6 Prfn Ruprrt OaHp rectos ' Thursday, October 21, 1943 LOUIS PLANS ANOTHER FIGHT NEW YORK (r Heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis said Tuesday that he "definitely" will defend his title in an out- Arrw' cViriu' novt Turret T-T m on. lUrrUJiiiun . IN "B" LEAGUE SPOKANE WINNER LACROSSE TITLE Belmonts retatoed tneir inouncement loUowd a con5er. ... n" f iv.nin league NANAIMO, W Spokane DyHmin . . " t ,rf ence with Mike Jacobs, president BRUINS BEAT BLACK HAWKS Boston Joins Detroit in Tie For N.H.L. Leadership 'liamos Tuesday night won the this 'eeK du. xw -- - 0f the Twentieth Century Sport-Britkh into second plae e s hov ng out Columbia Senior B la- nd Wick who retired to, We title by defeating NaB- Noble position as a result of . ,oimr, t,' fourth paiapPS is t.n o in D w ..--. - Slaaatl .ecar: e par oN par Uuenkm i.nw.im cearm. aoe. m& maaem-Hk: Card of Thanto Death Njtlcea, funeral Notice. 4fUTla and Engagement Announcement: i orliiiu. illofLAY, LULtlU t-itlCH Jlaamf o Advertising Is payable In ma -nuce please ret ram ifjtu lirpbuuiw BOSTON Boston Brums the play. B lg 8 is.ers and . Miner - finaJ game of the of three, f OK SALE rort kc.vt BaV. WT1U wcta t,w,. v. .... moved Into the leadership of gns. FOR-ALE 35 ft Walk Boat. FOR REN'T Furni.ed Anart- the National Hockey League ment. 4th Ave. West. Phone cinnTci,ia fho nptmit rtei w.nua wtth Noble and wick ior iec- - he will fight the winner. ond place, now hold third posi-.good tion. p tvered bv 80 h.p. Mercury. Phone Green 405. 253 ) Green 604. 249 ,., ..,.7" as a result ui au o hj o hciuij D?.ri5e fn FR RENT-Sleeplnj Rooms over Chicago Black Hawks last HAMILTON IS WINHER wunuii, niuiic jiccii vvi. i jur men. iiz mi Ave. wesi III S? i W&TA dp L 40 48 ' CM,y iZv I B Peterson of Miller Bay Pollv Roberts ... 157 Dorothy Aschoff 131 walked ,. a off ,r with IK the hioh mgn score apnre , KJsle 1Jpy 1Hg for three games, bowling a total Muriel Vincent .... 228 r coo ,,-Vtlla Muriel Vin(pnt I HandicaD 40 249) ; call after 6 p.m. (253i I Tonight Toronto Maple Leafs FOR'TIALE OR TRADE 22 Couie for RENT m. Furnished uini mi u house- iiuu r , i , . . . , iteDc'aiine tine Kine ana sx4U neia keeoinr room. 650 7th Ave. wui De Paying wun ine cana- 01 .rVh. Totals 81S 809 , oV, elso of Miller Bay, rolled i the TOILERS Biases, for bicycle or what East. Red 471. tf diens at Montreal. New Westminster Adanacs Lose Dominion Lacrosse Chani'HonfclMp highest, single game score, 228. Mildred Vide .... 143 oliers? 1417 Pigeot Place. (253 FOR RENT Sieenintr room. 801 ' The league standing to date Rosa Lees 3, Boosters 0. 4 Borden Street. utaic ah uaiua &nt iJ.velyn McLeod ... 109 Bettv Ellison 218 (tf) ueu:oli " Boston 2 ' ii9 189 ;- f.' "A tSo 135 164 U Ac- t. 107 107 11 A(, . i uA r 0 0 10 1 0 0 12 4 10 9 3 Jordis Hill 125 FOR R ENT Comfortable front Montreal 1 FOR SALE Circulator oil or coal heater. Black 187. 249 FOR SALE t tube General Electric Mantel Radio. $35 Phcne Red 872. (2id Belmont 3. Nobk; St Wick 0. Toilers 2, Miller Bay 1. Busy Bees 2, Stars 1. Brown woods 2, Big Sisters 1. Handicap . 107 ! TORONTO Hamilton Tigers '.last night won the Dominion ' senior lacrosse championship " and the Mann Cup from New 0 WpKt.mtnst.pr Ariana.r& Thv rfp- Totals 902 726 bedroom overlooking harbor. New York 0 1' 1 13 suitable for working girl -jr Toronto 0 0 114 school teacher. Kitchen and Chicago 0 0 3 7 14 household privileges. Phone STAR S E Mrlntvre 190 j BOOSTERS featcd the Adanacs in the fifth o Nrwton 132 107 FOR SALE 120 Bass Piano Ae-eoroian. Good condition. Phone Red 92H air 6 p.m. (2481 FOR SALE 7 rooms and bath 78 Black 258, or call after 6 p.m. 149 124 I Ma; 160 112 Y'K S0' 730 663 VV li "ZU. 