IDtinrc Rupert Dailp rectos Thursday, January 13, 1943 Br wn, M- I'o:tuk. will be reviewed. Although some people may disagree, one can't get away from the fact that some of the classics have been popular for over three hundred years and will stay lilt - & - lit NlHUH - A Weekly Record r.. . . - For in t- , i Monday, Wed 8:00 p in. I . Teachers that way forever. A great many modern songs including "Full Moon and Empty Arms," "Tonight We Love" and 'I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" were originally tunes of the great Kililor Irene Hansen. Reporters Margo Brown, Joan M iller, Donna Kerrifihan, Mary McAfee, Esther Harrison, Kathleen Smith, Deshka Peneff. From u,c tasU rutsday, Thlr p.m. MRS. ANDREWS I.O.D.E. Municipal Chapter Putting Up $100 Scholarship Municipal Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, has established an annual scholarship of $100 for a student at Booth Memorial High School who is going on to further study. The scholarship will be given to that student who has the best scholarship record and shows during his school course the ; highest qualities of citizenship. CONTINUING TO SATURDaI the IT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN 1 WALLACE'S Afftteir. Xmrsas SALE! IT'S THE-TALK OF THE TOWN! Mis. Andrews, one of Grade Seven teachers came I he he Koilmf Kttfhttf Grmt Kanve Kmr mtth the VI 4dtntMTf the New Heit Hat (men the a! lrom Wells, where she has spent llhe last two years. She is a actuate of the Calgary Nor- mal School. i Mrs. Andrews says she likes Disc Discussion TOP TEN Tl'NKS OF THE DAY 1. Itullons and Itows. t. On a Slow Boat to China. 3. My Darling:, My Darling. 4. A Little Bird .Told Me. 5. All I Want For Xmas. 6. You Were Only Fooling. 7. In til. 8. Far Away Places. 9. Lavender Blue. 10. Cuanto l.e Gusta. A committee of I.O.D.E. consisting of Mrs. Jens Munlhe, Mrs. C. G. Ham, Mrs. S. A. Kiel-back and Mrs. E. Barton will work with a committee of the High School staff in selecting the student to receive the scholarship. . Lookins Backward September LJ Won't someone take pity on us? How can we study with an airplane buzzing above our school. Bill and Fred Kergin, Gordon Kerr, Ro-sario Soriano and Russell Bulger were among those from the High School who went up in the plane. (A Junkers, all-metal monoplane piloted by G, A. Thompson i. FOLKESTONE, Ei)R., (! Detonation of a magnetic mine washed ashore set off an explosion that shook the East Kent coast from Folkestone to Duiigeness but there was no WALTON ON - - THE-HILL, Surrey,' Eng., (f: "I am not sure there is anybody who is 100 per cent honest in this country now," said the City of I jndon Police Commissioner, Sir Hugh Turnbull, at the opening of the Kay Starr has made a recording thai could hold the honored spot In any colleciton. It is "You Were Only Fooling," current ' hit parade favorite. KODAKS Prince Rupert very much, especially this winter season. Her favorite pastimes are knitting, leading and playing bridge no. she's never had a perfect hand. In food her weakness is chocolate cake, and the food she dislikes most is spinach. Mrs. Andrews Is, quite a bookworm so she can't tell her favorite author. MR. WRIGHT The last but r.ot the least of mir new teachers for the 1948-13 team is Mr. Wright, the school's Senior English teacher. i . CAMERAS TO SUIT EVERY 'crsoiHiiuics Railway Police Training School. I damage. backed by "A Faded Summer I Love." Tills latter song Is really j Mona Lykegaare September 28 -The students assembled in the Junior Room to elect officers for the Students Council, Literary Society Mona is Vice-President of the School Council. She was born Baby Brownie Spec tul Brownie Target Srx-20 Brownie Target Six-10 4. - Kodak Duaflcx Camera Flash Attachment for Kodak Duaflcx ... Kodak Vigilant Junior Slx-20 Kodak Vigilant Six-20, f8 