Basketball a Prince Rupert Daily News Monday. December 11, 1950 and the New York Yankee' Vie Raschi, who won 21 and lost eight. Lemon finished 10th In the Communists Slay Innocent Priest Pioneer Woman Dies in Ottawa HOTEL ARRIVALS (Prince Rupert) W. H. DeBloqulre. Prince George; W. H. Traeger, A. Roley, Capt. Knoop, A. V. Hill and Mrs. E. Lunn, Vancouver; E. S. Coat- i earned run column with a ma-k Viio a-rn-Uct rpnnrH u'q n npT- ' t qa n.wna Dqef.hl -ac Mis i " "V-.. mwv - - --'-v VI d.UI, TV 1 , 1 . 1. A . I IV 111 H-J ... 1 I 11.10 finichorl Cft-vrtTiH t - . , - 1 lame '""'" """ wun J.. vie, nowcvrr, was lopi ' I the earned run column with a man In the won-lost percentage Sport Shots' rJjLBAh ntw JSl DUBLIN a Details of COld-hlnnripd slaving of civilians and Comeback By Co-Ops Gordon & Anderson Fade After Good Opening Start lfia:&., ivJijuuru jjvju rruri I . a LIuKS Willi ni5 mar OI .l&t. I i , tnzaoeth tiizaoeth n,.. Orat,. v-wa n of Cleveland at 3.43. In all. fori wanton destruction of property , well. Charlottetown; Mr. Barkley, ( lat late Wiif-,- Wilfrid ,v widow of the R. tl fl: jt v i' it n by Communist forces In the Kor-j Bmithers; Mr. and Mrs. Audetiton. t Arl form- former resident ...,u., of p Drat 1 - ! -?J?- pitchers in 10 or more complete I Wildest of the hurtera again American League pitcher games, there were 15 who were (was New York's Tommy Byrne, found the going unusually rough under the four-duns per game i whose total Of 160 passes, how- ean war, are related In a report and Mr. and Mrs. C. Rothe, Wat-1 Rupert. Funeral took nia,J , received here Catholic mis-L " ' m by , anA wr r,.. Ottawa. during the 1950 season, which level. i ever, was an improvement of 19 sionary officials. . , 4 , I below hU total of 1949. Alex Kell- Terrace; D. Th. rennrr frnm Vpr Rpv I --. -.wiia, mi. Co-op made strong comeback the the second second ce,tnrl period nf of Katurdav Saturday produced only two 20-game winners in the junior loop and gen High winner for the Eeaon at ! ner of Philadelphia allowed the in agJt ' Kuner,'f iand Mrs. P. Carey and children ' " r T'.vr.v r T tJ . , ,w . .vv ,1 T.-.I night's nioht S basKe.oall na&Utlsl I Olma game a and n. IrpnT keptj i 2 3 vict-Jries was Cleveland's most runs, 157, and also was beat- erally raised havoc with trie The late Mrs. Oration arrive in Prince Rupert in 19H sided here until 1939, when ,h. moved south to live In Vancou ver About six months ago ih't left the west coast to make he' Maynooth Catholic Mission In l " , ' . w-. u-ra nt tH ..minn f monton; J. J. Gorey, Toronto: A. hurler's earned run averages. Top right-handed ace Bob Lemon, en the most times, 20. in a sharp the pace from then on to win handily from Oordon It Ander- tail-off from his 1949 showin?, man in the tamed run avera-5 who annexed otner nono-s. ts;D . - i Catholic priest on a street In Brandstrom, Seattle; R. Cole, New Westminster; O. A. Gray when he was in the 20-wln circle, son by a 4 to 26 margin and re 'Jm. Chunchon. the arrest of tight tain undisputed league leader others and widespread damage anU R Bustiaii, Massct; D. Ste The pitcher who appeared in 'ship. phenson, A. B. Anderson and J. column for moundsmen in 10 or led in strikeouts. 170. pitched the 288. tied at 22 for more comple.e games as Cleve- mof. innings. land's right-hander, Early Wynn. ( most complete games pitched who captured 13 decisions and 1 wt-h Ga.ver. and faced the most lost but eight Ea-lv, enjoying his batsmen. 1.C95. Lemon also allow-best year since 1943, allowed 3.20 ed the most hits. 281. to mission property "-"auves in Ottawa i She la survived by one daughter, Mrs. J. Verwoerd, of Lone Beach, Calif.; one grandchild Sister M. Annulie, Kami' The dead priest is Father Peter Rbillard. Masset; C. G. Ruff, most games was Mickey Harrw.l Ttte Hardwaremen looked like the Washington left-handed re-(sure winners in the lirt period Vancouver. lief hurler Mickey got into 53! in which they doubled the score ! Come;' of Clogherhead Ireland contests, winning 5 and losing 9. 