ladies Win live Friday, October 13, 1 950. , - radians buy more Salada Costume Jewelry 01 Possible Six The ladles won the day at the Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary card party Wednesday night bv wlnnlnar five of the six ban any omer orana. Announcement ftuiary "Club Auction bait Location "O'.d Overwaitea 8fore Saturday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock, Oct. 14. Rebekah Bazaar. October 18 Job' Daughters Fall Fashion Show and Entertainment, Civic Centre, Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. ' Cards tournament commencing in Catholic Hall, Thursday, Oct. 19, 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruick-shank are on a holiday visit to California. Buy and Save at Rupert Butchers. Attractive Weekly specials. Every Monday and Tuesday. (H) Aneus Currlp ,n v mm 8- O. N. Badminton Club prizes onerea. Two or them were meeting, S. O. N. Hall, 8 p.m., j at games at which they were Monday, Oct. 16, 1950. Njw j Playing as gentlemen. Follow- - ' "-" IViIOW'1 Skeena River cannsryman, sailed Canada's mostv popular white shirt: members welcome. (240c) ng is a list of prize winners: wnist Ladies' first, Mrs. ' W. Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty, Rothwell; gentlemen's' I Reserve u6? this 5 date date" Conrad Conrad tlemen first Mr Mr- o . who ho have have been been spending spending some some i Halsall School P.T.A. card party Friday. 4 B t Pfisy Cribbage-Ladies' first Mrs ' vrlZ 7' KeIresnments-! . body welcome. Norton; gentlemen's first, M": j j Murray. I Remember United Church time in the city, sailed on the Prince Georg.e for Vancouver. 8. O. N. Whist and Dance-Friday, Oct- 13. Whist 8 o'clock. Music by Mike Colussi. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. (239i Bridge Ladies' first, Mrs. Bake Sale, 11 to 4, Saturday, Oe- Curzon; gentlemen's first, Mr. tcber 21, at 429 Third Avenue V y uie rrince Ueorge last nisriU tor Vancouver. Moose Saturday night Whist Drive In the Temple at 8 o'clock Women and men of the Moose please attend. ' (240) Miss Kay Nickerson sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver where she will pay an extended visit. "llARD TIME DANCE" Legion Auditorium, Friday, Oct. 13th, 9:30 p.m. Members Legion and Ladles' Auxiliary. Tickets obtainable at Canadian Legion or Gordon St Anderson's. (2401 scott. iBCKWOOU w oroge Refreshments were served by By Easley Blackwovd Mrs. 3 "e CIrcle wltn Mrs- T. Harvey returned by i frm vn.w,lv- Ha'nley convener. She was 'Mm correspondent writes: . where she attended the Progres- j assisted by Mesdames H. Ander-slve Conservative convention son, Twaites. G. Dean nH w west, next to Wallace's- Salvation Army Fall Bazaa Oct. 24. Legion Auxiliary card party Oct. 25. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar. Oct. 26 Sonja Bazaar, October 27. Conrad School P.T.A. Hallowe'en Hoedown, Friday, October 27th, 8 p.m. Games, prizes, dancing, refreshments. Everybody welcome. Blackwood Would you bid five hearts as last week. Ltwis. IMS IlilMU cwiu fcu new w jjuiiils ur UlflU GEORGE COOK jeweller - 'vour opponents try to make game?" ' ' MRS. R. H. Take a look in trie windows of the old Overwaitea Store: Mrs. E. Hannan, who spent a 100s and 100s of Items for sale; month in the city with hr and more coming every day: j brother and, Mr. Prince Hupcrt Rotary Club's and Mrs. E. Cavenaile, sailed Auction Sale This Saturday from Vancouver yesterday on the afternoon, ' 2:30 o'clock. BE Dutch motorship Diemerdyk for THERE! , (239) a trio to her native Beleiiim via There was a good attendance at the season's first meeting of the CCF club Tuesday night. Routine business was transacted. The election of officers as postponed until the Novp kr side vulnerable. ! n3f?l Moose Bazaar Nov. 2 and 3. Legion Avuiaiy f all Bazaar November 8. nrth e7 5 H -K J 7 6 meeting- tVio -.. 