1 I 4 1 Prince Ilupett Dailp DcU'I Wednesday, December 1, 1948 a! News Items . . . W - , LOC FUNERAL AT PRINCE GEORGE st Arri who lived here with his parents from boyhood, was employed in the C.N.R. roundhouse. Prince Rupert, and later on a Fisheries Department patrol boat. From ' this city he went to S.O.N. Meetinz Weilimsilau at Announcements All advert iwn4." m trim column will be churned (or a full montb at afi ceoU a word 4 Final rites for a well known 8 o'clock. ,ao, former resident of Prince Rupert, John Douglas Storring.1 Angus Macdonalfl rpt.nriiprl in cEDAR BEVELLED SIDING 4", 6" and 8" widths ' ." )er jdO fsm $14.00, $17.00 and $19.20 FIR. FLOORING :;" Edge Grain, Kiln Dried A JANTZEN (Grange Ladies' Bazaar, De the city on the Prince Oeorge I today from a trip to Vancouver. 48, who suffered a heart attack early Thursday morning and Smithers where he worked for Smithers Oarage & Electric as a mechanic. At Prince George he worked as a machinist in the C.N.R. roundhouse for two years, being promoted five years ago to cember 1st. J. E. Ormhcim arrived on the Prince Oeorge today from Vancouver. Don't Forget Tea Friday, December 3, display of handcraft of Miller Bay patients from 2:00 til 5:00 at Moose Temple. (283) Mrs. J. McOrelsh returned on died two hours later at his home, United Church Bazaar, Dec Canadian Legion Auxiliary 832 Toronto Street, in Prinee ember 2. meeting, Thursday, 8 p.m. Elec i lOOfbm $18.00 Sweater tion ai officers. (203 ) George, were held Monday In St. Michael's Anglican Church Bridge, Wiusi and Crib, Dec. Catholic School Hall. Social Service W.O.T.M. Tea, and interment took place la Prince George cemetery. the Prince George this morning ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Brown returned on the Prince Oeorge this morning from a trip to Van December 3. lrom a month's visit in Prior to going to Prince Oeorge in 1941 Mr. Storrings, LUMUISK BUILDING SUI'l'LUlS ruoNE lit St. Paul's Lutheran Church. assistant locomotive foreman. Of a quiet disposition, he was popular among fellow employees who were shocked to learn of his sudden and untimely death. He was a native of Centre-villc, Ontario. Surviving are his wife, mother, and a brother, Alex, all , of Prince Oeorge; two other brothers. Perry, at Fort Frascr, Ed Lutcfish and Fishcake' Dinner, HOTEL ARRIVALS Dec. 2 from 5 p.m. Everybody Welcome, Tickets, $1.00. (282) COT Bazaar, Sons of Norway Hall, December 4. S.O.N. Whist Dance, refreshments,, every Friday, 8:00 p.m. St, Peter's Fan Bazaar, December 9.- Sl. Peter's Y.P.A. show "Fantasy," St. Peter's Hall, Dec. 10 and 11, 8 p.m. Concert at Lutheran Church, Friday, December 17, 8 p.m. Moose Christmas Tree, Sat couver. Mrs. Don Forward and two children returned on the Prince George, today- from a visit to Vancouver. Inspector of Schools Joseph Chell returned on the Trincc Oeorge this morning from a business visit to Vancouver and Victoria. Bo-Me-Hl vs. Kay-Hi Series. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST PULLOVERS with SLEEVES Fine Botany Wool In Fawn and Powder Blue; also the Popular Wool Worsted Pullover in Ski Patterns. 8LEEVLLbhS PULLOVER! Indian Agent F. E. Anfield re Prince Rupert V. Giraud, ' Terrace; A. J. Hipp, Tcrrane; H. D. Foster, Vancouver; Bruce Webb, Shirley; K. Razzell, Vancouver; J. 8. Frank, Terrace; P. Bcnolt, turned today on the Prince ward, in Ontario, and a sister, George from a trip to Vaiicou ver. Marie, in Minnesota. d Terrace; O. Matz, Terrace; H. TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENT! prj kjhs-j; "rat.!??