1 r Prfncc Uupm Daflp r2fto Thursday, January 13, 1949 Pliilpott, Evitt and Co. Ltd. son l, Pavich 2, Keays 2, Web-' fter 2.- L. Youngman. Shier,1 Paul--24 ; DOM'S- Greenwood , Humi 2, B Hamilton 9, Jordan, Thain ' 5, Kildal 4, N. Ycunsman 26. j Junior KINSMEN Ciccone. M'iii,, Letourneau 6, MacKay 7, Pen- vidu&I scoring competitions, j Ross Richardson Is sai!ingto-B. Gomez, lead-off bowler of J ' on the Prince Rupert for the Big Sister quhwt,. ran up m trip "to Vancouver. a three-game total of G01, the ' highest of the league s 10 teams j Klr "d Mrs w- H- Nesbitt. and also rolled the highest ' and family are sailing tonight single-game score of 21 in her j oa the Prince Rupert lor a trip third game. Her a-verage for j v Vancouver, the three games was 200. j . . TFmh " BIG SISTERS TAKE HONORS IN "B" LEAGUE Big Sister trundled their way Into the top spot in the ladies "B" five pin session this week, winning three straight I BO oil, Dumas 6, Blackaby 3, Webber 426 Can Supply You With 1BER Including Fir, Cedar, etc. Big Sisters 3, Belmonts 0. Miller Bay 2, Stars 1. Noble and Wick 2, Toilers 1. Brownwoods 2, Buosters 1. Rosa Lees 2, Bti Bees I. HIGH SCHOOL Hamilton, ; games from Belmonts and pro- JANUARY Hills 6, Rhodes, Forman, Brown, Clarke, Sheppard, Vanee 3. i tiding the Tinner of the indi- LOORING-In Fir or Hemlock Jfferic-s 211 JUNIOR CLEARItitiS! I Klmmcn 7 PRESTON, Eng., Mutilated books are being displayed at ; the free library here in the B f T W E E j .875 .875 B A S K E T S Norm Star 6 ga7 i Rupert Hotel 1 143 hopes of shaming borrowers in- filandings S1MOK Co-op .. 6 Savoy 4 Bo-Me- Hi 3 Brown woods 2 MEN'S WORK BOOTS $8.50 Now $6.50 MEN S ALL WOOL 12a ' to carefullness. ' ioO mgn ecnooi l SIDING All Types SASH and DOOR and Famous FOOTHILLS ALBERTA COAL in all fcizcs phone r,i .375 " WW INTERMEDIATE Fasljion 8 r r Merghants . . 5 High School 3 Morgan 2 8tones 1 The Intermediate League bas- OVf.r Hiyh School and sent tm-m ketball game Tuesday night wa.'down to a 26-11 defeat, the win one of the best played thi year, oiyina Kinsmen first place. fin- LADIES Fashion defeated- Morcftn's bv i s first, nnartpr riifl T1ifrh -! . the score ! J " "UaiS UCpi 7 of 32-29. o nr, Morgan s had t school hold Kinsmen. Kinsmen mh g; 5 5 S v te T1IE I the edge tnnk the lead in the second d,., c,....- . ' owie a half ..4 ... --i v. - ,. . WORK PANTS ' $7.50 Now- $5.5 ; MEN'S DRESS AND ; SEMI-DRESS fAKTS ' $4.25 to $7.5 MEN'S SfKlCS for Dress and Work ' 5c BOY'S l,ONC. TAXTS'J " all sizes, from S2.75 BOY'S SPORT SHIRTS $1.75 BOY'S LACE RUBBER BOOTS $1.95 BOVS HELMETS ' all sizes. $1.25 Now UOe tnnjmENs 2-pibce SKI SUITS wool. Regular $10 to" $11 Ntw 6 LADIES' AND lilULS' " t'NDIvirWE m ' mi wj4.ii u io-ii quarter and cotumuea to pne , Miuer Bay 0 7 .000 VSTT X " M v ln nan. earn una play tt on as lhe time passed. High ball handling by both team School had a dificult time get-were good. In the ond half Ung the ball up the floor as Morgan fell down as their Ki,lsrilen ball-hawked them all nconng punch went oti while .4,. wiiipH ' ''ISA Gftefawl) I h:!i'm t Mi fife- --s-. rfTir gc per wora pr Insertion, nlnuiram'eharn, SOc. Birth Notion' Card of Than. Death Notion, funmtl Notice. MarrtLre and Engagement Announcement: tJ bHECIAL UlSLAY. DOUBLE FRIGE 4erttn U. payable Id Mnrm refrain from telmhnr.irv. trr . if . i i vm&&. - Ym Fashion kept pecking away Atj ' Kinsmen took 56 ahoU and J I i- w ft mill wi 11- iA I OK &AUE. FOR E.VT Mi r-t tl II M I i Ws" A niTii " K4U. nun mmnies to nmde 12. Tney scored 2 of 9 1 E 3 cylinder 52 II r. FOR RENT--2 room apartment. 221 5th East. Phone Red 807. 10i go, Fashion had tid tt up 2-: Iw throws. High School took 29; only 3 point were ncored 44 -nd rnacJt. 5. They and. they were all dropped in by Mwred 1 of 11 free throw. Marine Diesel In cx;"'l-. i Klition, and complete i ill. propellor and uux- Joe Haugan. This gave Fashion' pine, v.iu pneeu very FOR RENT Single sleeping i room for ouiel man. reason - . . . . 1,1,1.. 