I SCHEDULE CO-OPS STILL tNBEATES Continued from Page 4) Kildal 4, Greenwood 8, Thaln 2, Jordan, N. Youngman. 14. IStfnce Eupett Daft? I3eto3 Wednesday, December 1, 1948 SAVOYS SHARE TOP PLACE IN f&iu-MM. Friday. Junior North Star Johnsen 2, Bather 10, Simonson 11, Young 2, Ket- Reminiscences ByWJ. Reflections rr A" LEAGUE cheson 2, Currle, Sedgwick 4, Westview vs. Mansop'i. DeJong's vs. Annettes, G.& A. us. Savoy Swingers. ... Jan. 3 Westview vs!- Taft & came through for Dom's when she dropped in a !a-up shot just before the final Ifil winded. It was an aggressively played game. All players on these SCHEDULE FOR LADIES' BOWLS Dec. 13 Westview vs. Scuby's, "( Odowes, Orr.nge vs. Aonettes, neither sympathy or politeness Neither costs anything-. Courtesy teams are experienced ahd this tends to make the play better and exciting. People's .Store took 29 shots and made S field is also free and it is to be looked for, anyway. Somehow, the Ma- The Charles M. Hays Hotel! It's a name that should endure and hold a proud and honored place in the history of Prince Rupert. On behalf of the new railway and port of the North Pacific, he gave his strength, his great abilities and, finally, his life. No man could do more. dame's trip to the States has a Walsh 6.-37. High School Vance 4, Jeffries, Clark, Hills 6, Hamilton 5, Sheppard, Forman 4, Rhodes. 19. League standings to date: ' ' - Senior W L Pel. Co-op ...... 4 0 1.000 SavOy 2 2 .500 High School 1 3 .250 Browhwoods 1 3 .250 Intermediate variety vs. Savoy Swmgers, Scuby's vs. G. ti A., Manson's vs. DeJong's. ' 1 ; Jan. 10 Westview vs. DeJong's, Scuby's vs. Savoy 'Swingers, Annettes vs. G. St A., Man-son's vs. Taft St Odowes Variety vs. Orange. ' '.' chilly feeling. Kind words but ter no parsnips. i Orange vs. Savoy Swingers, Variety vs. DeJong's, Manson's vs. Annettes, Taft & Otifiwes vs. G. & A. Dec. 20 Variety vf. 6. & A.. Westview vs. Annettes', Scuby's vs DeJong's. Orange vs. Man-son's, Savoy Swingers vs. Taft & Odowes. Dec. 27 Variety vs. Taft & Odowes, Scuby's vs. Orange, F goals. Dom's took 30 shots and scored 7 basket. JUNIOR LEAGUE North Star of the Junior League garnered their fourth win with an easy 37 to 19 vie tory over High School. The Savoy Swingers joined the eilte of the Ladies A" Bowlin League this week on the strength of three victories over Westview and are now tied for top place In the standings with DeJong's and Oordon and Anderson with seven games won and three lost. DeJong's entered the week's session with an unblemished record In the current "schedule fix wins and no losses -b'i. dropped two of the three gamo. to Gordon and Anderson. A. McMeekin of Annette. 'who has been pillnn up hi-.-h individual scores of late, outdid herself Monday night. She touk both the single game high score with A mfirp-t hu n-aot ii.-fvi.-w, oi-n Tojo. a former premier ot Japan, should have had ft nervous prostration a week ago. Fact Is he has no excuse for not having suffered ..half a dozen It is officially announced that Washington's welcome to Madame Chiang Kai-Shek will lac Classified advertising alway brings results. ! ,- .... ...... W L Morgan's 2 1 opening quarter was close with severe attacks already. Tojo has if MOW High School having the better Fashion 2 1 Pc:. .667 .667 .6G7 .667 a tough war record and was Handicap 5 50 56 Totals 792 778 917 of the play although they were Merchants 2 l behind at the end "of It 6-4. High High School 2 1 WESTVIEW. School's ball handling showed Stone's 0 .000 M. Fivxin 121 107 206 Gift f. Wallace 134 71 Improvement. From then oh Ladies sentenced to be hanged after a square trial. OK. Oentlemen, Pray proceed! But this business of suspended suspension this solemn promise of certain hanging or ah indefinite series of cancellations is enough ts yourself in for a merit. Order carets , them In time for mailing IS H Pet. A. Parxer 156 187 95 O. Thum 136 132 129 t. Mastell Ia8 l.itt 248 S Hartwi! ' 113 H mclieao 42 42 14 W . 4 ?s . 