$MT ,T 11 rtm( , icr: IS B . c . 0RT.1ES DRUG 4 tIA,&f Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COl.t!'J!i!V(J HJ L'UuufciDro 'cabs Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PH0I1E81 . VOL. XXXVIII, No. 50 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS k Says A oiscomm b p rainifleirs mp - : - ;)ia power Com-, a.skcd by city i a survey of ei-' requirements in .1CI to intimate Landslide Affects j Coastal Shipping 4 Winch Delivers His Talk In Legislature Has Something to Say About Aluminum Company, Plans to Locate in This Area VICTORIA (CP)-Opposition Leader Harold Winch charged in the I-iegislature yesterday that Finance Minister Herbert Anscomb wants to l" Premier of British Columbia. He told Premier Byron Johnson "it's a fine partner you have. No womjer BIG STORMS HIT BRITAIN Europe Also Suffers From Fury of Gales Today LONDON ffGalcs whipped Great Britain and Europe today killing at least nineteen persons, injuring scores of others and inflicting heavy property damage. War-damaged buildings collapsed in Germany, killing iev-entcen persons, ten of them In Cologne. Winds toppled buildings m Rome, killing a. man, and a Yorkshire house was blown in, killing a woman. The gales closed landing fields In western Germany and halted the Berlin air lift. Lower streets of London were flooded by the record tides in the Thames River and embankments on the coast were inundated by the fury of the wind-lashed seas. in the coalition govern- we have heard rumblings ment. I say ne (AnscomDi is not capable of the portfolio he holds." , w The C.C.F, leader charged the government with political man-oeuvering. Joint Liberal and - ?;. Progressive-Conservative forces clearing of right-of-way for seemed prepared to campaign the five-and-a-half mile pipe-in the next election on the basis une which will deliver watt;r that industry will not come to from Prudhomme Lake to the British Columbia unless the $25,000,000 celanese mill to be C.C.F. is defeated. He said that built at nearby Port Edward by the C.C.F. believes in Industrial the Celanese Corporation of development but also would in- America has been started by vestigate the companies 'plan- the contractors, Campbell & ning to move in. Bennett. The work has started Winch referred particularly to from the more open Port Ed-the Aluminum Company of Can- ward end, snow still delaying ada which has proposed a $300,- tlle start at the Prudhomme 000,000 plant, possibly in tlie Lake end- The pipe will be 4S Prince Rupert area. He said the inches in width and one mi'.e company was a cartel and ap- oi the 5 'a mlle lengtn will be parently wanted the Tennessee tnrugh a tunnel. FLY COAST-TO-COAST IN 3 HOURS, 36 MINUTES An Air Force Boeing B-47 six jet bomber flew across the U.S. in three hours, 40 minutes, averaging 6.04 miles per hour on a 2,289-mile flight from Moses Lake, Washington, to Andrews Field, Md. Left to right are: Major Russell E. Schleeh, pilot, of San Francisco, Caltf.; Brig. -Gen. Yantiss H. Taylor, commander of Andrew's' Field, and Maj. Joseph H. Howell, co-pilot, of Borden, Ind., upon arrival at Andrews Fiald, Louis Resigns as Champ And Is Turning Promoter Has Signed Ezzard Charles and Joe Walcott For Title Bout f MIAMI BEACH, Florida (CP) Joe Louis today IffirjTUtlly.j'csiR'Jied ius hvywiight boxing champion of the world and received permission from the National Hoxing Association to sponsor a fight between Ezzard Charles and Jersey Joe Walcott to determine the new champion. ARE CHANGING THEIR PLEAS BUDAPEST, Hungary, Tf Five of fourteen men on trial charged with black . market dealings for Joseph Cardinal Mlndszenty today withdrew their pre-trial confessions. They charged, instead, that the police had "Intimidated" them. . CITY SUBMITS 'PHONE BYLAW - A loan-floating schedule which would permit the city to finance Its proposed new telephone rehabilitation program In three phases will be submitted to the provincial Minister of Municipalities following its approval by city council last night. The plan was drawn up by the city finance committee in an effort to clarify the proposed borrowing policy In connection with the loan so that It may get the green light from the provincial authorities. Without any dissenting voice, the aldermen gave their blessing to a proposal read by Alderman T. B. Black which would allow the. city to borrow $120,000 In March, 1950, $200,000 In September, 1950, and $230,000 in March, 1951. - Object of issuing the bonds at different times Is to save on Interest payments by marketing them at the lime the money Is actually needed for reconstruction of the system. It Is anticipated that some