.--v i--,.7 i , Prinrc Rupert Dailp fictos Tt.p-'cl;iy, March 1, 1949 I "l-MeV'' 'm 1 -1 . An independent dull? nt-tfspaper uTotl Ut the upbuilding of Prince Rupert od ill rvimrm unites r,-impfng nnnnern and centrai British Common (Authorized u Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published everr afternoon except Sunday bT Prince Rupert Dally New Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rnper't. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. MsnaplnR Editor. H. Q. PERRT. Managing Director. MEMHKK OP CANADIAN PRESS - AHDrT BURFAH OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 'Customs Revenue $31,000 In February Customs ami excise revenues collected r.t the port of Prince iFaipert during February total ed $'51,95 1.62, .1 s;i;-ht increase over : January collections, but some- v.hnt less than February, 1943 , Total collections so far this I year are $00,492, as compared I with $85,556 for the same period of 1948 SUBSCRIPTION RATES ty Carrier. Per week. 20c: Per Month. ?5c: Per Tear. MOO. 'SF4K.' By Mall. Pf-r Month. 50c: Per Year, 15. ou I NEW LEASE ON LIFE KELOWNA r.The old stern-wheel steamer Simamoas, offered to the city as a relic of historic interest, may become, an excursion vessel. A group of veterans here is prepared to pay $1,000 to take over the old Okanagan Lake steamer. iWOULD CONTROL PHOTOGRAPHERS Some method of asserting ! greater control over transient professional photographers who visit the city periodically will be sought by city council at request of the established professional photographer s in i Prince Rupert. The aldermen last night agreed that some hiethod of control should be imposed both for the protection of the public and the regular photographic business license holders, but were unable to provhle a solution satisfactory to the Municipal Act which controls business ' licensing. : The city's professional photographers asked that they receive some protection "from intermittent raids by out-of-town photographers who are allowed to do business merely by the purchase of a trade license. ! Alderman George Rudderham piloted the discussion in support of the suggestion, declaring that "there are too many of these gyppo photographers coming around.'' "I am in favor of protective : legislation for established bus-' ..J.i..i-.- ii in iimtr ii- " 4A.tM is. ,jstn.mmm J.wi. MUmfii hihi n i m W1 , Australia has 2.4 people to the square mile. This compares with 44.2 to the square mile In the United States, 50M.2 in the United Kingdom. VICTIMS IN WAKE OF WESTERN BLIZZARDS Like the aftermath of a battle, the bodies of 150 cattle dot the frozen surface of this lake near Ashby, Neb. The entire herd, property of the Thurston ranch, wandered Into the lake during a blizzard. Unable to escape or eVen to stand ,they fell and perished one by one. Then the driving snow dressed, each carcass with a blanket of white. The blizzards that have been ravaging the entire western states have made frozen livestock a familiar .tragic part of the cattle country scene. AIR PASSENGERS Cfi I What City C Did ounci CITY RECEIVES SCHOOL BUDGET The city's share of the Prince Rupert school district's 1949 budget, a matter of $125,925.32, was referred last night to the finance committee for consideration for estimates after It i had been placed before the council. The amount was the largest that the city has ever To Vancouver J. S. Lindsay, C. ryerhmtse, M. Magnuson. W. S'l'mund, George Howe, A. F. McClay. To SandspitF. B. Woods-Johnson, C. Stever.on, W. Walsh, M. Sindia, L. Bucholtz. From Vancouver -Dr. W. D. Sharpe, W. K. Thompson. J. T. Bfckt, A. F. McClay, G. Aspincc. R. E. Blake, F. R. Akhurst, J. S. Wibon, G. L. Rorie, Dr. L. W. Herein. through savings in fjtmntity purchases of asphalt, its value will be made up in less than a year. Mayor Arnold named Alder REAL Ea Authored the purchase of miscellaneous tools and equipment from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation for $175. Approved a utilities committee recommendation that five new special telephone operators' chairs be purchased at an approximate cost of $50 each. INSURJ Where Scandinavia? " jNOWING our good friends, the Scandinavians, " l a we do, and Prince Rupert's population con-sists of a substantial percentage of them, we can say with full assurance where their sympathy and -pf'ntiment lies as between east and west. So it is no ' surprise to read a dispatch which suggests that all 1'of them may be in the North Atlantic Security al- 1 liance within six months. Norway has already decided to come in, the governing party of Denmark favors joining up and only Sweden's difficult position preents her from at once following the preponderance of her leaning. ; Sweden, to the northwest of Russia, is in a gen-' graphical situation much the same as some of the southeastern European nations which perforce, and -doubtless unwillingly, had to succumb to the Soviet pressure. A great difference between the Scandinavian nations and the Danubian and Balkan states is, of course, that the former have a strong wall at their