Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, October 13, 1950 Australia Has Victory Cafe 3.00 Mrs. Herminous 3.00 Pioneer Laundry o.OO Dom's ' 5.00 Final List S.A. Donors Rat Invasion What' City Council Did McRaje Bros 5.00 I A rm ct rnno Aonnlni 01 SIDNEY, Australia 0 Hordes The following list of names!., Rtv?, " , nfl "MY FRIEND IRMAGoJ? John LUND, Corinne CALVFbt 1 Deon MARTIN and Jerry LEWK S . Friday and Saturday 7 p.m. -. 9 p.m. Pr-r Sat. Matinee 2 - 4:20 !of rats have invaded outlying 0f donors completes the listins 8. Main ZIZZZZZ" 5.00 wvv.o ( f aU donors over the amount of Korie Bi Laird : s oo near Lake Frome, south Austra- ,, t. ,c . Tinker h. Co Ltd s.nn n .-. r i . . . . Dr. Hughes 5.00 Shield Appeal of The Salvation ,P. R. Florist 5 00 xvClelieu io ine Doara oi worKjlla. xhe lnflux is believed partly a request to rectify the drahjage due t0 an exceptionally wet sea-situation on Third Avenue be-'son tween Sixth and Seventh Streets, i The rats have not lnvadpd Rcfm( ,-u, h?mes caused any noticeable Armv: Fowlie & Ruttle 5.00 D. G. Stenstrom $ 50.00 1 Bill Scuby .. 5.00 neardowns Ltd 25.00 'W. Cmlckshank 5.00 mvniu lilt UUOl V Jl WtJI A.O , T"V.. n ..a ! . - Ba ,,,r a,c eilu r 1 r 06 rayne zo.uu a suggestion bv Aid T B Black i that receptacles be placed at ; ovef an areaf hund(r,eds rnlles , Gordons Hardware 15.00 'andPeop,.e frm sta,tlons aro''1 Saanich Plumbinj 13.00 strategic points on the streets ADVERTISINO IN THE DAILY NEWS 25.00 11 an effort to keen refuse from ,"J"um"u' icpuUUiui mus. JOB'S DAUGHTERS fashion show i ' CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM Friday Night . . . This Week ... 8 o'clock Styles by Wallace's Depl. Store the rodents can be seen all over W. Crego t.eing thrown on the streets. their stations. 10.00 5.00 5 00 H. F. Robins Mr. Varfeldt Ben Burton, Lands Department Fence Inspector.aid that at one ! H. Gzelton 5.00 ; uui luur ... : Xmas ' Accepted the report of the Pioneers' Home committee and recommended payment of accounts amounting to $531.84 lor the month. time the rats could be seen R- L- Leighton 5.00 travelling in millions towards Bob Park.or and Staff .... 29.00 Lake Fome. Royal Bank Staff 17.00 He said: "The grass is about' rmes Drugs 25.00 a foot hich in the area, and thev Martin Van Cccten 5.00 Manson's Jewellers 5 00 Ted Applewhaite 5.00 Mrs. Kasper 5.00 A. E. Smith Ltd....... v 5.00 City Transfer 5 CO Lyon's Fine Foods 5.00 Noble U Wick 5.00 Dr. Montgomery 10.00 Northland Dairy 5.00 Vance's Fine Arts 5.00 McLeod Si Ray 5 00 Dr. Miller 5.00 Velvet Ice Cream Co 5 00 Abel & Odowea 5 00 Quality Store 5.00 R. Holkestad 5.00 Peter Pan Gift Shop 5 00 Don Forward 5.00 Chas. Maundrell 5.C0 P. W. Peder.'jen 5.00 B. C Hotels Assoc 50.00 Don Stewart 10.00 Legion 25.00 lares couldn't be seen clearly, but their ' G'0- Cook 5.00 Accepted a report of the finance, committee of the sale of lots 13 and 14. block 7 for $200 subject to the understanding 5.00 LfCKIES & COMMERCIALS (Continued from page 7) movements gave the grass the ftldtpys appearance that it was continu- SlIb:lk Premier Employees 73.00 AIR PASSENGERS southward Torbrit Fmployees 104.00 that the city will not undertake ' ally moving in tals971. 883. 823. ANNETTE'S -Windle to provide drainage or sewer B. 427.1 io VancuiiVMr tfrmuui at,- n CHRlSTflflAS w facilities. uirccuon. i Bill Leslie, part owner of the stations at Moolawatana and Mount Fitton, said the rats ap parently subsided in recent a. l;. racKors unia Storage Fmplovees 73.50 (orrtrv Dnt,. Staff 17.00 P'-ff NBC Power Co 32.50 C.N.R Fmnlive-s 33.20 Flvnn 430, McMeekin C38. Smith l. Pettenuzzo and infant Lam' 459, Dickens 549 Totals-791, 802, Chan, Chong Poy, W G Mallory 940- " ! H- L. Patten, Dr. J. F. L. Hughes' C. B. OF C.