difficulty will be experienced In obtaining equipment, .so it. Is the council hope to be able to borrow the money at the time equipment is available. Under the financing scheme, a practically level schedule of printclple and Interest payments has been worked out. j Highest annual payment at any i time during the 20-year amor tization period would be slightly over $40,000 and the lowest would be about $39,000. MORE SLIDES BUT TRAINS RUNNING ' Slides are delaying trains through the lower Skeena Valley but are not stopping them. Shortly before last evening's eastbound was to leave here a slide 100 feet long and 15 feet deep occurred near Salvus. The rotary plow was dispatched and I he train left at 10 p.m., getting through to Faeirie 5 hours and 25 minutes lute. Tonight's westbound was 6 hours late In leaving Jasper and should not be delayed in arrival later than 4:45 tomorrow morning In spite? of a small slide near Kwinltsa today. Lower Skeena weather Is reported mild and calm today with light rain. THE WEATHER Synopsis The storm which lay over tlie ocean yesterday has weakened rapidly. 1ll that remains Is a fairly moist flow of air along the coast which is causing cloudy skies and occasional light rain. The Interior is clear today with no change in sight for tomorrow. Fftrerast tyicen Charlottes and North Coust - Overcast with occasional light rain today and tomorrow. Southeast winds (20 m.p.h.) con tinuing mild. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow - Port' Hardy 45 and 50, Massclt 40 and 18, Prince Rupert 35 and 45. Margarine Appeal OTTAWA ) Tlie Canadian Federation of Agriculture and its affiliate, the Dairy Furmers of Canada, have applied jointly for leave to appeal the margarine question before the judicial committee of tfte Privy Council. The appeal would be against the rifling last December of the Supreme Court that legislation banning the manufacture and sale of margarine was illegal. L tniElil be will- metrical service substance of a lV,,d by the al- ll,! aftcr it had by Alderman ho withdrew an i on a point ol l.rlier resolution "B.C. Power -c (,qui'sted to take .lalioiis of, tlic Putvrr Company Rupert." B. Black. Power .,,1 manager, spoke 1 0( the company urd from voting ion was put to It said that lie i,l I he power ,;lng over" but company's fran-iirr until 1954, ,;d not properly at the present the power com-; 1.9 percent on j - not. an ade-ancl that the ic ownership Is ,n to the North-Company." I'lrRO Casey said d 'hat "the ma-p oplc would be In fuwer Commission fincc Rupert is an ! city, the Power riimiut make ad-I own accord. Any I Commission must s.;kl UR s.qwsV Of ' i 7 On 3 Mists "i! Olhrr Western operate Reliable sources t France may ask i union, powers '. Belgium, the and Italy to rube drive iijjainst "'ase in France. fails are available. I came as French ficd their check-uu fcmniuiilst spies. .TIED I" Trial Today - iR'it Guuzenko, !'v,n Royal Canad-1 I'ullce officers, w that Sam carr Wl tlin names of 'frank" hi 1,1 1P h"se ring in (!an- ,t0 was the first lhf r'wu launched ''liai'Re against 1 r;!cr of tlie ,iv. f,,wl by Gouzenko. 'wl Carr lm,i :sh Russian em- le names "Sanf ;i.str;il,. hill...,.l..,l ,J(1 ciininlt Carr at "mi'V heurlim ,i,i..i. illioiit. pu" ;BI8 lllf START J1U'. 0-Arl Robln-;"TcU,r In several towns, is dcdl-J hi" special pro- WC MusiChl H,w.!.,.,.-l, in "I'preciation of he WilS l.ivn.-, I.. 1.1.. lte local oiQanlli,.., NIGHT Brim,, --woods vs ..-... 8Hoqt - CONTEST It may sound strange but a landslide, which Is usually thought of as hampering only land transportation, is affecting coast navigation and has caused a warning to be issued to shipping. A local notice to mariners gives warning that a landslide in Fraser Reach, north of Work Island, has caused a number of trees and logs to be set adrift, proving a menace to navigation. China Plot Is Averted Communists Would Have Kidnapped President and Overthrown Nationalist Government SHANGHAI ft Shen Pao, Shanghai's second largest news paper, reported today a plot to kidnap Acting President Li Tsung Jen and overthrow the Chinese nationalist government which had been averted by wholesale arrests. It said the .plot was led by Men Shi Heng, organizer in Marshal Li Chi Sen's Kuomintang govern ment party. Communist agents were to have started it two weeks ago. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) Vancouver Bayonne .06 Bralorne (asKi 8.75 B R. Con 03 B.R.X. ..: 10 Cariboo Quartz 1.30 Congress 04 Yz Hedley Mascot 42 Fend Oreille 5.00 Pioneer 3.25 Premier Border 03 Privateer 18 Reeves McDonald 2.85 Reno .06 Sheep Creek . : 1.35 Silbak Premier .36 Taku River .30 Vananda 31 Salmon Gold 12'2 Spud Valley (ask) .08 Oils-Anglo-Canadian 4.20 Atlantic .70 Calmimt , .38 C. & E. .4......... , 4.60 Central Leduc 1.10 Home Oil 10.25 Mercury AIY2 Okalta X. 1.21 Pacific Pete 2.16 Princess .28 Yz Royal Canadian 09 Toronto Athona .11 Aumaque 24 Beattie L .55 Bevcourt ; 25 Bobjo v 12 Buffalo Canadian, 16 Consol. Smelters 103.50 Conwest 1.16 Donalda 55 Eldona. 57 East Sullivan 2.80 Giant Yellowknife 5.15 God's Lake 42 Hardrock , .15 Vi Harricana 0634 Heva .10 V2 Hosco 26 'a Jacknife 04 Vj Joliet Quebec .37 Y2 Lake Rowan .OS1 Lapaska .06 Little Long Lac 73 Lynx i2i2 Madsen Red Lake 2.70 McKenzie Red Lake 40 McLeod Cockshutt 1.03 Moneta 44 Negus 2.20 Noranda 54.25 Louvlcourt 29 Pickle Crow ; 2.05 Regcourt ' .05 San Antolo 4.10 Senator Rouyn .42 Sherrlt Gordon 2.30 Steep Rock 1.48 Sturgeon River 18 Silver Miller .35 YORK ON PIPE LINE STARTED SIX MONTHS OH STOLEN UnflflV IM ADhr VWVMj llHlwL A sentence of six months in . - ...:-...;'..- court at the week-end to Charles W. F. Jenkins, who pleaded guilty to a ch of retalnJng stoen property foIlowmg the theft . f m Copper east of Terrace, 12 days ago. Jenkins admitted possession of two checks, part of the loot from a robbery at Skinner's store at Copper City when $333 in checks and about $30 in cash and a radio were taken but declared that he had no Idea how the checks had come into his possession. He ha.d been drinking "heavily at Terrace, his counsel, J. T. Harvey, told the court. Mr. Harvey said that the accused had recently purchased a wood lot near Terrace but, because of bad weather, he had been unable to get It into production and had run into financial difficulties. He admitted cashing a check for $42.50 in a local hotel and was quoted by Sgt. L. A. N. Pot-terton as saying that he believed he may have cashed another $50 one. A third check for $96 he discarded but later led police to the spot, where it was found. The checks were ordered re- turned to the proper owners by the Magistrate. Would Let Germany Go n Shipping WASHINGTON, D.C. 0; United States government agencies policy which involves Great Brit- ain. Fiance and the cold war with Russia.. American viewpoints are so conflicting that, decision will almost certainly be left to Presl- dent Truman. ine ma .eotsdam agreement prohibits building by Germany of all types of sea-going vessels. TURKISH TOBACCO Tobacco is the chief agricultural product of Turkey; exporting about 93,000,000 pounds annually. Valley Authority in British Columbia as It had at Arvida In Quebec. The Opposition leader also I 1 attacked the sales tax, saying that British Cnlnmhia pnn mln.. tain one hundred percent of its social services. by removing the three percent levy and changing to a straight luxury tax with oneu for- industry-Those- - who bought luxuries could afford ad- j ditional imposts. I rinthincr cli,o,. nmrl i 0 ilu ,ci1auiIull, meals were certainly essentials, Idaclared Winch. Yet they were The Anscomb budget was an niA.i 1 , . . . cieuuon ouagei, in every sense of word, Winch contended. FEBRUARY IS NOT SO BAD February weather in Prince Rupert was nothing to boast about unless it be in comparison with other parts of British Columbia and Western Canada which found it the toughest winter month in generations. At that there was just about as much sun his February as last and less precipitation. The city had a total of 57.6 hours of sunshine which was just about stand-off with 58 hours in February of 1948. To date the sunshine aggregates 95 hours compared with 111.2 hours in the first two months of 1948. There was precipitation in February to the total of 5.72 In ches which was not excessive t although it seemed a lot at times. It was actually less than last February's 5.72 inches which, hwoever, consisted practically entirely of rain while this year it consisted of a lot of snow. The precipitation this year to date is 17.83 inches, actually less than 19.07 inches in the first two months of 1948. From the temperature ' standpoint this February was away below average with a mean of 27.2 whereas last vear the mean was 32.7 and the vear before 38.4. However, there. Charles last night earned an unimpressive derision over Joe Maxim in a bruising fifteen-rounder at Cincinnati. Louis said lie had obtained the .signatures of Charles and Walcott for ;i title match at Chicago in June. Doth boxers agreed to defend the title with in ninety days after winning it against either Gus Lesnevich or Lee Savold. Inils said that he, Arthur W. Wirlz and James D. Morris had formed an international boxing club which will maintain offices in Chicago and New York. It will stage championship fights. TREACHERY OF