Associated Boards Gets Higher Fees Prince Ruperl Daily News MEN'S IlRrtu civ Monday, December 11, 1950 BOMBER JACKETS ..... ni ,r'a PARKA fr, ! As ! f I ., . 1 See it BiMS- WIXDBREAKERS, ,ro,n An tndapendent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A. HCNTER, Manaein? Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES Prlnce Rupert Chamber of Commerce hat been notified of a new system of financing the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia. The per capita assessment on constituent boards is Increased to $1 and boards in such communities as Prince Rupert and Prince George having over 5000 population will be assessed $10(1 per year and those under $10 per year. By this means more ade F0 THE LADIES LADIES' HOSE Cottnn ni WHY WEED OCT IJfDlAXS? supreme effort in aiding a huge Editor, Daily News: j production within this major As I am one who has takjn a! lndustry- And 'et th thanks very active Dart in the fishin ! are receiving Is a certain By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, All-Wool, from, pair . . ' y!ons r.d i Industry and as an executive I Ru Fl UDDC RUM DriTT $8.00; By Mail. Per Month, 50c; Per Ye ar, $5.00. amount of displacement that Is very noticeable. It Is a fact that certain of our member In" the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia, I be- TABLE CI.OTHS-4 " servietu-, , Were up to $4.00. Nou 2 I I A SECRET HEART TONIC neve i nave some rignt and re-: nsnermen nave not worKed up sponsibillty to voice views on an j to expectation but the blame Important matter that concerns ! should not be placed on the In- quate funds are hoped to be ob-! talned for the Associated Board3 I which, during past years, has rt?T t nur ..iij . tne native people in the fish in-jdians.. SHOP AND SAVE AT s iuuuvw tautru irn. dustry Those affected as of now : In the fishing industry we do labored U'"10" financial strin-Up the Other day and Said: are Indian shippers. I am one I not believe in racial discrlmlna-1 Bencv- iho..captains a large rish sel. j tion. w are all I "T ran't understand how one people with . l can t unaei stana nov ( Xne QUMUon x wlsh to dtacuMI white-and ,apanese ftaher.J Cincinnati Blast you can be SO Cheerful. the weeding out of Indian j men. And there Is room for all j Kills Two Pertan Don't that ?klppe" and Indlan manned I those Interested in the fishing I vnu ee we UUil 1 . . i "cts from the actual particiya-! industry. This Idea of onenessl CINCINNATI O-At least two are galloping Straight L to Hon In fishing for herring. I cas , produces harmony and goodwill, persons were killed and 15 hurt hell?" .remember the earlier days when I within the Industry. And this la Saturday In a terrific explaslon the natl?e people performed required In the which wrecked the two-storey I mumbled some sort of answer economy of our j that things were really not too splendidly In fishing for herring province and country, especlallv plant of the American Water- bad. " w,r "-ual"' Ul ncouver curing inis present world crisis proofing Co. Island. Today I do not know of wnen Canada is preparing for But I have a secret heart tonic u hirh i nianv ii MhPn the i snipper on me west I united front. world looks as if it is plunging I cost the exception of onej so let us not consider the In-straight or tw wl ma be 8en ,0 for the bow-wows. dian a rrr?re substitute flshtrman. Notice lo Canadian Pari! Airlines Passengers Cnr V Un and read my opinion. You as u member of our democrutlc province and country, bhould vvt iol have UUTC H a fair employment practice I read history just any - gooa rr ""b- . seems that when . . . ' 1 war a I hnnk. SJirUKH . , . ,. . . . ...... ..... I f i f nnnvTinn nnra inui.iitn. . Hi. i ...... mstory wnicn tens wnat tnings , , . " Jl ' , " .cm lne Indians receive full em- within our fishing Industrt and I 1 ULLUUI 11,-Mil V I I II IIP! II fl 17 I I I I 1 . - . . were really like in those other industries? t ai.J se guou . : " 1 .7 :""" 'Mpwymem. just remember that In all ithe east coast of Vancouver Is .mC Lunvemence of Our PasseJ old davs." land the Bad as things have been milftndtn natives take a major this century, the sum total of the ; Part ln "hln(? tor herring. Wi-h-titanic world movine nicture adds ln tn last few year the native the Indians also go to the battle- the rest of the native people are fields to win in order that we always prepared to co-operate, obtain freedom and security and We have dn it. Why not em-equality in employment. ploytrs and firms? After all wc The Indians - were the first 1 are one Rroup who rotate the bac kbone of the fishing Industry I earnings back into business and we have gone a lonir t 'hands. up very much on the right side. 0C0 skippers, one by one, have bernl refused the right to fish forj herring. Instead a few are askci j and granted the pilvilege of Dacking the herring to the reduction plants. j travelling during the Holiday Season, Ticket Office will be open from 7.00 to 9 the evenings of December 15, 16, 13 19 -and 22. Passengers holding reservations for flights must validate space FOUR days pr flight date. What those In authority have DO YOU believe that democracy is a good thing? Do you believe that government of the people, for the people, by the people Is the safest and best DAN ARSU, Native BroUierhood Vire-Prvsldent, Cape Mudge. done for us we full consider and appreciate. And since we have In approximately the mid lie j organized Into f Lsh workers and twenties of this century I re system yet devised for human i t -I.- ... . . . . . it ...... , liniin II I'll llUUfll7D I IflllB r. V. , Few Days Will Tell FUTURE course of world events may well depend upon what Communist China does in Korea during the next few days. The Reds are approaching the 38th parallel and, to look at the situation realistically, there would appear to be little to stop them there. Over and above that, it has been announced that they do not intend to stop. Thus would come to naught the appeal of the 13 nations headed by India for the Communists to remain at that point pending efforts at negotiating a peace all of which, of course, is a rather tenuous undertaking anyway. True, it is not a very pretty or a cheerful picture and about all that remains now is the hope of some unexpected or at present unforeseen development which may result in come composing of the current crisis. If ever there appeared to Ik? an impasse looming in this troublous international field, it would seem to be today. Not since 1911 have we had such a tense pre-Christmas season. . Drive as if your life depended upon it ... it does. KEEP POT BOILING "THE ARMY POT goes out again at the end of the I week and the bell will jingle in front of the Post Office. This gives us good occasion to mention the fine work of the Salvation Army which is confined not only to Christmas but all the year around and which reaches into quarters that many of us may not know or think about. Therefore, we would commend the attention of our readers to the statement from Captain W. C. Poulton, local commandant, outlining comprehensively the activities of the Army in the line of social service and relief work that they carry out when other means fail to meet the situation. It is very well for us to throw our contributions into that post as we pass by. Possibly, some would desire to make more substantial contributions. If so they could be made direct to the Army or, as Captain Poulton suggests, by way of the Daily News office. It is once again a pleasure for us to co-operate with the Army in this way. welfare? mcmoer mat me poncy was to ltri,JZ:"" " t j .. t v.- .!have a f ftv-f ftv basis of Jnn- " - luiiuuRiiis ana " JUU UU JKJU LailllUL LC UJV " J f 1 VL 'i 1IPH VLIa V n hblnnJ 1.. . I downhearted. For the liberation ! " and I"d'ans taking part eLZlt fwhmj,.,1 the of of India from colonial rnle ,in the herring industry. In U.ose Pmen.t ,of. ttw flsn ,ndut! v and we certainly expect co-opei - not only the greatest achieve- I the two combined, were ment of British democracy. Itln tne majority. The waees th": was by far the greatest, most were ln the vicinity ot t90-$m ation liKe we have given And now we are partners with groups concerned in the conservation of salmon. We arj even missionaries In this respect. And massive advance In the whole P" "ion in per man. Today with In the herring industry it ap-i pears that there is a certain history of democracy. Far from weakening the long range British world noaiUon hj amount 01 weeding out of Indian . - is already becoming clear tbat;PPs and Indian m1??-. the verv opposite is the truth. ana tne rest of me K .. "J : The British Empire lost a sua-(native skippers, and the Indian I e'mr hT on on commUslon commission. continent peopled by several , organization as a whole, would memDf hundred million unwilling colon-;Prefer to know definitely the lnlc"lewM recently one cf ial subjects. But bv this brave ' reasons for this action on thej"'c representatives 01 VANt OL KK VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m.. Chllcotln Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM. STEWART AMI PORT S1MPSOM Sunday, Camosun. li pm. FOR NORTH Q I F. F.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chllcotln, Dec. 1 and 15 9 p.m. FOR SOl'TII QI F.EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotln, Dec. 8 and 22. 9 pm. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5M act of faith the British Common- Part of those ln authority. on' major nsn companies wealth gained the respect, affec- i tone by and also at he agreed with the opinion tion and friendship of one of the i the present time the natives have have written above. However, two most populous nations on continually done their share in he stated that the final say lu earth ' all phases of the fishing Indus- regard to the weeding out of India Is already playinjr hr t-y. And we will continue to do ' native sklopers was not in his mighty role a.f the foundat'orJ to the best of our ability. I : department, but that the final base of future democracy for one might add the ability of some of ol"Uon rested ln the hands of entire section of the human fam- our native skippers is unsurpas- higher authorities of the fish ily. She Is Asia's pace-maker and ! crnoanies. the UN's peace-maker j During the last war period the 1 am not one to be writing to oOo I native fishermen, seiners, hali-j th editor of any newspaper, but The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 DO YOU believe that the right' DUt men, etc., combined their " ,ucl ,ta that I feel sincere In voicing this matter to eat Is the first of all human to the public. You have heard 4 VOTIi YES V0TK YES! SCRIPTVRE t ASSAfiE FOR TODAY "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof." Rom. 13:14. claims? ! the British R-A F. did in six hours Then you cannot be too down- of bombing Hamburg? To kill hearted. For now for true first 60,000 Japanese civilians ln otw time in the period for which we moment of bombing Hiroshima, have records we have the as the Americans did? j KNOWN means to produce n- Is is the duration of the killing ough food, clothing and shelter process that Is the crime? The for every one of the two-billion- numbers killed? Their skin tolor plus people who are now alive, i tongue or Is It the killing The scientists already have the '. Is it more sinful to kill a baby know how to chain the waters, '' by an A-bomb than by an XYZ to reclaim the deserts, to make bomb or by starving that baby every part of this earth "God's; to death by naval blockade of a country." Given the chance, they j whole nation? j could amply feed half again as j oOo many human beings as are now i TO ME the meaning of tfw : alive. . j atom bomb Is this: J oOo j Man now holds in his hand the I IN THE THOUSANDS of years means either to blow himself and . in which human beings have -his world to atoms or to trans-! fought wars they have killed 1 form It into a place really fit For Aggressive, Realistic approach to the administration of our civic affairs ' All eligible citizens of Prince Rupert VOTE FOR MICHAEL KRUEGER 291 each other by Just about every i for human Sons of God to live in, wins X CHRISTMAS IS COMING! A possible device, from stones and I fan must choose. j j clubs, to bombs and poison gas.j He must choose a TOTAL j A In one sense, the atom bomb answer. He must end all war. W- i For The LET US BAKE YOUR CAKE PHONE 643 ORDER fcS NOW A I ia ju.-i, anuuiL-r uoiuu. vvnrcn is , must, euner organize wuklu j the more Immoral? To kill 80,000 ' peace under law, or die. 2 'British civilians as the Germani I I don't think mankind will j ; did ln six years of bombing? To j choose to die. I think man will , kill 60.000 German civilians as choose, rather to establish world j! itself the war that compells It? peace under world law. 5 V 5 p ser-.'.-; RUPERT BAKERY LTD. Cainad I eg i o il KM.iaM.!i.a.ftjijiji1.,1i,Sljii,fcl,llfcfcJ(llfcJ(fcSlfcJ(j FORESTRY OLD and NEW "Sale Authorization By-law 1950" "Taxation Exemption lL and ,he By-law 1950" " " i "broadway" cafe ! SSC, Finest Cooking j I Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. j j For take home orders Phone 200 j Some comparisons between B.C. and Scandinavian Forestry Policies and Aminihtration. CANA .Dl A A yes vote on the "Land Rale Bylaw" means tnat the on Thlrd I 9 old dui pay the full as.vos.sed value for the property on which their llslami5 Avenue sta.tfs. thereby making the bulldi.iK and the property on mQ(j subject to full taxation. The land is assessed at the present time a -AKADlAN ... ves vote on the "Tax Exemption Bylaw" would mean tliai w rty, LEGION OION will will pay pay full full taxes taxes on on the the Rreater Rreater portion portion oi of their wate -- pl(,mption mpuon YES YES YES purchased with the builrilnR from the War Assets Corporauoi . . Canadian askerl for Is on a small portion representing reasonable access to the n Legion bullrlinR. bftit t are fc A yes vote on these bylaws means that the voters In Prince Rut ln their ' the Veterans of Canada's Armed Services, who participated In pat 'vM an(i attempt to provide recrealional facilities and social services for t rf thpse their comrades. The CANADIAN LEGION Is asklni? for the appro' v bylaws ln order to meet fairly its obligation to the community as a w as ti make adequate provision for the future welfare of all veterans. i Hear this Interesting Talk by HON. E. T, KEIIliEY B.C. Minister of Lands and Forests CFPR : y" -I ': Si7 DliS 1949 Special Deluxe Plymouth 1700.00 1941 4-Door Plymouth 900.00 PHONE 566 Support the LEGION VOTE YE!! I RUPERT MOTORS LTD. 10:15 p.m. TONIGHT Second Avenue anil First Street I