MO iHiUlU-LS (Continued from page 1 Prince Rupert Daily New Fridav, October 13, 1950 Blind Work His Subject ada for adult blind nor for trw war-blinded men. They obtained a Canadian government charter and took over ' the . Toronto Braille library and scattered basket and broom factories the blind had been running at a TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East Monday, Wednet Jay, F-lUay 8:00 p.m Prom tht East t'uesUay. iinuida dnriirrlaj 10:15 p.m. pi 1 Rotary Club Hears How ; Sightless in Canada I loss, welding them Into the Canadian National Institute for the i Blind. There are now over 17,000 I Are Being: Aided bars or secret hide-outs. So there has grown up in the Protestant churches a strong tie between the church and the home and divorce is not known. The delegates were surprised to find in Canada that more women than men go to church and that Sunday School is only for children. Sunday school statistics released during the convention by Lord Mackintosh and Dean L. Weigle were noted because of the statement that annual aver ::: Et. t.-jrv.E r . - ' " DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that m Admlnlstr. j tor. duly appointed by the court, ot the estate ot John Hnrllcy, Deceased who died at Lower Post. British Columbia, on the 28th day of December. 1949. I require all creditors and others having ciaima against the said estate to send the same to me. properly verified, at tne audxess mentioned below on or before the 15th day ot December, 1050, after which .urn I shnll proceed to oMstrlbute the estate to those entitled by law having regard only to sucu claims of which I shnll then have been notified. And turther take notice that all persons Indebted to said estate are ..1 tared to pay their Indebtedness to me forth It a Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C.. . this ' 0th day of October, lao. ERNEST EARL ALLEN. Offlolal Administrator, ' Telegraph Creek, B.C. blind men, women and childrsn M ...... pait of the. piice j.axU lor the war. The missionary enterprise at present Is restricted because of very limited entrance permits and the necessity of revising methods to conform to the new ideology. Concerning the Chinese Church the work has been well done with strong , foundations laid. There is great ability and Christian character in the Church. One thing must be remembered that atheistic materialistic regimes will not be overcome by guns and tanks, planes or 'ships of war, however necessary these may be to preserve freedom and independence. The hope of China is in the Christian Gospel. While opportunities for evangelism are curtailed in China the doors are open in Africa, India, Japan and Trinidad and the salvation of our generation depends upon witness for Christ. Rev. A. J. Lawton,- of Porl Simpson, chairman of Princ? Rupert Presbytery of the United Church of Canada was in charge of the meeting. The after luncheon talk at Rotary Club yesterday was given by Harold Guest, regional supervisor for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. . Mr. Guest .told how the Institute was founded by veterans ot the first world war returned, to Canada after attending St. Dun-stan's in England. They found no adequate ' provision in Can- registered-Object of the Institute, the speaker said, was to help the blind to help themselves. They work with the Institute for their own welfare, not to receive handouts. First job the newly formed institute undertook was registration of the bind. All people with less than 10 per cent vslion are registered. The lob was to find age rate of Increase has been .75 which is an increase .of almost 100 percent over 15 years ago. This increase has been main- talned in the face of very disturbed world conditions, and in ' spite of the great losses recorded j nearly everywhere in the British Commonwealth, which m a r k i FROM THE FACTORY TO YOU BABY '"CHENILLE J who they were, where they were and to help them find once more j their place In society, i , Once located, home teachers were sertt to teach them vocations and to read Braille. In this , connection, he said there were now from. 20,000 to 30,000 books I 4fe UALUE in the Braille library at Toronto. I BEDSPREADS Lowest Price in Canada. Beauti-full first quality, completely tufted. No sheeting showing. , All colours, double or single bed sizes. Flowered or solid patterns, $525 each. Sent COD. plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. Order one, you will order more. Town & Country Mfgrs., 6330 Mountain Sights St., Montreal. Quebec. hp ! In addition there are 1500 talking books, read by trained persons and ' recorded on phono- ' graph records. ' EMPLOYMENT the bowling league, fishing league, men's service club and the women's service club called the "Gadabouts" who lived up to their name. For this ' multi-service pro- j gram, he said, the institute relics on 50 per cent from the cam-' paign and 50 per cent from' grants from the provincial gov-1 ernments and community chests. He urged the people of Prince Rupert to get behind the campaign here. . Visiting Rotarian at the meet- The employment service Mr.' Guest said, had been particulir-1 ly effective. It had found Jobs for the blind: where sight was POLES When your ptUa ra M Mi worrt. 4rlWn yt turir cruy with pwi 4 Itching . . . t PVLTONE. Vm'1I sppndau Uw blrin of nodm Kim la tht Ntw PYLTONI TREATMENT. Hunlrtda el Wun Wl Mir om trattk mm titi. Otinn mm men but slwtyi with nuint nmlto. PYLTONK. liquid ukn b mouth, torn alract to I ho lataniaJ ttouMo, foMvinf h tmam. Roralta . mm hoitio al PYLTONE w t3 ".