movi:;c:al Li2- 'dispatched D. c. ,.. SUPPQRT GYRd APPLES' mm BUY AndHelp NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWRPAPFR Published at Canado'i Mn.t d:c:. d. d.. is... ...L o .h vol vuu xxxtt w a ",r"" r-K.., ncy 10 rne urear northwest YOUR Playgrounds No- 23- PRINCE , nr. , FRiriAV , nrTnP,vn IS , 10n . fkh;k hvk r.v.wrn Warning JT in Should ULID( Vn Quickly Mm 09 ! w tf..n In. f rnH r.rpat ODD THEFT AT lien "- BUCKINGHAM PALACE Thursday o Canadian Destroyers! In Huge UN Bombardment vnwd and vigor mr Wsians may miscal- stfrn strenRin aim war. He said that PIANIST AND 'CELLIST- Lborjovernmcnthas jtrously slow in re- lirms. L told the Conserva-l ,nnffrence that 1951 Two Famous Artists Schapiro and Silva Coming to Prince Rupert TOKYO (CP)-Destroyers of the Royal Canadian Navy, part of the force of 37 United Nations warships, today hammered at North Korean targets in a seaborne strike against Communist supplyJ1" - A navy war release issued at Tokyo did not) , tify the destroyers but it indicated that two o( three Canadian warships ini " : : ? ."T critical year. Diplomatic Box Found In Royal Garbage Can LONDON (CP) A British seaman was accused tonight of breaking into Buckingham Palace and stealing a dispatch box. He was identified in an official statement from Scotland Yard as Douglas Monro, aged 20, of London. . - ' , - The announcement came a few hours after the Quit aslion Korean waters took part in the bombardment. Shins In thp hnmharrimpnt. j group included the British cruis 9 The French to-cedthe abandonment bastion of Thatkhe. er Ceylon and British, Austral ian and Canadian light forces 1 in addition to the United States (another gap in the battleship Missouri and the defence along the ... I- - 41.. Ti U.S.S. Worcester. tin umna irunui-i. t ird frontier port ab- The Canadian shinin Korean fc? the French within waters are the-destroyers Cay police had confirmed press re-: ports that a diplomatic box which,. vanished from the palace turned up early today In a nearby garbage can. It was not disclof.-jd immediately whether Munro was the j man found in the Palace grounds i earlier In the day by detectives Investigating the disappearance of the box. Otiawa Talks or ,-Alaska Railway OTTAWA Preliminary discussions took place here yesterday between a committee representing United States Congress and the Canadian government on the possibilities of surveying a route for a proposed railway line through British Columbia tu connect up the United States and Alaska. J. C. Lessard, deputy minl-itu of transport, was senior i 1 among the Canadian group. If built, the railway line wr ' fill in the rail-less gap beti Prince George, British Coluri 1, The withdrawal left More Guns For States Canada To Get Further Orders, It Is Expected uga, Sioux and Athabaskan. miles of frontier open in guerrillas of the 1 f - : 1 t . " ' V leader, H. Chi Min.i. A release gave bare details of the actual part taken by Canadian ships in the bombardment, but destroyers, because of the comparatively short range of their 4.7-inch guns, often were employed for close-in work, such Receives ' Earller ln the dav Scotlanl OTTAWA A fnvcmmpnt " JETSJ ThursdJTa SS'S? faoT " United States gun orders were T Buckiam rccovered dur in prospect for Canada if the i ht atS. VSSf IT' denying ndon press reports k$ Ut "at" UfSiv9 ' ' that the contained "state ISiaClOniy. (Secret." RrnUanA Vorrt cal4 l - AUSTRALIAN ELECTION CANBERRA Premier R. O. Menzies stated today that there may be an early election in Australia unless the Labor-dominated Senate discontinues its obstructionist tactics. EUROPE ON BRINK i MADRID Generalissimo Francisco Franco declared today that Europe to on the brink of catastrophe and must be saved by the United States. Franco was speaking on the occasion of Columbus Day. 35c HAIRCUTS HOLLWYOOD, Fla. Barbers in this town recently raised their prices for haircuts but, as a result of a price war, have dropped back to 35c Motorists are coming for miles around to get their hair cut. " 4 HOUSING ACTION BRIGHTON Noisy rank and file of the British Conservative party, in annual conference, demanded action from party leaders in the way of formu lating a party policy on housing. CRESCENT TRIES OUT VICTORIA The Canadian destroyer- Crescent, recently overhauled for service after years in "mothballs," Thursday carried out steaming trials in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. ' MEAT PRICES DOWN : VANCOUVER--The price of round steak has dropped 10c a pound here. as hitting enemy short batteries and smaller targets ashore. They are also used for screening bigger ships, such as battleships Jian Nayy EDAM Rear Admiral Ind commanding offi and eastern Alaska. The conference decided" Cj recommend to the governmnt.;, methods of surveying the route' ce visiting Canadian and aircraft carriers. I Destroyers and cruisers continued the battering of Chonjln and hit Songlin and Sangpo, 1H.M.CS. Magnificent, fed Huron wpre reeeiv- of Jhe proposed rail line to !