PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, VICTORIA, B. C. 115 LAY 31,, If'tiijf oanEs CHC23 0 Daily Delivery : NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . wFTlA, B.C. Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest. PHOIIE 81 VOL. XXXVII, No. 282. FRINGE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS - . . . . r tm iMM'HiHmrirnmwwTrimMr nnwwmwiii Ifcvr h SfwBn uwZZ 2 fi-s nflflanpi? (gffimgnn . lis 41 WAtl 'i RAINFALL MOUNTING Spencer Sells Out to Eaton FIRE DAMAGES CRUISER AT COW BAY SHOP Promises Ate Made By Public Works Minister Reconstruction of Road to Port Edward i Gravel Crushing Equipment No Further Deterioration Hon. E. C. Carson, minister of public works, gave But Sunshine in Fringe Rupert for 1918 Still in Excess of 1947 Major Busineis Transfer Announced Fifteen to Seventeen Million Involved A total of 13.7B ijldies of pre Fire of undetermined origin gutted the 30-foot cruiser A.P.C. as It stood on the ways of tlw cipitation during November ran VANCOUVER, V. -Sale of the y oom worics eany uus department store of David Spen-1 morning and threatened the cer Ltd. to T. Eaton Co. Ltd. was boat shop itself before it was definite assurance in Victoria yesterday to Hugo announced yesterday. The price P"t, out by the city fire depart- Kraupner, secretary of the rrince Kupert Automo- ment. 4 J) ' A AT) 1 Jin Prince Rupert's ralnlall for the present year to date ahead of 1947. So far in 1948 .the precipitation has totalled 90.28 inches compared with 88.05 Inches in the first 11 months of 1947. Tho precipitation included inches of snow in two days' late last week. (For purposes of precipitation reckoning an inch of lADY-Mrs. Louis St. Laurent, wife of Canada's new " : ; Nbile Association, that: - ister, smiles as she fingers a government telephone The blazing hull was noticed by Pete Le Claire, Fishermen's kiiile waiting to call her husband. Mrs. St. Laurent is irst lady" since 1920 when Mrs. Arthur Meighan held was not revealed but the Montreal Standard says it was between $15,000,000 and $17,000,- 000." Announcement of the transfer was made by Chris Spencer, piesident of the company. Eight other stores Victoria, Co-operative night watchman, V Smie that time the prime ministers of Canada, Rt. shortly before -2 o'clock this morning as he was making his CONSTRUCTION III NOVEMBER TOTALS $21,000 snow corresponds to 1-10 inch of Bennett (later Viscount Bennett) and Rt. Hon. King, were bachelors. CP Photo) First, rebuilding of the highway from Prince Rupert to Port Edward would be started at the earliest possible moment in the spring. . Second, a gravel crusher would be brought in for the resurfacing of the Skeena High rounds. He turned in the alarm. rain). No estimate of the damage waSl There was a scant 13.4 hours of sunshine this November, available today but it is con siderable. The plywood-hulled bringing the total for the year Prince Rupert had its third to dale to 1015.3 hours which is cruiser was gutted from stem to way next year on a permanent basis. ...... lition Still Solid, Johnson, Anscomb New Westminster, Nanaimo, Duncan', . Chilliwack, Mission, Courtemiy, also the 'Vancouver groceteria and warehouses arc involved. John David Eaton said the company had laid aside tempor-n rily plans to erect a large still ahead of last year's corre-S' stern by the flames. ponding aggregate of 855.1 hours. Third, the road will be main Speedy response to the alarm The weather summary for highest month this year from the standpoint of building construction in November when permits tot ailing $21,450 were issued by the City Engineer's department. There were 31 permits issued during the month. tained and not allowed to deteriorate further. RETURNS TO MADRID Prince of Asturias, son of Don by city firemen saved the boat from complete damage as well November was as follows: Maximum temperature, 49.4 on November 21. Fourth, bridges over the wash j Juan, pretender to the Span as the large boat shed which fer Has Such Co-operation Existed, iay Leaders of the Liberal and outs between Remo and Shames will be replaced next year. housed the vessel. One other small boat also was on the ways. Permits authorizing