists have laid down specific conditions for the beginning of national peace talks, a source here said today. He listed them as removal from office of President Chiang Kai-Shek and Vice-President Ll Tsung-Jen, the scrapping of China's constitution, a mutual cease-fire order with both sides p.pi. 8:32 p.m. Pacific Standard Timet for Teterboro airport, outside of New York. GEORGE DREW TAKES OATH OF OKHC E -Pictured above at left Is George Drew, Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, being sworn in as a Member of Parliament by Arthur Bcauchesne, Clerk of the House of Commons. Th " ceremony automatically made him officially the Loader of the Opposition in Canada's Parlia incut. It took place mi Monday in Mr. Beau-chesnr's office, just before Mr. Drew's departu-e on his lour of Western Canada. The 2000-mile record for hjlit planes Is now held by Rus-.sla. ! holding present positions, ex amination and punishment of nO HOLD POLICE SEEK UJ. ALUMINUM CO. PLANS SURVEY war criminals" with Chiang might lie expected to commence. JARVIS McLEOD HONORED VICTORIA Fred W. (Cyclone) Taylor, one of the all-time hockey, greats, yesterday received the Order of the British Empire from Lieutenant-Governor C. A. Banks at an investiture here. He was honored in connection with his work as commissioner of immigration at Vancouver. (At the same investiture Jarvis H. McLeod, collector of Pussy Willows Are TITURE heading the list, establishment of a coalition government with witii Hon. e. t. Keuney, t Out Winter Over? lenin Tin; Kins will HOME FOR ORPHAN PUP five communist members, three Kuomintang and four from all nvcslitme at Buck-lare March 1. it was U4 niuht. Tliis will i in,! jor functiiiti ar- Minister of Lands and Forests. The Reynolds company already I has operations in Washington and Oregon. IU' said that how much money j tlip 'oniiiiiv U'oiilH soenrl oil I llig American ( onrrrii liirnt Attriili.ui to IS. -1 VICTORIA -fl'ynolds Aluiit-i ii ii in Co., one of the large American aluminum producers, plans to make survey of the British Columbia coast in search of hydro power for a projected Ortm Iron doors at the eltv other Chinese political parties. The same source predicted that Chiang would issue a statement In which he would resign the presidency and go to For J fa (In- Kinu since Ins customs at Prince Rupert; was to be invested with Member of the British Empire but the token was sent to him). . . s w aimounceti on mov bastille clanged shut Wednesday on an innocent victim of circumstances and tenderhearted city police are hoping that .soon he. will be rescued byiitioine otiipassionate citizen mosa. the development will depend on the quantity of power available. Electric uower is one of the Canadian manufacturing plant. major factors in production oi j J, Louis Reynolds, president. vt the West Vlrt: ina con man v. . alunumsui Victim of these tribulations said here Wednesday that Reporti lns,t yew iiidt-l while vork cannot start until cat;d that (lie hMd of Garil-j Pust y willows are out . in Prince Rupert. Warm rains of the pa;;!- couple of days, the latest development in this winter of sharp contrasts, evidently brought them forth. Pussy willows are generally regarded as an early harbinger oi '.sprhiK. However, it, is only Ji,!jOtuy 13 -and,' vTiW I'tinee Hopert at this early date already has more than a noimal winter behind it. tic old timers, pussy willows iiiiil tin- present, mild .Spell no! wiUBjtatid'.ig, are none too sure that the end Is yet here. On the other hand it is to be recalled that there have Ir-en years in the past when February broutjlit many warm and sunny days -and It Ls Idtle more than two weeks to February. :.:haiioh 07FICERS mhnl ( huilrr in . inn 'I ursil t y Night i ;nriii", the coinpaiiy iilans l,o,ner Canal, JIKi miles iiiiles souiii souili oil Prince Knpert. will lie inve.-tl-catcil as a power, .siU' for the -ttnly provincial water records In the ineaiitime. Mr. Reynolds GYRO PLANS -INSTALLATION Monthly business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club yesterday was given over largely to finalizing of plans in connection with the visit next week of Wilson Hunt, district governor from Penticton, and the installation of officers for 1949 which he will conduct. The principal made the statement after con- aluminum Company of Canada., TAKES SWIPE AT REDS OTTAWA Canadian Congress of Labor took' a swipe today at a reddish affiliate for muscling in on its territory. It moved in on the northern field of the International' Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, a body which it expelled last year but later retinstated. . U.S. ATTACKS HOLLAND PARIS The United Nations Security Council yesterday heard an American attack on Holland for its "police action" in Indonesia. The United States demanded a time-table for the elections and for the Dutch surrender of sovereignty to the projected United States of Indonesia. otlliTts. lir tmitiHitioii iii"liic( tiie regular at a tender age is a small male pup whose ancestry none of the police dare consider except in a very general way. His more obvious characteristics are those of a Scotch terrier, crowed, apparently, with a touch .of Irish Alrdale blood. . This small . bundle 'of uninhibited affection was brought to the police station yesterday by a man who said that he found lihn wandering forlornly on a downtown street. His fate, lectins of C.unbral (. 