against went" to Grade Five, with Grade j Capt. FitEsimmons, "etui i I the i l" this lilnrt Rupert OdllP J3rtos Thursday, October 21, 1S3 ExM.L.A Pusses TALKS, DEBATES AT P.-T. MEETING &K'rt Drov 'Wet Atidiu-sftn is non- ward . "1110 program convener, replacing ra-rsrnnN pates tit,c..i.b iipi. jamt.i master t K Fitzimmons .veteran shipmus- Lake? w ter of southern interior lakes r City Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Pr Mnrth. 7Sc; Per Yesr. $8 00. By Mail, Per Month, 50c; Per Yenr. S5.00 Interesting Program at Borden Street School A large attendance at last year was far ahead of lasi year s planes Are More Useful man at fhe same date, the total num- Trains." J. S. Wilson, who acted ber now ing 850 compared" as chairman, explained that de-with last year's total of 506 at bating was part of the ordinary IV and rivers, died here yesterday lature' IS; -a' evening's meeting of the Borden corresponding date course of studies in tngiisn The talk by Fire Chief Lock , language. He pointed out how- oireei. ocnoui raiTm-irauin Association enjoyed a varied and Mrs. Strand who in turn replaces Mrs. H. F. Amos, who hS lert the city, on the refrshmen; committee. Mrs. 1. Llnnry is the secretary. Votes of thanks were Recorded Mr. Forward and Mr. Lock for their talks. Following adjournment, refreshments I ere served with Mrs. Strand In charge assisted by Mesdames Wm. Mc- was of unusually mterestlnff the debates were oiumuiuy in teresting program with guest and lnformative nature H re.'juclged. The presentations madr speakers including Don For- ferred to the nwfl Trom the bv each speaker, their staw?- dawn of time by mankind of ments and proofs of same, thel word. Civic Centre director, and H. T. Lock, fire chief. I .Is 1 heat. At one time it was man's research done in obtaining facts HIP. T I Mr. Forward referred to the most cherished possession. Later from local firms and agencies, and S. A. always very complimentary com- lt had to be controlled and its the delivery, and the rebuttals j Leod, D. Parent ments of visitors from all parts control was now a major Drob- 'were greatly appreciated by the ; cheeseman. to ff the world on the splendid lera The start erKi ErOTth of audience whose attention was I . in' Prank Hamilton arrived facilities in trie local civic uen- fire insurance was explained, held at all times by the speak-tre 'building. It was being used The suDerioritv of regulations ore The rounds of aDDlause UrnrlnnL'rlQ1f fill t.hff n K n o,t n..froitilin, tV,.. .. . . .. . tile CUV WCUircauu, -j rfgarunig uuuuuig xrunsiruriitm trial greeiPa uitr -aia Prince George from vancouvei on a busllness trip. I its capacity was Doing laxea to and fire responsibility in Eur- genuine proof of the apprecla uie uuiium. ii piuviueu enur-:ope as compared with America tion. tamment ana relaxation lor ail was tK' impressive. "Fire "- insurance. The business meeting, over is a tax." said Mr. Lock. "and . age groups without being In j stmts tworV yCv& f ;4 in 2 seconds Jj jl I . organ the sooner people realize this F)ood H presided, ' Included re ...m n... i tion. tion. The The membershio membership drive drive this this .u ne SOOner .. ( v...., "" ports irom Mrs. v. rareni on isrOPAmascfA 4 ,,rZs more stringent building restrto jUw Fjlm Council; Mrs. Craw-tions." The dependence of n j ford Ntourtli treasurer; Mrs. Wm. adequate water supply was MeLeodf representative to the mm m. v - i c y r m Trafalgar Day siresseu. T Previous to audience had the talks the been Impressed ODAY is the 143rd an- U.. 4,n t iV. U II.. P.-TiA. Council; Mrs. Lineham, literature convener, and S. A. Cheeseman, membership. Theve are 115 paid-up members. The prise for the iivlsioi obtaining " the greatest number mversary of the battle of & of Crade Six part iraiaigar. ine svvut cie-development of air power, while it has made a profound change in naval Good Government-or Bad OFTEN have we heard it said that every HOW nation gets the sort of government it deserves? It's a smart phrase and like many smart phrases it is only partially true. There are people who have had better governments and worse than they have deserved. Put the seed of truth is there. The measure of our interest in our own affairs is the measure of our achievements as a nation. Canada has rarely had the sort of bad government that challenges radical action. It has been easy for us to be complaisant. At intervals we go importantly to the polls to register the results of our rather haphazard thinking and to take a stand on issues that, too often, we only dimly understand. If this attitude is challenged we counter with the well-worn argument that there isn't much we could do about it anyway. There are things we can do "about it. If that is not so then democracy is clone. We can inform ourselves. We can get over accepting whatever views are placed before us. and begin to assess what they mean, where they lead, and what they might do to the sort of life we wish to lead. Bad governments live and flourish when people accept ideas without understanding them. They disappear, or become good governments when a public conscience makes itself felt. To leave our thinking to those with more political acumen is not democracy at all. We need not fear opinions no matter wlvat they may be. The folly in them will die of its own poison and the wisdom survive. That is the glory of democracy. We must have more than opinions. There is nothing honest in an 'opinion if its holder hasn't weighed all the evidence and thought it out to an informed conclusion. To believe that a planned economy is vital to us on someone's say so, or to accept free enterprise because it is a habit, it not good citizenship. The soundness of any sound cause can be proved bv anyone with an