1 t-..i i I U lt 7 8 C-Q 8 7 5 .. i" ""115 neri Presbyterian Fill Sale Nov l. J. O. Steele. renresentiT i-h I rreQ naie, aner spsnain-; a , visit nere, Mrs. Hannan, recently ! nt AHrw, r.(u,,--.. ARROW DART 1 ,. t .i Here i the greatest collar, to grace a neckline I Perfect fit'.' 1 . itaya fresh . . . needs no starch . . . can't wrinkle. ' '' 1 9 Dart is tailored of combed broad-cloth for fine texture &ext,ypvr kin. SANFORIZED-labelleaVan' this tunning white thirt will alway Hut S AK 0 4 3 2 about equal. The answer Is that 1 would pass. - Now, would the opponents make their game? I am not so sure. The niore expert the East plav-r Is, the better Chance I woifd have to set 'him, strange as that may sound. The reason Is that some players are 'pattern" -player. Their belief is that when you see one n n rt nnlu nna t-iniilnii V- Audit Bureau ot Circulations dr. .w days here in connection with , of Los Angeles, enjoyed renewing ' Fall 'sale Nov 18 I ,the. ye.terda, , JZI XZLZ fCqK!" .!. r November! , i 5 D 8 3 3 Hi ici mMin s piane irom Oakland- v j-.... "uii., wucic oxic wus23 k I.' 4 3 and will be here until tomorrow ilcse Plant at Watson Island, well known and popular in busl- conductlne the nnn.ini J!u,(l by lne mnce ueorge last ness circles in trw early days. L.03.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. United Church Fall Bazaar December 7. tion audit of the Daily News nlf'nt on nls return to Vancou- She sailed fiom here Sunday ver. ' - nlht on the Coquitlam. H -A 109 5 4 3 k-AK2 Plans for social ! " . -"j ouifiiciuu, i ovitii evenings cvtrnuigs were were i 9 Launder, irona and looks migKty, - n .. .. .,uw v. . . i "... w ALuiai mi. : t be another to "balance'.' Ut to one ing of Valhalla lodge last night Ki-t Nut-til ' DM. 2 H 3 S Pass i s 48 ui me enner nanas. Tney Tind arrangement was left to the Yith this true In just CTinni Pnp fin social committee. Routine business occupied the remainder of the meeting. Refreshments were brs. R. H., I don't think i The East ulaver in thin deal FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Coll 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Guilders & Contractor flven me a verv tough served at the close. sees only one singleton -in his ouhty fine I ' $4' 50 Watts: and Tl Nickerson Yuu say nothing about M lue aouuies oi tne piay- TOMATO CATCHUP Attention, please! In a bowl ruhhed with garlic, cream white cheese, add Libby's Tomato Catchup, dash of cnukers or with potato chips. another one. In what suit -can'. change in meeting nights fiil assume they are It be? Spades, naturallv the lo e second and fourln Wed- m horse-radish. horse-radish. Serve Serre on on small mall V sult In which his opponents arelnY5aays l the n,onth was shortest (adopted by the Sons of Norway.! ways 1o capture compliments 1 trhird by I VOUR ALL AR0UI1D SERVICE Put few drop At Vicka Va-tiu-nul in or-h nnatril It - ' ' - YC drain muses, brings Av WtltiniH: itliet. l"c """"B was ucvoiea lo rou- r.nH f .v, i i ... , ln lhe Chalr' expect declarer to lay down one high spade just ln case the Canadian Pacific Air Lines queen of spades happened to be Ltd. special representative Mrs a slnsleton in either defender's Phyllis Macdonald invites all hand Then he would probably members of ladles' clubs and or-go nto a deep huddle. He would ganlzattom to attend a travel-pretend to be thinking actual- ogue on Hawaii Monday evenlns ly he would be worrying. I at 8 o'clock in the Civic Centre v.ould try to look noncommlt-1 Auditorium U1 ,yrtel no cll"cumstances , No admittance charges. . would I light a cigarette at this ,24lc) point. ! 1 J 1 !" P" Cyurkuus Service ... i Call - 6WTAXI ! (Eventually there is an excel- S. Brmneyrwrirj hay been If i' - Prepared MUSTARD Wall. WMli flfr Sew Munacenif nt I ------- - - v. . . . - i -.