. A.-1- Prince Rupert Daily Hews iSpending 4 HOTEL ARRIVALS MEN'S and BOYS' Friday. Octcner Z, l'J50 'mi1 Kom rrttwi At Powell River f 1$ As r Sec Prince Rupert Sgt J. Foesum, city; T. SI POWELL RIVER Powell Pulp & Paper Co. announces A. V. that it will soend '811.000.006 on Tremblav. Victoria; L. V. John- Clothin Buy Now While Our Prices itsl, An Independent dally newspaper fievotrd to the upbuilding of PrlnCf Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau or Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. AjfUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; rer Teat. sfe $8.00; By Mall, Per Month 50c: Per Year $5.00. W'K President Truman should be somewhere on or near the Pacific today to meet General Mac-Arthur. The conference is to take place this week. Any time is quite OK with yours truly, so long as It is not THIS day. plant modernisation and e"te-n- F.on, H. H. ChurchR. Alpen, H. siill . , w . . Handley, V. L. Hambling, J. Mc- nn? P ,ncreasertIKay. J. P. Jolly, Mrs. M. Younr u by 40,000 tons a year. , Contracts have already been 3chfi Curley, O. Coyle, H. L. Bax-let covering $2,000,000 worth of 'er, Vancouver; E. A. teiridge, wharf, sawmill and acid plant Port Alice; O. Oau'thler, P. Ott, improvements. ' ! Mission; Mrs. S. luson, city; Mr. By ELMORE PHILPOTT Skop ot th B.C. Clothi,,, ,d S,Ml,m J OLD DOGS, AND NEW TRICKS New Markets MEM'S WEAR The home for the aged and Infirm near Terrace, now occupied by 140 men, tias been fully and Mrs. 'Sinodki, Que,n Char- Dr. J. F. L. Hughes left on this lotte City. j IN ANSWER TO my j recent .query about teach described. Fortunate 'rnoniinf's nignt for a b'Jsuless ; Mrs. Indeed are Dr. and JVRaynhan. Hua- trio to Vancouver. 'oltniT O T.WH T VlnuarH W S Mert's Topcoats Well Tailored, Roincootsll wiii"keepVoudrl21W,0,J, those who will spend their declining years there. Buildings and equipment have been al Whife Rocks ws nnH whistle Lythgoe, Vancouver; Mr. and hunv in Brownine: Entrance ha; Mrs- H. Cole, Winnipeg; Mrs. U. i ,1 ready pictured, so here Is the! been rPnortert rvt bnrnln". Thw Bloomfield. Fort St. James; W. j rrom $7 So Suits Single and Double Breasted. unwatched aid will be attended Robinson, Terrace; R. M. Clark, plac to touch on environment. Seen from the home In the sunnv to at the first opportunity, th Department of Transport . mi wool, i-rom . ..... . Hots New Foil shades. W7' Real value ot ti freshness of a summer day, the verdant miles and tranquility of the Kalum Valley Is a place of sheer loveliness. ing old -dogs new tricks, most readers say, "Yes, you can." . They mean this both ways. They say you can leach old canines -and they say you can teach old humans. 0 HERE IS WILYT a former farmer says: "My dog used to follow me to town in Alb.erta behind the wagon and team. I would -tie up the team in the feed Corral, in Smithers; Mr. and Mrs. IS. O. lykosov, Chicago; Dr. P. Lehman, Dr. and Mrs. Whltelaw, A.M. Warren, C. M. Porter, C. Gurney. 3. K. Campbell, Dr. L. Ounn, C. W. White, Vancouver; Mr and Mrs. L. E. Kuckenbecker. MaJ-tera, California: Dr. S. Wallace. Kamlrops; E. T. Hankey, New Westminster. Trousers Dress, and Semi-Dress WeMtoibrcd -KiStota' his sermon declared the end would come In an orange glow. Later, smoke from burning forests In Alberta and Mackenzie made It appear. In the States, that mldday was early evening. Poultry went to rest. There were grave faces, and prayers. Nevertheless, the grand finish is as far Premier Stalin has sent a mes ! sage to the people of Northern Korea, wishing them success In I what he terms their struggle for ! independence. Once long ago These are real bargains .... i225tj Oerolls and Work Pants H Just right for the rain $34Stnti " Dress ond Work Shoes stead of learning,, right from the I me unuea siaies