'MJ CtU A II'...-. REAL KEDIt'TIONS the victory which thev earned I )e lor cast), cj um ii nun-. ti Jul AVf. WCSl. MU',h ,.-,i , . . - , Works. Works. U7) f WJ laming 111114 urilIIHi. R. Hdlkestad 10, Arney FOR RENT One tnree-room jonn iiMUtan mnne Ms an. . :. New a I New New t nd Used Fur- Dearanee as n nh.vpr fr FaKh. 'Cone 3, Hauffan 4, Morgan 8, suite, niceiv lurnislied. Private bath. Phone Black 4'jO. U4i Biiiisn intiia l.w Cups and Saucers I ir t 7 V Kp'A' Hans!' -Garage. 241 FOR KENT -Ave. West. 5th lli Menzies 2, M-Chesney, Slatta 45. Bo-Me-Iii D. Scherk 5, Spring 6, Olson 1, Carlson 9, Tlaten 9, Davidson, 8. Scherk 10, Webster ion and led them in scoring with 12 points. He turned in heads up ball and set up the play for his team. Gill worked hard 'in the pivot but was not helped ijy his team. Morgan's HELP WASTED Siw BiKjkca.ses, New Kunnes, New Hard-ltslnly Used Radios, liuiies. 3 mwe Clies-Oil Burner Ranees, all kinds ol ithr use-les al low pricps. BC. UHE CO.. Black 24. (Ill .urnm aM , ,- Phone 654 WANTED Office Clerk with knowledge of book-keeping, typewritina and Ktenourauhv. hart a fioo ,.4...i. u... Apply in writma kiviim ouaii- thPir nhnntirm n.r. ,,.., .i t! Ijidy's winter coat. Intermediate MORGAN'S Hill 2, Jones, Eidsvick 6, Watson, Boulter 4. Brew 5. Lien 5. Scharff 728. FASHlON-jiU 2, Slatta 2, Piume itea tizi E - Radio. Automatic Changer. and SO re- fica lions, salary expected. etc.j, . ... " to Box 425. Daily News. itlilmark- Ail tne snormg a even-' Ti7fitr : '' Placed among the players. u..'r tT T. T ' Of F ICE HELP 7 reouirpd for lo- ,,.. , , , f cal proiect. Consisting of Ac-1 Mu,4ns took fiI shots d countants. Clerks. Timekeep- canned 10. They made 9 of 17 exoert,i:ra,AhJii.SV h"U M F"ton only o Box 477 Daily News, giving 1 13 flc'ld fioals from 58 shots, lull details in first instance. (They took 17 free throws and 1 12 I I murtn K luiur. Entihsh Pram, (113 3rd Ave. West. tf Ub.l.db,.nyll.C.BLry , Lf'f -t-SiLI -; Matured V aT-Lv. , ft Urn dvrticmcnl , h ' J I ool publnhtd w J V Spiff 2 v ! ydbythliqContrIBo.,d.. ""' . V3 jS " ' ' Pierre, Tens 5. Arnsten 3, 3 Haugan 12, G. Haugan . In-termela, James 232. Ladies HIGH SCHOOL Lykeg&ard 1, Currie 10, A. Hamilton 6. Mat- J Boat Building Shed, hart, all carpenter jliiacksmtth Shoo and I LADIES In the Ladies' game Dom's i i Lvline welding, Lum- UNITED FISHERMEN . St Ah-1 LIED WORKERS UNION un-emploved ntembers N register for work at the Union Ol'u-e, ifialerial as it stands. 9 1 nusition for mach- took aft overtime victory from Tues 7:00 on runner-up Hign School n D m m -10:00 -in rm-iine Fri. 7:00 p m.-10:00 n.m. Sun.j The play was smooth with both H i. Sell cheap account ..iiim the countrv. C. :,J'0.. Massett. BCJlDi ",'Xe Two pair skis and 2:00 pm. 4:00 p.m. ' teams using Dassins nan tot WORLD'S No MEN & WOMEN INTERVIEW- open the way to score. Dom s i-RS to do occasional assiun- built uu p an n 8-0 0 0 leaa lfad at l ltl ih. h. jnents for public omnion poll . and marketing research com- ginning of the game but High OMiiv. Senior Matriculation School got rolling and tied it SHAVING COMBINATION tviUii Ul-LUllS. HIV education, exnerience. GRU- Fintly-appointed "Princess" steamer offer unexcelled! Accommodation and tempting meal f . testiul, comfort able tiivh couth. : PRINCE RUPERT SAILINGS Koutti bound . THURSDAY, JAN- 20 THURSDAY, FEB. 3 MONDAY, FEB. 14 : For information and;..-- ' reservations contact 'j up 8-8. The play see-sawed -ftith Dom's getting the edge in bas . never used, rnone -n S'.0. U3 1 J SALE Cabinet treadle riia machine. Apply Suae , .eertt. AuLs. Phone Black . HOi . - . . iALE McClarv Rancette,' j.st new. reasonable Phone , 779. '"'US' SALE Muskrat coat in V class condition. Phone NEAU RESEARCH LIMITED, 80 Richmond Street. West. Toronto. (jti WANTED This advertisement is not published or displayed by tde Liquor Control 8ord or by the Government of British Columbia. ii. fk ill. un WANTED - Car batteries, car radiators, brass and courier; navine eood prices See BC FURNITUI'E CO.. Black 324. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL kets and taking the lead as the ; half ended 15-11 in their favor. High School opened up the sec- j ond half with fast breaks and i with Currie leading the gcor- j ing they crept to within X point j 22-20 as the final quarter open-I ed. The lourtli quarter 'iS ail I fiwr play with very little scor-j ing. Wiih a short time kit Noi- i ' he Psviith scared a one-hunder U1INEKV FOfc SALE Ml A4fTAI WANTED -Jun scran iron and scrap steel Phone 543. ttl lumber more A 1 better ' !(!! 'ail v us ise l. JL t. Maclean, General Agent the mr.nern National Done For the cleanest, emootliesr DRESS MAKING Black 9!0. Phone (1 i: v 1.0-date t vp cue ' ill Sawmills n National manufac Machinery !v Limited. Vancouver, 1 WANTED 7'0 RENT Lleht - ..... . ! LIM? Kpy mlM Lnc amt: houel:eei)ing room, near hos-i1"1 tfl nit.tl preferred Box 470 Dailv News. (131 I'mSOXAL BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agent for SIMPLEX GAS and i CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines' are inviid to eur showroom to view our various engines anc) talk over equipment problems. PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 MARCARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING shave any man ever had, "LU: Gillette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blade. These two are precision made, fit exactly, and protect you from tine discomfort caused by misfit blade. Gillette double edges mean double economy, too. i STEWART wishes to I e to his manv friends vomers mat ne is ratinii 53 Taxi situ- .-.s iruin the Rex Cafe. LOST AND FOUND F'OUND -At PosF Office Gold Wedding Rins; with three stones. Owner may have same bv cftllinn at the Duilv New oil ice and paving lor this ud. ; ( tl I LOST 4 kevs on chain. Anulv PO. Box 771. City. U2'i 1.-1- 1 unpreciated. For 24 1 vice call 53 Taxi. HBi ley t Gillette METAL OKK BLUE BLADES HELP AGENTS V ANTED 'MEASURE AGENTS len-agents warned to made measure - to - last-selliros "APPLE-anish tronical suit intr. , PHONE BLUE- 593 P.O. Box 1184 into overtime. The only tcore irj overtime was the winning basket by Betty Hamilton who went tlie length ! the floor unchecked and scored a lay-up for the winning points. Both teams showed fme team work and passing. Some oi their passing could be taken as a lesson by teams In the other leagues. ; . . , High School1 'took 41 1 shots and made 10. They made 4 out of 17 free throws. Corn's took 54 shots and scored-12. They made 2 out of 10 free throws. JUNIOR In the Junior League Kinsmen continued their dominance, IN THE SUPREME COt'R f OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III Hie Mailer ill the I Mute mf rhnrte A. ,emim. Hwrawl Inle-lHle TAKE NOTICE tout by Order of PLUMBING -- Installations and Renairs. SHEET M E T A !. WORK Tar and Gravel Roof-Inu. Letouri-t-au & Sons. 69 Sixth West. phone 543 aft MATTSON'S ITPHOLSTERIN Or AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Custom-built- Chesterfield Suites and Occasional Chairs Spring-filled Mattresses Repaired Drape Curtains Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 526 330 Second Avenue Prinre Rupert, B C. ver honed "v. Write lor hKt.K Kit and state experi-d rererences. Henrv ''8 Yonge St.. Toronto. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 55 tMlAT I KM OH ACT" Civic Centre . Dates . Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday evening alter 9 o'clock. 