'iyy l. 157 ,tf' Baseball Champs 13 i K av, 206 M. Nesoitt 73 1 4a M Calderoni 182 i?t J. Dickens 218 ,if, A Kusoer 'Jnl HanriieaD .... 51 and deciding game by a score of M cote 100 12 to 8. n' Kenned v ' 109 at 895 Borden Street. 105 Receive $6,772 with cement basement. 7th ,,, , Avenue West on 2- lots, alii " ANTED It was a story book final A. Denton 137 125 stretch drive that save the Tig-j .f0atslcaD ' $ ers their second Canadian sen- rosa LEES lULiliA 72e Each mem-1 CINCINNATI '(fi cjBtrea. ijouu casn. rrince ,,,,: i, nirU' Hnm. (Continued cm Pag! 7) Rut ert Realty Co. (248) is in nocd ol a uiano. Anyone ber of the world baseball cham- Boulter . 174 ior lacrosse title which they last J 154 103 96 192 wishine to donate one. or , .u , , T 96 M. Poslak leave one for storage, please l LI,C u"e"lm xll won 15 years ago at New West FOR SALE Studio lounges. 1 che'terfield table, dining room chairs, all in eood condition. 16 200' 123 B. Vuckovich pnone itea ?1J. lunia, B1u luuki n.Ki.ui ior mwtr whPn nn tW np.' Rmith Vl 129 14J n Aooly Matson's Upholstery n,1UTIlr their victories over the Boston sion, they lost the first two J rren im i Car Dsttcries, caT ..... . : . ; . ... . . ' Totals .1'.' 713 70 858! D""" Ule si-game wonu game8 conw back ftnd take Series. The losers get $4 570 73 the last three. Matured -S. T Bottled ? radiators, brr.ss ard copper; payinp; good prices. See B.C FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 each. I. r I i NOPLE & WICK A. Holkestad Th Tigers spotted the de- 145 186 fending chamnions the first to P. Black 178 114 145 144 M( fa 59 136 123 126 169 143 eames and then roared hnck tn!B. MoChesney LISTINGS WANTED r , " E. Petersen FIRST BILLIARD lane uie next uiree. M. Baxter 188 116 150 LISTINGS WAlrTED If you are 60 Handicap . . Totals 60 !0 744 767 The Adanacs had run the Tigers into the ground in the 791! ROUND IS ENDING BELMONT FOR SALE-1939 Buick Sedan.' $1K 3. 1935 1 ton C M C. Panel Twk, S675. 1938 ton Dortye Pie'.-up. 1931 Pontine Sedan : $10t. 1940 l ton Ford Flat Bed. $1000. Dan's Service Station. (2481 FOR SALE General Electric Cabinet Radio. 10 tubes, large cabinet, $65, aonlv Suite 1, Beluont Hotel, after 6 p.m. (248) ' FOR 'SALE 1940 Ford 1 ton! t-utk, 1948 Mercurv motor. Good shape. 941 2nd Ave. .West. (250) FOR SALE New and used .Household Furniture, Hard-, in planning to sell your home, ARMSTRONG AGENCIES can help you set the price and show the property to buyers first two games 11 to 6 and 13 M. Lewis Am . -"'71'"'! 196 153 190 193 125 156 J. Si l 11 last It is expected that the first aT,te T. Tubb'" . 121 160 101 155 79 Phone: round in the English billiards ! u. c uu. Ulc 11BCI v,leea M. Scharff at your convenience. i lie sptrruy wesueriiers to u nnuriaun 120 176 74 74 802 911 74 342 (eves. Green 297). 307 3rd tournament, now in progress Ave. West. 248i 'daily at the Canadian Legion nanaicao Total 80: HELP WANTED Hall, will be completed by the coming week-end. Two more standstill to take the third 12 to 7, made it 9 to 7 In the fourth and climaxed their comeback with a spine-tingling victory last night. j MILLER BAY -Bert Peterson 200 221 182 -ware, Onice Chairs. TvDe- wriie'r, in best shaoe; Hoovers, WANTED Man part time work matches were played off yester- 1 1 1 t iii This advertisement is not published or d. m-nencnairs. Kitchen Sets. - Sunday. Apply Valentin day, Roderick MacLeod, who "Hellers HassoVks, New" Brf- Dairy- Uf) was conceding his opponent, Board Or by the Governn rnt ol B'lli-.h Cciii'- itrui t 1 iictiit tint' Ciia 1-!0J ) Itl Mi bl: luui tini KCl .V'.:liaJ?S- 5LRUBS. HFT P WANTFI Fnr R' E' ,ameS 20 niS. WCW1 