back in the solid west. Less stable and remote is the situation for the southeastern nations, the possibilities of whom for support from the democratic nations is much less facile and who have been much easier victims to the Soviet fnfiliration and then political subjection by mere weight of force. The choice for the Scandinavian nations is not only the obvious one but it is easier of execution and support. ' SCIENCE 'SUCCEEDS' A HEADLINE in a Daily News of March 1924, a quarter of a century ago, reminds us of how times change in a relatively short space of time. The headline heralds how the plan was to broadcast the speech of the then King from the ...opening of the forthcoming British Empire Exhibition. It told how plans were being made to . transmit the King's words by long distance tele-" phone through wire and cable for relay under methods and expedients which would all seem so " crude these days. Back in 1924 was the year when two round-the-pvorld flights were to be attempted by short hop tages, Prince Rupert being on the route of both. i)ne was partially successful after taking most of inesses in that regard," he said. "I would like to see prohibition of that type of traffic. I think there should be a $50 business license for the protection of the citizens and the professional photographers of the city." Alderman W. F. Stone said that he would like to see such transient business post a bond guaranteeing good "faith. "We are here to protect trie public," he declared. The matter was tabled until the city's position regarding the controlling of such ' types of business is determined. man H. S. Whalen chairman of had to set aside for school pur-a resolutions committee to poses. Total budget, including draw up resolutions for consid- ine rural' district's share, and Is sllghvV eration of the Central B.C. Municipal Association. Other government grants more than $200,000 R. R. MOli 324 2nd Ave. members on the committee ire Approved the appointment of ; Alderham Rudderham, Stone William Williamson as sttperin- ' and Gorman. QUITS USING LAXATIVE PILLS Kecpi regular bow with famoas tereil Deluxe D ! tendent of the Pioneers' Home j to replace J. V. Minton, vfho Is leaving the position. i Received a letter, from the Approved action of the licensing committee in issuing a trnde license to .1 firm known as Vancouver Photocraft as PROMPT? conntipfflion a wrioim troutilt vil h you? Then read thin urmolh iu-rt Htt-r: FAST? VH SIX FIRE CALLS IN FEBRUARY C'ltv fire department answeled six fire calls during February, total resulting damage from winch was $125, according to the records of Fire Chief H. T. Lock. Fire calis so far this year numher 13 with damage assessed at $1,125. During the first two , months of 1948 there were 1:3 liie alarms. f Ol RTFOl s Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS photographers. . Prince Rupert Chamber of transient Commerce requesting that it be given its usual $250 grant. The PHONE Wf Buy md 1 1. What sentence? is wrong with this "The , jeweler' fixed " una tu V with constipation. I rrat hrii the point wherr no mirt of pill AWW. Then my mother mid I should try K K L LOGO'S AU.-HHAN. So I bigiin wiling ALl.'HKAt letter was referred to the finance committee as was a letter from the Public Relations Council making similar request. 1 my watch." CANINE MIGRANT The dingo or wild dog is said to have migrated to Australia from Asia more than 2.000 years ago. Advertise in tne Daily News! What is the correct . pronunciation of "mesdames"? 3. Which orie of these words is misspelled? Comedienne, com-ission, combustible. . 4. What does the word "materialist" mean? i ! ' ANSWERS ' Approved the sale, as reported by the finance committee of lots 13 and 14. block 33, section 5 (Ninth Avenue Westi to Anthony Toth for $600 and the sale, of lots 9, 10 and 11. block -"D" section 7. (Sixth Avenue .Fasti to R. W. Whidden for $550, subject to the 50 per cent rebate allowed ex-servicemen. Authorized purchase, ns recommended by the board of works, of a 12,000-gallon tank to be installed at fhe asphalt every tiny. Jt'i Mird to Mint, hut 1 am n-RuUir iuhv"' Mr. Lucien Kelly, 8 Dmlnuriert 'itrrti, Quebec. You, Uh, may fr(;ft you ev'r hnii : wnKtiputinn due to Wk nt bulk n tli diet. Simply eat n ouniv f KKLJ.OCHi's ALL-HKAN diiilv nnd drink plenty of wnrer AI.fy-BftAN in not it purntiie but a wholesome regulating frenl. Kat a a cereal or in muflina for conHtipa-tioo relief. If alter usiriK a pa kajt you are not completely Hatixtied, get iouhle your money hack an ffuarnn-U-ed on the ii kii(c. (Jet delii iout ALI.-HHAN from your ftrocer today. Ktad by Kcllogg'a of London. Ontario. 1 4 f. -. it. i 4. I l. Say, "Tne jeweler repaired my watch." 2. Pronounce madam, first a as in ate, second a as in ask, accent on first syl-I lable. 3. Commission. 4. One jwho takes interest only in the ; material comforts of life. "I am . USt lH VIIt - Tuesday. 130 p Sunday. 