8 Lens Kodak Vigilant Slx-20, fG.3 Lens Kodak Vigilant Six-20, f4.5 Urns Kodak 35 13 5 Lons with Range Finder Flash Attachment for Above Four Cameras Argus 35 f3.5 Lens with Case and Flashgun i Results on May 13, 1932 at Atlin, where Mr. Wright hails from On and Magazine Staff were: a honey and should reach a great height of popularity. Miss Starr gives this record the Justice it deserves. Dave. Cavan-augh's Music provides a tricky and delightful uccompaniment for both sides. "Columbus Stockade Blues" exemplifies very clearly tire trend which some popular music is following Ahe western style. The title of this tunc is HB GROW I she lived for about four years. ! She has lived in several differ- Students' C'OUll- ,.nt ,,1I1(.PS in m-it.Uh rilnmhi:i President of cil, Lee Gordon. Vice-President, Bill Kergin. Secretary. Fred Kergin. Chairman of Literary Society, Pete Tremayne. and came here from Vancouver. Mona attended Borden Street School and then came to Bo-Mc-IIi in Grade Seven. She takes an active interest in 12-4 Am Costs hGJ-A I Less Than Wrathall's Photo Finishi Chairman Boys' Athletic sports and plays forward on the Association, Bill Cavalier. tario. He is a graduate of University of British Columbia. During the war while he was in the Royal Canadian Air Force, he was an instructor in Ontario. Mr. Wright is a family man he has two children, one a Grade Seven student of this school and tine other in Grade Four attending Borden Street School. He 'ikes Prince Rupert not rain, hough. His favorite recreations , re baseball, golf, bowling and bridge. (He and Mrs. Andrews should get together on th;'.'. When asked about the New ,')ok he says the women look ny .smart but as far as being ..table nothing doing. girls' High School basketball team. Her favorite sports are basketball, skiing and ping-pong. Her favorite hobbies are reading and sports. She intends to be a sccrctry or icn. RUPERT MARINE REALTY fay : fclDI'C somewhat misleading as it is nothing like "the "St.' Louis Blues" and hasn't even a mournful note in it. Vaughn Monroe, assisted by the Sons of the Pioneers, does (he vocal honors. One reason why the disc is good Is that Vaughn doesn't try to sing too much. His voice gets quite boring at times. A violin in the background proves very effective in bringing out the hill-billy style of the song. There is owe criticism and that is the Jazz interlude that comes (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of President of Girls' Athletic Association, Margaret Palmer. Secretary Gordon Kerr. October HO -A second meeting of the magazine staff was held in the Commercial Room. The name "Aurora" was proposed by Principal Brady and seconded by Miss D. C. Ryan and carried unanimously. "bit r BOATS FOR SALE OR CI lARTj BROKLRS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING Mtllri try- Its ( TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS THKY OET RESULT'S RUPERT MARINE REALTY r: KOIl ll II K MALES OR III A It I IKS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Vhnnr , half way in the record seems Tide ! pRoaiR & GAimu wms you to try AMPLIFIERS IN PARLIAMENT OTTAWA 0 An amplifying system will be installed in the House of Commons as soon as satisfactory equipment can be found, Speaker Ga.spard Fatenx said yesterday. He said that be was "most anxious" to find equipment that would overcome poor acoustics of the of Commons without disfiguring the Chamber. very much out of place. The other .side of this record. 