-Kristianson 573. j. Curley, J. Jolly, I. Jardine C' M. Sleeves 393. R. Christensen Hendrixcn, Le Kan C Gurnev ' 430, F. Hilton 445, E. Sandahles K. Campbell ' 477. Totals 728, 842, 939. ) To Sanuspi't (taday)-R. Ch.?n- LADIES' B her, Miss Thelma Stevens. W. N Timely Recipes MHrhH " w-uine : Currle 10.00 iu.uu Canadian vanaaian I. But thev mieht hp But tney might be tipsi- nest- Albm & McCaffery io.OO Jean Smith weeks. inrr "A few weeks ago," he saia ,i. " "a,,cy Phan V T 1 o j . ; . ru oireei PriBn. 2 i.iiru.r.... o. "inceSui Almond Topped Cake - a mi Hiatus niTlr. c...... SAVOY SWINGERS-F. Mor- Tarbuck, Mr. Wingfield Dr o D rlson 419, M. Lavodette 578, D. ' k. Singer.' ' ' Batier: '2 cup butter or margarine b "" Fu".' Mr-Meekins Ltd 10 00 ceks they have suited h n-i Ftn FlshprlP, ,ofln and can be seen only at night Gordon & Anderson lwn Fortunately, they haven'. Mr PeWrson 5.00 troubled our homes yet. However Mr jonP, 3 uo this is due to the fact that there cnas. Wilson 3 00 is plenty of natural feed abou. : lei !l Ri -k Yes, let it roirv-f: for them." will bo smartly p ed in one nf 1 cup granulated sugar 2 .eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 3itca:poon salt 34 cup milk Topping 1 cup ground blanched almonds ta cup granulated sugar 6 tablespoons cream l',2 teaspocr.s grated 'fresh orange rind Cream butter, add sugar and cream thoroughly. Add beatM juuiihs txo. iviui..m;ii til, iv. i rorn Sandspit (yesterday) M:Callum 530. Totals 830, 933, Mr. and Mrs. Sinoky and son, 830'' ' Mr. Knott, Mrs. T. Fierson. ROCKETTES V. Kryblywj) ; From Vancouver (yesterday)-470, N .Geddcs 429, M. Antone w. M. Young, P. Cameron K G 411, M. Penny 496, O. Newton Eosworth. R. Thickett, L T Cvr-416. Totals 875, 828, 813. rie, J. Hebrum, E. A. Enrogge J BLACK CATS Julie Gowan a. Steele, G. L. McDonald Mr 408, Joan Hicks 202, Lil Ashford Handby, Mr. Robertson 'llrs ' 326, Helen Spears 200. Marg Mc- Kolbrook, Miss Holbrook Gow 320. E. Thain 271. Totals; From Alice Arm (Thurs ) W 650 . 772, 749. Gomez. COMMERCIALS-J. Helgersonj To tSewart (Thurs.) E Love 319, B Thompson 276, L. Smith To Alif.- Arm (Thurs ) A 496, M. Hoban 491, L. Ewart 520.' Pratch. Totals 711, 751, 952. I Alice Arm Stewart (Thunsj MANSON'S T. Dell 479, M. J. R. Sherrif f . wlereZcist meefe West ... navy mm( Pirates On Waterfront ... and for the M( have a large select. Burbrrvs and 0 TRENCH COA' $23.50 ud ike r ii i Pffo-c nr.rl flnvnrintr anrl mlv ti'll Open (Sad Copeland 497, D. Stewart 388, 3. To Vancouver (ThurO Dr P 'ciff i,, ,uu i" ' Acme Clothing Sior VANCOUVER There is piracy' on the Vancouver waterfront. Two men, using a speedboat, boarded Norman Tyler's fishing boat and robbed him of $8. They also made their getaway after taking a $250 compass from an- SSS 480i MSfgSS?T 445'!LohmwaTG' yCk' RiChard- F SaTt adrto crelmeS nxtu ' V ?enn? ChuTn " Ulternately with milk. Beat. Pour GINGER GINGER SNAPS SNAP'S N N. Kpn Kennedy ned v wn William i ) Wong, Robert Ing. Jirt,lnt0 naDer-l'ned ran ahnut ifl v 417, BMcGlashand 454, T- Stew- -Chow, Chung Chew, N. Nelson. ?affrh J,!r W X W Olkf Sum HmU r.m ta SO STETSON HATS mure people teear than any other brand Serving the Public of Prince Rupert for Over 33 Years nedv Shl ?otv U m W GKe' Robinson- oAerSOn' C-lately hot oven (375- F.) 30 to 35, Uer boat I 'JS Eu G- minutes. Remove from oven and SHENTON s p smith 4 n , 1 HSn- ArHprn IS S Sh! ill V SPread Wlth Wel1 blended toppinj Xtt To Sandsflt (Thurs.)-P. Wil- .ingredients. Place under med- " 385 V Lewis 302 Totals Totals hams, G. Glibowski. ium broiler heat, and brown -854 969 741 From about 5 minutes watching care- FORESTRY DEPT M Bartu' Sandspit (yesterday )-'-J. a 431, L. Steffens 247, A. Holkestad lone; Dr. G. E. Singer, Rev '"JJj to guard against burning. Mr- Winfield. j Serves 12 to 14. . 