SHOWER FOR ptfnce Eupctt Dailj Ji3fto Thursday, October 21, 1948 Local News Items . . . MOOSE LADIES INITIATE TWO Two new members were ini CITY GIRL tiated into the Women of thel Local Pioneers' Home Mentioned The Old Age Pensions' special issue of "Health and Welfare," Miss Laura Cloutier, whose mar M. F. Stuart left today by air on a business trip to Vancouver. The Salvation Army Citadel, S.O.N. Bazaar, Tea, Sale Home Cooking, Sewing, Friday 22nd, 2:30-5:30. Dancing and Refreshments, 9-2. Music by Mike Colussi. (249) Moose at the Chapter's monthly meeting held last night in the Moose Temple. They were Mrs. J. Mendells and Mrs. L. Ketchi-son who were inducted by Seniot Regent Mrs. Thomas Glenn. riage to Richard Letourneau will take place shortly, was held Monday evening at the home which is an attractive and well- Hunting Friday, October 22, 7:30 p.m. A WITH GYPROC oi Mrs. D. Letourneau. fi29 Rlvth 1 vant non.a - m aw I Drill Lantern Travelogue on Kenya Avenue West. lHn,i Mll!;, hv Vnur bukes. East Africa, by Major . Wilfred The evening was SDent nlav- The ladies' chapter received an invitation from the men's lodge to a social in observance of Mooseheart Day, October 26. Jackets FIREPROOF WALLDQARD Yurgensen. (248) A. S. Carter, who was admitted to the Prince Rupert Gen- lng bingo and in community Machine, Friday, October ; 22, 9 singing. Miss Frances Moore was' p.m. .(249) pianist. A numbpr nf invoiv nif's' illustrated publication, makes brief reference to the establishment in' this city. It says: "In Prince Rupert is the 'Pioneers' Home,' a hew and modern building for 20 persons. It was opened late in 1947." Advertise in the Daily News! Classified Advertising Paysf Following the business session, were presented to th hriHo n ' Miss Isobel McCrlmmon, who eral Hospital here about three AT a social evening was enjoyed eluding a bridal honk u,hir.,',ai! has been visiting here for the weeks ago, is still there, his Mrs William Terry was conven Low Price, $1.92 per 4x8 sheet signed by those present .Past two months with her fath- general condition being about er. winner of a cake which was Sale Prices Those attending the function er J- D- McCrimmon, left on , the same. Mr. Carter, who came raf fled was Mrs. E. Faught. I BERT & McCArrtRY LID. last evenings tram on ner te- iu rrince nupen, aruunu lm - - years ago was born in the Niag-i ' lUMBKii - BUILDING SUPPLIES ara county of Ontario, in 1860. PHONE 119 ; Gyro Apple Day, Saturday. Help the playgrounds and the swimming pool. Order a case now from any Gyro. (24b) TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! turn to Minneapolis. Maresa Windle announces the opening of her Dancing Studio 'in the Stone Building, Room 6, Saturday, October 23, at 10:00 a.m. For enrolment phone Green 922. (249) Meeting of International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 510, Friday, October 22 in the Carpenters' Hall, 8 p.m. , (248) BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION Prince Rupert District ANNUAL MEETING CIVIC CENTRE 8 p.m. Thursday,, 28th October, 1948 All persons interested in our work for boys are invited to attend this meeting COURTESY were Mrs. J. Parks, Mrs. B. Parks, Mrs. 8. Dumas, Miss Pat Dumas, Mrs. J. Richards, Mrs. P. Dvornek, Miss Mona Mutch, Miss Dorothy Roberts, Miss Pat Patterson, Mrs. S. Sjursen, Mrs. P. Letourneau, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. E. P. Smith, Mrs A. E. Nes-bltt, Mrs. J. Cloutier, Mrs. G. Moore, Miss Frances Moore, Mrs. M. Wozlowski, Mrs. R. Boychuk, Miss E. Usick, Miss N. Shryph-nyk, Miss J. Cloutier, Miss D. Letourneau, Mrs. L. Gonzales, Mrs. J. Morgan. Canvas Hunting Coat, waterproof t reacted, with rubberize'd extended skirt. Keg. Price $19.75 CI J ML SPECIAL PRICE yi JaHJ Canvas Shell Jacket, rainproof t r e a t ed , long sleeves and wool lined. A Reg. Price $8.25 S US SPECIAL PRICE. ) J J BUY 0 ,rfS 'fine for jj- y ---n . , . . V 4-:- 111 jP""-1 i 1 1 BIRTH NOTICE Gyro ( APPLES IS BACK FROM WORLD SERUES LOWE Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lowe in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, a daughter, , Lorene LaVerve, 61bs., 8 ozs. October 17. 1948. Phone 311 We Deliver ) Saturday, Oct. 23 & v ZZ . . - - - Alex Bill Returns Rest of Party Due at End of This Week Alex Bill, one of four local baseball enthusiasts who went to Cleveland to see the World Series, is home. The others are Herb Morgan, Nick Pavlikls and Fine quality Wind-breaker, rainproof treated, wool lined.' Reg. Price $16.50 f H 'JT SPECIAL PRICE I I ,lJ Fine quality, lightweight Hunting Coat, waterproof treated, large pockets .in the back, double fabric throughout, comfortable and practical. ttcg. Price $18.50 Q(" SPECIAL PRICE )SZ.J Boyo Gurvich who are due this The "Busy Bee" Food Market WILL BE CLOSED ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27 FOR APPROXIMATELY SIX WEEKS FOR THE PURPOSE OF RENOVATION. TO REDUCE OUR STOCK," THE FOLLOWING VALUES ARE OFFERED: week-end by car in which they motored east. Bill hurried home by air on Tuesday to resume his duties with the Canadian Na tlonal Railways. I The local party, from grand- stand seats just back of the home plate which cost $4 each, saw the three games which were played in the vast new Cleveland Park. They also attended Jnounceraentt :KtM i tula column the special American League Hotel. . : . a . sreed (or full montb at ctnU t ward play-off game when Cleveland broke the tie with Boston Red Sox to capture the American League pennant and the right rty, Catholic School 21, 8 p.m. ian Choir Tea, Oct. to enter the World Series. Prince Rupert E. M. Atkinson, Vancouver; M. P. Parkinson, Vancouver; F The great celebration in Cleveland started with the win J. Hamilton, Vancouver; S. Ros- Norway and Sonia Fall t.22. mnB ol u'" Bme "u ""u sler, Vancouver; J. W. Burns, into the series. Vancouver- M v Pidnzzi. e rletit A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy ran), tmi uuui, T.mP.. Mr nnri Mri W. Bnws. tfU-nsiiito Aaven,.ng Pays pm Vancouver; F. J. Rolph, Ocean Peanut Butter, Squirrel, 16-ofc. 39c Strawberry Jam, Pure 47c Red Plum, Aylmer 33c Baby Foods (assorted) j... 3 for 19c Salad Time Dressing, 8-oz. 19c Miracle Whip Dressing, 8-oz 25c 20 01 tin- 2 for23c 'Apple Juice, Sunripe, Grapefruit Juice, 20-oz. tin : . 2 for 23c Tomato Juice, Libby's ... 2 for 31c Rogers Golden Syrup, 2-K. tin 25c Cake Flour, Velvet 32c Pard Dog Food J 2 for 21c Kraft and Velveeta Cheese, Vis 29c Cocoa, Neilsons, Vis ....... .... 19c i Bazaar, November 3. 'Falls; G. Shcppard, Ocean Falls; O. A. Kaulbeck. Fort William; Presbyterian Church, E. C. Gorling, Vancouver; M. McNeil, Los Angeles; Miss Florence McNeil, Los Angeles; M. BED MATTRESSES Ask for them by name. Beautyrest, Deepsleep, Slumber King, Lady Beaty and many otheri for your Fall requirements. Phone 775 - 327 3rd Avenue 3. Rupert symphony Concert for Boy -relation, Civic Centre 5. Cocoa, Neilsons, Is 35c Sunlight and Fels Naphtha Soap .... 12c Vel Soap Powder, large 19c Bleach, Per f ex, 16-oz. 17c Bleach, Perfex, 32-oz , 33c White Vinegar, Heinz, gal 95c Tomatoes, 28-oz. tin 23c Rice Crispies 2 for 29c Melo Grain Health Meal . ... 4 lbs. 29c Bran Flakes, Post's, 8-oz. .. . 2 for 29c Corn Flakes, Kellogg's, 8-oz. . 2 f or 29c Cake and Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 42c Tuna Fish, Bluewater 2 for 85c Horseshoe Salmon 2 for 79c PEAS Malkin's Rest No. 4 2 tins 33c PEARS Bartlett, 20 oz. tin 2'Jc PRUNE PLUMS Aylmer, 20 oz. . . 2 for 31c ARROW SOAP FLAKES, per box 21c TIDE, per box . . 30c RINSO, large 32c OLD DUTCH 2 tins 19c KRAFT DINNER 2 pkgs. 35c CATSUP, Hunt's, 13-oz. 25c Fretty Feverish Baby Gets Needed Rest There k no need to upend worried day and iWeplew nihu when bby i fretty, reetleoa or feverish due to teething, eon-atipmtion. tomch upet or im .imiUr minor ill. Own T.Wet. wy live prompt relief to tht the litUe one Boon become. rctful and contented. Hby Own TubleU have been the atand-hy with careful mother, for over to y. Inexpenaive, aweet-ttin promptly et-feetive and always reliable. i.aily crushed to a powder. If desired. No "aleepy ntulT -no dullint effect. Get a package of Baby Own TableU today at your druggiat and have them on hand to help you, ai well a tout baby, set needed reaU Only 25. an Legion W.A. Bazaar, Ogden, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. P. Robertson, Prince George; J. G. Williams, city; Mr. and Mrs. Crossley, Vancouver; John Denholme, Ocean Falls; F. Moore, Vancouver. Bermuda Is an archipelago of about 360 small islands, 580 miles east of North Carolina. 10. rian Fall Bazaar, Nov. Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 510 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions Army Home League 23. 2:30 p.m., Sons of lall. . ii Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale r 25th DAKED IIAtt Ws Cathedral bazaar. r 27. Better - JOHN H.1 BULGER OPTOMETRIST ' -r John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenu - - F Ladies' Bazaar, De- wifh tt. Church Bazaar, Dec- SOUPS Campbell's Cream of Celery . . . . 2 for 33c Campbell's Tomato 2 for 19c Campbell's Vegetable 2 for 25c Stokely's Tomato 3 for 25c '- ' ' War, Sons of Nm-uaw member 4. 'to's Pan Bazaar. Dp. TWO CASH PRIZE WINNERS In PRINCE RUPERT Area MRS. A. HARDY Box 1678, City NEIL FORMAN Box 114, City Every week there are two cash prize winners in the Prince Rupert area on Malkin's Melody Money Time LISTEN IN CFPR 7:30 p.m. Every Friday TRY YOUR SKILL FOR CASH PRIZES PREPARED WORLD IN GLASS Mill cenlurv in. MUSTARD Venice became i.hp THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE" VALUES TO BE HAD AT TfHie MJY ME r in the Glass in. the ! 1 1 Come Early and Make the Most of Them! 4ex Cafle SB. Sailings for : VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE -: - 'A I I .mmammmm'. . . f or Tasty Meals Chi Tuesdav. 1:30 p.m., Cardena "PSuey ChowMcin Sunday, 11 p.m., Camosun "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS' STEWART and ALICE ARM Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a m. RUPERT MARINE REALTY S (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of : BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY-RUPERT MARINE REALTY . FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront! Box 548 . Phone Green 975 Sundays, 11 p.m. FOR SQUT1I QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Oct. 22, 10 p.m, FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Oct. 15 and 29, 10 p.m. 1. TO IDEAL FOR BABIES Wiring or Linhtinn: INSULATE Consult us lor your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cards for every occasion MBit Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE . . - j FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 can be effective only W PROPERLY PLANNED 'e assist you in getting the best value for money expended. ,R,NG' LIGHTING, HEATING, LKlGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE Unsolicited testimonials con tlnually tell us that bab e with richly .hriv a-hrn fed Make sure your home is warm and snug this winter. Let us nourishing, irradiated Pacific Milk Get a handy vacuum r,airpH ran today and prove GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alteration! Floor Sanding a Specialty REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Insulate it completely now. Mitchell & Currie LIMITED , Phone 363 Builders and Contractors this fact for yourself! PACIFIC MILK I see r Northern B.C. PoverCo.; R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) P.O. Box 721 Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Phone RED 561 limited O Phone ziu ,