FRENCH MAJOR PARIS "'P1 -Tlie French government sukl Monday that a Communist army major had coii-ff)...sxl to turning military secrets over to u "foreign military attache." The attache was not identified nor was the country which he represents named. LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, Mardi 2, 10411 High 20.5 feet H:57 20.0 reel. Low 9:00 5.1 feet To Repeat 1 una Work. For a conlerence here with fisheries officers of the Skeena area, A. J. Whitmore of Vancouver, chief supervisor of fisheries " for British Columbia, is visiting Prince Rupert. He arrived this morning from the south with the departmental cruiser Laurier, Capt. L. Sliep-pard, and will return south to morrow night. Accompanying the chief inspector is Ingvald Urseth, former supervisor here, who is now living Jn retirtmriit at Agassi, in the Krascr Valley. At the sessions of the fishery officers here, regulations for the coming session will be discussed in the light of the recommen dations of tlie five-year investigation of the Skeena salmon fishcric which was completed last year. At the middle of March, Dr. A. L. Pritchard, now director of fisheries culture development fur the Department of Fisheries at Ottawa, will be coming to the coast to discuss tlie report with the departmental officers. Mr. Whilinoie said Uiis morn-iiifr that the fisheries department would repeat the operation of last year when it prospected for tuna off litis coast and di.seovered a fishery iliat proved to he a veriialile sold mine for Hie fishermen after the halibut season had rnded. As was the rase last year, prospecting will be. comliinrd with the work of protecting Ihe fleet hi fMinsrd oif-sliore waters also research. This should be a good cycle year all around for salmon, said Mr. Whitmore, although marketing conditions are somewhat obscure, seeming, so far at least, to be confined to the domestic field. Tills has been a great hen lug season on I ho coast. Mr. Wliil.-more said, a rich harvest having been garnered on the west coast of Vancouver Island and In tli'" central area from Queen Charlotte Sound north to Wright Hound. The take'for thi;; central area was 00,000 lons Now thai the central area has been closed, the. fleet is moving back lo the Prince Rupert area where 13,000 tons may yet, be taken on quota providing the fish are found lie-fore March 10 when tlie area closes except for the Queen Charlotte Islands which lias been extended to March 31 Prospecting during the last few days lias been hampered by bud weather. There lias been a record pack of herring oil and meal this year, Mr. Whitmore reports. ONE CLERGYMAN DENIES GUILT SOFIA One of the fifteen Protestant clergy being tried on espionage and other charges pleaded not guilty today. Others had been pleading guitly and expressing regret. Three Million Co-op Business Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative Association is a $3,200,-000 per year business. Members, in annual meeting at the Odd fellows' Hall, heard that this morning when the financial report was presented. This represents the Association's turnover in 1948 of fish, stores and oil sales. The meeting since yesterday lias been largely concerned with financial matters, considering explanations of the report of the auditors as well as the member auditors. .T. H. Sorensen reported on the British Columbia Fishermen's Cooperative Federation with supplementary explanations by Donald Bcntley, the assistant treasurer of tlie Federation. Tills afternoon tlie Association will elect directors and then there will be reports by -the United Fishermen's Co-oper- 1 trAw Mr vwwwewv,svj''o- j& v p ST. LAURENT "Uueourageous' says Drew. live, the Kyuquot Tiollers' As-2:53 soeiation, the British Columbia Co-operative Wholesale Society und the Prince Rupert Fisher- 21 :07 4 4 feet men's Credit Union. Leaders mil each other names was no extreme cold. ' were reported today to be at Here are the weather figures odds over a proposal from Gen-for February according to the eral Lucius D. Clay to let west-official summary of the Domin-.ern Germans build and "operate ion meteorologist at Dlgby Isl-: ocean - going ships, a major if - v i I: i 1 4 1 and: , Maximum temperature, 51 on February 26. . Minimum temperautre, 12.1 on February 19. Mean temperature, 27.2 Maximum barometer, 30.18 inches on February 12. Minimum barometer, 28.92 on February 10. Total precipitation, 5.72 inches (4.58 rain in thirteen days, 11.4 Inches snow in ten days). Sunshine, 57.6 hours. Maximum wind . velocity, 36 miles per hour, southeast, February 9. EN,, i. '. W. V.- ft . .. Bin' lit ftiMirAll - 'DREW "Irresponsible," says St. Laurent.