'My Own True Love" is hardly worth mentioning. Vaughn ' Monroe ean'l worn to decide whether the piece is to be vocal or in Door Mats Heavy KiiIiIht and Wire Const ruta strumental and these two forces) Size fee in to be liying to outdo eacii other. It's all very confusing, j In the next few weeks some i western and classical pieces 11x22 J.83 10x27 2.63 Size 21::i " 21::'i Advertise in the Daily News! 1ECIAL SI.KS AN1 8HAl'i:H MADK TO f'l:: I'rice 1.13 jkt square fool Tit wfmmmmmmmmmmmmm kilt 'f Enjoy Restful r Fibre riorc Mats oco Sleep.;. Si.t- 10x27 1.23 Siw 20::u PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY Hi Sccimil Ave. f 44 IDMIlIlirJE CHIROPRA AT BEDTIME John I'. E. HiiKlin.1 21-22 IJesiirrB Phone HI I E They're New! Exciting! Gaily Coloured! The latest thing in washday aids, these modern plastic clothes-pins won't tear or lose their grip. They're sturdy, easy-to-use -stainless and sanitary, too! They're yours 2 dozen of them - for one TIDIi box lop and 25c. . Appoinlmffth MoTinj, Parking, Crating Shipping and (irncral Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Tark Avenue Established 1010 Phones 60 and f8 II ( Classified Ads Bring Results! Inn iilf ui&Si iSSuik Esaa mm sssa tssa mm nca txts.'zs) Gi 'ear tv KM R' lu.30 mm. u 13 2 f. i HIM' ' Monday mul Kinlny tlibe iiiihIiIi- i- Uny. nKCK.PI loMil aiifo llernojiis 1 Prince Ki.pert Floristj; 300 3rd Ave. 3oxE10 Tel. 777 Flowers lor All Occasions i HERE'S WASHDAY'S MOST AMAZING PROMISE: No soap no of her "suds" no of her washing product known will get your family wash as CLEAN as Tide I And now Procter & Gamble makes you lliis attractive introductory offer, so you can sec for yourself! There's never been anything like Tide before! There is nothing bke it! Tide gets your whole family wash cleaner than any soap, any other washing Briddeii CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS COTTAGE CHEESK New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Daily I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE piouuii kiiuwii. ini bih'iuiim: 1 uie leaves ciot nes tree I rom dirt, and actually removes sunn soap film trui's uliv why u. washable iIi il.l.. colours brighter ,,.-,. ... come . . . what's more Tide brightens t hem safely, too. As for white things, why in hardest water, Tide gets them whiter than any soap or any other washing product. Know what that means for you? All this: the CJ -KAN EST, BRIGHTEST, WHITEST wash you ever hung 011 the line! Try Tide today! CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS I--. Ashing , . 1 f r"r Your cur takes a f b('itll"2 lx vvin'i'r. 1 I (GT from worse bv li'lVli 1 II (aI H kl'tw il Knu,td V'"V i BOB PARKER'S ; i UPTOWN SERVICE STATl 2nd and Mi Brirle OR rl J It's the i T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT , SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AMI INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Floor Sanding , A Specially Hltl q:(& RED 5(11 P.O. HOX 721 OlT AR ANTES Prwter A CiarnMr guamntrpd thxt J fy V. will Art Send your NAME and ADDRESS with a HUE boxtop and 25c to cover hand! in 4 to: Tide, TORONTO 1, ONTARIO. Your order will be forwarded is quickly s possible. Be sure to plure nuffkirnt postage on vour letter. For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OKMCE I'RINCE RUPERT. B.C. rytttJnft claur - Please allow fourteen to eighteen dav for delivery. 1 1 ..a .. . 1 . Rex Cate ... fur Tasty Meal Chop Suey Chow Mein 1 ins uovi gguu in i.annuH onty. M for tt in thin tHTerr8emnl. If Jou nrm nr n-tirly nrlflfd, turn the un -port inn of fnur puck a (Jc to 6 anil th jMfrrbaat rlt vrlll b refundrU. JOHfi H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue I Tfc 4 , a 4 'hinuLifi 1 )Suriia u Sinri:ilt V Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hut 7'flfl a m try (! a m VhnnK 173 fUf OUtsiW 1 ( J A I JA RIJ I N E 1 1 A I N COATS Ilejr, $21.95 To Clear .... $10.'J5 LADIES' WINTER COATS ONE-TIIIRI) OFF GIRLS COATS by Judy Could Rc'R. $HL!r T Clear $.!). WOOL DRESSES Reg. $21.05 To Clear $J.05 Oil KEPT SI NR3S' These are a few of the bargains, come in an d ee all the others being offered at ".. -'