TONIGHT AT 7 Pxt ... KATHARINF. 11EPBI'R 1 i' prfnte Rupert Dailp f3rinf Wednesday, December 1, 1948 I he bono of 5 UVI E.. .....II. II. lP---------" 1 0w ii v ""i f NORTH PIONEER PASSES AWAY Thomas Clwydd Williams, who sought gold in the Yukon, central-northern British Columbia and Venezuela and later was joint proprietor of a Prince Rupert hotel, died in Prince Rupert General Hospital Tuesday at the age of 72. A resident of Stewart for the last six years. Mr. Williams had been a partner with the late Frank Stevens and Carl Johnson in the ' Knox Hotel which they bought from Oiler Besner in the 70s, He, retired from business in 1930 when he suffered a stroke which kept him 1 'Snug as a Bug in a Rug.' Baby Can't Say Thank' . . . BUT Mother Knows Peoples Store Infant Department Has It. Everything For Babies! LI C - 3 -t i A LC ; pa i .It , :.r . -fc , wl I ; t), v.-( , 6i . Rupert Peoples Store v -m Sf v J i WESTERN CHUCKWAGON Stampeders In the east-west 1 1 thing to give the event a real western touch. Cowboys, Indians and a real western chuck wagon accompanied the fans on their trip east. H:re is the chuck wagon as It appeared In the parade from the hotel headquarters of the western supporters to the siauium wTicre the game was played. , (CP Photo " 1 s kda in ill health until his death. Mr. Williams . was -born S' Wales and came to Canada 50 vrars aeo. He was one of that diminishing band who went to the Yukon before the turn ol the century, lured by gold. He rematne"d to operate a river steamer on the Yukon River for several years after the gold rush. He came to central Britisn Columbia with the early development of this city and started a logging operation on the Queen Charlotte Islands which lasted during the First Worid War. With the post-war slump in lumber prices, he returned to prospecting and went to Venezuela with an American mining company. On his return, he prospected in this district until he entered partersblp in live, Knox Hotel. He came from Stewart to enter hospital here three weeks ago. Mr. Williams is survived by hid wife who is now in Stewart. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon ,from B.C. Undertakers' Orenville Court, Chapel,. Rev. Fred Autrobus of- f iciating. Customs Receipts Total $28,746 In November Customs and excise revenues at the port of Prince Rupert during November totalled $28.-146.73. bringing the total for the year to date to $450 fi43 36 Total for the corresponding period last year was $371,544. Advertise In the Daily News! DO THIS I to maki I krthin( I -Spoils Sleep Tonight! tisitr-1 A few drops of Vicks invftt I Va-tro-nol in each nostril mtful I wurts rignt where trouble is to open nose, relieve stuffy, tran-sientcongestion. Brings quick relief from sniffly, sneeiy head cold dis tress. iy It: ruuun J directions in package, J VICKS VATR0K01 west to back their victorious they brought with them evpry P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC New 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded interlude 1:00 Symphony Hour 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells 8tory 1:45 Commentary and Talk WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Knlarcinr QUICK HER VICE Amateur and Prnfeviional Supplier " . UNOUI tUMII , Dl ' ; an """"'". ond ; arc . , In STARTS THURSDAY SHOWS AT 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. THE NEW Inglis "Sterling WASHER A precision-built washer by "Inglis" for whiter, easier ! ' I rsc; washings, with less wear ' on clothes. "Finjrcr Tuoch" Wringer Keleasc Automatic lump Drainer Lubricated for Life I - - l La When Calgary fans came football final at Toronto Saturday, 7:15 CTC News Roundup 7:30 George Haddad, pianist 8:00 Halle Orch. 8:45 Barbirolli Conducts 9:00 The Book of Job 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Dr. G. G. Sedgwick 10:30 Biltmore Hotel Orch. 11:05 Weather Forecast and Sign Off THUIWDA - A M 7:00-Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comlry 9:15 Morning- Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time '.0:45 Scandinavia. Mludits 11:00 Musical Varieties 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45- -Let's WalU JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ffiCOM CHRISTMAS Chihlrcn's Records SEE THEM AT - - 1?0 RUPERT RADIO & ELECT I SHE LIKES CHOCOLATES! who doesn't . . . and we have a large assortment of fancy Boxed Sweets just wailing to be gifts. HE LIKES A riFEI At least many smokers do . . . and we have the best selection of Imported Hriers we have had in veanj. GROTTO CIGAR STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCONIST ESI ILTLLI I f r v 4a Civic Centre , Dates . A.M Sports 9:00 -Bo-Me-lli Gym Class. F.M. 2:00 Adult Causal Badminton. 