1;-. amended ft ke PTA toy Body Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, December 11, 1950 . The drive Tor members is s-mu rgresingwiy Terrace Drama Group Formed ... TERRACE The PluW. r-J-. MANY ASCEND SKI MOUNTAIN Prince Rupert is full of people who have not ascended the mountain overlooking the town-site of Prince Rupert but several were enjoying strolls over the Climmlf Cimno rr1 . 1 I Blackwood On Bridge By Eostey Blackwood RACE Whether or not to Isabel McCrimmon Minneapolis Bride Junior Citizens In Competition i m nooinson urn pro- accenturi t ..,..u .. .. was was the purchase or a for use in the elements;, to the KtXZZ1. Drama Group met at the home After several harjcU in a game with three players i tliis years project 01 me on ihelp -- ue .p,!t The wedding of Isabel Forsyth McCrimmon, daughter of J. D. Local businesses and institutions which will be host to pupils ' "ui una Mrs. Oeorse firnnt nn , bv the stalvmov hnilt rfupinT tv.. i Wnnm hp hod tint Irnnum V.f v. nl u. .1.1 and the late Mrs. McCrimmon of Booth Memorial High School I "- """" "- - "" ""v nuunii UC1U1C, mi. uam. me OKI inursday evening last and t new war" rhe , scope and beauty of maetpi- haA tkn naM ftf n i the - Other contestants slate -of officers was elected.' the vlew came as a surprise For mastf pretty well Sized oould be seen in the dark In-nicUons would be sent with it to the parents. The remaining t-Teacher Association was hly discussed at Thurs-jl'g monthly meeting. ith the government pay- Plan.5 wvr morfo v. .December, .ueeember, weather weather was was of Prince Rupert, to James Charles Neurman took place Saturday in a Methodist church - good, up. Two of them were rather muddle-headed and l'ffi.Ulf'SSw'SS, hal death of the third. '"J; production in Febniarv ty percent of the total children four years and 7nH I at Minneapolis. others in the course of rehearsal, the mountain top as as felt leu Dy Dy some some 01 01 the trie Arrangements for th fn.T V U that the project wm the bag! l?. l he third player, Mr, Sharpe, had an exalted in connection with Junior Citizens' Day tomorrow will be asked to present written comments on the proceedings of the day is they experience them. This will aid the Junior Chamber of Commerce, which is sponsoring the day, in entering a national com-oetitlon in connection with Junior Citizens' Day observaes. Born and educated here, the former Miss McCrimmon worked for snrnp time with the Northern r.hHc(m. -n- " """my rat for an organization opinion oi nimseir and was given! a. u. Lang WW be the director ' of these productions and OHvr Terroc Centre -.....,.a Jlee were made a to browbeating his partner and had Of tho A.. put In several brilliantly ;B c. Pnwer rnmmnv War As- jenny unaeriaKlng Baxter stage manage,-. It was decided to hold another meetina soclation and the members w.'ll successful psychic bids, but his set8 Corporation and the Do-luck ran out on this one. minion Department of Transport His first bid of a club was, at Digby Island. She moved to next Thursday evening at. th Director Quits As there as not a large enough turn-out of Directors of the Civic Centre to hold a meeting last week, one has been called for this evening and plans will be " me uivie Centre nipht f-r this onroose The P.T.A. and teachers' to- teas maae 10 avert a cluD opening Minneapolis about three years lead. His Jump rebid of two ago and had been engaged there ! Want Ads- Sure Results! I membership does not I fifty. It was finally de-fthat the school board jbe asked what they could fute towards the project the matter rested for fi.e r -being. jnieeung was held in th iUnlon Hall and was prefer by Mrs Dudley G. Lit-f. Scutt acted as secretary, jmmlttee reports included !a successful social evening ;fcw weeks ago and Mrs. C. Dale himself had taken some of this abuse and was aching for revenge. North dealer. Both sides vulnerable. North (Mr. Phrw) 8 A 10 H A K a ' D A K Q 10 8 3 C4t T V"t tart rMr. Dalr same place. The new slate of officers include: President Roy Wilson. Vice-President Mrs. O. Grant Secretary Mrs. R. Dubeau Treasurer Mrs. 6. G. Lang made for the New Year's Eve Cabaret. Nick Schmeling hav-l as secretary for a labor organi- j zation. Further details of the wedding have not yet been received here. . wm e continued in the New Year with only one room at a time entertaining. This was proving a popular method of furthe-ing the aims of the Association in fostering good will and co-operation between th Prince Rupert Florists Flowers for All Occasions 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Want Ads, Sure Results! hed by the teachers and the par- S i 9 racers ana the Parents A school operetta is being plan- 1 1" "n. ne'P make the em 87 ilSl H 0 8 D 6 4 a C 6 Rnutli H Q 7 5 t) 6 C A K 3 I i 2 spades was also psychic and again for the purpose of averting to lead, plus finding out if his partner could furnish support in that suit. When all thi3 hocus-pocus was accomplished, Mr. Sharpe made the bid he had In mind all the time six no trump. Of course Mr. Dale opened a club, but note that if any