- .wrt" Classified Advertising Pays! &aroi oi a u"" flurrupt A very fine assortment of Cruiser Jackets are available at Acme urday December 18, 2 p.m. sharp. Games have advanced from Fri BUM v. w iuuuuuva:iiicu V . 94. bPEClAt. UlbPLAT. DOUBLE PRICK terming Is payable In dvnce. Ploae reltiUu tram Wlapbonlnc. day and Saturday to Thursday Clothing. () BIRTH NOTICE Oddfellows' and Rebekah Xmas Tree, Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2 p.m. and Friday. Friday night's tick Smith, Terrace; C. P. Renout, Vancouver; Mrs. O. Roy, Port Simpson; Mrs. M. Cuthill, Port Simpson; Mrs. A. Mallory, Dor-reen; Mrs. A. Marshall, Ketchikan; Mrs. E. A. Head, Terrace; Miss D. C. McTier, Victoria; Mrs. S. P. Carlo, Terrace; Mr. and FOR SALE KTll NOTICE SLATER Born to Mr. and Mrs ets good Thursday night, and Saturday night's tickets good on Regular meeting of Job's Daughters will be held Wed. Dec. 1 at 8 p.m. Instead of Friday 1S, SR BALE All metal auto, I, K T rum m Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D. A. Slater, in the Prince Rupert pedal controlled. 41" lone. S20 her lasi iiibiiv. hu'cui- General Hospital. Tuesday, e.. Bridge and Cribbage. Civic Phone Green 022. 282) November 30th. 1948, a son, "K MI. HHU mi (5. t. formerly of this clt. Centre, January 10. Robert Alexander. Friday night. Aid. and Mrs. J. R. Morin re turned on the Prince George to FOR SALE 1947 Chevrolet. 5 passenger coupe. New uohol Dec. 3. Installation of officers, Silver March and social. (282) Vic Giraud of Terrace arrived in the city on last night's train from the interior for a brief Mrs. J. Tomanacy, Terrace! Miss M. Pongracz, Terrace; Mrs. J. Tomanacy, Terrace; Dr. P. E. Moore, Ottawa; J. G. Mann, vi-ltAL NOTICE ' stcry. stcry. heater, heater, noori sood tires tires, will with Brushed Wool, Fine Botany and Cablestitch in Fawn, White, Powder Blue and Oatmeal. ZIPPER SWEATER COATS Pure Wool Worsteds In Plain Colors and Two-Tones. CARDIGANS Silk and Wool, Fine Botany and Worsteds in Plain Fawn, Grey, Teal and Wine. or without radio. Owner leav- day from Vancouver where Mrs. Morin has been in hospital, since in tie city Mon- J'le town b. F. Lovln, Box 1010 I-IKKOU Ave. (2831 Vancouver; E. P. Harris, Prince mbcr 29. 1948. Thomas aaed 72 years seven 1 beloved husband of George. roR ktxi U,n.:irrt W 1 lams of B.C. ncv. r. niiiruuua rwn nini z room apartment net services at Orcn Apply 100 4th West. (2861 mm fi-ri Chapel at 2:30 p.m. fey, December 2. Inter- FOR RENT Sleepinp: room, last September as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident., NOTICE OF MEETING. The semi-annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Mutual Marine Insurance Company will take place at 10:00 a.m. in the Common Lounge of the Civic Centre on Thursday, December 2. All members are requested to attend. ciosc to town. 221 5th Ave. East. Red 807. (282) 1 M Mr i.ivV I A . IOllow 111 rttiiviuw v B.C. Undertakers c uf arrangements. (Hi WANTED visit on Department of Fisheries business. He will return to Terrace this evening. For your Christmas . Gifts, visit the United Church Tea and Sale, Thursday, Dec. 2. Fancy Work, Aprons, Home-Cooking, Delicatessen, Fish Pond. (282) Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia, returned to the city on last night's train from Toronto where he attended meetings of the House of W A N T E D Car batteries, car naims fst sane throat SERAI. NOTICE radiators. Drass and copper; navinc eoori nrires See R C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. May we suggest that you Shop Early while our New Stock of Sweaters is complete in sizes and colors. In the cltv Mondav r 29. 