2:30 King Edward Gym Class. 3:30 Junior Girls' Apparatus Class. 6:30 Boys' Organized Games Hour. 8:00 Rup-Rec Women. 8:00 Teen Tournament Night. School Basketball League 4:00. Basketball 7:45 Kayhi vs. Bo-Me-Hi Series. P.M. Special 2:00 Women's Crafts and Bridge Club. 4:00 Booth Bible Class. 7:30 N.F.B. Film Children 8:00 Co-op Members Relations. 8:30 N.F3. Film Adult s' Retail Merchants Assoc. : I i f L -..... at -the Civic Centre 75c and 50c Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (subject to Change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Eamuna HocKngt 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. -4:30 Maggie Muggins 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30 Musical Cocktails 5:45 Henri Rene 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Sammy Kaye 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plan tation House Party 7:00 CBC News 1 AIR FORCE yf a Hoiatt"'. fttft VartwruUr rrfnlf D a a . ciwarett wn tmmt bMN I' arxt JO vori In this air og, rttt R.C.A.F. Hot a vital role in th defence nj Mcwrity f Canada. In M R.C.A.F. yau net anly play your port but you can tat yavrtelf target af accamplithmnt that will tatitfy yawr ambrlioni . . , and furthermore . . . you will be given every opportunity and encouragement la achieve it. i Young men of high calibre are needed today to fill important opening jn the ground crew tradet, where yeu will be trained to become an expert in the electronic, mechanical, supply or clerical fieldt. In the R.C.A.F. yeu will receive continuous employment at good rates of pay, with full opportunity for advancement ond a generous pension at the end af yavr service. Nursery Rhymes on unbreakable Outstandinj; Records By LONDON Featuring tlif Rayol Choral S-Kilety (650 voicest under the direction of Sir Malcolm Sargent. "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing'' "Good King- Wcnceslas" "Silent Night, Holy Night" JUST ARRIVED! Scottish Records, featuring Jimmy Shawl. Accordion and Folk Dance Bands, Scot's Guards, Pipes and Drums. HERE'S A VEH Y SPECIAL BARGAIN vinylite. from 1!c up. FavoriU-Walt Disney Characters Bugs Bunny, Elmer Frudd. Donald Diamond Engagement Duck, and many others . . . exclusively on Capital records. SPECIAL Walt Disney's "Liltlo Toot" from the pic "Melody Time" (unbreakable). rrfrctl?1 I with two umallrr ilinmnitrlx ml earh side with a five stone Diamond Wedding Kms .1 I r tliril",pl I This is an exceptional purchase for on Popular Numbers by Your Favorites Nellie Loteher "Hurry On Down" "He's a Real Oone Guy" "Alexander's Ragtime Band" Margaret Whiting "A Tree In the Meadow" O IMUIIIlll fr Ml wlwnnltM abewt rh eBcnines evettsM in th R.C.A.F. H in end moil the (wpen teday. Frankie Laine "That Ain't Right" "Confession" "Singing the Blues" "All of Me" "Coquette" I ' obl l! IlAJt tDAtDDOff AjPrpQ 201 THIRD AVENUE WEST CANADIAN QAfcjCCrrJ rPgC(prDDjTJ 100 THIS COUrON TO DAYl CI K.l .A.I. UK( MI IN. Ol-Hf KK, North Wft tr oniniuntl IM)ts-. KliiK!Wtt), l.dmmitoii. Alia. ' . . . -i iii rttJtv kl 11 a: -2' . Ail I Hollywood Cafe ,Ksu2r-.r ft n rtoao or it Ho t R.C.A.F. Newest and Most Up - Open from 7 -V V NAME (PloMi STEBT AimiMH , CITY 9KnvtnrK I 1. Ya r CMdiaMBotiiMl r trilwr BrrtMh I tvufirt , N -j aea J N u m nW 'fiht t i J. u hivt 1 mimmum of st Mt (M Ihen Jurtoor Ptly rf Mtr-ulaUatJ (r ra4e rm49 ilH in rrvi lot PHONE To - Date Cafe In Prince Rupert 8:00 p.iii. to 4:00 a.m. V7V7 J O an Meo i ara We specialize ipf! fffity ' roB ouUlde In Chinese 4 orders Phone ' A Dishe. ffMQljl ' 133 I m CHOP BDEY T ' ' APPBEllJ --.Tff CHOW MIEN j 4i JI j EARLY ADVERTISING COPY o ,n f SZ nE December 2 and 3 0 PI:,:ar:c-7-30P IB4IgIHIa U I TI.-ray-A.KUrj.ANTS Get your tickets' PRICES A 1IUQT .j.i.'.k.i- '