an rand Used Kitchen Ranges for .Wood and Coal, Musical ln-.strvments, etc. at real saving Repair Your Tires and b'ave U Civic Centre . Dates nnces. a. v. x1 UKNJTURE C. Get your money's worth out tf ort"" Bla.;k 324. ' (tf) office work, should be quali- B"e oy a score oi fied in bookkeeping," stenog- 150 t0 I37- James NicU nrt raphy and shorthand. Apply D' c- Stewart, both of whom in writing stating qualifica- are Paying scratch, met in tho tions, experience and salary first 8anie of the second round expected. Box 409 Daily News. and a hard-fought game up to af i the centurv mark ended in 1 if ! if i i those tires. Let us repair and (f 1 Sports vuicaniae mem ao tnat you can a.m. a;rv niuiiy mort nines 01 UK j' S trom them. HOUSES FOR SALE ! 6TII..EAST 6 room modern .hpiaie with oil stove and heat-er, immediate occupancy, 3 lots. Full price only $3300. AMBROSE AVE. 8 room house 'on 3 lots, basement, newly de-,'corted, new furniture, good mmmm Our modern methods and"V,i.TA I . Nicoll defeating last year's third 9:0ft-Bo Me Hl Gym Class HELP WANTED There is an P m-opening tournament winner h in(. ior several ward "a?o y P 1 2'30-KlnB .ou xvuig Edward toward School scnooi 10 to 112. maids at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. AdpIv in. . . . I Gvm Class person to Matron. (250 n. . , - 3:30i-Rup-Rec Junior Oirls know-how ensure the best pos-; J sibie job promptly and econo w 'I ULrtiI' 7:00 Adult Club Badminton PERSONAL DAY OCTOBER, 3 GYRO APPLE 'lav.n and garden. This house LITTLE DAMAGE 8:00 Rup-Rec Teen Age Boys 4'0n Rflxlrpfhall Prorti- brJT1lik(fA o )FETLGD mm OCLIVCRCD rttcti InUNE 654 je-w ucseis leu ior we reaii An overheated stovepipe which Sniwiai Union Centennial banquet peai i u j , ond dance. Please phone or niteA nery woodwork caus- p.m. . . Dick ud tickets as soon as pos- ed a fire which sent the city fire s-aoTeen oe ntru rraft sible at ali Co-op stores, (tf) department to the residence of i' D.d.t;n.i,t m .mtt be seen to be appreci-; a ted. LARGE 4 1st Overlook, new oil ; stove and washing machine . ineidded. House in good con-; diti.iB, Call us and we will ' show you. Call ARMSTRONG AGENCIES ' for a look at these or other 1 332i .uv A HlJCVklUlllLlb iaaa PERSONAL WE'LL SHOP FOR mlb- u eT' -gnin A v- 8:00 Rotary Club Chorus rou. ii you Know wnat you enue East yesteraay morning, want, but live too far away to The ne hie Dlaze u,a Put nut nut out hpfm bel0'e find it yourself, write to the waf Select Shopping Service, Dom- damage was done to the resi- ininn D , . 1 1 A ,7n. t .. , , , . . ... HOCKEY SCORFlS 9 Shaving'! a brrrte . . . quicker and eaiirr . . . when you uac u per keen Gillette Blue Bladea in the amaiing new Gillettt Blade Cispenaer. Zip . . . and there'i a new blade unwrapped ready for uae. Enjoy extra comfort . . . eitra convenience at no extra cott. look j-" f el b jr-" uit Gillette Blue BlacLsa I houses. We may - have what i "'u" uu'iume, nutuuvci. nence. ai ao ciock last nignt a , you wani. mone 342 (Eves. (zz ' fn aP nlarm cnf t ho f ir He. Pacific Coast League San Francisco 7, San Diego 2. Seattle 5, Los Angeles 2. New Westminster 2, Portland .Green 297) 307 3rd Ave. West, CHESTERFIELDS and RUGS j partment truck to the corner SAVO H011 ?5c fer Dosen Paid For Empties iu an vsriiaement i not published ol tlBplayd by the Liquor Con irol Board rs Oy the Oovernmentof British ColumMa (248) cleaned. Prompt Service of Sixth Avenue East and Her-(245 man Street. Phone Blue 510. IRON FIREMAN FOR SALE 1 Electric Range. 