fcr the company's iuci station. , Mis Mary Mtugaret Bulg-er jl I J The Vessel will be here unloading , galled last night on the Prime 1 LUCKI6S QflU fVmce ftupert Doily News Friday, October 13, 1930 Ca.8 tanker to-lft capt. F- Tot, I. Toco wtn until tomorrow auernoon when j George for a holiday Crip to Van- 4 11, 5, lu! 6 9 she will return south. Commercials couver and Vancouver Island. . Teagiie Manfiliizs "A" Division Lucky Suikes - 11 ILyona 10 btars 1 S iKosa Lee 9 I Annettes 8 It). -B. of Commerce .... 7 ! Toilers 7 luel leading Standings tn ladies Business and Professional IT'S PROFITABLE 6 7 8 8 8 H y 9 11 To Use Bowline League Lucky StrlKs and Commercials, so far this season, are showing the way In "A" and "B" Divisions respectively of the Ladies' Bowling League but their margins of leadership are Wratnalls 7 Ooraon & Anderson .... 6 tieunonfc 6 Brownwoods .... i McMeekins 4 "B" Division ; 7 0 6 6 11' 10 10 9 9 8 slim. Lyons are running un in. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this 'Handy Form Commercials 11 1 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture fa all Its branches .'04 4th Street Phone 655 MARGARET McLEOLJT OPTOMETRIST J Room iO STONE BUIL1J1NG A Division only one point be- Ginger Snaps 10 5 nrnd Lucky 8trikes. Ginger Krunt.nn 10 1 ' snaps ana snenton s are tied for savoys ' second SDOt In "B" Division one Dnrirot. n I point behind the Comfnercials. gkeena Groc." i. . 8 in wis weeks nlav. PeiKY Manumi t t T- PHONE , Thompson of Lyon was hiorh t . i , muiviuuai scorer in A uiviaion Big Sisters 7 Battlers 7 Wallace Pharm 4 Black Cats 2 blue .? r: P.O. BOX 1184 Xj VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 pra. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun Oct. 13 and 27 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, Oct. 6 and 20 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 968 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN P. L. HUGHES, D C. , 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. St FrL 7:30 Phone Blue 442 with 310. High three game aggregate If 736 was by M. Postuk cf Rosa Lee's. M. Shenton of Shenton's Shest Metal was high Individual scorer muiviuuai scoring: LADIES' A LYONS A. Pierce 620, P. Anderson 4tst, In "B" Division with 358 while j Thompson "658, V. Ar Q. Van Meer of Skeena Orncwy j j. Bhenton 507 V- V rauiail Zl. -4 Totals 739, 880, 983. BKOWN WOOD'S L. Donald- Json 490, M. Smith 320, M. Uur- vna nigh three game score of 633. Game scores were : "A" Division Lyons 3, Brownwoods'O "Rosa Less 2, McMeekins 1 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. . Ph. Black 389 vidh 3bl, N. Stone 394, G. Brown 400. Totals 626, 783, 879. . ( I SIDNEY GONlCK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mezzanine Floor, Geo. Cook's Jeweller Telephone 212 M KOSA LEE'S M. Postuk 738, D. Nelson 596, M. Furuno 441, D. Woods 705, F- McKinnon 4U. t Totals 803, 843, 1028, 1U30, 289 McMEEKIN B A. Kltehie 40Z, C. Wilson 420, B. Emerson 387, C. Bellamy 412, L. McMeeKin 4ii Totals 903, 734, 784. BELMON1S-M. Lewis 412, D. Lugrln 281, G. Maundrill 43a, A. Stars 2, Belmonts 1 Toilers 2. Lucky Strikes 1 Gordon & Anderson 2, Wrath-all's 1 'C. B. of Commerce 2. Annettes ' ' ' 1 ; .. ' "B" Division Shenton's Sheet Metal 33 .C. O.E.A. 0 ' - Big Sisters 2, Skeena Gro. 1 Savovs 2. Rock.ettes 1 Wallace Pharm. 3. Battlers 1 Commercials 2. Black Cats 1 .'Ginger Snaps 2, Manson's 1 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. , 0f Times - -Enclosed Please Find JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenut GORDON D. RONSONj OIL. rsUKNEK BfHiUlAl.lS L New wick or pot type burnerM word per insertion e.g. Number ot words o; cost,. DOc. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) supplied All types of burner Denton 190, E Anderson 686, J. Haakins 126. Totals 738, bOi. 703. uTAR'S G. Mclntyre 441, L. Keays 600, J. Dickens 449, K. and stoves serviced An unj nnditional euarantee of Der- Hills 339, C. Hinton 319. Totals -800, 775, 713. feet satisfaction, covers all M RORIE & LAIRD Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled. G. L. RORIE, AJiX. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block - Phon- 387 . , service ........... ..... I 1 Phone Mo. Black 5f 733 5th West Heat Your Home The Modern TOILERS M. Wide 401, E.: Johansen 355, D. Taylor 450, li. Ellison 232, V Patrick 408. Totals 800, 736, 756, 762. I LUCKY STRIKES J. Boulter 557, A. Whatman 484, H. Phillip-son 324, J. Warren 393, B. Dunbar 598. Totals 730, 888, 748. WRATHALL'S B. Peterson 558, P. Roberts 421, M. Pepp 430. D. Chorney 425, D. Keswick 472-Totals 777, 837, 872. G. & A. J. Menzie 504, N. Janes 486, I. Gainer 499, L. WANTED TO RENT PARENTS AND ADULT SON SEEK ACCOMMODATION, EITHER FURN-' ISHED OR UNFURNISHED, IN ANY SECTION OP THE CITY. PHONE BLACK 512, OR CALL AT NEWS OFFICE. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICt rtNERAl. VONTRAtrrOK QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC , SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Waul i ill 'fiiiliiliiir Hiiii 'Kepfclr kinds ' ROOP8 CHIMNEYS i 1 1 . . . . I .- .11 luonunuea on o; i I TJUM page OIL. BURNERS BURNERS nNl.p the Best World 1 ( 507 I Buy Buy ; 1 1 j Vl i I Famous ; I IX l tv'-z-zrrr, ArzsssssMxasri -phon.. electrolux I QV V MY i m . : . li Black 834 , ij-M- -" 1 I llVJl II trmru WHI5KY : ll f O H-. l7M Cleaner and Air Purifier. 1 ' 1 I L- ?l SCOTCH nnijai - Small supply now on hand 1 ertlsing Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, m: w r.!on, minimum charge 50c. Birth N itiees 60c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun era! Notices, Marriage and "Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE FOR SALE OF THANKS L 'P-' ATI7$ M. B.W.COLLINS N AFW 1 GLORIOUS BEST - MATTSON' 1 1 Authorized Dealer 1 HELP WANTED I, (kit FOR PALE 1945 dufho truck, WANTED Immediately, 'bi .ergln, also i the hos- $1200. Steel deck. Phone Blacc catcher. AddIv 118 u were so kind to 140 after 5 or 9 evenings. -- - f Cook ywhileln the 2p) for RFVT FDR SALE 1950 4-door deluxe . . ;t Cook and Family. Chev with new O.M. heater, RENT Sinzle front room. R SALE 1 new tires on car nius umiiu suitable for workina may. mo new scares- Verv reasonable children. Apulv 621 