12 to 6. Their plays were clicking uno natt becn ln charge of a several sisters and bruth.,' earned runs per nine-inning game to top the ERA field, in f Whereas the 1949 which three flingers were below isa- five men win 20 Ottawa. and newly-created parish in Chun- The soldiers covered the bodies and and campaign! Detroit's Art Houtteman hart tHe nicely Co-op didn't seem to or more niost annoying "gopher" ball al- have any fight. In the remain- chon cltv- ! wilh a rl('e sack and lef 1 th,'m 011 in in C loop lowing 29 homers, one more i ing three periods Doc Montgom-j H,fre " the story as told by ' the street. ;he three-run mark in 1949. games in the Will Harrldg idge than the total made off Lemon !ery s bovs faded and Pn-on hp-I Father Geraghty: Later, under cover of darkness 'I the 1950 season had only two . Ned Garve? of St. Louis, though Lemon had 23 wins and 11 losses w and Keller. jcame more aggressive Wnen the Red army over-ran ' Kim escaped and made his way Sid Scherk and Ted Arnrv i Chunchon, Father Collier decld- to officials connected with the' For a third straight season, potted some beautle to put thejed to remain in hi parish. He mission. Cleveland was lops in the club . game on k for the umeia. TU-y makir.e his rounds,' accom- J Father Oornghty said the fate1 earned run average department, each scored ten points. Arnry (lanled by a native, Gabriel Kim,' of the eight other priests was I the Indian collective mark beini j getting all his on swish &hois when Communist soldiers spot- still unknown. He believed, how-; 3 75. Detroit was second best at from away out. Don MacDonald i ted them. They were arrested ever. they ere forced to march ALLACE 4.13, with the pennant-winning ; played his most effective gam-; and taken to the commander ol PHARM north with other prisoners. "If the full story of this Korean war is ever written," the re- Yanks thi-d with 4.15. Detroit'.. I of the season, coming through the occupying forces. You've tried Jhd f 1 the rest... sal Now, try the After being searched and de- staff led in complete games with seven point, and doinj pitched, with 72 while the Yan-ome good work on the refunds. prived of his personal belongings, ' Port concluded, "it will include Joe Davis had an off night, scor kee moundmen struck out the largest number, 712. Detroit hurl-ers were nicked for the most homers, 141, with most bases on balls being allowed by Boston's hill staff, 748. ,3 DC J I I including his rosary. Father Col- ' many accounts of men escaping , her was subjected to a sever,from the very Jaws of death. It grilling. Suspected of being an j 'a common to line those ibou ; American, he was ordered to give , to die along a trench or drain j a truthful account of the nature and shoot them into it. But some' of his work In Korea. j saved their lives by falling Into , The priest replied that he waa'the pit as the shots were flad an Irishman, solely occupied in and waiting there among the. the spread of the Catholic faith. 1 dead." i But the Communist officer 't not satisfied. 1 P H O N E 7 9 HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9 a.m. b SUNDAYS: 12 Noon h 7 p.m. to M I MAM mm DRY GIN It's made fy i . Bit ing only one point on a foul throw. Don Scherk fattened his sea.son scoring total by 9 poinu with three field baskets and three successful foul throws. Coop scored 50 percent of their 24 foul throw chances. The Gordon Si Anderson team fell down in the shooting department, scoring only 6 of 21 free throws. Bob Gill was away oil in his shooting, getting Just two in from the key where he has a big advantage. He made the mo. from off the backboards but they just wouldn't go in. Rupert Hol-kestad and Jim Flaten worked hard for a win and, along with Smith and Ciccone, provided plenty of drive but the rest of the team just didn't have It. There was a flare-up ln th'.' final quarter when Flaten and Scherk squared off after a close check. It was all over in a moment as Referee Comad;na took control , As fa' as th's reporter is concerned the highlight of the game was Jimmy Flaten's gentlemanly SIXTH STREET AM) THIRD AYtN 'A':"'"'' sdV N vV ' Filling out an application for a job, the chap answered "no" to a question as to whether he had dependents. "Say you're married aren't you?" asked the clerk who knew him. "Oh sure," came the answer, "but my wife ain't dependable." The employer had lost his patience. "Lock here Jones," he said, meeting the incoming employee, "how is it that you are never on time any more?" The employee hung- his head. "Well boss," he finally said, "it's really your fault in a way. You've drilled us so thoroughly on never watching the clock here, that I've lost the habit of watching it at home." THE WORLD OVER FOR IIS AGE AND MELLOWNESS mMntm.mxvvmi' M.IKIHED TO RIVER He ordered the two prisoners to be tied together, hands behind their backs. They were then marched toward the river. The priest was questioned again and promised that his life would be spared if he told the truth about the military and political work he had done. When the priest repeated his previous reply, the two were ordered to tu-n their backs. A few minutes later they were felled by a burst from a sub-machine gun. Father Collier was killed, but Kim, shot through the shoulder and throat, feigned death. t ( TIO Timber Kule X 5IW5 DO YOUR SHOPPING NO xmas stocking! 