4 i GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Bonner Block Phone 3R7 FRIDAY Siorts -Bo-Me-Hi Gym Class. i Hivt ion 28 1 M'l'tiimliin fur a lull lifTi-liy Kiven thnt on tin lunnury. IK4B. the un-':uiji(lian Iiptflon of the ir Kervirf lxnt'uc. Piincc 'I'll Number 27 Intends 'In' Li(mr Control Board I.Uf'iior In rt-spect of pre-"' lit 3ia Third Avenue ' City of Prlncp Rupert d'wribtHl dk Lot Number 1 Hcctlnn 1. Man number HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS A.M. 9:00 P.M. 2:30 Kinf, Edward School PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING latest Shades, Style and Colors ft? f T T T" T" Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners Riilicrt LHnd BeBlstrBtlon Hi" Province of British '" en) It Ik ench member t'liih to keep on the pre-iwnmbie qunnllty of 11-""isiiiuil consumption on 'i. and pittitiiticr ninh 4 XT. AIULiLillilt PJione BLUE 155 'pays lo buy al BULGERS liecause J'ul'er's name stands in back of every purchase you male, litrit'er'ii handle all (he well known toid makes. IJiiljfer'i3 sell at standard Canadian advertised prices after paying transportation to Canada's farthest city Itulger'i carry the newest and best styles. His Honour Juige W. O. Pulton, made the 10th day of January. AU. 1H. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Charles A. Newman, deceased. All parties having cluirus iigalnst tl said LslaW are 3Hrety requlnal to furnish same properly verified to me on or before tin jBth day of February, AD. 1949 afw-r whici date claims fUed may be paid without reference to any clulms of which I then hud no knowledge. All parties iudebted to the said E'state are hereby required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated at the City of Prince Ru-Iert, Province of British Columbia, this 12th day of January. AD. 1949. GORDON F. FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. iiel ) Gym Class. 3:30 Rup-Rec Junior Girls. 7: 00 -Adult Club Badminton. 7:30 - Rup-Rec Teen-Age Boys. Baskeloall Practices 4:00 - 10:00. Special 7:30 -Typographical Union. 8:00 - Rotary Club Chorus. 8:00 -Camera Club (Teen). PHONES iKivtor from a vflndor Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 liy I lie Elass the liquor so 11 Its mi'mhers and Ruests ' ll n on the Club pre- DR. J. CHENEY DENTIST . SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK , Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE '''ordanco with the pro- Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun' "Clovernment Liquor ihp ri'gulutlons nromul-undor. is Twenty-First day of l!H8 FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE . WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed i .v.i-. r iiu, rmi- yeiHK l'II;P wnjmv i cAr-.iTir KRT BRANCH NUM- (20) PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing -and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 S72 10th East LAND RKO rSTR Y ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 25731-1 to Lot One Thousand J" Hundred and Three !" RiitiKe Five (5). Const District WHEREAS satisfactory P'", loss of the above Cert 11 irate of Title lssu.d in the name of Anthony Teresrhenko has been filed I" " office, not lee Is hereby given that C shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue R J v of "eu Uinal Certificate of Title In r'.rtifieiile. Unless 111 tne fl'IR SVI.i: 4dlH.-, it.NDF.RS will ! received Visler if ... 7i. i.. Sunday, 11 pjn, Coquittam ALICE ARM. STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ' ISLANDS s.s. Coquiflam, Jan. 14 and 28, 10 p.m. FOft NORTH QUEEN ; CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s s. Cosuitlam. Jan. 7 and 21. 18 p in. FRANK I. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aeeat Third Ave. Phons 569 J'lter thm. ii . ai.1. w in. .nr rf.in.ij ll"y. 1H4S), fr the pur- "'I'lice X4f.4'tR M.l savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rilONE 37 P.O. Box $41 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT l';m or Surveyed Tlm- if QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Avo. i Wells Cartage Ltd.; ! Complete Movlnf Serrice Cratinf Paekinr Carta fe BLUE 788 BLUE 989 e hi mi n Khor ol t :uinnhtwtt Inlet, Queen li'ucl Lund District. t lll be uiiow,.d for re. f uiilj4r. niwiiitiiiMi mliu oUJJ,cllo1 1 to me In wVUlnR. Ber1str DATED at the Land R'B urflee. Prince Rupert, B tins 14th day of December . 1948. A v. .MiiDUUi THOMPSON, n ruirR of the Chief ' "'''V B. c or Dlatrlrt Beglstrar oi Deputy