467, E Antilla 378, J. Thornton ROTARY CLUB Aiictid 3, loiais vo, ea, e3. rrum Vancouver f Wednesday SKEENA GROCERY G. Van Dunaldscn, J. H Fail, Mrs. Sanitarian Armand Boas, Mcir 633, W. Slater 486, S. Smith R- Becker, C. Gurney, K. Cami Prince Rupert Health Unit, is 427, E. Wasyk 352, I. Hague 376. bell. E. Love, Dr. R. Lehmann, wiline; tnnieht "n. tt chnot'r. Totals 886, 771, 794 ! Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Whitelaw, for the Queen Charlotte Islands. BIG SISTERS E. Bond 407, Mrs. J T. Harvey, V. L. Hera-, M. Bond 397, H. Miller 382, E. ling, c. II. Miller, Mr. Docker- AJ Rothwell 443, J. Munlcz 441. To-. M, A. Ingster, Mrs. P. Ray. Advertise thraupj Classifieds. a Salle tals-845. 816, 859. TILL V0lVSEN THESE. Bargain BATTLERS G. Wilkins 451,! M. Richards 420, S. Downing 267,' T. Parkhouse 191, J. Adcock 395, J. Collins 234 Totals 767, 705, '725. WALLACE PHARMACY G. Thain 512, A. Parker 402, H. .Durness 307, K. Thompson 480, .n Dibb 347. Totals 709, 1003, 786. If you've never attended an Auction Sale before, you'd better attend this one. We don't care if you buy or not, you'll get value in fun. Better bring your money too because there's bound to be something you want. Cash Only. No dc? Everything will be sold at the final bid offered. Proceeds will be used by the Rotary Club to build new public tennis c Hurry, Hurry, Hurry to the Old Overwaitea Store, next .to Wallace's Department Store. THIS SATURDAY AFT. 2:30 O'clock-Here's Just a Few of the Hems RALEIGH "Clubman" completly equipped with 3 ipcd Sr and Dynohub lighting lystcm. A fin. bicyclt by f.mout English Company . . . will b yourc if you can writ. . winning ciiay of 250 wordf. Or your chaic. of many olhar fin. prim. For full details, fr. literature to help you jet started anda complete lilt of priiei... juit print your name . and addren in the form below and mail immediately no obligation. Th. Mr .nle.( i. .,mn.rrj by thm p, unH f lnrf.,.trT of ri.h Columbia l r.mind If,. Iu, C.n.rlu thm inT.., imporlar. of thm InHumln LADIES' SILVER BLUE MUSH' LADIES' MOUTON FUR COAT- Best grade. $200 value. LADIES' BLACK SEAL COAT Regular $225. Make an offer. COAT Like New. Was J. 4-50 FIREPLACE MANTEL COMrirt COAL and WOOD KITCHEN RANGE Complete. Good Order. 150 Gallon OIL TANK Reconditioned and Good. 1 they re lj! Reedy to Install. END TABLES . . . COFFEE TAW COAL and WOOD CIRCULATING HEATER Come and Get It. FULL SIZE BED COMPLETE- As Good as New Sure Bet. All Kinds-Take Your tnu- CANADIAN Pll LP A PAPER ASS'N. (WESTERN BRANCH) 05 Dominion Bid.. - V.ncouwr, B.C. Snd ContMt Information and LI I era lure tot OIL STOVE FOR HOME OR ICE BOX COOLER Home Size. Practically New." BRAND NEW $12 MEDICINE CABINET Bound to Sell. BUSINESS Complete. Name . Addren Modern Living Room 2-Piece BOOK CASE ASSEMBLY BABY BUGGIES, BICYCLES- ELECTRIC KITCHEN STOVES- All Sizes Can't Miss. BABY CRIBS, Etc., t". 5 ELECTRIC FIXTURES, PLUMBING, TOOLS, CLOTHES, Etc., Etc. NOTHING LIKE THIS IMJJ A Store FULL of Items CHOCOLATE- CAKE Like Mother Used to Bake! THE AUCTIONEERS: 1 7 - . NOW AT RUPERT BAKERY LTD. fhis edcrtiiement is not published or Srsplayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. BILL HOLLYWOOD CAFE TOM- "I SELL 'EM, YOU BUY 'EM" CHRISTIE MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE. IN THE CITY "The Old Smoothie" SCUBY )4 Tomorrow . Afternoon 2:30 O'clock ' Location The Old Overwaitea Store .429 Third Are., West iiiiiiiiiieiSSIIIRI SATIN -GLO Scm- Gloss & High Gloss n. many beautiful tints " for interior decorating. " - QUICK DRi ING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. OPtvN FTtOM 7:H0 PM to 3:30 AM Wp Specialize In Chinese Dlsnes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN lIHIMlfflMfl For OulNide Order Pll ONE Ut 'T to