other suit Is opened six no trump cua be made. Mr. Sharpe would win six diamond tricks, two hearts and four spades. But why talk about that? Mr. ing resigned as director of the Centre, whether to replace him or not will also be decided at this meeting. Rain Follows Terroce Snow TFRACK-Following th blizzard and heavy snow during: the week rain fell Friday and Saturday taking away a lot of the snow but leaving the streets full of slush with deep pools of water m l It was decided to present past SSI prr-siHpnt nins to FINE PRINTING AT. i Ci j i i f.rrr. t . i egall Printers Presidents of the Associotion Mrs. F. Frank. Mrs. C. R New-houser, Mrs. VanStolk and Mr? Alice Campbell. At the close of the business session, quiz games were enioved and the merino 8 K git H J in H 2 D 3 7 C 10 B The bidding: North KitKt HiHitk 1 C Pass 1 H 2 8 , Pass 3 8 6 NT Dbl. All Dan I A AH PHONE 21 H'mt Pass Pass 222 SECOND AVE. u maKing all traffic very hazard i : Dale took the first six tricks J1""'" wan reire.shments i - . Previous hands Mr; Sharpe Uvith his club suit for down five, ; , . This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Governmtnt 4 British Columbia. 1400 points. The old boy pretended to be confused. He fingered the long line of juicy undertricks that almost spilled over the edge of the table. "Let's see, now," he said Irritatingly, "I uh believe we did set you, did we not. Mr. CAFE We Specialize In Sharpe?" "It was down five," snapped Mr. Sharpe. "How much Is down five?" Mr. Dale asked. "I don't think DISHES I ever . . ." j "It's 1400,"' said Mr. Dale's I partner eagerly. And this time CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 OPEN FROM 7: JO P.M. to 3:30 A.M. Mr. Sharpe was silent. One thing these fellows can't Stand, thought Mr. Dale, Is to be made to look foolish. Now we can play in comparative quiet. But he was wrong. When the rubber was over, Mr. Sharpe suddenly remembered an Important engagement he simply had to keep and that ended the game. So Beautiful ... j Pyrenees Crash Kills 6 Persons and with 27 Fine Features" The New ... McCLARY "27" Washing. Machine See it, and you will say: "It's the washer that has EVERYTHING!" PERPIGNAN, France O) - ) I if) 7fT DC-3 plane on Friday crashed V o into Mount Oullat on the Span- j lsh side of the eastern Pyrenees! Mountains, killing at least six' -person..Thre others, werej In jured. The plane was enroute from Perpignan to Casablanca. 0 J McBride Street. Phone 311 Nurses' Blood Pressure Soars FORT LEWIS, Washington. Just about the reddest face in Fort Lewis recently belonged to Red Cross nurse Pat Johnson of Portland, Ore. Nurse Johnson, a member of a Red Cross team taking blood donations from 600 Canadian special force soldiers at the if Sunbeam Appliances ir Heoting Pads Waffle Irons camp, paused after checking a soldier's blood pressure to ask: "Have you been to see your 'j it Irons it Toasters -fc Kettles Silex Electric Coffee Makers Records and Players medical officer lately?" The soldier, with his tunic and all evidences of rank rpmnvcrl. 'shook his head. i s.i iin zw it RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC "Not recently." he said. "Well, you should,' said Nurse Johnson. "Your blood pressure Is a little high. Now I am going to prick your finger tip slightly with this little knife. It won't i Keeping milk pure begins in the dairy barns. Many parts of milking machines, cream separators and other equipment are made of Nickel alloys for cleanliness and resistance to corrosion. fa hurt. We just want a small sample of your blood for checking." The blood donor, Lt. Col. B. L. P. Brosseau, M.C., a prominent Montreal doctor and officer commanding the 25th Canadian Army Field Armbulance, r no longer . suppress a could grin. on your next Then he told her who he was. "Oh," said Nurse John. "Oh, oh," as her blood pressure rose. CHARTER FLIGHT The pipes through which milk is pumped from one place to another in the modern dairy are made of Inconel, an alloy containing a high percentage of Nickel. Forty-three years of research have uncovered hundreds of uses for Nickel in the United States and other countries. Now Nickel exports bring in millions of U.S. dollars yearly. These dollars help pay the- wages of the 14,000 Nickel employees in Canada and also help pay Canadian railway-men, lumbermen, iron and steel workers and other men and women making supplies foi the Nickel mines, smelters and refineries. ft) MM EVERY LIFE c CHARTER FLIGHT PLANES available for O Aerial Surveys O Aerial Photography O Private Charter O Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS For RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. Milk storage tanks like these are shin ing, spotless, hygienic inside and out because they're made of Chromium? Nickel Stainless Steel.. Jmf "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe "I'hr KamtiHr if full, rme. tat! hr ww I in trfhru m 40fmr tmntHi4. E INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, 25 KING STREET WEST, TQRONTO v nr . . 6 j Kiiias & Christopher eidg. mm h.' " if air r pa tnvtw nn i