1 J auxiliary heater. Phone 466. ) (tf) Carl Zarelli, i STOKERS CIT 30 IS OKI MAT FOR SALE Boat Shed. Can i take 40 ft. boat. With carpen- phone 37 " j PHASER ST! k - -j j v , ,r; v " ( I LLTELLY0U WHY I LIKE QtqTE XPRESS rV VT.Vl SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 27 1 ter and blacksmith tools. Also acetylene welding outfit, boat numheT. All as it stands. Also i boat wharf, excellent place for ' machine shop. Electric power can be had. Cheap for quick sale. Apply to C. Aberg, P.O , ' Massett, BiC. , , ' ' , (252) FOR SALE 4-piece mohair 1 Announcement PETE CIIAVETTO wishes to announce he now is ajrent for the well-known n Wm. H. Leishman "I ; like State Fxpreag cigarettes Leratine tliey satisfy nij' Kiiroking taMe in every vay. Tlwy are pleafiantly wn.Mrth . .. hut ... not too'mild. f .Tliey are always fresh . . . that's wiiy I enjoy llieir flavour t the fulleat. They are firmly packeil and do not stick to asy lipa. State Exreaa cigarettes have won me over completely. ! chesterfield suite, splendid condition, eard tables, flower : pots, lo gallon earthenware crock. Apply evenings. 851 ' Borden St., or phone Red 529. ' Days phone 745. (tf) Makers of the Best Tailored Garments &r If Thirtf !f j ill Wc.. It LeISHMAN Custom - Tailored Clothe. MACHINERY fOK SALS designed for men who know ue 11,1 J For further information visit the TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern 1 and up-to-date type National TIP TOP TAILOR S it 1 Portable Sawmills manufae ; tttred- by National Machinery ; Company Ltmited, Vancouver. -B-C- (tfi - ' j METAL WOKE AT POPULAR PRICES L555 SEE THE .fq ROYAL PORTfj PLUMBING Installations anr! , repairs. SHEET MET A I WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roof-. Ins. Letournean & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543 (tf) LOST AND FOUND . with FINGER FORM KEYSI New! The most sensational typewriter improvement in years HNGER FORM KEYS de TERRACE FOUND Key on sUing on 2nd i Ave. Owner may have same 4 1V ; by calling at the Daily News and paying for this tisement. (tf) df Repair fey Nw! signed to cradle your finger tips! And only the New ROYAL PORTABLE tha world's firt truly modern typewriter has this revolutionary feature! And more, besides! , New Beauty! Speed Spacer) Rapid Ribbon Chaiuer! Magic" Margin! And many other important LOST Saturday nieht. pair of glasses with nink plastic rims . Phone Red 889. (249) FOUND In Post Of f ice 'Build-' ing, Grey Parker Fountain ; Pen. Owner mav have same , bv . calling at the Dailv News , and paying for this advertisement. (tf Sk eena Restaurant TERRACE LLOYD SAUDER, PROPRIETOR GOOD FOOD , GOOD SERVICE Open 6:30 a.m. till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays DINE AND DANCE Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 , improvements "d j Come in nJ ' rv U Portable! Sew Out ul FISHERMEN Repairs to HIGH SPEED ENGINES is our specialty. We have the latest in modern 'machinery and specially TRAINED MECHANICS to handle this class of work. Let us have your engine now, do not wait until the last minute for that overhaul. If you are thinking of an over-haul, we will be glad to look your motor over and make our recommendation. PHONE us or better still DROP IN and talk it over with our Shop Foreman. , RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 .mark of Royal TO "Magic" is a registered trade-: Let our skilled plumbers put your bathroom facilities in tip-top shape quickly and at low cost. ' PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING AND ' HEATING Bud Schuman Second Ave. Reader ana classified advertisers are requested to submit their' copy to the office. Telephoned advertisements often lead to mistakes against which the Daily News cannot guarantee ffltaSn PLACE AN AD II THE DAILY NEWS-CTRCULATlON COUN re