1 Dom's High School People's Store ....... .niJjnS JiJJ j and rolled up a remarkable three game total of 820, averaging 275 for the triple. Taft and O'Dowes 3, Orange 0 1.000 .750 .2-iO .000 TutalN 747 C95 805 North' Star started tolling and their offense scored quickly as they broke through the defense of High School. Bather was tops for North Star. Hamilton and Hills played w?ll or High School. North Star took 49 shots and five one the willies. Hang ToJ- as high as Haman either that, or show him the honorable dooi . iiiting To those who have lived in Miller Bay 0 Junior W North Star 4 Kinsmen 3 Rupert Hotel 1 High 8chool 0 SAVOY D. MacPhee 271 223 177 . Knutson 130 114 188 P. Men.ies i.. 80 189 229 I. H:rickson 201 193 161 R. McCuiJuin 108 139 211 HrinjicUp ;.. 6 6 6 'iutals 790 804 97z SCUBY'S J. Thornton 132 152 248 (default. Savoy Swingers 3, Westview 0. Oordon and Anderson 2, De-Jong's 1. Scuby's 2, Annettes 1. Manson's 2, Variety V hNEB BLOCK L Pet. 0 1.000 1 .750 3 .260 4 .000 Prince Rupert for 30 years and scored 17 baskets. High School longer, the scenic environment I tried 46 shots and made 9 fifeld goals. Individual scoring: Senior can be thought of as old stuff. Sounds a bit unfeeling. But-summer tourists, providing they could find creature comforts VI KT STEAMER ICE GEORGE Co-op-Fitch, Dominato 5, H. Sleeves 108 201 157 G. Van Meer 119 203 190 D. Woods 202 100 120 B. Uick- 126 195 199 Handicap 16 16. ' 16 for f :; A LEADING LADY HOUSECOATS Iienge-lnes in gay patterns .a'! : plain, fine, all-wool housecoats available ..in your choice of floors. . 1 For those gay- party nighls before Christmas, a DANC,'E DRESS, trimmed ..with Bugle ..Beads ..or ..Sequin will bring sparkles to her eyes. In all popular sizes... HANDBAGS, like the Dance Dresses, are new arrivals at ..our . store. Styles Ito please evry riscriniinii1-ing taste- s and entertainment in line with Lindsay 9, MacPhee 12, Baynon COOL CLIMATE South Africa is cooler than many countries In the northern hemisphere because of its elevation and comparative 927 936 '49 would remain longer than SAILS FOR dCOUVER 12, Holkestad 5, Alexander. 43. Bo-Me-Hi D. Scherk -7, Olson VARIETY I. Knstjansson .... 98 104 96 I Lvkeeaard . 191 181 228 R. CliriKliansen .... 125 185 90 A. McLean 2U3 la2 liia Low score 91 121 14 f Handicap 09 )9 K9 ! Totals 717 872 7(i3 MANSON'S T. Dell 199 119 183 : R. Coweill Ill lo4 250 : B. Rudderham .. . 81 148 115 i H. MacLeod 174 111 102 s D. Rudderham 161 190 211 Totals 703 ANKETTESU. ' M. .Montgomery .... 206 M, Windle 81 A. McMeekin 369 a couple of hours. There ; are scores '' attractions around 135 112 194 2t!3 Prince Rupert, unobtainable in 12, Spring 5, Davidson, Flaten 7, RWLDIATE PORTS Sunberg, Carlson, Webster .-31 Intermediate 190 E. Smith Zoo 226 THURSDAY 151 929 P. DR-kens 184 203 Handicap 1120 914 Stone's Dumas 3, McChesney at 11:15 p.m. the stifling, dusty east. Pathfinders, having ' been here so long, do not see them. But others would. W mi KETCHIKAN 4, Smith 2, Christoff 8, Marshall 1, Krlstmanson, Wench 2, Younj 1 21. High School Webster 9, S. SDAV M1DMC.HT nervations Write or Call 196 180 121 157 16i 30 DE JONG'S A. Pierce 188 183 K. Moxlev 1d2 189 A. Wruthall 122 131 J. Shenton 221 163 V. Wrathalt 132 185 Handicap 30 30 Totals 843 881 The November rainfall In Vancouver, to the 30th, was 11.73 Scherk 17, ' Sunberg 12, Bill 4 inches This is Just passed along h , aa on liaivi t i r Wnftm n 1 1. in UrKti t ' w iR DEPOT OFFICE 845 E RUPERT, B C. GORDON and ANDERSON 8. Ramsav 191 187 lflfi Martlnsen' Van PU. get Into a sweat, anyway, jut 5f2rpe' because some water falls from , 103 157 ! the sky? You can't say It's news ' , A ... Dun n', Rtni Will 3 niiman Your Rest Rating Place 1B8; I. Garner 259 141 B. Smith 1C2 144 L. Anderson ,.. - 97 78 C. Barrle "... 125 194 Handicap ....'..,.... 41 41 Tot'als 873 78a Sweet i Sixteen Ltd- lb not in this part of the earth,' "... 7 - Select your gift, pay a deposit and when you wish to pick up your purchase., use our Personalized Budget Plan for easy payment. No Interest No Carrying Charges. 41 althoueh it miht he In north-. "Owe, uuainicn , mei.eou 904 mm) mm ern Australia. , Quick, L. Youngman. 13. , Dom's Hamilton" 4,-Husoy 2 96 TAFT & O'DOWES J. Novak 281. 184 J. MeKenna 80 137 D. Nelson 162 92 143 AHt PASSLNGEItS jlY ' To Vancouver A. Lavlck, O FULL COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. -Banquet Hall for Luncheons,- Dinners and Parties Chinese Dishes BROADWAY G Maundrell 164 118 IN THK SUPREME COURT OK BKIT1SH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III the MMtif of the " Administration Art" And Handicap . ... . ... 