1 'i vV i : & '.A " , y inirtsv H I RAM WALKERS DRY GIN XMAS CANDLES SHAVING SETS COSMETIC SETS OlilllllD AND aOTTllO IN CANADA There will be ottered fur sale at i action when he walked to the free throw line as Soherk wa.-i I readv to shoot the foul and i Mrs. K. How, school teacher at Kincolith on the Naas River, will be a passenger aboard the Cam-osun tomorrow going to Vancouver for the Christmas and New Year holiday season. DOLLS TOYS C Public Auction, at 10 m . on Tues 23rd. MM. In the of- day. January -""J - !1 I. l.J ..U 1.1. .J This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control l'.oard or by the Government of British Columbia. ,ouujik uunua wun nia auvrr.mry te of the District Purwiter. Prlnrt Of the moment before.! Rupert, BC, the Licence X61t&5. I to cut 6 075.000 fbm of MandliiK tomorrow mnt snouia orur i ,, felled Bpruce. Cedar. Hemltx-k Balsam on an area comprising the big game of the season, when and e5 of part of surveyed timber licence c CP ,(7? urriTin !tllllllllllilfcl.lllaaUMii eaoBucsa acsruuw amwaaaMraMa, BOldp. Knste- tatkn. Range 6. Coast Land District. Three years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid " Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests. Victoria, B.C., or the District Forester, Prince Rupert, BC. (H) NOTH'F, B own woods and Gordon It Anderson, each with on win over the league leaders, together in a crucial one. j INTERMEDIATE Hi-Greens, gettine all set for their Ketchikan Junket on Wed-nerdav, looked as though they were just having another practice session as they won easilv over the Merchants by an overwhelming 9 to 18 score. During the first quarter the Golds ran up a 17 to 6 lead on some soectacula? shooting bv Henrv Blackabv and Freddie Sl-mensrm who shared 12 point. " Business and Profes Classified Advertising is payable ln advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds 3c per ord per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00 SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE -. KM, MtM I Fl'NERAL NOTICE FOR SALE PERSONAL SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed 'Tender for wharf repairs at Sondsplt. BC " will be received until S 00 p.m., Thursday. December 21st. 1950. for wharf repairs at Bandsplt. BC Plans, form of contract and specification can be aeen anrti forms of tender obtained at the of.'lce of the NORTHLAND Dairv milk deliv -"Mi.lmj ij nin i) ii mini, hmuh.ui.hIW If SCOTT V: CHARTERED A James Block S P.-ince V; Phone 347 Heatnev. a!?pri 7a pr hir,uri : P.a' au x wo- B0X B4S- H'V A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. P. GARDNER, CA A. L. BELL, C A. 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 ered 24 per auart. Why pay j The Golds shooting was tops f.'l more? Phone 18 for dailv de- nieht with 40 percent of their liverv service. (M-29) tries guPCe.,ful. Bud Ratchford father of Miss Annie' Heagney ! wews- u., It uZl hiuS11 Mass will, FOR SALE-8-piece oak dining i Moi ;Slh7 $lUl?m i room suite- Phone Blue Moinsev risev at Church of the An- 610 itwp (287a) nunciation at 9 a m tcim 1 was back in the line-tip and he District Engineer. Post Office Build , . ... , I.... V v ta,.v Box 'M a0. .11 K! New lr . ..... . Westminster. REAL ESTATE niavea a nusuinsr samp in seor 10. Blackabv's sensational shoot- December 12. Interment will fol-'FOR SALE Solid oak extension j ow at Fairview Cemetery. Rev. i table. 3 leaves. $14.00. Phone FOR RAI.EHnuso QUAUT? 4 5 rooms and ing netted him 12. For the losr.. For Dow R li r Tinrti 'lan "plating. Black 396. (288p; I bath. Cah or terms C. Undertakers in charge of I Green fi2fi Phone jChristoff and Wesch we-e th2 irPi j only plavers with anv fight. The,v mi ui,.vi IllCI 1 wjiliw 1, Maiviaii I and Won MA furnished Vacant Dec. 17. FOR 8ALE- HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th F'reet Phnne 655 Bv owner 4 room- 'n"it 01 tne leam Just weren t m FOR SALE Biue 954 or Box 501. (288p) me game. Jl'NIOR shoe Hq NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMFS FOR SALE Admiral portable ed house: concrete foundation; electrified kitchen and water tank: clear, level, completely fenced lot: new electric B C . and at the Post Office at New Westminster. B.C. Vancouver. BC, Prince Rupert. B C. and Sandsplt. BC. NOTE: Upon application to the undersigned, the. Department will supply blue-prints and specification of the work on deposit of a sum of 10 00 In the form of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of tha Minuter of Public Works. The deposit will be released on the return of the blue-prints and specification within a month from the date of reception of lenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will be forfeited. . Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms aupolied Box 774 Rupert Hotel had an easy time (Pl7&BEST PROCURABLE . in tun uti r, rr 1 ranne and Duo-Therm oil! with Manson's although the heater: new inlaid linoleum -Linn-belt Soeedcr Shovels-1 A C.. D C. and battery, brand Cranes: Dntulines: Adams new. Snap at $40.00. Phone i Road Graders: Littleford Bros I Green 631. (290p i Blac Tod Read Maintenance1"" ' Euuioment: Owen Clamshell 1 FOR SALE 1935 Master Chev ! Bucicets and Rock Granules' I sedan in eood shape, radio.l 1 h Smith Concrete Ml xers; , heater, fog-lishts. Can be j Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson i seen at Superior Auto. i288p) Bur.ket 'oades for Stockpile!" 1 and Snow Removal: Rice Port-! FOR SALE Used doors. 2'6" X Buy the furniture optional. Immediate occupancy. Phone Blue 697 288p) jewellers were able to hold even with them in the first and third periods. Mackay was top man for the winners scoring 14. Mac-Farlane scored 6 ln the first two periods before getting banned This snvenitoticiic Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. . ELECTS WANTED COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agenta for the finest W Musical Instrument PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th Bt. Ph. Black 38J aDie CentrifuBal Pumos: Na- 6'G". Call 629 5th West. Phone by th Department and In accordance a'l aa" '. Uonal Dra-dlne Scraoers and Cleaner Small suppU1 543. i after a very robust check. Expert-j with condition set forth therein (tf Each tender must be acnxniianled B. W.CC : ' WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap Iron steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc i Honest eradlrr. Promm pav-! ment made. Atlas Iron Si LOST Gasoline Hoists: National I " Portable Sawmills; National ! Rotarv Screens and Conveyors I ence and drive gives Rupert Hotel the edge in the Junior division. The Manson entry was able to get control of the ball Just a Auttwriw by a certified cheque on a chartered bank In Canada, payable to the order of the Honourable' the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of f.un imormaiion irom Na- jvieiais Liu., zou rrior ist.. Van tional Machincrv Co Limited LOST One 9-foot Lite-Kraft, j Vancouver. B.C. (tf) I painted blue, outside Skeena ; PHONE B.C. Phone Pacific ! en a thelr opponents, but couver. WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING See our Kodak Camer Line-up. Flash attachments for all Cameras. Kodacolor and Kodachrome Film. Developing, Printing 030 V. (tf) mntart K ... .'Canada or of the Canadian National , ... .. , . .. to do with it when they did get it. Ralu.a Compatiy ,nd ,u consutu' SERVICE M They have some big, but very in niver entrance. Reward Con- I .303 BRITISH calibre Reining-1 tact Vic Grant, telephone! ton, Savage and Winchester! Black 829. Grant and Newton ' P-14 bold action G-shot bport-' Ltd- Prince Rupert, B.C. I lna rifles with 26" barrel. Ex-1 (288p) ' cellent condition includina?! : .. -! ent companies, unconditionally guar FOR RENT RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS U AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 experienced players, who, one of these days will respond to the anteed as to the principal and Interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a nicely finished walnut stocks7 J-V&i aiacK leather wallet con FOR RENT Sleeping room gentleman only. Apply 615 8th West. (293p) certified cheque If required to make taining sum of monev Re. select quality, proof-tested. up an oua amount. ward. Leave at Daily News of-fice or phone 755. (288p) S20 - 3rd Ave. W. MARGMtf Price only $27.50. If not satisfied, return rifle at our ex- nnnn- T .. ..11 F . . . 1 T 'ROOM FOR RENT Gentleman By order. K. W. Morton. District Engineer. OPTOMA aiate" deiiverv: win send COD. , between Wallace's I VTl-Z heated Dept. Store close to town. Box 844 Department of Public Works, write ior catalogue. Canada's Mail Order House. Box new Westminster, B.C. 852, (tf) R. STONB Ottawa. Ont. i ana ormes Drugs, in taxi, on "any News. (tfj at Seventh and McBride 8t.,j ladv s black handbag, contain- i srrnTwjVTe ine sum of monev keys and ftt-utwiajiis personal Papers. Finder may! keep money returning other j PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income articles to Wallace's Depart-' Tax specialist S 6 Turk ment Store. (289p) , Stone Building. Red 593 ... I .2nml coaching they are receiving, and then this team will definitely be heard from. Individual scoring: Junior Manson's Anderson 4, An-trobus, Davidson 5, Webber, Ped-ersen, MacKenzie, Quast, Scherk 5, Barnes, Feness. Total 14. Rupert Hotel McFarlane 8. Mcintosh, Smith 2, Parnell 2 Sankey 2, McKay 14, Helin, Donaldson, Lelghton. Total 23. Referees Forward and Spring. Intermediate High School Gold McChesney 7, Ratchford 10, Tait I, Sedge-wick, Kristmanson 7, Slmonson FOR SALE aew chesterfield! beds: beds comDlete: unaint-; ed chest of drawers; sewing machine; kitchen stoves: heaters; hardware; coffee tables, end tables; bedroom suites;, brand new carpets. Axminster. Moving, Packing, Crating-Shipping anal General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen, Acetylene and ull welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 Bed 894 P.O. Box 1670 FOUND FOrTwH7n BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS H. rt sizes 2' x 4'2'; scores of other useful furniture at lowest prices. See B.C. Furniture. Black 324. (tl) may have same bv calling at ' PLUMBING and HEATING R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ne uauv news ana paying for t olra' metai worx. iar ana this advertisement. (tf) 1 eravel roofing. Call 629 6th west, rnone on. Letourneau Cor. 2nd Est. 1910 and Park Avenues P hoties 60 and 6 FOR SALE Coal and wood heater. Wartime house front and Sons. (tf) PERSONAL room style. Phone Blue 165. r 811 . ' 1 WILL the person who took light t7-t- fiT n mm r n foum .. .. a.i jivii phone P,ie onil 330 Sen pickup. Priced for auick sale. Hall. Dec. 10, contact Louis Knutsen. 70. (293c) pup' MODERN Painting and Decorating Soence 'and Matuik. Phone Black 215. evenings or noon hour. P.O. Box HU. (tf) COMPLETE builders' supplies, fast service. Lsland City Bulld-ine Supplies. Blue 820. (18m) Call 701 5th West. (289p) SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 2" FOR SALE .77 Grey marine en Letourneau, Nickerson. Morrison, Young 4, Blackabv 12. Total 49. Merchants Wesch 6, Place, Jordan 2, Christoff 4, J. Parnell, Dumas. E. Parnell 6. Total 18. Referees Carlson & Caderonl. Senior Co-op Hokestad 1, MacDonald 7. S. Scherk 10, Arney 10. Webster 6, D. Scherk 9, Davis 1, Bevnon 2. Total 46 Gordon Si Anderson Ciccone 3, Dumas 4, Marshall 2, Holke-ptal 9, Gill 4, Currie 1, Flaten 9, Smith 3, Matthews 1. Total 30. Referees Comadina Si O TAILORING for Ladies ond Gentlemen LIIIG, the TAILOR 220 Sixth St Phone 849 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue REPAIRS eine. 2-1 reduction, like new. i Marine Oeneral Repairs, First Ave. (291p) , FOR SALE Firewood kindling' 50c per sack. Get your winter ARE YOU hard of hearing? Then hear ve! Hear ve! With the almost invisible Vibraphone, no troublesome batteries, cords or wires. Only $15.00 Phone Blue 414 between 6 and 8 p.m., or write Box 1541, Prince Rupert. B.C. (300p) WATCH REPAIRS-Prompt efficient service George Cook. Jeweller. Satisfaction supply at a bis saving. Kaien Transfer. Red 9t;2. (7p) Mr. and Mrs. William LeaJ and Mis. V. Leask of Metlakatla are sailing this afternoon on the Princess Louise for a visit Vancouver. - CASH for scrap cast brass, copper batteries and radiators. Phnria .A1 tali tv. xr FOR SALE Monarch coal range and babv buggy. Phone Green 958, (288p) OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Stove service and repairs. O. D. Ronson. Black 503. (tf). m. ,,w.C VII bKIl VtmU Willi .,L city. (tx,