also naa a struggle lor Independence. But I off as ever, and life will doubt start, to He "behind the wagon 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Smith, 210 Sixth Avenue East, and daughter Lorraine, have Left for a two weeks' vacation at Santa Bar- they were spared the alleged At reol savings $6.60 to less be sailing smoothly long let the dog follow me up town after Stalin, bombs, juvenile de- It did this for years. In fact it f " with an iron curtain. was aroMnd "nine years old Wh?n linquency and the price of pork bara, California They will travel BOYS' WEAR ENCOURAGING sign in the development AN of Canadian markets is the agreement signed with Venezuela. For too long now, Canada has been playing for the big markets in the United States and Britain and giving little thought to smaller markets in smaller countries. But now the idea developed byJV'W. Woolworth in the retail market that manj- small sales are just as good, if not better, than a few large sales seems to be taking hold with the. nation's trade experts. -bne great advantage with many small cus-"tomers is that they are not all apt to "go broke" at .the same time. We have had good examples of justfthat in the past few years. Notable are the dire' straits reached by the Annapolis and Okana-gtan Valley apple growers when the market for apples in Britain dwindled to a fraction of what it had been and the lumber producers of the country when the bottom fell out of the United States mar-. ketrfor wood products. -With the development of markets in the smaller countries, the fact that one of them be comes temporarily embarrassed for the wherewithal to pay would have little effect on Canada's national economy. ; The move is one that should be greeted with 'extreme gratification by Canadians and one that should be encouraged. Another by-product of these ' multi-lateral trade agreements is that merchant . - and buyer will get to know each other better, thus T trained It n flllit foIlOWinc ltte. are forgotten. by car from Vancouver. and to stay with the horses. 1 If a can of salmon is costing "The old dog learned the ii"w twenty cents more, in Seattle, it triot tr. n lpwnn I drnlded it Ik possibly timely to inquire what Trousers School and Dress All Wools ond well tailored.... $2.25 to $7' for starting to follow me but I! poxmd of codfish Is .worth hii aa nnt hpat it or abuse ft. I also i Newfoundland, or how much a wuuerwear vv inter weigm. Just what L. .. ii , Calgary mess of stewbeef In Would set you back? gave 1t a scrap of feed when I ordered It to stay behind." 0 A CHEERFUL WRITER at the iric yuung reuows win need Suit $2. Sweaters Good selection. j All Wool and Mixtures .'. $1.50 toil" Jackets New Foil Plaids and j those DOnulnr Rnmher C -1itr tr It is expected this year's rdp will be large and low grade. Should this turn out to be a fact, T.B. hospital at Tranqullle writpR about animals and hutn- GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3ft FIRST WAR LOAN BONDS Due February 1st, 1948-52 BEARING CALL LETTER "D" ONLY HAVE BEEN DR VN FOR PAYMENT February 1, 1951 AT $100.50 FOR EACH $100. Bonds of this issue bearing fhe call letter shown should be preented for redemption on February 1, 1951 or os soon thereafter os possible with all coupons of later date attached. These bonds will not earn interest after February 1, 1951. ' 1 VUUIJ fJ.W BOYS' AND GIRLS' SNOW SUITS Jackets and Pants. All Wool for warmth. there is reason to anticipate the ; ens A A. Derrick says 'that j animals act mostly from habit tise of the grain elevator at ! and don't think very much. That Prince Rupert this winter. Wei-its why horse trainers etc. are ' Come news. But how much more iuit S6.K very careful not to allow young satisfactory would it toe if Rupert fnimals to make bad -habits, shared in the annual handling '"Dogs are tiot quite sucli habit f Wheat, with the other eleva-formers, but many keep on chas- tors, Instead of waiting for ex-Ing cars until th.ey get killed, ctiptional circumstances. COMFORTERS Sleep in Comfort This Winter A big selection of Satin Covered Comforte- iRheerj killing flogs have to be n ' from $3.95 to $111 Nothing less than the end of, the world seems to be having less j difficulty ge'ttlhg Into 'the! thoughts' of people today. There is a "jittery feeling." In an Ohio town last week, a clergyman 4n i destroyed." I "Manv humans are habit fol-1 lowers too they will snioke rigarettes even if it kills them. But the human brain tan be made to think and learn as m 1 as the body liv.es. Most a.inds lean be . Interested in Bomethin" i lessening the danger of bad feelings and, ultimate- lyrwar. r t ON CRITICISM EVERY person, and particularly every business person, should know two things about critic- that he or she wanted to do. Ttnd CREDIT IS A SACRED TRUST Guard it as a matter of personal honor. Keep your credit record "PROMPT" by paying each charge account in full by the 10th of the month, and contract purchases on each due date. CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT there been an opportunity. Older people often take their opportunities for dolne this whllr lyounger ones let the ort'oVtl - ' lities slip. , ,.i "In mv- own experience MM- MB wculd not exchange the la?t ter nw ') 1$ IS Spend on Evenina at Hont with Tour ravmk 1 m m 9 Recording ll's A Sure Hit! PUBLIC AUCTION SALE In the Old Ovcrwaitea Store OCT. 14 SATURDAY 2:30 P.M. "w : years frr any other t?n years o' my life In actually Iearnlnac.tr I iniy own betterment. I did no' ;have as good opoortun'ties ! most youns people have tocv 'I have mar5." monev easier in the cast tn years than pt nnv tlm'-'in my 77 venrs. People are hnr-pier, healthier and more usffu' jcitben by keening both bnrtv and mind active. The nation benefits most of all bv not hav-jing so much 'deadwood'." 0-- ', HISTORY RECORDS thctis lands of cases where old men ant women learned new things ' 'advanced age. But the troublt ! is that when ordinary folks reat ASK COR MAKE YOUR CHOICE NOW tetftVY., r ft 4aS at the Proceeds to the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Civic Committee PiinArt PriHin FlpfJriC A (u ! Advertisement Courtesy of - V Norlkrn B.C. Power Co. r .Stands SuphJiAHA TANOUERAY, GORDON t CO. 1TO. . . . flw lnrfl.it tin dhtillm In ih. world ThU EUveikoemeni is noi published or displaJcO- -by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of about them many say to them-selv.es "oh that does not apply U; ME. I am just an ordinary person. I am not a great man o; cman lik the one in, the book.'' That idea Is the bunk. True there are many things which thp ordinary old person cannot learn. There pi-fl many things beyo.Ki th physical strength of all oldev fos. But there is just about nobody 'on earth that (toes n.i: DURABILT LUGGAGE snuui Columbia, i ' " We're comply have SOME possibility to learn stocked witm and small pifi TERRACE BUS SCHEDULE i something new and useful. There lis just about nobody too old t jget joy out of some r.ew actlvtt I If only they tried hard enouirh in a w i d e ronj isnv-how to give it and how to take it, says the ' j, monthly letter of the Royal Bank of Canada. T Neither is an easy art. We are likely to be very pert at criticizing others, and reluctant to accept advice. I v There are many kinds and degrees of criticism. Thfc business man out of whose good judgment i comes a suggestion for a change in method of pro-, -4uction is displaying a constructive kind of critic- ism. The man in high position who finds relief from hi$ personal worry by making continual com-"plaints, and the