194 8. Marv. aged 11 months, beloved WANTED Experienced seam Mr. Percy R. Cameron CCNUNC ASTHHFi K id Ave. W. Rev. Basil Dr. P. E. Moore of Ottawa, stress will take in sewing;. Phone Black 990. 140 9th E. (285) IS MARKED THIS WAY 'J ;er will conduct scr-Grenville Court Cha- ! I director of Indian Health Scr vices for the Department of Na Bishops and executive sessions 100 w LOST AND FOUND : 30 p.m. Friday. De-ircl Interment to fol- AVEN tional Health and Welfare, wasof tne Synod of the Anglican the speaker today at the regu-' t'nurcn m anaaa. FOUND Keys on 2nd Ave. Owner may have same by calling lar weekly luncheon of the Prince airview Cemeterv. B. rukers in charge of stilts. (282' F0K SALE COTTAGE CHEESE Special meeting of Prince Ru at tnc JJanv News and paying for this advertisement. Uf) Rupert Gyro Club. President O. New Creamed Fresh Made G. Stuart was In the chair and METAL WORK pert Trades and Labor Council will be held Friday, Dec. 3, at E p.m., Carpenters' Hall, Frascr VALENTIN DAIRY 1 Your Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE New Cups and Unrv design. Rceu-,o- 5(lc or 4 for $1.75. 'hristnuts Oift. B C. there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. Dr. Moore, who is paying a visit of Inspection to the Miller Bay Street. All delegates please at PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar aud Gravel Roofing Letournchu & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. Uf) tend. Secretary. (284) rVRE CO. Uf) no Sell New and Used MACHINEKY FOH SALE Hospital, arrived in the city 011 last night's train and will sail tomorrow night on the Prince c Hardware, etc. L II " Used Portable Gra TO SAW better lumber more II 1 I Kitchen Sets. Va-( economically use the modern and uo-to-clate type National mi m Is.? Oeorge for Vancouver. How to give Portable Sawmills manufactured bv National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver. B.C. (tfl waiters, small iancy Loauinii Boots. LotS-iv New and Used HiiiiEors for wood, : ml. Kitchen Chairs, ml Typewriter in best Slice Desk and Chairs, Chest of Drawers, "s. British India 1 s Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 TIRED EYES WORK WANTED a quick rest Selt Diilribtfton Tkt W, H. MHm Co, Ltd. " us lor vour furni- ds. B.C. FURNITURE k 324. Uf) MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY : Practically new kitchen range with 1 burner. 033 Tatlow (283) WORK WANTED Respectable middle agpd woman wishes employment as housekeeper or cook. Phone Black 900 afternoons, or Box 302, Prince Rupert. (284i HOCKEY SCORES National Chicago 4. New York 2. Pacific Coast Victoria 3, New Westminster 3. - X - w 11 I YES TIRED? Sooth and refresh them In econds with two drops of tale, gentle t Best location in Meat and Grocery lullv enuipped. on 3 Km Snow Time is. 2 large warehouses FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM tne back, one capable Murine in each eye. You got . QUICK KHIEf. Instantly your eyos fonl 1 freehed. Murine 3 skillul blend of 7 in-erodients eleansos and soothes eyes Ihnl are tired from overwork or exposure to 'ic 90 ton of flour and " other 75 ton bale )lv C. Morris, Box 81. is BR0WNW00DS (2851 Commodore Caie IE lot on 2nd Ave. tun, wind and dujL MURINE TOR YOUR EYES wllanrous lumler. fhoue Red 185. (284) N r -Gnori Tl ninth v Hiiv mm SHengUi TTninniej FOR BOY OR GIRL, UIG OR LITTLE. . . , YOU'LL FIND A SLEIGH TO SUIT THEIR NEEDS AT THE VARIETY. Urn. F O B. Kitwanga, He Box 495, Prince (284) " - 35', ft. Trolling tv H." Crown Chrvh me Complete with 5'irilies. Inquire P. R. n's Co-op. (282) Opposite 1 ri ANNE'S mwm 1 m mm mw TlnltU TItili 7 m v.mui wtv Z CANADIAN LEGION (B.E.S.L.) ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE 3 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 19, Navy Drill Hall HOME-MADE CANDY XMAS GIFT BOXES fE- Leather Chcster- " chair, modern done. Phone 348. (284 y Order Now Blue 389 j. W.lCIICKKtC,'C E -ConihlnnMon hnf- COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. frhina cabinet $25.00. ,Vnen Dultet S25.IMI. Presents for children of ("paid-up") members of the Canadian Legion, and deceased veterans resident in Prince Rupert. Names, ages and addresses of children (12 years of age and under) should be advised promptly to: The Beer y .Women 's Aux'y, Canadian Legion, Box 473 or Secr'y. Mgr. Canadian Legion, (Branch 27) P.O. Box 028, City. List Definitely Closes Midnight Saturday, December 4th. '"fen 154. (284i V' Singer Electric OF OOOD STURDY CONSTRUCTION, SLEIGHS ARE AVAILABLE IN THREE SIZES. v ""eiiinc. Card table "nnn!,i n ...t,i. ... 1 r "iMiviu W1M1 BlOOl. lpw. never used. Retail l.iune 544, ask for Room I (283) Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 777 Flowers lor AU Occasions ' cs Classified Ads net IF IT IS TOYS YOU ARE SEEKINO DONT FAIL TO SEE OUR WIDE ASSORTMENT. ' ..jin. Nits! VANCOUVICR VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Curdena Sunday, '11 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM AND PORT SIMPSON (Stewart Fortnightly) Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN . CHARLOTTE ISLANDS' s.s. Coqultlam, Dec. 3, 17 and 31, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 10 and 24, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent - Third Ave. Phone 688 r K)lt SAI.K 'Ml an rKl.ii 1 n u n uf fnr GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS . AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty f'1,1' lv scaled lender ""vi'i-ed to us on or Df'Pflllluie A lOlll Men's Worsted Suits Single and double-breasted; perfect fit and style. Special ..$37.50 Men's All - Wool Gabardine Coats Tailor-made. Reg. $45. Now 530 Men's Dark Brow Topcoats-Good fitting. Special $22 Men's Dress and Work Pants All kinds to choose from. Special from $235 to $13 Men's Windbreakers N e w. fancy designs; all-wool, per , '"'Win-; properties: -tilt ill ,.! Mil. A Lt (Lot 2(1 niork 81. f'lnur TII.Ip J'o'ise and two ' D12 Ylllllirr Gl T .it J PETER PAN GIFT SHOITE NOVELTIES and GIFTS Greeting Cards HANDICRAFTS LENDING LIBRARY Phyllis Pullen 229 Third Avenue West Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W P.O. Box 721 l '""K VJ1.. V nuw f, 'y.Hloek ... 6. Section Phone RED 561 ,'" iiuc, subject to NOW AVAILABLE I ? $27.50 'per month.' E s n'iiv be bid nn sen- fect fit. From $ By CHICK YOUNG BLONDIE Maybe They've Got the Answer. HiEliest or any "ot necessarily ac- Boys' Pants All-wool, good fit: all sines. Regular 55. m $3.50 "NKliR (!0. LTD. '"'ice Kupert, B.C. ft Boys' All -Wool Pullover L (284) (24l J Sweaters All sizes. From $1-30 Bovs' Shirts For dress anil vnh..iil. All sixes. From $125 Knitting Wool 3-ply, quality. Reg. 40c. Now . . 34c 5-Piece Luwheon Sets Make beautiful gifts. Regular $3.95. Special 52,25 lTr Uiwcrw CF COURSE .THE BIGGEST HEADACH5 (""wHAT DOVOUl lMsrsn 5TWEFO?BSNSmjnON..TMATS DOSS THINK. WIERIWCW WEU. frTaS?LV HAvl '- Jsee eUOMMB WHAT ThIv '6o ABOUT THE OVNAMTE, AMP VET NOBODV Jf ( QF ALL THIS?) r-- 1 I ewl 11 1,1 raft use. Simple t and easy to instal. Supplied in eipht LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND IQiqi WHITE ; l,yai siiapcM to suit every Home neeu. iu N tools required.' . GOLD SEAL LABEL OMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD.