Prince Rupert Dally News Monday, December 11, 1950 Come In Light up and Christmas! Y YOll Will n ,7 flnl .... what. vn at thrvAP?-1"" WT4 r'l and SEE OUR GRAND SELECTION OF XMAS : P 0,wli UI, at 9;3o. , (288cJ Mrs. L. Grlmble and family' . returned to the city on the Cam-', e condltion William Mc-osun yesterday afternoon from u' caretaker at tne Post office, a trip to Vancouver """'.who .was admitted to the Gen- I eral Hospital weeks ago, contin- Frozen DiDES? Phnno oaeei Metal, Black 884. (tf) Mrs. H. D. Thain tJ.Ttr Regular Moose Greeting Cards Priced from 25 for $1 up 5 the citv on the r,m rt .1 . day afternoon from a brief trip to Vancouver. AvW disappointment order your Christmas flowers NOW Balagno .Florists. (293c I Owney McFadden. well known Stewart transportation man, will be a passenger aboard the Cam- osun tomorrow morning heading to Vancouver for the Christmas season . NEEDS, PHONE 116or117 McCAFFERY LTD. I -U 7V Gcory M.tthtw AtLira Sr n uf, Iflt "Oh, I beg your pardon!" Gift Stationery too! fa We have just received a shipment of ENGLISH GENUINE LEATHER WALLETS (which we will gold initial free of charge) SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS Looking On Life With New View' After Loss of Half Life Savings There was a spark in 19-vear-oM Alpssanrl themselves thoroughly, and gave the audience" much enjoyment. All the guides in this company took part and were under tho leadership of Capt. Basil Prock-ter. The play was directed by iMrs. N. E. Arnold. The Second Prince Rupert Italy for the new world, 37!jKBhteT vWUng wlth . their Fine Concert By Guides -Brownies Large Audience Delighted At Catholic Hall I The Guides and Brownies held their Christmas concert in the Cathedral Hall on Friday evening and the various items showed a fine array of talent. The program consisted cf dis-j. Phone 234 3rd Street You will be pleased with our Besner Block Give General . Electric Products! G.E. Toasters, from $9.95 to $14.50 G.E. Radios $19.95 G.F. Kettles $14.50 $4.95 to $6.95 C. POWER CO. STEWART, B.C. plays by. the Brownies of the!much ineeniiit.v ' The sinn' iwsmm various phases of their work and Ideals, and plays by the Guides. Between each event, while changes were being made behind the curtains, the Guides, under the leadership of Capt. Elizabeth Holmes, sang Christmas Carols, in which they were joined by the audience. Leonard Sykes was the accompanist. The program opened with a beautiful tableau of the Christ- G.E. Washer and pump $159.50 G.E. 9'2 ft. Refrigerator $429.00 ....v.Bci,uy x,ik imiux-rmee.The act ooened in complete Royal Vacuum Cleaners $80.55 Table Lamps Trilite Lamps .... $15.95 up Megetto's eye as he left years ago. Today, as Mr. Megetto a wheelbarrow of rocks as looks straight out on life Tills land of promise he found to be as human as any other counlry. Only here where the J laws are called democratic, he j found that there is one other thing to stand in the way of his freedom human nature. ' ; It was human nature that ; grabbed his neck, flinging him on his back, robbing him of $2400 'in Prince Itupert Wednesday j night. I It was the robber's fear that ! made him grasp only the one ; wad of money from the pocket oi nis mend while he pinned; Megetto to the ground With his , knee. In the robber's haste to I escape Into the unlighted street, he overlooked the rest of Me-: lotto's savin?- $3000, wrapped ! !n a handkerchief in another! r,0 'kt't- i Dazed, Mr. Megetto picked! himself up from the wooden sidewalk- he was kitty corner to ! the King George Hotel where he his roomed for years. He knew the manager of the hotel would help him out. Teodor Prystay, the hotel owner, refers to Mr. Mej?et!o as a "gojd. sober roomer", paying rent regularly the night befoie the first of each month." liut. with half of his life's savings gone, Megetto wasn't sura wruch wav to'turn. IllFKIENDKI) POLICE Finally, one hour and a half later, he vLslted t.he Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the city'ijolice station. There he explained in broken English how an acquaintance of his and himself had bad a friendly beer , three glasses were all Mr. Me-i getto would drink. Then they walked home until they came to part at Eighth Street and Second Avenue where ' Mr. Megetto stayed in a basement room of the King George Hotel. About to say goodnight, Mr. mm V 210 NORTHERN B. PRINCE RUPERT PHONE CERTIFIED ffiy$tsi-piwe in"' .7 w D"ns j wory . 7 meeting "lonaay, JLecemDer 11 at 8 p.m. social for members and escort fl meeting, Tuesdby, Sfr- n..mK - (289c) Sid Gonlck, local optometrist, will be a passenger leaving this inursaay night for Vancouver enroute to Los Angeles where he win visit for a month at. hi home, NOTICE Genuine Dry Lute-fish and Alaska Fat Herring for the Christmas season. Order yours now at Rupert Butchers. Phone 21. 707 3rd Ave. (293c) Mr. and Mrs. Allan Macdonald are sailing this Thursday night! on the Prince George for Van- couver enroute to Princeton where they will spend the cnristmas and New Year holl i a There are only 11 more shopping days till Christmas. GET YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS NOW. We still have a fine section at the VARIETY STORE. (tf) The father of Leslie Parks, who returned this month from a visit to wigiand, died there last October. Mr. Parks, sr., was no stranger to Northern B. C, having spent some time in Terrace. Lucky door prize tickets unclaimed at the Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club dance Friday night were 495, 397, 412, 493 and 418. Prizes may be obtained from B. J. Bacon. (ltc) Executive of the Prince Ru pert Gyro Club was in session at luncheon today preparatory to the monthly business meeting which will be held Wednesday evening at the Prince Rupert Club. There will also be the usual weekly luncheon on Wed nesday. A special shipment of Royal Albert cups and saucers, black outside with American Beauty roses Inside, $3.50 each. Bulger's. .... (ltc) The power failure and proximity of Christmas were blamed by H. T. Lock today for the poor response to Rotary's Invitation M), iorm a mixea cnorus. only three turned up at the meeting Friday night. Project was post- poned by decision of those pres- ent until the first Friday in January. j m. the . . i I l Keep youngsters nappy! i STORE. We have a complete stock of TOYS at prices that will suit your pocketbook. (tf) Dale L. Pitt, managing direc- tor of Silbak-Premier mine, will be a passenger aboard the Cam- osun tomorrow t going through from Premier to Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New year noiiday , season in the south. I I Dr. John A. Macdonald returned to the city on the Camo-sun yesterday afternoon from Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, where he went to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Emily C. Macdonald, pioneer missionary woman of the north coast and widow of the late Dr. D. J. Macdonald of Kincolith. Mrs. Macdonald passed away suddenly at Nanaimo. ANNOUNCEMENTS December 15 Canadian Legion formal pre-Christmas ball.! 1 Job's Daughters Variety Musi-' cal Show. Civic Centre, Monday, Dec. 18. Canadian Legion card party, December 18. December 20 Canadian Le- gion Brlng-ur-Missus Nite. S. O. N. Chrlstma- tree and dance. Dec. 27 Junior Chamber of Commerce Christmas cabaret party, Des 23. Presbyterian Burns Banquet, Friday, Jan. 26. ' SATIN - 6L0 Semi Gloss & High Gloss. In many beautiful tints for interior decorating. QUICK DR ING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD 1 ' C; H t ALL BUILDERS' I JT & wicker, INNING 1LDING I PAIRING 363 HELL jlSRIE 1 1 id Contractors i ATlrlG to ATERS .meal S Burners ' in heating pitwern & Elkins I:ted and Heating 1 P.O. Box 271 6 . Sbt&JW J CfOWl .... F" --.- mW9jWt r"i ssTH - -- 1 I I iFl? ?lic unAci the leadership and direction of Mrs. Macri, acted out a play written by themselves. The action of the play took part in a hall,' which they were decorating for was very sweet. I The Third Prince Rupert Guide Company (Conrad Street) end-' ed the program on a real Christmas note. Under the able lead-' ership of Capt. Elizabeth Holmes, this company gave a clever ren-l uiniug ui a ociic iiuiu un.Ken 6 i unnstmas Carol," the scene in i which the Spirit of Christmas ': present takes Scrooge to the nome of Bob Cratchit, his clerk. darkness for the entrance of the Ghost and Scrooge, and the scene around the Cratchit Christmas table was played very cleverly in dumb show by the 03 Kt. "-ho were appropriately costumed. The concert was under the general convenorship of Commissioner Honora Silversides. who welcomed the audience and introduced the leaders. The hall was packed to the doors and the whole program was highly appreciated. Enjoy the excellent appointments, the delicious food, and the courteous service. PRINCE RUPERT SAILINGS SOUTHBOUND Wednesday, Dec. 20 Saturday, Jan. 6 Wednesday, Jan. 24 For information and reservations contact II. II. Davies, General Agent 3rd Ave. West f S? V i f V , V i 1 9 t y ! v ! George i rw,.fc. i iti i.rtti y- -fv i lifts his shovel or dumps easily as a youth, he still but from a new angle. Megetto was asked by his friend to walk west along Second Avenue. Before Megetto could