-m9r In? whs D -. Wallace of Kamloorw. Bl'SINESS I flDCQi! urn not an essential qualification i and persuaded employers that blind persons could fill the jobs. 1 In 1928, he continued; there , were 252 blind persons employed.! Now there are over 1500. There ; are 54 blind concessions operat-l ine in British" Columbia"ahd 350 , ttkm afuailod. At all Boaera arujii!. H-l The business part of the meeting was taken up mostly by fl-' nalizlng details of the auction i in the Dominion- But the bulkj V 3 ENGINES &-EQV1FMENT Wr stork niir! hive for salf f'lini nil iih iIIpkoK Shnplrx fins lnfiliH'! ' Flrll 1li"p pvliaut piping. ' Flrxilile fuel ltin"s. Trollins KwiveK illi'hrlst .Ticks mid Part. . HrRss atwl Iron How Hollers... Piston Rlncs. ; Pipe anil Pipe Fitting. : ltiilHltr1 Box Ife-ailng. ' Jaw Clutches and anchor Nlgger-heatls. Steel anil Itrass SlinflliiR. Bolts, Nuts, Muds and Cap Kcrrws. Halibut Sldp Hollers A sheave. Anchor GukIv Mejei heads.. . Flat Mllil Steel. Various articles of marine hardware and equipment, ton numerous to mention. of work l"s in industrial plants and in sheltered workshops. On the social welfare side. Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE sale to be held tomorrow. . President Bruce Brown thanked C. A. Berner for finding a guest speaker. T. Norton Youngs said he had received tickets for a concert to be held for the blind fund campaign and turned them over to Art Nlckerson for distribution. The speaker was introduced by Douglas Stevenson. IT'S TOPCOAT TIME i At William F. Stone's blind persons are trained to deal with the problems of the blind and work in a capacity parallel to other welfare workers. Mr. Guest, placed preventive work high on the list of Institute activities. He mentioned two cases in particular where pre TOVU II (MAD yom chanfad to KaUo'( Bran KUkas. Toaaty-crisp la aallk. Fraabar, wa guarantaa it . . . TY THEM AT NO RISK. If KeUogg'a ran'l f rash or than other bran flakes. SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. . For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT BYTOWN aad amptr carton to KaUocg's, Dapt. 4 A, London, Ont. Cat doubit yur many bock I MftDlT lAXATIVt. ConUins nwufh bran to help regularity, many folks ma I avatwM ventive measures had saved the sight of the people concerned. Turning to recreations and organized activities, he spoke of "few It MACHINE WORKS Yrrv i 1 : ndi ITT tbana. THE BEST in Plumbing f , ll .1 if 4 I . Topcoats M$?M i J T:.v":-' i The ALL WOOL 2-FLY WORSTED fabric that is SHOWER RESISTANT. IK a "Variety of models and shades t. sit every taste. Regulars, shorts and tails. VUM n ftlUI ITV l ( 'M I PR,NCE ROTB!T- Sfiffl FINE PRINTING AT l.'Htl U) UUALll:!! Jj Y fRiNce rupsrt f . . Dc b2$P nrpni DDKJTCDI ; I'M:, whiskv;! 'kJVt hwh. mm CAVATWILL the cloth of tomorrow f tbot'i here today' fiO INCREASE jyj l'r ill " : - L- hL YES 77,,c ,c . tin.. C r.,i..' an " w " 1 HIRAM . .... I f-v-rrr III PRICES OF OUR MEN'S SUITS TOPCOATS or mp:v"u said r.'c- ,7s; ti.."' to6JSnf io WALKER S SPECIAL OLD a'icl Cos' or , lh'5 boo .f r.;,.V.n Way "'J;.,. inciaa ' ""'' CANADIAN WHISKY; m, "' of labor- I U,C f-om Vs no VII Nation-wide Popularity is trie proof of its Traditional High Quality! - ii. il m .n -.ii. - i 1 AY APPLE D and next Saturday, Oct 14 WAlKIIVIllI .- ONTAtlO- PHTitiERS of the fAMOus "Canadian tt&. WHIIKT This advertisemnnt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. a Prince Rupert Morists Hi. Midi litr Ail Ocraxlnntt ' Gentlemen ... As long as present stork lasts tnTC will ba increase in our prices. Pick your fabric Pick your styls Pick your color Your next suit or topcoat -an bought at present low prices by usin;? ,t IKipuar iay-awny plan. A small deposit ;!! ho'd any ga-ment and! you future delivery. ... A; Todoy's Law Prices This offer only good as long as present stock lasts. Make your choice nr while our selection is complete. WILLIAM F. STONE Clothes of Distinction ."," m V T I " M 'l a s ! m m ' j J i 1 " ' fM a i 'f fie z ! rg I it'Xl 3iii Av! Box hlo Tol 77' i All Proceeds To Go To GYRO PLAYGROUNDS Air Force 1 I I i: - ',: "i ! 'i'r! i i WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING See our Kodak Camera Line-Mp. Flash attachments for all Cameras. Team K'Kiiico'.or and Kodachrome BE SURE AND SUPPORT THIS GYRO COMMUNITY SERVICE Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. 320 - 3rd Ave. W. t BUY A BOX TODAY s 5UPP0RT GYRO APPLE WEEK . S Help Gyros Keep Up Our Swimming " ' Pools and Playgrounds PORTRAITS, Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STL'OIO .'1(5 - 4th Ktreot Box fi!5 ' 'hone Cir.en 389 Prince Rupert FANCY MACS 1$4.40 BOX MAC CEES $3.85 BOX Phenc Red 324 or contact any; Gyro Member presents three films "PHOTO CANADA" "JET PROPULSION" "EXERCISE MUSKOX Conodion Leabn Ha!l October 16 and 17 ot 8:00 p.m. Free Admission Everybody Welcome Recruiting Team present in the hall doily October 16,. 17 and 18 for interviews. To the first ten topcoat or suit customers on Friday we will do-not a box of the finest B.C. "Gyro" apples. We will repeat this offer on Saturday. Shop early Friday and Saturday and et your apples. O IT MOW Moving. Packing, Crating Sliiirin; n,-rl General Cartage and Storage omplet?, Rc'.ianlc and Elfl-lei.t. Snrv'.ri. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Lit. , ;or Oxygen, Acetylene and all wilding iiupp!ie3. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE , STORAGE LIMITED Ccr 2nd and P?rk Avenues Est. iMO Phn-ies 60 and 68 M fi , This space courtesy of the following f irms: WILLIAM F. STOHE Clothes of Distinction m