executive who constantly finds fault with the office boy, are using a very low form of criticism. . Criticism can be used- and met constructively ' or destructively. It can be the means by which men ; receiving it climb, or it can be used to bolster the critic's vanity. ', 11' t Criticism in its highest sense means trying to ' learn the best that is known and thought in the j(i world, and measuring things ; by ;that standard. ;! Society could not exist without criticism. Dis-,; content is the first step in the progress of a man wa nation. Criticism, of the constructive kind, ac-. vcdmp'anied by sensible suggestions for improve- ment, accelerates advancement. : Criticism is the essence of democracy. Rigid : social systems like Communism, will- never tolerate ' it;' As Robert Ayre remarks in an article in Cana-' dian .Art: Once criticism gets its foot in the door, the-walls of tyranny come tumbling down, v- . ' But all critics, whether social, business, art or : personal, should look at all sides of a case before ; judging. They might have inscribed over their desks a few words from Burns' To the Unco Guid: 'Ye high, exalted, virtuous dames, Tied rp in l J, godly laces, - '; ? Before ye gi'e poor Frailty names, Suppose a ; . change o' cases." ; FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH TODAY is Friday the thirteenth. To' some, the day may seem nothing more than any. other ; 'date in the calendar. With others, it's full of sig-; nificance, and a solemn warning to "watch your ' step" until it's, safely past, and Saturday the four-' teenth dawns, and one can breathe easy again. It's just another superstition. This day is just ; Friday, as a Week ago was and as a week from now will be. But nevertheless, "thousands, all over Can 1 adaflvill .walk and drive carefully today and be ' watchful and cautious. new coiof u . motcrior to connect with it." 0 YOU SEE THAT If you are forced to spend much time In hospitals (as I was after the first woi-ld war). The new patients almost always start ou ARRIVE TERRACE 1:20 P.M. loroa p.m. 1:20 P.M. ARRIVE RUPERT 10:00 P.M. 11:20 A.M. DAILY 7 days per week leave 9:S0 A.M. MON, WED., FRI. Extra Trip leaving 8:15 P.M. SATURDAYS .. Extra Trip Leaving ...9:30 P.M.' FROM TERRACE-- . DAILY., days per week , Leave 6:15 P.M. MON., WED., FRI. and SAT.--Exlra Trip Iave .......7:45 A.M. MATCHED SETS from .. Ooms Department Jte I oy wishing they were d.ead whe they find out they are going t-ibe bed-bound for long periods ; Then (especially If there are goo occupational therapists on the Mnhl thAV VOfrln n t ..., 7 PHONE 79 "-j iu iiiiu new mu lcts for their interest. They learn all sorts of arts and crafts. It could ba the same with old people. But unfortunately, vor many of them Just never get in touch with some r.ew activity. CONNECT AT PRINCE RUPERT ON MONDAYS, WEbNESDAYS, FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS WITH C.P.A. FllGHf S TO AND FROM VANCOUVER $3.80 Single $6.85 Return Depot at 3rd Ave, ond 7Hi St. fione 555 for information WATSON ISLAND STAGES LTD. TERR ACt VANCOUVER - 12 HOURS tJnloh steamer Chilcotin. Caot. Harry McLean, Os due in port this afternoon at i:45 from the soiit!i and will sail at 10 p.m. far Mas-set Inlet points. Mallard Pjarmafi! 1!1A1LY NK-WS CLABSIF'IED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS BROADWAY CAFE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE HOURS w.-Jj,, 9o.r v. i food RENTALS PHONE ft 67 Finest Cooking Sundoys . " ,, 7 p.m. N r . .... 'xuiRDAV 608 Thfr & Ar. W. OVER BROADWAY fcAFE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. For take home orders Phone 200 :- - SIXTH STRbbl ainu 11 MM . t . , . --..jj thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy .1 --ZdayTthe things that belong unto thy peace." Luke 19;'42.