10 pn Al l' SI! the summer. The other was a failure. rrcM 1 1 vrrs t w i I r HIT SIM i S0UJ; nor c mixing plant west of Roosevelt all the books which materialists Park at an approximate cost of f-eu me world with, $2,700. Sunday, 1. f OK SOITII CHIRIklTTK con- chase This would permit pur-of asphalt in tank-car It is estimated that -ci uunvince me to the trary." Sterne. At ' I Ss if mi WUATHAI.IS PFfOTO FINISHING Developine. Printine ; I ii la re i n v 1 QUICK SEitr,,naa'w: I -mil Amateur ai.d frofeinnal Suppli. 4 sit 1 ' .vsO fix , III ii n k.T Prince Rupert Florid 1- --."jf 3oT)3rrlAve 3ox Jlfl Tl Flower Inr All Occasions ft L. t WHITE BLUE CREAM BAPTONE AIRBORNE PADRE Maj. Marcel Lavalee, Roman Catholic chaplain of the Quebec command, is the first chaplain to qualify as a parachutist in peacetime. To win his wings he made five jumps at the Rivers, Man., joint air school. Maj. Lavallee (right, wnose home is Br rlhierville, Quebec, is being congratulated in this Canadian Army photo by Maj. C. R. H. Charlebois Prairie Command chaplain: rCP ph()to) All this was, of course, before Charles Lind-berg made his transAtlantic flight (33 hours 29 minutes from New York to Paris) which then glorious feat seems insignificant when one compares it with the new transAtlantic transport plane record of 10 hours II minutes made only last week by a Canadian machine. Prince Rupert, of course, notes the change. There were mighty few radio receiving sets in Prince Rupert in those days. Today they blare everywhere. To fly from Vancouver to Prince Rupert was something of a feat then. Few Prince Rupert people had even been up in the air. Today it is nothing to fly from here to Vancouver. Quite a few of the people around here have flown the Atlantic. Long distance telephone was several years to : come for Prince Rupert in those days. Port Simp-Von was about the limit except for railway despatches. Today we just lift up the receiver on our - desk and put in our calls to New York, London and ' further afield. We were still looking at the silent films then and enjoying them too. And these are only a few of the changes now as compared with a quarter of a century ago. All around us today we see wonderful things which we would have considered almost unbelievable then. And now the atomic age is here. Reflection on ) M hat another quarter of a century will bring might well appal us even if it might not surprise. PEACH 1 HE ONE-COAT OMHi PAINT FOR W Al I S 1 .': U V.f ' " '! '.: ; i ':' I i-'i" ;. : : 1 i if ' .' A beantiful soft, Hat finish over kalsomini-, plaster and wall hoard. (Dioom hr,m iraioom T-l ":.;;;; kvins iti u 14 o-OO n Thompson Hardware Co. I lu) Ormes D THE ADAIR is a basement-less house with the Iloor slab laid on a gravel fiil. The heating plant and laundry facilities are housed in the utility room. There is also a large storage cabinet in the utility room. The modern kitchen is conveniently equipped with U-shaped cabinets and a closet. It has a dining area and pleasant cross ventilation. This combination working-eating room is convenient to the front vestibule as well as the utility room. Storage space is ample throughout The Adair. There are large double-door wardrobes with storage space above in everyone of the bedrooms. There is a handy coat closet in the front vestibule; a linen When (ha I New Watch Notion .... First strikes youv-remember that there is su::h a thin?? as a store having a reputation for good watches ': ".. ".? .... Also that litis is the store Every watch that we sell has Rot to prove up to what we promise for it. PRESCRIPTION CHEMIS oTORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 AM. TO j .SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -12 NOON u 7 P.M. TO 9 P M Ail of this notwithstanding our comment yesterday on some of the things in which .science had .faded." But we did not deny that it had accom- pushed much. Emergency blcyr-Dally car delivery iervlca rom 7 p.m. from 9 a m. till 6 pm. and Suns and Each movement is . . factory tested simply v.ot to give riht service. has cabinet in the hall and PHONE 81 PACIFIC . . . . If you remember these things you'll likely come hero and "you'll have a good watch. I'RK CS I ROM $15 TO $75 BUILDING RE-MODELLING REPAIRING OF TASTY MEA Stevedoring & Contracting COMPANY LIMITED large closet for general storage, also located in the hall. The walls of The Adair are of frame construction. Concrete blocks can easily be alternated for the frame. The wide eaved hip-roof, is ' covered with asphalt shingles. The overall dimensions of The Adair are 32 feet by 35 feet. The floor area is .954 square feet. There is a volume of 11, 912.' cubic feet in The Adair. ; -j : . f .: : ; . i. . - H ,: ' " ' ' ' i ,.t- -. .. ? ; . . ! ' . .: ! .1 I . . ; i ' : .: ' ; f I .; j J ; I .';. ih' ; ! ! ; : j : ; , J !. ; ' I . ' ' i ! ' ' ' I j . '.' j ! r i 8 . ..-'-"? " .'"',1!!..'" """ General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways Chinese Ii-l's ' CHOP si'! ciio1 See MITCHELL &' CURRIE LIMITED Builders and Contractors PHONE 363 CABLE ADDRESS "PACIFICO" HEAD OFFICE PRINCE. RUPERT, RC, , l1 I I I - Puneri " Second Avenue opposite """; 173 ' f 0 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. - . P"'ne ..