--j - v f " 1 L t-vw nccAl go to dummy with a high dia- his capacity as a timber mond and take a spade finesse, sultant for Columbia, 7 r Ml Vl I H non lln.i Uimi1( wi n IrA to 1 ltrl hw thn TrJ nr.o n,.,na 1,-... (toUliMa car, f 11 call you one f I I K - SWEET MIXED PICKLES your lone queen for the setting night on his return to Vancouver. trlolf 4 P Run nnu nrae fnr mai li i c f I Don't underestimate Mustard! Keep a jar of Libby's Prepared Mustard on your pantry shelf, put it on the table with every meat course . . . depend on it to add extra .STAND NEXT TO NEW LIQUOR STORE.".'! Libby's Sweet Mixed Pickles are a spiced-right Combination of 3 specially jprown vegetables; savour ail tne time! 1 1 5a I And If he doesn't finesse? rict forester here and later log-Well, your opponents have made ing superintendent for Pacific a game. That Is all. There Is still mils. at Ocean Frills, nothing wrong with your bid- Mrs. Jens Munthe sailed last ding. Try to get some satisfac-'nlght on the Prlrice George tor tion out of the fact that brldae . . luiumDers, onions and cauliflower. Deluxe enough for special dishes but priced for every day! j - zni Is not, and never will be, an ex- the annual convention of the act s-lence. British Columbia HosDital Asso ft i ygj pp,i Extra comfort and less work for you with a Coleman Oil Heater Low in Cost Efficient ir Operation Available now at ' ''"mpi urn! i-ouru-ons "we Ui Serve YOU ciation as representative of the Women's Auxiliary of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. C. G Ham, president of the hospital j board; D. C. Stevenson, hospital administrator, and Miss Elia-'beth Clements R.N., lady super- intendent, will leave later for ithe same convention. Mr. Ham Auxiliary Plans For Legion Week More Cafe PMC5-S0 Arrangements for the celebra and 8nd Mr. Efvson 'M be ae- P:v and Uood Food" tion of Legion Week were the Mr; 5VL0VJ,' . mpanlad by their wives chief business of the last general Send-om Ordersi Grixcntl David Chow. Mgr. ll'tll I) McBride Street. Phone 311 meeting or me Laaies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Committees w.ere appointed to take care of sociaUevenings and the bazaar during the ik, this year frqm November '4 1 to 11. Mrs. R. 1 A. Bean will be convener for the bazaar. Mrs. J. S. Black and Mrs. Bussey will work with the convener on arrangements for Poppy Day November 4. The auxiliary will work with the men's brunch for social Manufacture d install BURNER , fevents hard time dance, bring- Jir EASY-TO-PAY LAY-AWAY:; PLAN! STANDS n n the-mlssus night, and the stag party. Two new members were Initiated and one application for membership received. Reports were heard from sick committee and the card parties. Card parties -during October are under supervision of Mrs- G. V. Hanley. President Mrs. W. Rothwell was in the chair. I r HONE 884 VACUUM PACKED HOMOGENIZED 20 OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK Manson's China Shop Writing ln the current War Cry, Mrs. Wakefield of Vancouver, describes a visit nortii when, as she says, Prlncs Rupert was ln the making, and of a solourn ln January, at Andl- I Ltd. DON'T PUZZLE THE OLD CHAP! ; maul in the interior country. Weather was sharp. j We have a ,,.. Grand Assortment OF r BUCHANAN'S 1 1 . r i TOYS .JWCK ANNOUNCEMENT r; We are not taking any dealing or pressing at present We shall attend to efficient service on Tailoring, Alterations and Repairing , ' k New Fall Samples have just arrived. Order now for better choice II II 6 THE TAILOR Box 286 220 - 6th St. Phone 649 5lA COME IN AT:';f' ANY TIME ' f:; ,v ?CTCH WHISKY THE LATEST FALL STYLES ARE ARRIVING DAILY. See Them Now at 1 !!lLSecret it in the .Blendin .. IVpi-ii BROWNWOODS M)1 B04 Jnt hot published or displayed by the Liquor J. a or by the Government of British Columbia.