1), K. which was l adies' lounge of 1 1 if :: TODAY'S STOCKS : : U"mirt,y fi D. Juhn&loii C'-j Lid.) fre. Election of olli- event of the occasion will be the Installation dinner and dance at the Prince Rupert Aero Club l:e place at the re nin;' , Aforti MoOre, cilui a-: etary, gave a .sati;-.-,Miil on the work be-in the schools. Mrs. if he Is not claimed, will be that of most orphan dogs he will be done away with. ' at Seal Cove. The district governor will be accompanied by .10 .01 .27 .13 .18 12'l.ltu 1 35 .till 71 . 3.2" TWO KILLED BY But that li the lat thing the "hle, film convenor, his wife and there will be other functions In connection with IS GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER VANCOUVER .rt'eurge Wal- constables want to do. They Old it w.is decided Iji incinbt i .ship with the 'rii rw t a Oi rrai: J neiit. were made for i lace, 33-year-old Chilllwack In 1 f Vancouver Bayoiinc "C'z flralorne 35 Ii R. Con. 03 B. It. X 'J Cariboo UuarU 143 C. oii;res.s -Oii'i Ilcilley Mascot 5t Pacific Eastern 07 Pend On illr 5.5't I'ioiK cr ' 3 (iu rremlcr Border 01 Privateer 21 Reeves McDonald ... 3.05 Reno .07 Sheep Creek 153 Silbak Premier 41i Taku River 33 Vananda .40 ' .Salmon Gold .13 Spud Valley 00 Oils Aiir.lo Canadian 4.70 f ri would rather see nun claimed by some dog lover who would give him a good home. "He has a lot of Scotch terrier blood In him and If he Is like most of that breed, he will make a good, one-man dog," said Corporal A. If. Taylor. "We would certainly like to see him taken into a good home." The pup's estimated age is three or four months. I Valeiitiiip tea to be i.i 'y id. He for January was it's. Jens Muuthe. (I'ic of the meeting i ,s were served bv BOMB IN CAIRO CAIRO, One or two persons were killed and at least ir were injured by the explosion of a bomb In a Cairo square today. Police said tne bomb was In a bag which was taken to the square for official scrutiny after it was dropped in a corridor leading to the national court of appeal. One arrest has .been made. dian, ws.s yesterday sentenced to liiteen years' imprisonment afier being convicted of manslaughter In Assize Court, here. A 11! -man Jury found Wallace guilty of manslaughter arising DOCTORS BAR REPORTERS Newspaperii.in Nto Allowed To Interview Star Witness in Counterfeit Case VANCOUVER, - 1.,ctoi.; today barred reporters from attempting to reach Ernest Cun-duit for a first-hand account of how lie found himself caught In a plot involving counterfeit-lug and kidnapping. Dr. F. A. llacke said last night that the 65-year old engraver who told police he had been chained In a house tor five i by '. t' k I. "ire. their visit. Other business at yesterday's luncheon Included brief consideration of the playground program for the coming year which was referred to the playground committee. W. F. Stone was announce as winner of the attendance cup for the year 1948. The club renewed Its $10 membership In the Prince Rupert Film Council. Congratulations were offered to one of the members Dr. A. W. Large on the birth of a daughter yesterday morning. President O. Q. Stuart was in the chair. 'in and Mrs. Crawford Aum;iiiie Beat t ic Bevcourt Bobjo Buffalo Canadian Consul. Smelters Conwe.it Donalda Kldona 'Kast Sullivan CHanl Yellowhinle .. Clod's Lake llardrock Harricana Ifeva .- .1 Iosco . Jackuife Juliet Quebec Lake Rowan Lapaska Little Loni; Lac Lynx Madseu Red Lake McKcnie Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt Moneta . Negus Noranda Louvicoiu t Fickle ('tow ftegcourt San Anfonia Senator Rouyn Sherrit Clordon Steep Rock Sturgeon River Silver Miller 'out of the death September 21 of Andrew Neil Kirkpatrick, 'ytV'd 6'. whom Wallace allegedly struck while attempting to rub i him. i OF SNOW ' Wallace was charged with THE WEATHER Synopsis Milder weather returned to nmider but was acquitted of . 5.50 .55 .20 (l!l .12 .30 .05' 2 .50 .tlfi',2 , .10 ',2 . ,U3 .15 274 .. .42 1.13 .51 . 2 35 . 5tl 50 .33 .. .: . 4.25 4 6 1 j, 2.5(1 .. 1.00 .18 .38 : 5 MILLIONS :- f fsTATION, Nova the charge before the jury nearly all of British Columbia days at the mercy of hooded counterfeiters, is a "m e n t a 1 brought In the lesser verdict. .3 .85 .49 6.10 A. P. Con. Atlantic Caiinont C. & K. this morning with the exception .a of the East Kooteuay district. Central Leduc 1.45 Possible loss of $27,-is estimated toiUiy for luiiiheniicn because of inrival of snow, The ilUnJ wreck." lie said that Conduit was suffering from Intense shock and that It was an experience 'which might drive him ou t of his head. on account Early tnorntng temperatures In all regions were above zero while along the northern coast tem li MILLION DOLLAR FIRE IN OREGON of the wood cut from lots to the sawmills iy sidings In both Nova d New Rrunswick has ' serious setback. 1275 14! 2 1.50 " 2.70 .38 .11 .21 .15 '4 Home Oil Mercury Okalfa Pacific Pete Princess Royal Canadian .. South BriMcuu Tonmlo Alhona M 1 1 ,T N FRFEWATER, Ore., of many things mat nad happened. tm The Royal Canadian Mounted Police remain tight-lipped. MARINE STRIKE IN NEW YORK Negotiations Called Off C ould Cripple Port's Shipping . .... NE WYORK, if Negotiations seeking k) avert a crippling harbor strike were broken off early today by the American Federation of Labor after it had extended its walk-out deadline So midnight tonight. The strike by harbor craft Aorkers, representing" 3500 crew members, could cripple ocean nd coastal shipping In the world's greatest port. Harbor workers have been -'!'' --Firemen irom one Wasii- ineton and two Oregon commu FREIGHT BATTLE IN NEW PHASE OTTAWA lb Canada's two-year, battle over freight rates entered a new and more complicated phase today. The Board of Transport Commissioners heard evidence on a railway application for a new general Increase in freight tolls and the controversial Issue of tlie Board's formula under which it granted the railroads a general 21 percent rate boost last March. The railways have reverted peratures were In the low forties. fJkles were overcast In most sections of the province this morning and some light rain and drizzle was reported along the northern coast. Occasional light snow mixed with rain was falling in the Prince George region. Light rain or drizzle Is expected to spread slowly down the coast today and Friday while snow, occasionally mixed with rain, PHONE OUT nities battled in vain for eight hours last night and early today In an effort to save the block-long warehouse of the Utah Canning Co. near Freewaler. Damage Is estimated at more than $1.0(10,000. NICE INCREASE IN ARMY I'AY liupert's 191 'I telephone s are going into the 's week to the 2,'-!85 lf to the municipal 'vice. Thcv wdll renlace OTTAWA Recent pay increase In the Canadian Army Thirly-Five Mile Driving Too Slow AKRON, Ohio -When R. O. HI ft slowed lii.s car down to 33 miles an hour because lights of un oncoming car were loo brlcht. a state highway patrol LARGE FIRE IN HALIFAX Financial Building at Main Intersection Gutted HALIFAX, JlV- Guard rope-today enclosed the fire-scatrec' front of the Canada Permanent Trust and Mortgage Corporation building which had been gutted by an early morning fire The fire broke out in a new. will extend into the central in- means that a single army pit- .section, of the warehouse and terior. Forecast Vueen Charlottes and North passed ink) an older section. i'ry issued a year ago. i - to Telephone Super- back to the application for a fifteen percent "interim" freight rate increase. This new stand was placed before the Board of Transport Commissioners in the hearings today. Glow of the flames was vis Ible for 10 miles. seeking a 25 per cent Increase in pay and other benefits. HOCKEY SCORES pi A Hl'iiru Inuo tliic Coast-Overcast, with' occasion 'ctory Incorporates a car forced him to -the side of the road. He found he was In troube al light rain or drizzle today. Cloudy over the Queen Char- "inber of chamres in vat -ranks and pay or the three services have been equalized now gets $11!'! a month compared with $72 in 1!t:i!t. A private with wife and child pets $152 compared with $93. A single corporal is paid lllii compared to $H4. A corporal with wife and child gets $17- instead Tonight's train,vdue rrom the J T ... .1 . , ., , uoties Friday, clearing in me ''suiting from populates during the year. which raged out of control for two hours and caused $100,000 tasi ai ju.m, was repoiveo, aflernoon. Cloudy elsewhere "lor being too careful." Ho was drivlmi too sloy and was ordered Is the fcame si.e as morning W oe on ume. Friday. Light winds, becoming to move faster. In the interests one.- because of the Pierre LeRoss. manacer of, westerly (2U m.p.n. overnigm,, of security. The warning would National League Detroit 4, New York 1. Montreal 5, Boston 3. Pacific Coast League Portland 4, Seattle 2. San Diego 6, San Francisco 1. Oakland 5, Los Angeles 4. LOCAL TIDES ... Friday, January 14, 1949 High 1:15 18 8 feet 12:50 22.4 feet Low 6:51 8.6 feet 19:35 1.5 feet 1 "cry lew new num of $105. A sergeant draws $161 Philpott, Evitt Co. Ltd., Is sail- damage. The fire Is believed to have started in the basement of the building which is at Halifax's main intersection. None were Injured. -I be placed against his general e been added. The svs LltUe change In temperature. Lows tonight and highs Friday At Port Hardy 32 and 37, Massett and Prince Rupert 35 and 40. f fr a long time been ing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a business trip-to Vancouver. . ' '" j .-,!: instead of $116 if single, $191 instead of $117 if married, with one child. record as a driver. Hitt made wonderful time the rest of the way home. oeyond normal capa