904 832 833 1 Robertson, M. Oliver, K. Raz- Mitchell & Currie K. Keid 201 225 229 zeU . . . kvoy Totals u 06 ooo ORANGE In th Matter of the Wtmle f t'ranfc To Sandspit H. Thorn. From Vancouver K. Haz.eil H. D. Foster. ' i hiiitinrr. urtva. Intetate. TAKE NOTICE that by OieW of lJfiulllt. I LADIES "A"' I.KAdl'E ktiiii; . Hb Honor Judffe W. O. Fulton. Loral . From. SandapiU-E. Gourde, k Dtel CAFE Lehoux, M. Ray, M. Radsoiy, A LIMITED Phone 363 Bor.suk, M. Beaton, G. GaUke. T. Jerosz, J. Parish, K. ' Judge of the supremo Court or British Columbia. I was on the 24th day of November. A D. 1948. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Prank Chudinec. late of Oceaa Falls. British Coltimbln. ho died oil or about the 3rd dajr of September. 1948 at Ocean Falls. British Columbia 608 3rd Ave W. Phone 200 FLOOR. COVERING Just received a larfe shipment of excellent ptterrs in linoleum by the yard and rug. Drop in and see the display in our basement department. i liUILDKKS Zarelli, Prop. 7 P.O. Box 54 1 i W L P DeJong's 7 2 .7 I Gordon & Anderson 7 2 7 iSiivov Swingers 7 2 7 Scubv's 6 3.6 : Annette's 4 6 4 , Manson's 4 5 .4 jTatt and O'Dowes 4 5 4 ' Westview 3 6 3 1 Variety 3.6 3 I Oi aime 0 9 0 All persons Indebted to the said ISER STREET POPULAR WITH HUNTERS me estate are required to pay CONTRACTORS NCE RUPERT During normal years. mori amount of their indebtedness to me f.wthurh inH nil nArnnni having , Shotgun Shells are fired at rab- ciaims against the said estate are I bits than any Other species Of required to file them with me pro' tenv verified on or before the Slst North American game. ?.: n -If r tin Il l mil aiiai f ii n i day of December, 1948. falling which distribution will be made having re-card only to such claims of which t MEXICAN RAIf-O STATIONS shall have been notified. , . . ,,,v,o DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this Mexico has number a larger . 24ln dky of NoVembr, mb. of radio transmitters than Can- oordon fraber porbes, Phone 311 McBride St. Ulliclal Aamininraior. Prince Rupert, B C. (296) 6da but less than half the number of receivers.. . -, AUTOMATIC ) DeLuxc I DELIVERY- f PHONE 422 XMAS PHOTOS ........................ Order Early Chandler & CowriII For Appolntme'nts . PHONE DAY: GREEN 389 NITE: BLACK 615 216 4th Street EDiryeir It's the Ecu CaHe 1. Handles all fabrics. 2. Easy on the clothes. 3jutomatic controls for heat , and time 3amp or bone dry within an hour. 4. Handles 18 lbs. wash in one operation. 5 - Can be used with any washer. "DONT DEPEND ON THE WEATHERMAN FOR DRY CLOTHES." ' , . for Tasty Meals Chow Mein WW Chop Suey Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders Chrlstmos Carrie fragrances: crisp wintry air, spicy scent of pine. Add Clue Grass Flower Mist, O ASK. THE MAN WHO BUYS ONE - QUALITY COUNTS IN TANKS . , . AND QUALITY YOU GET WHEN! YOUR TANK IS MADE BY ; Please bear with us famed fragrance by Elizabeth Arden. It's a wonderful gift, in a gay gift-wrapping, wrm a Kentucky-caught scent, to take the Christmas airl Chftatmat mfp4 Blue Oreu ruwtr MUl. 1.7S, t iS, t SO, with etemlzw, Mi Electrical Gifts Designed for living! A Blanket, a Toaster, a Radio, J". a Heating Pad . . . these are only a few of electrical appliances that the many modern make for easier and hitter living . . . gifts that go oh giving year after year. Be sure BY THOM SHEET METAL LTD. . 253 East First Ave. Phone Black 884 THE T. Gommercia Eloto! TERRACE to ' look them over before yoa complete your Christmas list! IF ir is undergoing extensive renovation and improvements which w ill niakfc it the smartest establishment of its kind in Prince Rupert. Meanwhile, all departments are carrying on business as usual and we ask our patrons to continue their favor and be patient with us uhtiT'lhe job is finished December 18. Skeena Restaurant TERRACE i LLOYD SAUDER, PROPRIETOR GOOD FOOD , GOOD SERVICE Open 6:30 a.m. till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays DINE AND DANCE ; Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves ' AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 8 is Plumbing or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 271 (284) 1-