construc store on the .site of the old Vancouver Hotel. The site would be retained and the existing building demolished Three thousand Spencer employees will be kept on along with the present managers. ", tion of two new homes, with a Minimum temperature, 20 on November 28. Mean temperature, 39.7. Maximum barometer, 30.50 on November 8. Progressive-Conservative Groups total estimated construction value of $13,000, were issued. One Cause of the fire could not be determined either by Fire Chief H. T. Lock or by A. P. Crawley, owner of the vessel and pro ish throne, plays tennis at Lausanne, Switzerland, before returning to Madrid. Recent conversations between the youth's father sud General Francisco Franco, Spanish chief of state, resulted in permission for' the prince to return and complete his studies in the Spanish capital. TO Ii I A (CP) British Columbia political was to J. Marchant for a $7,000 Snowplowing is not possible this year, the minister says, but the road will be kept open as soon as the Columbia Cellulose Co.' requires it. Mr. Kraupner was received by, Mr. Carson, Hon. E. T. Kenney and the executive secretary to Chi is .Spencer, ISO-year old son residence on Graham Avenue and one for $6,000 to J. D. Mc- prietor of the boat shop. Mr. Minimum barometer, 28.53 on November 2. Precipitation, 13.78 inches In 30 days. A niirht answered uemands by the British Yountf Lf.teral Association for "freedom .iiiim." At the annual convention, the young iHfl attackwl the Liberal-Protrressive coali- Crawley had taken the , A.P.C. Rae on Fourth Avenue Wes.t of the founder, the- late David Spencer, who started 75 years ago with a small store in Vic Snowfall, 12.1 inches in two Value of permits issued so far onto the ways more than a week ago for winter overhaul. Overhaul work on the engine ws uudcr way, ye&terday. All bfling that the Liberals break and stand on toria, told employees that "heavy taxes and succession duties af Premier Byron Johnson. D. G. Stenstrom of the Columbia Cellulose Co. is in Victoria foayll3."see"lhe minis ters" rt ui (he m-xt cl- ter two .ward made it impossible days. Sunshine, 13.4 hours on 14 . days t Maximum whid.j'elocity, southeast, 42 miles per hour, November 21. light , and power switches ha "MISSING" BOAT for the most of family corn panics to continue." Says Ghiang Is Betrayer Ovnenil Oordoti Wis-W'e wre elec.U-d as c wvcrniticnt and we TO PROBE BIG FIRE carry (in in acetic-ttic nHinrlale re-the people. " li'rnif-d Uie acti'ia been turned off yesterday afternoon, Mr. Crawley saids Only one of the boat's three batteries remained in the hull and It had been disconnected. The AP.C, a 30-foot plywood boat, was built a year ago at the Cow Bay Boat Works and went into service as a ferry on the Skeena River and on the REACHES HERE Just as a search was being Instituted after she had been reported overdue, the Canadian Fishing Co.'s 32-foot giilnctter Porcher 17 reached port safely NEW LIGHTS ON ISLANDS Particularly for the benefit to cost an estimated $325. of tlie fishing industry, several' There will be four day bea-additional "necessary" aids to I cons and three shore markers navigation in Queen Charlotte in Skidcgate Narrows and three ..tins! Premier Byron !) Ims twenty Lih- Chapter of Blazes in - ----- Vancouver at Week-end Did Much Damage - VANCOUVER, tih Complete ''rs in the 48-wai this year is $180,898, as compared with $204,860 for the aAU!-4if?Ud iast-yRr- Permits issued last month: Gordon and Anderson Ltd., Third Avenue, $500, alterations. Belmont Hotel, Third Avenue, $400, repairs. J. Storrie, Sixth Avenue East, $200, repairs. R. Murray, Eighth Avenue West, $355, addition. Mrs. H. Lien, Sixth Avenue East, $500, repairs. L. H. Olsen, Sixth Avenue East, $100, addition. J. D. McRae, Fourth Avenue West, $6,000, construction. . E. T. fS. Moore, Alfred Street, $190, repairs, A. Bergerson, Eleventh Avenue, $300, repairs. Mrs. Berkley, Seventh Ave-enue, $200,, alterations. C. J. Currie, Graham Avenue, $450, repairs. Forestry Department, First Avenue, $275, repairs. Salt Lake run last summer. Island waiters have been re-'shore markers. A new pile dol-commended for installation by phin day mark in the east nar-the Department of Transport, rows of Skidegate Channel will Col. Keith Dixon, district mar- be the most expensive of all the investigation has been ordered new aids, costing $950. . VANCOUVER, Hfi Plng-Ti Ho, lecturer of Chinese histoiy at the University of British Columbia, charged yesterday that Generalissimo ChiaingKai-Shek had betrayed the principles of Chinese democracy. He said he had identified himself with bankers and capitalists and pointed up the contrast between the extreme opulence of the ruling class and the abject poverty oi the peasants. This was fruitful ground for the seeds of communism. i " Ping-Ti scored the United States aid attitude, saying that half-hearted support was only prolonging the civil war. The United States should get out a,s reported thai Imson had made a il by tclcpratn to the t support the coali-iil'i;raiii was never ('-('iin.seivalives, ui-" MinUsU-r Heilx'it into the $150,000 fire which destroyed the John F. Sigurdson Millwork Co. plant here early Sunday morning and hi which Inspector Lieut. Walter Carfrae of the Fire Department was in lave .sixteen wats In last evening. She had left Vancouver a week ago Monday for J Prince Rupert and some concern had developed as she continued unreported. Bert Piper was in charge. Extremely stormy weather had caused delay to the vessel but she suffered no mishap. Arrangements had been made by the company to Institute a search out of Butedalc. The P. ML. 15 was standing by here ready to be dispatched to start looking. Game Warden Ed. Martin, heading northward from Ocean Falls to Prince Rupert in Ids bout, had bee ninstructed to ' keep a look-out. . The Porcher 17 and Porcher jured when a falling ; timber struck him on the head. U.K. PLACES BIG ORDER VANCOUVER 0' The United Kingdom has placed a $7,000,000 order for British Columbia lumber. The contract calls for the purchase of 100,000,000 board feet in the first six-month period of 1949. No mention is made of a '"n Mr. Anscomo mment on the Young An estimated 300 fire fight Ine agent, and are assured of 'favorable consideration," according to a letter received by II . O. Archibald, MP. for Skeena, from the deputy minister of fisheries whose department has recommended the work and will continue to press for its being carried out. Meantime surveys will be made covering the exact location of the lights and buoys. , The new aids being recommended number 11 three lights and eight daymarks. ' The new lights will be at the iventlon's action bui ers were called to battle... the SCHOOL BYLAW WINS APPROVAL ; TERRACE Terrace district taxpayers 'went to the polls on Tuesday and approved by a substantial .majority a bylaw authorizing expenditure of $137,-000 for the building and reconstruction of schools from Kis-piox t-o Terrace. On the basis of 12 polls reporting out of a total of 15, Uie tlie Conservatives bicak the coalition. uf dissension in Uie Mrs. L. Hill, Fifth Avenue W $350, repairs. possible extension during the D. Sollien, Fourth Avneue East, and leave the Chinese to settle their own problems or ship large scale aid. If the latter was done, Russia would likely reply with large-scdie aid from the north. second half year. Coast lumber $200, repairs. men had sought a $15,000,000 A. Rlvett, Fourth Avenue West, order. . $100, construction. S5 left Vancouver together on 'November 22, the latter vessel amp were circulated '''' by-flection Moii-Premier Johnson and Minister Anscomb Uc- saying that there b('i'n a time in British history when such 11 Imd existed. They !uld not disintegrate flames which towered hundreds of feet in the air, Lighting the . entire industrial area. A Complete investigation was started today. -7- The wet cleaning plant of the Vancouver Carpet Cleaning Cb. in the Dunbar district of Va-couver was also destroyed Sunday night in a fire of undetermined origin which did $25,000 'damage. -t Firemen fought for more ih'an an hour to prevent the blaze from spreading to the adjacent dry-cleaning p lan t bousing majority in favor of the bylaw was 113, with 175 voting "yes" western entrance of Skidegate Channel, Tasu Sound and Hous- Mrs. H. B. Rochester, Elev in command of John Brillon, reaching here without delay. ; ton Stewart Channel, each light and 62 voting 'no.' enth Street, $100, repairs. Silversides Block, Third Av enue, $100, alterations. :: TOD ATS STOCKS :: Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. I td. Commercial Hotel, First Av h Uif menace of cutn- enue, $800, repairs. istcd. M. Hill, Second Avenue, $200, alterations. Beatlie 49 Bevcourt WVz Bobjo 13 Buffalo Canadian 15 E. M. Harding, Eighth Avenue hundreds of gallons of cleaning fluid. ' f f, , , : No , PEEDS UP HI BVIfF Earlier, more than 100 box cars were threatened in a fire which broke out in the National Harbors Board yards in the east end dlsrtlct. The inside of an REAL A new, faut pPwt, and import 'Slit service between l,ui'ts and central and aMla, including Brit-'"nbl. for Canadian Consol. Smelters ........124.75 Conwest 130 Donalda 52 Eldona -.. -80 East Sullivan - 2.95 , Giant Yellowknife 4.50 God's Lake 39 Hardrock .21 Harricana 08 Heva 09 Atlantic Coast Lines box car was gutted, with damage set at $10,000. A lighted cigarette, West, $300, repairs. W. H. Shortridge, Fifth Avenue West, $150, repairs. F. E. Anfield, Dunsmulr St., $300, construction. W. Seymour,' Eighth Avenue East, $1,000, repairs. Trevor Hill, Eighth Avenue East, $400, addition. J. Marchant, Graham Avenue, $7,000, construction. J. M. Walker, First Avenue, $100, construction. . W. D. McAra, Eighth Avenue, $50, addition. Mrs. M. Mclvor, Sixth Avenue West, $400, repairs. Peter Mark, Eighth Avenue West, $300, repairs. dropped in the car, was blamed. lini)orl,ers whs iin- liere dent, (Jf pvort. ii un t.. . i . . . NO FIRE DAMAGE HOSCO Jacknife 04 Vi Joliet Quebec .422 IN NOVEMBER PVM hf.l.l, I . i . . i '" U III VPX . in i.iiiw Lake Rowan 05 ..... v.fu, v. - Vancouver Bayonne 06 Bralorne . 705 B.R. Con 02V4 B. RJC 082 Cariboo Quartz 105 Congress . .03 Vz Hedley Mascot .30 Pend Oreille 5.80 , Pioneer .. 2.60 Premier Border 03 Privateer . 15 . Reeves McDonald 3.15 Reno . 06y2 Sheep Creek . ' 1.60 Silbak Premier 31 Taku River . .30 Vananda .49" Oils - Anglo Canadian 4.25 A.P. Con '. 25 Atlantic .. 1.05 Calniont 53 C. & E 6.25 Central Leduc : .19Vi Home .... .... 13.50 Mercury 25 Okalta 1.66 Pacific Pete 3.25 Princess .35' Royal Canadian .14 South Brazeau - 22Vt Toronto Athona .13 Aumaque . .... .15 "WIlPS of slnniiinir mi City fire department answer LapasKa -"on " SCrvlep hetn.e.n I lull- ed nine alarms during October, lllt John Iinrl Mnn. ". U"1 west for some ii lu.. . R. E. Morton, Eighth Avenue East, $150, repairs. - u. f'l ' illto "T Vo none of which caused damage, according to the records of Fir? Chief H. T. Lock. November's total brings to 93 the number of fire calls so far this year. For the corresponding period, last year there were 90 fixe calls. " R. H. Larsen, Piggott Avenue, $75, construction. ,ave worked out a cer-1 will be a boon to the u export and import "'fatllin Of a fnut lin. Utile Long Lac ' .70. Lynx - 14 Madsen Red Lake 2.22 McKeiiisle Red Lake 32 McLeod Cockshutt 80 Moneta 39 ' Negus 215 Noranda 54.50 Louvlcourt 37 Pickle Crow 195 Regcourt .05 San Antonio 3-55 Senator Rouyn 41 Sherrit Gordon 2.10 Steep Rock 1.56 Sturgeon River 12 Silver Miller 34 "5l,t train direct from ""d Saint. .ti, Cy Kellett, district representative of Home Oil Co. and C. P. Renouf, of the company's Van couver office, motored back to w into eirect Nrlotte said. It will second morning de- the city from Terrace, arriving LOCAL TIDES Thursday, December 2, 1948 High 2:30 19.9 feet 14:00 22.4 feet Low 8:05 7.8 leet 20:45 1.8 feet here Wednesday morning after foremost authority on parliamentary procedure, mr (wapT,?i RTTLEBOOK RETIRES-Canada's announced he expects to retire in January as Clerk of r, Baeuchesne, 72 74, left wk. has u Arthur Dr. j d hM oeen a vluJ background the Commons. He has written efto toe Speaker. Successor to Dr. Beauchesne is ex-force in many Commons fi6rh.aaodwVl2Jt0at cle,.k. A former Liberal Member of Parlia-pectedfto J.Si'SSSi his present appointment after his defeat in rSfeKSrposf Clerk of the Corn-on. is considered the rjnjjn, civil service Job in the-Dominlon. a 15-hour trip. They followed "l 1V1UII- ' Will . . ... the Terrace snowplow most of upct-a up ae- tern points by 21 the way.