-. y Queen Juliana. - The order, announced Wednes- j an official statement: day. brings to $14,000,000 thej "No state papers were stolen amount of armament the Uni- j from a diplomatic box which ted States has Indicated It will j was missed from Buckingham purchase ln Canada under the' Palace. It was recovered tn-105O reciprocal arms deal. j tact." It Is expected that, within the I ' Tne official statement left th? next few weeks, American or-' .uestlon CT a to how the box ders for chemicals and other orJ,haPPened to turn up in the gar- neamy. Planes aided In the attacks. Whether this was a prelude to a landing or a diversionary aa- uie unuea oiaies proper Alaska, through British Coh i-bia. . An External Affairs Deg" V-ment spokesman said only t.fct WEATHER : Synopsis rsault, the result was a battering 1 for n .J , ; --. 1 V.a lid over British Colum- Iwome much thinner Red supply lines along the the omcials had decide r 130-mile sea front. The array of "certain recommendations" an to warships operated off the Ko-1 how such a location survey n-r rean east Coast, less than 120 j be carried out ;;, ders will increase the total to about $17,000,000. uasce can outsioe ine raiac : j The London Evening Newi. I which broke the storv, said it MAXISt SCHAPIRO gions will have sunny is afternoon. Llnht rred ovw the northern ! - After playing concerts miles from Soviet Vladivostok. Government sources said IV On the 130-mile ground-fight- expectetk.a further meeting, y ing front, American spearheads, be held later. TODAY'S STOCKS 1 Jor-General A. C.' Saltsbury-icurtffjr s. d. Johnston Co Ltd.) 'Jones, marshal of the diplomatic M night. The mini-ffrince George was 27 m eight of the leading;. within 65 miles of Pyongyang, corps. p of 26 was reported 1 A member of the Royal House- aph Creek. In the Alaska cities this month, Maxim Schapiro, pianist, will stop here on his way hold, the marshal acts as liaison the Red capital, met fierce rc-L-. A , n . sistance from C o m m u n 1 s s Way to Parley ' troops. M : mm Eight mUes up the toad iron I himArl lM" regions temperatures the mid forties. Vancouver Bayonne .02 Bralorne 6.70 B. R. Con. .0214 officer vuwnen the court and the diplomatic corps. Ire Indications that a " ' 'H a deevloping off the I Kumshon, another pincers is de- JIIIm lUl veloping on Hanpo. Heavy fight-1 ing raged there. ' j 1 ff- W. Intermittent rain south for a concert with Luigl Silva, 'cellist, on October 28 sponsored by the Civic Centra Association The two artists. China's Dictatorship Is Rigid- B. R. X 04 Cariboo Quartz 1.30 Congress .12 Hedley Mascot ., .40 Pacific Eastern .05 storm is expected to south coast tomorrow. Forecast "ast region Variable and a few showers tn- J famous in the concert halls of j two continents, wli play a pro Missionary Tells of Conditions On the eastern end of the! IIT I innflllllll ' front in North Korea, South IIUIIUIIJIIJ Korean troops pushed three . ' miles north and captured Won- mmTmt(' n m Pr.r san against light resistance. HONOLULV f" landed here Truman tod; r U.N' forces captured more fK iam i . hnl.r I the second leg of his hit. Pcnd Orlelle 8.40 Pioneer 2.35 gram 01 wide appeal ana varies. prday. Little change Rev. G. K. King of Bella Bella and recently from Jg SFJSFSS China, speaking at a United Church Presbytery pub- or each other-s ability and gen- pwre. Light southerly rremier uoraer uo4 Privateer 09 j Reno .03 . Sheep nir!lk,: Creek 1 20 ( 1 Joey to meet General D(W bringing the rtoUl bag for the ps tonight and highs MacArthur at an undise' Ht Port Hardy, Sand- duration close to 60,000- lie meeting on conditions in China in relation to; iro first introduced' Mr. meeting place. Indication! pice Rupert, 40 and I that it may be at Wake Is Taku River ......ZII jovi Christian work, said that, except" for the terrors inisuva to audiences in the north Vananda .09 Nanking in 1938, there had been nothing in the ex- Falrbanks, Anchorage and sitka Ll'IGI SILVA perience of the Chinese since the Boxer troubles to: together. Mr- Schapiro had continued . 1 11.. UUr. fnrlnu r1ir- iivorce Dollar Exchange Rate To Be Freed LONDON W Canadian dollars ing the past 25 years mere nas Fran.lsc0 - - ""7"-," ww,h have The President will leave . tonight. General MacArthur is r ed to leave Tokyo early S day' morning for a weel conference to plan final pi of United Nations actior, Korea. i It is announced that Pre Truman, following his it to the United States main' will make a radio address ! hun nn nHonlia eXDerlenCe 01 " . . ,"'l""u - - to the Would Oust .foVu.V,, in livina either ner- Symphony Symphony Orchestra Orchestra at at the tne fa ia- continued since coming mour annual Bach Festival, Car lexico I United States. His career began - - - Cvnui.t.j o sonal or political. ' ' V SDeaking of the new regime mel, California; and in the National Music Teachers' Conven Piiurch fresbytery when a youngster when his love 1 will be on the free market ln of music found him spending London, as In Canada and the hours at the piano while his j United States, starting Monday, Dlavmates read books and ne, October 18, it was announced Lin China Mr. King said: "Let us Trygve Lie f" norm M Parlf. tion at San Francisco. He was bom near the Volga River In Russia and has been a citizen nf j Salmon Gold , 04 Spud Valley 05 Silver Standard 2.01 Western Uranium ........ ,70 Oils Anglo Canadian 5.20 A. P. Con. 45 Atlantic .... 2.90 Calmont 105 C. & E 8.10 Central Leduc 3.25 Home Oil 15.50 Mercury 1 Okalta 10 Pacific Pete 8.05 Princess 62 " Royal Canadian .11 ',i Toronto . Athona -08 Aumaque - 38 Beattie .48 Bevcourt 39 read notes. Later as a 'cellist at , today. 'San Francisco Tuesday nf ' m the World Con The Bank of England will Christian Education cease to fix a dally rate for it. Instead the rate will fluctuate In accordance to supply and CTeUng ln Firt F Wednesday even-PnnecUon with Tinit-n the United States since 1939 is, he played in the Royal Opera when he became a permanent j orchestra in Rome. Born of mu-resident of California. He was sical parents, his mother was a educated at the Moscow Con-1 Viennese singer and his father, servatbry where he won the I a distinguished vocal- teacher, highest honors (laureate). After j musicologist and conductor, the graduation, he studied with thej young Luigi was taught the lm-world famous teacher and com- j portanee of a musical under-poser, Nicholas Medtner. Since standing from childhood. Start- fff'Sbvloru : -1 ocaaiuns, K6V. I r' ne of the 5000 dele-1 I 61 nations, quoted I Six Killed In Australian Town i PERTH, Australia 1h - an and five of her six chl' n were found dead with -throats cut in a house at f Australia, today. The sixth ., a- girl, stayed with friend. 1 night. Some house later t P' and unmistnifphio' coming to live in the United ing at five years, he studied with supremacv Russia Uses Veto In United Nations Security Council LAKE SUCCESS 0 Russia yesterday used the veto in an effort to block the re-election of Trygve Lie as secretary-general of the United Nations but legal experts at the United Nations said the Assembly might be able to extend his term, possibly fur three years. The General Assembly is expected to extend the term. 1 Lie's re-election was supported by nine nations. Russia proposed the Polish foreign secretary for the post but this was rejected. face iranKiy tne issue- 11, is totalitarian, police state. The system is not yet rigid. But there Is no place for neutrality, no suspended judgment. The decision is for or against and must be made." All travel is restricted to permits. All information is controlled. All production and movement of grain, significant employment and education Is controlled. This means that diffused opposition is Impotent. Dr. Kagawa was quoted ln regard to the Christian education of children- He claimed that oae must teach children about God before they go to public school-teach them to see and realize God in nature as they play with sand and soil, feel the wind and the sun on their faces, see the grass and trees and flowers and gardens. In this way they knew the beauty and the goodness of BABY WITH TAIL HAS IT REMOVED LONDON W A. case of a baby born with a tail he can switch like an angry cat was reported today in a British medical journal. The baby's anxious mother took him to a 1 thaM1,lstorical forces I 'e of mankind States, he has built an enviable j his father, then followed lessons reputation for his interest in in counterpoint, harmony, com-young people studying music, for position with famous teachers as his genial personality and his! s ''.n lonndation for playing sincere regard for only great his chosen Instrument, the 'cello, music.- I He often is called the Paganlnl Luigi Silva, 'cellist, is an artist j of the 'cello. a. t "1" "S SU- Jesus Christ or l"e InevitaMo .,:., Bobjo , 11 Buffalo Can 30 Cons. Smelters 119.50 Conwest - 2.00 Donaldta - 58 Vi pldona .24'4 East Sullivan 8.15 Giant Yellowknife 7.00 God's Lake -32 Hardrock 30 Harricana 07 Vi Heva 05 Hosco 05 L London hospitalat the age of arrested the father, Ray? 1 Armanasco, 35-year-old ! , : man, after an all night senr , . . " Mr. and Mrs. Dudley" LI. J of Terrace are visitors in the c"y today. They arrived from t". ? interior by car this morning r are returning home this e. - anactlcally for thei Itlese are the n ju montns. xne lau was men more than three Inches long. A surgeon removed the tail, and the baby is now normal. Septic Tanks Seen As Health Hazard youth and the world 1 I the mov- Septic tanks are causing an increasing nuisance In Prince Rupert and, unless sewers are in ico,;"' Deln8 a part. Price Of Our God before the pressures of tne outside world and, people distract them. ,. "winon renroeont Jackknife 05Va Jollet Quebec 105 Lapaska -03 In the divisions dealing with N? Inmf ?iffer" Paper Upped NOTICE TO VEHICLE OWNERS stalled throughout the city, the situation will' become worse and eventually cause a serious health hazard, says the monthly report of the Prince Rupert and District children and youth it was a conviction that, if one had not time for boys and girls and young B.C. Is Awarded Lumber Order VICTORIA 0) The second big United Kingdom lumber order within two months was received Thursday by British Columbia. An order for 190,000,000 board feet valued at $10,000,000 was announced by the British Columbia Lumber Manufacturers' Association. It is expected this is the last order this year from the United Kingdom. 1 " LOCAL TIDES neoDle. one was too busy. Union Board of Health. . 1 The theme of the convention was "Jesus Christ, Teacher and I own sang k the i the Lord's fcC t?ressed n theli I exchange was flye and the Lord." ' Little Long Lac - 38Vi Lynx .18 Vi Madsen Red Lake 2.10 McLeod Cockshutt 2.30 Moneta 30 Vi Negus 1.00 Noranda 74 00 Louvicourt 19Va Pickle Crow 2.01 Regcourt 05 San Antonio 2.50 Senator Rouyn 22Vi Sherritt Gordon 2.48 Steep Rock : 4-50 Sturgeon River .. -18 Vi Sliver Miller -93 New Mark For ' . Commencing this week we will be taking out old road crossings on the Highway under construction to Galloway Rapids. , ,! , Travel will be slow and difficult with many delaj-3 during this phase of -the work. We, therefore, request you to use the Highway as little as possible and unless absolutely necessary between the hours of 8 A.M. and 4:30 P.M.- . Without your co-operation it may be necessary to close the Highway entirely during these hours. . . WOOD & McCLAY LIMITED . Contractors. Powell River Company has notified Canadian and United States customers, including the Prince Rupert Daily News, of a $10 a ton increase in the price of newsprint. Higher production costs are given as the reason for the boost. The Increase may be the forerunner of a general increase in the price of newsprint, but so far, no price changes have been announced by eastern mills. mi , """The increase boosts the price from $99 to $109- per ton. , 0nPlace7nrKO was Immunization Week Observance Here National Immunization Week, sponsored by the Health League of Canada, will be observed next week In Prince Rupert under the auspices of the Public Health Unit. Intention is to direct the attention of parents to dangers of preventable communicable diseases such as diphtheria whooping cough, tetanus, scarlet fever and smallpox. n fr,f ... v" "'aae od ' othJlng .pePle to Sardine Fleet SAN PEDRO, Cal. This city's sa'rdine fleet is claiming a new world's record for tonnage brought to port in a single day. The quantity was 10,390 tons. The old record 9,218 tons at Monterey, California, ln 1945 has been outclassed. There have been unusually heavy runs. 'or n pre- Saturday, High n ar rie: ,.So no October 14, 1950 .. 2:57 20.5 feet 14:49 22.9 feet .. 8:44 . 5.9 feet 21:27 2.0 feet fi dr peuea to Low HOCKEY SCORES NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago 3, Montreal 3 (tie). "'BO t)