Prince Rupert Dally News"! Wednesday, August 23, 1950 . high man on the totem . pole. Harry Duker says: . "We want people to thlDk of British. Columbia when they think of the totem pole and vice versa." At its first meeting the society planned to ask merchants particularly those who export to Bills High? Totem Society Popularizes B.C. VANCOUVER, 0 Add another organization to the list of agencies boosting British. Columbia the Totem Land Society. Announcement George Green, district manager of Imperial Oil Co. Ltd.. made the trip to Masset Inlet at place small totem poles on their oninv the" odded com- The organization, incorporated i letterheads tne end of the week on the and possibly on Vacation School First Baptist Church, mornings . 9:30 -11:30. Children 3-14 years. August 14-25. Trades and Labor Council Labor Day sports, September 4. Dance at Civic Centre. steamer Camosun. as a non-prota society, aims to popularize the- province abroad as well as better the economic S. S. McLaren arid W. J. Tup- their products. The society also considered asking authorities to place 50-foot totem poles at each point of entry into British Columbia. an insulated home Dy:. instoiung . LAS Roll blankets: . , ; -'-''' LAS can easily be installed ,in your an evening, and costs only $6 per per, after having been here for status of British Columbia's Ind-the past ten days carrying out';ians. the city audit, for" the Vancou-j Founder, of the society and 10 Bazaar, October 4 Chris Dixon, well known local sawmill man, has been on a trip to Terrace the last few days. Tomorrow is Kiddies' Day at the Carnival. Free stage show at 3 p.m. and rides 5 cents during afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Parsons left at the first of the week for a leisurely motor trip which will take them as far as the Carl-boo. Donald Julscth has returned to his home in Terrace after a .visit here with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wood. , Mrs. T. W. Biown and dauehtor Catholic and 5. ants. Crehan- and Meredith, are . returning south tomorrow. i Lore reei. . . HAS, complete with vapour barrier, Parking Meter Revenue Good M m 'Snort k o fit between ceiling joists, just roil ILAS can also be installed by your CONTRACTOR, on o time payment . Anne, returned to the cltv at the Rebekah Bazaar, October 18. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 26. Sonja Bazaar, October 27. Moos Bazaar, tfov. 2 and 3. Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar November 8. Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 18. IO.D.E. fall oazaar No ember 23. L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. RCA VICTOR'S first of the week after spending a holiday at Limberlost Lodge, missel. , down and 12 months to pay the 1 71 Mr. and Mrs. O. Genberff and HALIFAX R Parking meters have netted the Halifax city j treasury about $24,000 since being installed almost a year ago. City hall figures they bring in about $3,000 a month. There are 540 parking meters installed along city streets, mostly in down-town districts. The average daily take of each family of Eutedale, having brought a car north from Vancouver, started out from here at the first of the week on a motor trip south.; ! Baronet Shirts INQUIRE TODAY AT , ,y rl & McCaffery Limited 50 Anniversary meter Is estimated at 21 cents. ; Oame Warden Ed. Martin re- The meters are In operation 10 .turned to the city at the first of hours dally, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., ( lhe week after a patrol trip to I during six days each week, ex- Are Styled Exclusively for . Your Comfort,' Fit and P.O. BOX 180 6117-58 Shell PREMIUM Gasoline Is the met powerful gasoline your car can use. It's "Aetlrated! - uie Naas River and Dundas Is-,cepting holidays-. . Pf ''ltn the PM.L. 4. , , f They have it figured how busy Special 1 e f WH,WH.tB.y. ... , J ni- , . . Thompson, who had con : I . . Smart Appearancei -k templated writing a book entitled "The Story of Prince Ru- ' r the city hall statistician, can take in a maximum of 50 cents dally. The first lot of 240 meters were installed along city streets last August. .' ' ' rricea trom t pert," advise the Daily News that he has postponed starting $5.25 to $6.95 I of the work for another month. Day i. Every - Royal Canadian Air Force Those desirous of enlisting or re-enllstingj in ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE please arrange for personal interview with ; MR E. CLAUSEN, i. Clausen & Son office. Waterfront, Prince Rupert " ' Between 4 and 8 p.m. Phone Green 975 P.O. Box 548 Fine . tip-Gabardine r , !V Shirts w Priced at r - (Continued from page 2) j Rupert and from there go to j Ketchikan. Sounds delightfully simple, although they say It is to be a water.. Journey, cover j 5,000 miles and occupy two years. It's a bold adventure and they I deserve to win. Further If they 1 I rx i tf $6.50, $7.50. $.. ' r ' - KIDS-Enter your pet in the' Carnival Pet Show Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. Prizes for every entry and grand award for best pet in the show. ;' Henry Hill, former well known Portland Canal mining man and one time identified with the Riverside property at Stewart, was here at the first of the week going through to Alice Arm and Stewart. I Larry Eckroyd, field service representative of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, returned south from Terrace last week after having made a trip through the central Interior visiting various boards of trade and chambers of commerce. have figured things . close en ough, it should be entirely pos- slble. They will be free of any strikes. . $179,951 i This is the first time In Can THE NEW IIILLMAN SEE ada's history that a railway strike has taken place. It Is also the first time, of which there is amy record, tnat Parliament and you Senate will assemble In Ottawa, Greatest )fc!js in ItCA Victor's History Play all racordi perfectly, automatically with unmatched MM of operation. Mat Standard Breadcatl WE WILL BE OPEN TO SERVE having travelled there for emergency session, by air. What would Sir John and Sir Wilfrid have said to that sort of deal? THE BEST (KFAST AT 6 EVERY MORNING!! . radio with powerful 6-tuba laaco. Under New Management ''''.. '' ! Once, they managed to getj around on the B.C. coast even! with next to nothing in the way in 1 1 in 1v 1 1 I k . . 4 ' S f ' y 'it ( '1 Service SPECIAL ' '"' BUSINESSMEN'S. LUNCH PHONE 1C3 Modern Styling in lustrous walnut voiMora. Also in mahogany or blond at slightly higher cost. - SH n TODAY AT McHiac; Bros.' .1 65c of transportation. . o Dd a K, night, the radio told the tale oT how a mining man Journeyed from the Queen Charlotte Is-! lands to Victoria. This was in j the spring of 1863. The north j was then a wilderness, and not without dangers. - He travelled" in the war canoe of a Haida; chief. Indians were more in-; clined to be warlike, than peace- j PRINCE RUPiaij bi iiLiBiuA r H I j.mmip ii-""' " . 1 (CLOSED ON SUNDAY) ... wise- comers .are stockinq up with WHITE -for picklinq HEATING W DEMMP UNN BODSCHUMAKf tOld Post Office Jd; $1651 FULL PRICE DELIVERED ful. The canoe was paddled be- tween six and seven hundred ; miles. Exposure to weather andj Other, dlscomfoxla.weretaken as, a matter of course. I P O RTRAJK REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Including- Films Developed and. PTJiv4 Hully as a Fruit Cake! Certainly Our Fruit PROMPT BERVICB' ).'. CHANDLERS STUB:- 216 - 4th Street . B 4S Phone Orcen 389 filnce; ' Rnpert Crossing Queen Charlotte ; Sound was without incident but, after gaining sheltered water-S ways between the mainland and Vancouver Island, It was noticed they were moving faster. This was due the power as well as peril of the currents of Sey . R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) success If W 1 O FREIGHT O TAXES O LICENCE O REGISTRATION O HEATER O DE-FROSTER BILL'S SERVICE STATION Cokes are Full of Delicious Nuts and Fruits. ' ERT BAKERY LTD. mour Narrows, a menace to this day to stout shipping as well as to primitive canoe. Finally, after being out nearly three weeks, they paddled into the haven of Nanaimo and not long after were greeted at Fort KAIEII CO-CJ, IM f f HARDWARE -' l7J Phone Black 605 404 McBride 7 it , it's Linoleum ,--" want drop in onc check our stock Jo Victoria. Practically an tne population welcomed the tirei voyageurs on the shore. This was the end of the longest canoe Journey in the story of the coast, eighty-seven years ago. IIILLMAN AND HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE n''14W-. 1 1. .1 & J I i.a-r O Inloids --V British made O Hal! Runner six and O Floor Mats O O Congolturj nine feet vide Rexoleum Rug WRITB Box 13 jERVlNG THE B.C. COAST , f and '.-' 1N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS WE DELIVER 251 - 3rd Avenue PHONE 179 FROM PRINCE RITfERT ' PT CLEMENTS ' . ' ' - SAVJB . . . With Electriaf JUSKATLA ' QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY -- " ALLIFORD BAY , CUMSHIWA , INLET piCE rupert 1: l.....'.... .oo il.v j mm Pick a "Keep-Fit" Cereal Good to Eat I S139.50 fcxeept Thursday and Sunday ". .' s FROM PRINCE RUPERf ' ARM - . ; 'HL NV-Vc- ill... Stewart " " , ' ; PNCE KUrFPT TUimuni.m r an III benefit TWICB by making Post's Bran Flakes YOU r.r..iar hroakfast cereal. You guard acatnst v. 4 Makel WASHERS G.E. Washer MS9 G.E. Washer MS9P RANGES Moffat Ranges Gurney Ranges RAHGETTES Automatic Oven .... Non-Automatic ...... wart Fridays Xk iM. A Yet Easy $227.f . "irretularity" often caused by lack of bulk food in Also make each breakfast mora th daily diet, you Out 1 of n : .lierlKic : MUFFINS 55230 ? Delicious F8 - INFORMATION - RESERVATIONS . ' . ..-.HnVas ' Jt beaten S74.C3 PHONE 476 - CHARLOTTE AIRLttlES LTD. appetizing. Here's why : r osis me Flakes are GOOD TO EAT. Supplies Bulk for Sluggith Sytomi ceresl brings you nstursl bulk neess-! i Post's ths "keep-fit" sary to sid in moving food wastes promptly. ' There's wholesome wheat nourishment as wel Posfs Bran Flakes are made with other parts of wheat. Try Posfs Bran Flakes tomorrow. Remember ROOD TO EAT I Serve them in other delicious ways. Note tlus NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. ' Killas & ChristopHer Blag. : 8TFWART.B. 1 PRINCE RUPERT recipe. Try it and be well rewarded. Make sure trs Post's the beffer Bran Flakes. en 1 (.js'F.J ro in hot oven Make. 10 muffin mrrepl. Kigs. date, or prune. S-100 Air Freight on ft TKgKh , . "Posfs man mKs WITH OTHER f ARTS Of WHIAT PHONE 210 A redut f Osnerol foeds J