Fulton St. price Terms accented. Phone (239p) Red 985. ' 243p ' - Triumph McClary od kiithen ranee1 .'IrxbuP " " h - ' ' ;? '"''':f l j Ir'1"" "urHOLs-Rmo; - I PHONE 451 I f : ' 7 f ' Phone Blue 818 P.O Box 520 i I , . . . . I .... fc'-i I? . , .... li Tnntnrt above for all I USE I U 3.10 Second Avenue. if I ? '.f SERVICE 3tKVILC & & SUPPLIES aKKLItS ua WATtrb f j Prince Runrf. nr i- U Hit CC llll -titA t ' 0ILY NTRV-rt WJltS'iiniKD ADVERTISEMENTS BRWO RESUl.T . . j; lilbnliiUiii v mon coll and giv v I k . - . 1 you estimates on hot J 1 "' . j water or steam heat- i , " ; ,.:!'- fidition, $25. Phone POR BALE 4-pfrce beSroom mitt, Enllsh pram. 3 high chairs, child's crih. library extension table, chea- I240pi propside couch and tertleld chair, two magazine tables. i; Wood and con! kitchen tables, washing menm. piano, like ncw.i set taw books, floor lamp. 6ll At- Iwer ctulloiuer $10. 1 in Ave. Blue eos. , ai) SALES XttStS WANTED MAKE EXTRA MONEY EASILY. Sell Name-on Christmas and Evervdav card assortments at best values with hiehest commissions for vou. Uneauaiied values in more than twenty Christmas items 21 card Deluxe Christmas box. Panorama Stand-UD cardi. Canadian scenes Dictures. personal cards, notes and nankins. Children s 1 H. ' FOR SALE Large size crib arid mnt- Pumn sun Win- tress. Blue 7H3. . (23p) W 12. Like new onlv about ltin i F "I. Duuv 1 REAL, ESTATi. (2tc)i r- New chesterfield' FOR SALE 40 acre farm putsidN U drawers-, sewing inK 5-room lott house, hay three dimensional dooks. i revision Tom Thum books, nur-serv rhvme cards, stationery Klft wraps, personalized Kit-ribbon. dinBdonn bells, aiso Evervdav assortments mclua-ine elastic cards. Write today . .,-.!. in, nnrt camnlfs NOW. h-jrn ttnm 6 vt'Hl'S old. alsa pnen stoves: heat- farm implements. For particulars write Box 1302. Prince pert (243p) i re. scores of other iture t lowest! ' B.C. Furniture. I Name-on Stationery Coinoany ' i . ' '.. ... t ...uc'vi vrtu nor Hair, " I v.. foi ... 1 y fi , . ! Four-room wartime, less than 2 Llmltea uem,. tn. oj Street Arcade. Toronto. tt Van HI. nr. 810 1 nntii w.w . ... s , 1 ! CAAkliru '1 & HAtO, BY THE DRINK OR I FIVE STAR I il 1 1 . ; SAANICH - . lv4he RontE ... you I I I 0nJ Parpo truck t wheel base On-! blocks from school. Newiy painted and decorated. Fully furnished including tabletop eltctrlc range. 3-0lece Chester- w without dump. WANTED P AudIv 32 taxi. 242p) 1337 Fnrrt t.n.oif lumtwr and drapes. Fu.5 price $3500.00 Red soo. u with $1500.00 down, balance Vw.Mrpn mnlT s-room monthly payments WAI?tTED7" SirSS rJffe"d nmdit. oc-unancv , In , four- suite for middle-aged refined rennea carrier.1 oarts. used tires, "23 Si ssusa; PLUMBING & HEATINQ ARE ASSURED OF SCOTCH ' VSk ' ' ' 3 jCor4ifiAvc.andMcBrid2' M THAT has a 323 year I :l I ' - 3 ' : ' : - - 1 OLD REPUTATION FOR j I I . - - - - ,1 UNCHANGING I j ! , , . . 11 i ' .... , .i,.. : rn vmir nAYt LzA L, . i UUKII, UU(UI1V,V R3 v.. I - - . . F el9y" NAMES Six-room wartinfie. V tiiock from' WANTi;n working woman 'wraer Kriovp a-.i niirn scnooi. . run price uiuj , r.j .v.. house n,ith in- would . . li - .r . urriiiid miai r nuiiob . V'la moo- a j share Apply Box 809 Daily toWrtoBros'l $3(iO0.00. Apply Robert E. Montador J Ltd. , (241c) i other. News. (239p) au Ma 1 annlina wfn Clamshell WSS A" QUICKLY for these houses! WANTTO ' - TOP M? ifte!.Mi''?;!6-room wartime on 8th E.; new- PpEaPAI?ODDr; lead, etc 1 rlocnrolfil- furnished or un Honest rradlng. Prompt Payment made. Atlas Iron & Petals Ltd.. 250 Prior sL Van-.....- tin. Phnne PacliH K8 'ff StockDlle fcvah Rice Port! E f.esl PumDs: Na- furnished; large corner lot; close to school and stores. 6-room house near McBride: fulli V-IIUTC... ,ttl V",e ocranersandi rlf This advertisement is not puDiunea or aispiuj ; -i vil ivmi vni I -V V. M Control Board or bY th Government of British Columbia. , , , -T w wrvyur 'yWVr in . . i; CtUHVEft FLIGHT PLANES aveilable for j concrete Dasement; musro-m iki ivi' porches; 3 bedrooms, omimi ... . room. Priced to sell with onlv wanted Scran cast, bras Armstromr Anencles will be abors. Phone 543. Call rti tl rhjnor Co i"Li?JS" pleased to show vou these und west other listings. Phone 342 j - , . (241) i r r .J? lo uet in naoe iri VI, SPORTINO Larger assortment ! 1011 SALE Fully furnished 4-roonv Aerial Surveys -Aerial Photography Private "Charter Timber Cruising, etc. Vi llon V nouse. east na. Basraicm. ii.i- THE PERFECT j JQ nd )i IFT FOR THE 1 i m 8 Keen in Shane ill LOJfl LOST Large hooo silver jear-rlns. Reward. Leave at Dally News Office. '240p) liriLOF.RS ft CONTRACTOR ed. Bargain price. Tnrms arranged. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone 667. i (2ac) t n t : I i P s1 ALL INTERIOR AND ''COASTAL -POINTS I PERFECT GIRL ? vFAi . have ' Si SliJIS '"t coat,! WORK WANTED ) CU- f, DnlU HIa f For an yCiUKQ MAN looking for work. Will eonaider anything. Phone Black 153. . , , 24aP HLtlMBINU and Heatlni Sheet Me al wXn,io Grave Roofui" Call 629 nr. West Phone Tetourneii. fltirl Son? i. MODERN Painting and Decor-tinnnr-p and Matulk ACCOCCTXS'TS - OPEN AT 4 EVERY AFJERNOON UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT RAT! - NFORMATIO IlKSERVATIONS PHONE 476 QUEEH CHARLOTTE AIRI.IIIES LTD. (24n.nl PtTBlJfC' ACCOUNTANT. Inconif tk Hu.U.i , U J. Tax snecialist. 8. urn Fhone Black 215. evenings ,f noon hour. P.O. Box 1111. tn COMPLETE bunder" sUODlte fait servt.e. Island Cltv Btnld-liig Simnlies Blufc 820. URm 'n7 r1 pnt, Stone Building. Red 593 . 20m fotf.. in envelon,. ki.. i . fot 'OT Sh.,ui i. ! to No!lnthev.un(It'r- LISTINGS WANTED use vsur uay-way Plan ) MA II SOU'S IIORTHERII SPORTS AIID HEALTH SPRINGS REPAIRS WATCH Keoarr Womut efti clent service. George Cook jeweller. Satisfaction auaran- Killas & Christopher Bldg. Air Freight on all Flights FREE APPRAISAL geared to - present pronertv market. See us first when selling your home for nromnt action and f!ot'CertSn'tachine! Can t lca at Tur.1 ii. teed. . wniMmr hnvprs We have am - Your Friendly Jeweller III Phone Phone 658 658 lJ urgent need for 4-room houses qiL "Is i ..... , mm iwm m mm m W - -w ' ' ill I . F SU0 " " in good condition. Phone Ann- stove erv ce & strong Agencies at 842 or' Hoiuon. Bla: ' Oreen E97 tevs.). .....,....,.... III. IHl J WIJ i