Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, February IT, I960 " ' n tec To the sweet music of "Peace, Tff!,v rw.r,. .,,. .. . Prrfeet Peace' the casket was sefhy "2 Verf Tin" slowly borne from the church and Percy )r Mr DrTwthe er by the pallbearers-Oeorge Mc- and Edtr.i Watson Kirbrt Adams, Thomas Fra.ser. George Noble's and iai k Vwl , peters, B. R. Dodds, T. E. Brooks bc Hoi ut f 5, SouSbnk-and W. Robin for iu nnul of dT and "u lp " . rllnir t)l:ic in t.h. IToli.m "I rLter&, JJ1 and race Mrs. Jones Is Laid At Rest 1 Don Forward, - general secre-' tary of the Civic Centre.'returnejJ,-to the city Thursday) night from; 't' Ketchikan after travelling with - ' the Ffince Rupert JeU Q Me(JiT- Mrs, R. G. Lai'EP Svrt TVinmn- cemetery. , Son, Alex MaeKenylo unri f-m- , Laid al vice in Church Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson, kat-'-a and the Alaska city. The Cordon, Earl Gordon. Mr. and ctarW SmitS DT' Mrs. W. Antilla of bouthbank, L W Kern rv M',m and John Gordon or Calory. 5y V h,, f C. A. Berner of Prince Rupert Mrs r,! l J!"? ' i Bishop of Caledopia, who, as a feU-. return to Prince Rupertn,, r- , , , the Princess Norah tomorrow. . s fr the late Prmce Ku- '" also present t the funeral. Bati. Rowland, B.C. Stuart of 1 1 n -ri f"nrni ." -1 t n r ' m - - , it ti" "-r"J' r . ' - i y si y ' I . , ? f . f led 'f " Jean and Lor"a. Marshall Wells froon in St- way east I B.C. Ltd.; Skeena Federal Lib- ."".-" me uue wir. uorcion nod es-.erul ; A.s.soeiit.inn sa nih :-an tm " laonwicu a mvciy iiume on uie rummers, Greer and Rriflflen yuuiig recuir ciinuuiaea i-ne mar-, riage of deceased al Lloydminster j lhlrty-thrw years ago, officiated at St. Andrew's Anglican Cath-ledral tills afiornoon at the f tin-' eral of the lute Mrs. Durothy ILewLs Jones, former Fthool 1 teacher and business woman, iwho passed away' earlier in the week. Many friends formed the j congregation which gathered to iPay final U iliutes of esteem and respect. I Peter Lien presided at li.c ornrin (.o nrccimpany the hvmns ' I which were "Unfai Hie Hills" and j "Abide With Me." ids of south shore of Lakelse Lake Prince Rupert Guide Co , Edith , friendly word wnere ne snerit most of his time Horace, Marjorie and Vauchan wi'li whom ne from purly Rprng to ale fllll Tattersal, Fred Seadden June Wreaths 01 Known to all the Lakelse resl-jElsa, Dai-nc and Clarence Hilda of early spun , uenus antj regarded affection-, .and Bill, Kelly Doul is Co chancel, pul- ateiy by them all, his passim? I Trinee Rupert bally News Mr indows of the wlu be felt keenly by them all 'and Mrs. H. G Perry Mr' and when once again the season 1 Mrs. o. A. Hunter F.diiri rx'.hhio s f tribute to pens up there. j skeena Merehantile, George and Among those who sprit floral Betty MeAduiiis, Norma, Mrs. W. 1 Bbh") GiD-i:li "that vvv tributes were: ' Antiunion, Terrace, Jobs of the calibre loving wife May, Jerry Daughters. Delist Chapter No. His I A f A l I the World 10- , p.,,., Rhhv nnrt T nnrlp 1. Mary and Tommy Brown, ; Following the .service in the 1 Cathedral, interment was made jin Fairvlrw Cemetery. Pallljear- ers were P. H. Llnzey, W. M. l"'111:' ' . u. nnve and Wallv. Jack? and fain- Wmpseati--Lodge No. 58, A.F. lis Wiu 1 ... ... . (r!M,npvl Mr flnrt Ml.s t M. Mrs-. W. MiieDunald and always saw hi' Evelyn, Staff of Gil'l''. Laura and Alex Mitchell, J Watts. lugl:i.s Wood, R. G. fWp- i IT' ri,.rri,.n'. llirHwnro Mr on.l Mrs. UPorj'e Hill. Sr.. Gordon. i,nio me . A 1 rwiinni. nnri fnmiiv Miii y and (.harles Forbes-Aniv kins. Alf Rivett and James Clark, j Many beautiful floral tributes testifed to the esteem and re- j spect in which deceased whs held. M(. were sung ' ' an D".