reply, he was forced to his knees. Today, Mr. Megetto Is back at work with Mitchell & Currle, by whom he has been employed as a laborer for 20 years. "Mr. Megetto is a fine, man and reliable worker," said John Currie about his employee. Coming to Canada in 1913, Mr. Meeetto was ready to work hard and be thrifty. In this free rountrv hp hart the choice to work at what he liked and save his money as he wanted. It was his privilege to save his money without the help of institutions. That was his wish. That was his freedom. And that he did. Local police are keeping a close watch and have notuied other districts to be on the alert for the missing robber. The rest of Mr. Megetto's money is now in the bank. iV l l. Amas rervaaes Bazaar Scene I'nited Church Ladies Score Financial and Social Success Colorful Christmas decorations and tables laden with an abundance of useful and attractive articles featured the annual bazaar Thursday afternoon of the Women's Auxiliary of First United Church. Attendance was large and the aflair was a great success In every way. Mrs. L. G. b.ejer, wife of the pastor, and Mrs. J. P. MacDon-ald, president of the Women's Auxiliary, received the many guests. In charge of the attractively arranged tea tables were Mrs. Owen Green, convener; Mrs. G. W. Graham, Mrs. George Cic-cone, Mrs. C. H. Berg, Mrs. J. Kicharflson and Mrs. H. Hardy. Cashiers were Mrs. J. S. Irvine and Mrs. E. Llewellyn. Mrs. D. R. Barclay was kitchen convener, assisted by Mis R. Webber, Mrs. E. D. Anderson and Mrs. Makl. Mrs. P. Logan, Mrs, J. Barclay and Mrs. G. E. M. McClintock looked after the preparing of sandwiches. Plain sewing and fancywork Mrs. D. Santerbane, convener; Mrs. J. Knutson, Mrs. A. J. Dominate, Mrs. R. Skinner, Mrs. P. Logan, Mrs. C. Young. Home cooking Mrs. A. IhOmpson, convener; Mrs. J. Beckett, Mr3. R. " Pollock, Mrs. A. Bussanizh. In charge of the Explorers' group tish pond was Mrs. R. L. Morris, assisted by Mrs. George Freeman. Decorating committee consisted of Mrs. W. Dunn, assisted by Mrs. William Doumont, Miss Barbara Doumont, Paul Doumont and C.G.I.T. girls. Greek Couple Wed Quietly A quiet ceremony at First Unit ed Church manse Friday night united in marriage Miss Sama-tea Dimogeronta and Gus Genls. Rev. L. G. Sieber officiated. The bride was attended by Mrs Christy. Mrs. Genis arrived In this country from Greece about three weeks ago. The couple will make their home in Prince Rupert. George Mostad, from Prince Rupert, is included among the reservations confirmed at Sun Valley, Idaho Mr. Mostad will spend Ch.l-tmas week there. BOB PARKER'S 271 SPECIAL. FOR i.uin uiuwiuc riitu gallium-!. The manger, with Mary and Joseph, surrounded by beautiful little angels, with go'd and silver fanfare horns singing carols softly and sweetly, set the right note for the whole evening and the tableau was highly applauded by the audience. The Brown ies were under the leadership of Miss Frances Murphy.. The Second Prince Rupert Brownie Pack (Conrad Street) in "The Spirit of Christmas That Lives Throupli the Year" displayed in dramatic form the ideals of the Brownies of help fulness, friendliness and unsel- fuhnpss KnOi Bm "sw acted out a little scene which brought the B rownie law "A Brownie gives in to the older , folk, a Brownie does not give in ' t0 nerself'. This c,cver aot was under the direction of Brown . , l Owl Sykes and Tawny Owl Kurd- zll. T he First F r 1 n c e Rupert Brownie Pack (Cathedral) gave r. sniritod dance game "Six. in a Boat," in which all members of this large and lively Pack took part. Acting Brown Owl Mrs. W. s. Kergin and Acting Tawny Owl Mrs. Ardagh were in charge. i The First Prince Rupert Guide i Company ( Cathedral I showed a great deal of dramatic talent, in a play entitled "Not on the Menu." It was an ambitious project for such young actresses but they showed a lively interpretation of their roles, enjoyed ((mm Prepare For WINTER! 0 Check your Furancc and Chimney Now! 9 We have the most modern vacuum equipment for cleaning furnaces and chimneys. PHONE 834 :lhriU!'"fc hA SHEET METAL LTD. CHECK YOUR FURNACE w 1950 CIIEV. FOUR-DOOR Showroom condition. Only mm, - h rrs y TW l m. MX Ilk "1 PHONE 93 THE WEEK-END $2250 BUYS $1235.00 895.00 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY for YOUR Xmas shopping Time ! ! your cheques here THEATRE) SAFE '47 FOliD 4-Donr '40 FORD 5-Passenger Ml TRUCK BUYS 1 '41 SEDAN DELIVERY. Snap at 425.00 Open H M A A A i A i A A s Nights Save Cash A A A A A A A A i $ A Cook Jeweller . . . EST (A FEW DOORS FROM TH E CAPITOL 1 :tihfefc&fcA2i3. - TYgSPFOR X'mas Shopping! VAK t