onen mind. If he is to be a factor in his count ry'sirood. no citizen can offer less. The standards of intelligence and honesty and fairness that a man demands in his private life may not be qualified as he moves into groups. The essentials of good government then are as pimple as a copy-book maxim. Be informed. Be discriminating. -Be active. Be honest.' Nothing there beyond the reach of the humblest citizen. Yet there is the -essence. No intelligent, thoughtful, politically active people ever get bad government,. first Jacquclyn Moore and Becky Morgan took the .affirmative against Mary . Lou Lunn and Norma MacKensrie en tire topic; Resolved that Country Life Is More Desirable than City Life." tactics and engagements and in some degree in ship designing and con In the second tiebate Robert Pederson and Leonard Griffiths 1 Feel Luxurious . . . , , . Look Luxurious struction, by no means suggests that supremacy on the sea is any the less important. .NOTM'K Tf T-trN'VMM'TOtttt Trmlem fur M luml Hulldtiiro Sealed Tenders, endorsed "Tendw for School Buildings" U1 be received by the undermined up to find in- Cromwell is Credited lP-m.. for Mie erection nd cimpre- . 1 1 .1 tion of the following achfwls: witn navine originated ... in this beautifully matched Natural Muskrat fur coat. Delightfully arm, the coat has & new-season, high-riding collar, full cuffed sleeves. See this and other lovely creations in tut at SWEET SIXTEEN. r. iwo-room nctiool Bt Houston. B.C. 2. Three-room school it Telkwa, B.C. 3 Three-room mine to Hli;h School t Vmlthers. B.C. Tenders shall not inolude vomwit foundation work ol Houston and Telkwa schools. Plans, specifications and form ol tendera" may be obtained from th the saving "trust in Cod and keep your powder dry" and that is preciseh' what Great Britain and certain other united nations are doing today. In- W m 1mm ,i : i.L 1- l-i. -ciiooi nouro on ice hi esmitners. B terpreted, HI the light Oi C. on payment f deposit ot,tbW, t h P mil intprnatinnnl I national Ki'tna Slllia- (which amount will be refund. mi return of plans In good condition. tion national defence is! CTnlf'' cheque equni to of tender and payable to the Board a paramount -COnSlClera- of Bchool Trustee roust aoconiiwnj 4.; o A 4-V,:., U . lhe b'd- 88 surety of pood faith. tlOn, and in thlS, it may, The iow or any tender not tiec- For casual wear, two-piece wool dresses top milady's wardrobe. Elephant Gray, Pale Blue, Gold and Wheat shades. Black is smart lor party dress Wear and the Inset lace adds glamor. Choose your style today. Sweet Sixteen's PERSONALIZED BUDGET PLAN was designed for your convenience. Use tt when you buy. No Interest No Carrying Charges hp SfP v nsumpH tVitat ,fMiy accepted w .'Hd...i Ui.'l.'WillV l k. I 1LI V Muhekm. Beer. Treasurer. naval mieht maintains Board of Trustees. School District No. 54 BmiUu-rit. B.C. Smithers. B.C. October 16. 148. (JIM) I the same significance it I always has. ii mind... .4 - : , . r i v ; ; 4 K BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. r.ORIE Instead of worrying obout tomorrow, start saving today! As the dollars mount up, worries fade. And when you buy Canoda Savings Bonds, the dollars mount up fast. Canada Savings Bonds make saving easy. They pay a good rate of interest for an investment that can be cashed at full face value of any time. ON SALE NOW at Investment dealert, banks or your Company ! Payroll Savings Plan. ublic Accountant. Auditor, etc. hnome Tax Returns Compileu Besner Block Phone 887 COW PAY POAT WORKS A. P. CRAWLEY GREEN .!!)' Designing Repairs Ftrif Workmanship Estimate.-Agents for K'Tmath Marine Engines PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Colors J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 mti v 1 1 f u WORK ''ALL ni.TiF. M. .1. SAItNTV''- New, Modern Equipm-tj All Work Guaranteed DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 705 P.O. Box 1401 MARGARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST. In New Offices ROOM 10 STONE BUILD! NO PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE C0LUSSI Phone BLACK 758 " 972 10th East 1 - - New Phone BLUE 593 P.O. Box 11 A Better markets abroad MATTSON'S "UPHOLSTERERS AND FURNITURE REPAIRS . Plastic Materials Rubber Mattresses Drapes Curtains Bed Spreads Cushions, etc. Second-Hand Furniture Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. HELEN'S ' HEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waviig Beruty Culture In all Its branches pnnni 204 4th Street Phone 65 mean bigger payrolls at home Lik other btiic indushict of British Columbia, our fisheries depend Urjely .pen export market, for ite.dy employment of large numbers of men and women and maintenance. of high wage standards. The battle for these markets is unending, h U .sltu.tion which can only be met by more intensive sales efforts, better marketing methods and highest quality products. Only by the willing co-operation of all concerned-fishermen, plant employees, technicians and managementcan these markets f be maintained and extended, to the benefit of all. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNER BLOCK P.O Box 894 Phone Blu 442 Building and Repairs of all lno Roofs, Chimneys and Oil BurLer DS Di PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR PHONE BLUE 810 PHONSS; Black 687 Red 894 evenings BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LIMITED and Dhtribvton of CLOVER UEAF SEAFOODS . . . RUPERT BRAND FRESH AND FROZEN FISH SI Fishing Stations, Gnneriej, Cold nd Reduction Plants Along the British Columbi. Cot. CLOVER. LEAF 3 SERIES QLALITT RKPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second A. Serving the Fisheries Industr Wellg (P.R.) Ltd. Cftrtftr. labelling, Weighing BLOC 781 MATE tM C-154S