- Stevenson, George Mr Mrg H A Domlnato rrm"""' l'rr,.j rmli .h Mr. nur. Jn Miunieil and famllv. an. EXERCISE, SWEETBR1AR UNDERWAY As Exe rclse Sweetbrlar got under way Penguin snowmobiles 0 fthe Princess Patricia's Canadian Lig ht Infantry rattled up the Alaska Highway, north of Whltehorse to comedo grips with the "enemy" which is attacking southwards from Alaskd. The above Canadian Army photo shows "D" Compa ny of the " Pats" roaring over the rugged terrain I ney Roald, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. r,mmv Winnie Black, Dr. 'Mills, Mr. and Mrs. C. Johansen and "Mrs. Jens Munthe, Evelyn and Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. ,J. A. Mrt- " Sluart. Emi'y and .51 A IE Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. John """" "1'lt1'. Jonn CHANDLERS' PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Rnlargln Flash PtiBto lake at Heme Phone Oreen 3S9 Bl 4tn Si . PH1NC RUPERT, B C, north of Whltehorse. Uiwrnnn Vlr ana Mrs. Oscar "r"' nany nciison una a.uh iVr ur win Rnh. family, Ann ana uod marker, inson.'Mr.'and Mrs .J. M. Mac- BUI. Caroline ami John Lambie; The Right for Your Radio ANCE TAX I'KEPAKKD itTl.MKK N-ar ('KHK ' Cambral delegate, to the provincial LODE, convention in the Vancouver Hotel in April. The organization accepted two Mrs. G. G. Withers Elected Regent (Cahadian Army Photo) Axel Olson Hos Birthday Party TERRACE. Celebrating his birthday on Tuesday l ist, Alex Olson was agreeably surprised when Mra. '-Krumm entertained a number of his friends to an intosh and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. M;' a Cordon, Harry, J. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Po"v ,ld Mary Astoria. Jack Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Dickens, sr.. 'ld I?1'!n", M!:Rae' Jl!df nd Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Gladding. M!;S1V,W- , . Fu'll)n a"d lmil!-Mr. dlth and Jim and Mrs. H. S. Parker, Mr. Greer, Fraser and and Mrs. C. Q. Ham, Mr. and p,a5"le a,,d families Tom John- r..,.. ... j ... stone, and famllv. Dorothv and applications for membership and alo announced that a dinner A Complete Overhaul At Eight.enth annual meeting of " V" "l MIS. U n. CIKIIIS, mr. KI1U Wits. , ,...- - - rnmhral ehonl Imnerlnl ter holictuys. RADIO evening of cards and fun. The living room was decorated with white streamers and the place KEN'S Cool Strike Hits Fomily Larder 'i "i!" S!"h wf- S? HHen FrlsPr' Rila and A1 Sheardown. Order Daughters of the Empire U',dy and I'orIaine Johnstone - was held at the home of Mrs. G. M n'd Mr Anton Dvhaven Prfest Ul)bj;-.'and Lou O-Withers Wednesday night and Mr' and Mrs Tom Mr' Felsenthal, Mr 51rt tonkins and Mrs- Wilson Murray Mr. elecUon of officers Uiok place, Mr Mr, r r and Mr?' Howard mil Mr and a,ld M,s A 0 Bi.rtlett. Mr. and Mrs. Withers was elected Regent Mrs. ormanBuke? ' Mr and Mr. and Mrs. jc 1 Mrs. C. G. Ham as honorary Mr. a Mrtm,n nrt famllv C lift Burtlelt, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. "Bent. CLINIC i cards at the supper table were I valentine motifs and red and John F. l Hughes, O.Cn fbH 21-22 Besner Block mne BLUB 448 far OFFICE CLOSED During Cold Weather Open Again About ' ; End of February r light of which was the cutting; of Valentine cards. Delicious' PORT MARION, Pa. The problem of food during the strike of 90,000 soft coal miners, is at Call Blue 992 90 Day Guarantee For Satisfactory Service 118 2nd Ave. W. Blur 9 refreshments were served, high-! and serving oP& beautiful birth- 1 Othere elections were: " times acute. The seven children First Vice-Reuent. Mrs. W. A.. day oake made by the hostess. IRRIVED McBroom. lamily of Joe Konickl, for ex- ample, has seen no meat for a Second Vice-Regent, Mrs. N. R.; Youn month. Fie owes $300 to a grocery "' , , Joe was asked what the fam- c I Secretary, Mrs. G. P. Lyons. . -JllB, d0ndcd on chlcfly. Assistant Secretary, Mrs. -C. G. !. saW Jw mon the guests were Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Campbell, Mr. and tvlrsR., Mr. and Mrs., F. Baker, Mr., and Mrs. F. Olsen, Mr. and Mr Perduz.l, Mrs. Loen, Alee' Craig. ' , ime in Rupert Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Watts and J i-!n. family, Mr. and Mr. Strachan.t C. W. NI.:kerson k.imI Mrs. Mary. Margaret; Mr. 'and Mrs. Kineadf Mr ynd Mrs. M. J Cromp, George, Edith and Don; Saunders, Dr. and Mrs. C:i-net Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Feasby, Mr. Montgomery, Kilselas Lodpe Nq. and Mrs. R. P. James and fam-;i23 A. f . Si A. M. Terrace, Mr. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Gllroy Smith.; and J B. MeK " n id James, Jim Mr. and Mrs. Hallberg, Mr. and; End Elsie Smith . Mrs. DeWagd, Mr. and Mrs. Ole, Stegavlg and Olaf, Mr. and Mrs.lgrh Weddinq George Frizzell, Mr. and Mrs. . 3 , Arthur H. SUversldes and Ho-! Anniversary 71 rt j JUNEAU. The second annual 1 waterfowl inventory in Alaska places the totil at about 300.000 Concentrates Of j Vivian Wralhall. . Treasurer, Mrs. L. Griffith. I Echoes Secretary, Mrs. Chai'ios Stokoe. Dav south. The estimate win nora, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fltzzger 'is. wintering from Bristol Premier .1 aid, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lefler, , .. .. . ... " .. wa,"H ueurer, Mrs. lnomns ,,. iUa nir Rmwr,. Mr. and Mrs. Bart Hedstrom BntI MtMeeklll. ... ...a l,l,h nnHh nl Nnmp. I and ""," . " V1 " "'l' , Ta ,'i Marking the golden jubilee of ; ".. ;,.",,. '. ,l-'Vih ii- Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lead and concentrates. ., uieir six v-cil 1 11 v.enu'iiK anni- ..... 1 r. n ",,r -v- - Forbes. Mr. and Mrs. Jack iviuo- - " uu; v c... u miri Ullllllie o; ...... n.,;.,..l.. Moll ujpr I VlTtif TV VP. I'l'd'lU Pull' K 1-UIV1 . . . U.Ml.l 1 VlllM.Tlll.l. mail'iMio sallcm. Mr. and Mrs u. vv. . . en a over activities since mceiVwon 7 , -, 1,., ,v.u. numVirr I made at the plant of the Sllhak Premier Mines Ltd.; are of a higher grade than those ob- C. P. pairiCK lor years was in me in Mareh 19S2. .wm art h M . " Inhnntnn Mr And Mr i TV ' 1- 111 Ol III III " jAined pviouala-4iie- jr;cja t i. Balagno and family, Mr. and "'-' 01 uie oepaii- Lyons. In celebration of Cam-Mrs. Phil Llnzey, Mr. and Mrs. m ,1t n ,-'- Kii'kuu-i.-k was fcra.s- birthday, a dinner is plan-Martin Erlckson and family,' Prince Kupei s Hist woman Ile1 to. Uie Mart-j, meeting in the simt-tlewn while metallurgical i results have also Improved, an-n.t,n,.tiA nniA T. Pill, thp man Mr. Mr. and ana Mrs. Mrs. Art An ORilvIe m?nvie .and ,nu ' - wum:c. civic Cenlre. it was also an- c ..U1H l IU1 Ol LUA- n.kiitibfl thfil arrannDlnnnltf f.r family. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Krist- Oscai feniith, manson, Mr. and Mrs. George !toms here, visiU aging director. (1 them while he Wmdow sale of hom cookiiiv to ous I Research I Ic Shoes I It was last November the mine Tlialn and Mrs. 8. Dye, Mr. and , ;1" 0,1 lw nonuay uip iu be neld March 4, were completed. resumed work, after a year's Victoria Mrs. WiUiprs was seiectv! as f t 1 1 Mrs. 3. Batt and family, Mr. and 1 suspension due to labor differ 1 Mra Carl Glske. Mr. and Mrs t iiiii ii ill i ii ii miiMii.i mi I ..M i .ifi'i ences. The JjecemDcr agree ment provides for a 34 cents i W. Wasyk, Mr. and Mrs. A. j . ' Husoy, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hu- 1 . . . . n , t ; 1 1 . Widths soy, Mr. ana Mrs. ueorge nuis ': and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mac-, Arthur and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kr snilt wage jiiureu.ic uvci jrevious base rate of $8.11. present crew numbers 200. The former milling rate of WOODS about 4,000 tons per month in November increased to 6.500 in Kruupncr, Ed and Kay Llndseth, I Norma and Clinton Halliday, I Peggy and Don Ritchie, Tilcy I and Dorothy Lloyd, Alice, and ' Harry Breen, Harry and Llbby, December. s . -- PIPE TOBACCO ii ti , , : : 1 1 I SWAP HltlES LTD. (R.P.L) To Advertisers To insure publication of display or classified advertising, opy for same must be In the office of the Daily News by 4 p.m. the day previous to advertising. Requirements of the mechanical department make this rule necessary. You, too, can get the most out of off-moments . . . with a pipe and cool smoking, slow burning "Old Virginia" . , . so' smooth, soothing, satisfying . . . a tobacco . that makes you a roan among men. IP5 ' TwW V ill II S CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP Re- WOLjJ y 1' ' ' f SIGNS The Vatican has an- " , 1 -1 . . nounced that Most Rev. Joseph t - irL i vT charbonneau has resigned as I If CffiV Ma jt-Cy "2 archbishop of Montreal. The VzhJfcjf lvl ' t&fi,JV 1 58-year-old prelate now is con- jr'.-rT I -s flCT ahioi' valesclng al Mount St. Mary's Tt"') i Rest Home In Victoria. ption-1,000,000 Shares, No Par Value. Wropertie-3 33,000 Shares (escrow), k 100,000 Shares at $2.00 per Share. it in Treasury 567,000 Shares. f. 1 I ' UMI . I .. f I 1 1 I V 1,1 II JJ. J ViMtil . .. ".-. " -.V,J I I 'I f Don't let it get too f?? "' ( I Jb J nch "cake". All jfifa, IS ! jft' - i that's needed is about rsr 9 - f- 1 VU'. . I-,' 116 of an inch to I ' A Si t'A keepth.pipeinthe ' AV" , : 1 . W Tar!.ri rinhi condition to W I i .- 1 tfOWWZ wow.' 0 year the ntun Solloway has been lSC I t ' s -fc. ;.( vou complete V N with prospcttnq and At financing of I ' Tlir rm,r llll,. w 1.1.,.. fvrvirr. W. "Ov. I X CELLO0S I ' Don't worry larh'-it. only last four minuUs; then f ymi can have him back." r I h rM y- ; ilna development ople wUl remember the epeculaMve period 1930. At that time thousand of people I nded. wVet profit by buyina the ahcrrei I ifident that every Inveelot who read the on Shuswap Mine lid, will want to speculation with me and I expect thia ipmall b areatly oveMubtcribed. get wide distribution of the Company's therefor, only small subscriptions will be Write or telegraph for a prospectus. fn will be made for (he listing of the "FOR. ' '. IliiL .--I vi s shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange Vancouver Stock Exchanas as soon as has been comoleted omd the ComnanT Wholders. 1 NEW! WAM'titoii cetsrzz am? v&veitTMi even! YOUU U Ol AD yon chngd ta Kellogg'i Bran FUka. Touty-crup in milk. Predier, guaranlea it . . . MY THEM AT NO RISK. If Kellogg' ren't fresher thin other bran flake, end empty carton to Kellogg', Dept. ( A, Indon. Ont. Cit doiMt your monty kackl rrm FiNE PRINTING at ,- L W. C. SOLLOWAY. President. SOLLOWAY ini ASSOCIATES ROYAL SANK Ummfi flcUlc 6117 VANCOUVER, la MUDIY IAXATIVI. Conlaini enough bran to hrlp regularity, many folk irffp rr-p-, j: v ' '"T-'.hmii.j " .. V! Ten i- - v bmil l-ry tliem. rf"' . Jr tnkmfton direct or pUct your order nur broker. Steriftwr,, mill b Z&1 SSJPIIONB 21 222 Second A. ; j . onftmed l tt tired. N-S t zz AiOT&BR. &ovs Jareesrj J