NEW Prince Rupert Daliy titi Tuesday, January 24y lOJd . . ME&ch.i Schedule For 10-Pin Bowls NEW DEim , tered in in(iia ,. GIANT TICKER STRASBOURG, ' Germany The largest clock in Europe is being constructed here, to be sent to, Norway. The dlal'ls 28 merchant Mens' Bowling Leajue Schedule I Jan. 30 Scotians vs Cold Stor-r 'age, Undesirables vs Ambassadors, J.C.'s No. 1 vs Can. Legion navy be red, flaz Of Tni'(. " Afternoon Teas make friendly entertiunment feet in diameter, the two hands welHh 500 poumis and the min- -ti n jerk, of 814 p j.U.'s No. 2 vs Commercials. Cres-, Inches, each representing na,u red ensign a minute. flag. cents vs Home Oil,' Thorn Sheet overs, Thorn Sheet Metal vs, Gyro. Metal vs Brownwoods, Mansonlsl Feb. 3 Paramounts vs, Gyro, vs D & S, Philpott Evitt vs Ru-; Cloverleafs, vs. City Transfer, pert Motors, Mallets vs Triple Mugwumps vs. Thorn Sheet Metalt C's, Oddfellows vs W.I. Stages. ; Leftovers vs. A. E. Smith. Blain's vs Grand Cafe, Stones vs Feb io Mugwumps vs. Clover-CP.A. leafs, Paramounts vs. Leftovers, Feo. 5-Blain's Vs W. 1 Stages, A E Smilh vs Gyro city Xrans. Stones vs Grand Cafe, D & S vsj fpr vs Thotr shppt Mptal ! CP A., Mallets vs Rupert Motors, ; 17Thom sheet Metal vs. scouans vs Triple C's, Thorn . ParamounU A E smith vs. Sheet Mcial vs Cold Siorage, J. Iof,01. TEA ; U ) Jt ' Iff? filifK Clover Uafs Royals Lead No. 2 vs Can. Legion, Crescents vs Commercials. Philpott Evitt vs Home Oil, Brownwoods vs Manson's, Undesirables vs Oddfellows. Feb. 13-J. C's No. 1 vs Oddfellows, J. C's No 2 vs Ambassad ors, Crescents vs Can. Legion,, Philpott Evitt vs Commercials.; Grot to, Savoy vs. 99 Taxi, Com- woods vs Cold Storage, D S vs meicial Hotel vs. Liquor Control Mallets vs Home Oil, Brown-j Board. j Grand Cafe. Manson's vs C.P.A., Feb. '5 - Savoy vs. Royal Hotel, j Scotians vs Rupert Motors. Thorn ;Pr. Rupert Plumbing vs. Corn-Sheet Metal vs Triple C's. Undes- j niercial Hotel, LlQupr Control! irables vs Blaine's, Stones vs j Board vs. W.E.A.C.. Grotto vs. ' . . Hie nooci-natured whi Seagram's Kinqs Plat CANADIAN WHISKY The price U(rooc-Vatvrec' HE MAY BE PROUD OF HIS TEAM SWEATER BUT Youth applying for their first job need counselling, not only to relate their training to occupations, but often in matters of personal appearance and business world etiquette. Before this young man has left the National Employment Office counsellor, he will have been tactfully advised to dress in his "Sunday best" and not to slouch on the prospective employer's desk when applying for that job. (NFBPhotoi This odvrtiimn i not publithtd or diplard by th Liqiw Cmi Oovornmnl ot InMifl Columbia. ' BEARDED HOOPSTERS Billiards In Semi-Finals During the past week-end the semi-finals in the handicap English billiards tournament at Iho roro;n I 4 it.ii Played oft, Bert Morgan winning the right to meet D.C. Stewart in the final match of 200 points Tuesday night. Games played since la;;t reported resulted as follows: Secon-1 Huu iid Bert Morgan (plus 20 1 beat J., Campbell (minus 30) by 150:98. Wilfred Goddard (plus 15 won over P. M. Ray (plus 35), 150 to J. Lawrie won a bye over J. Nic- oil (in hospital i. . 132. D. C. Stewart (plus 20) beat J. Bu'ger (plus 10 1, 150-119. Semi-finals D. C. Stewart i plus 20) beat J. Lawrie (minus 20i, 150 to 122. Both players got into the "break book," Lawrie with 21 and Stewart with 24 and 25. ; Bert Morgan (plus 20) defeated Wilfred Goddavd (plus 15), 150 ' to 106 V'o "s 1 . . . 71' I.. il l i i. ii inn lavcmstmcm if not puoitsnea or dtipliycd oy Liouor Control Board or by the Oovrnmtnt Bntiin Columbit. FJf This Year's House of David Hoop Team Is Declared To Be Best Yet I Professional ami Bn,s George Anderson manager of the famous House of David basketball team, coming here next Monday, claims that the present team is the best since 19:3') a.nd he has the statistics to prove his boast- The team attracted huge crowds in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, the pakatas and the west coast. They lost only one of the last. 55 games: -r - '. In one of their most recent school (lays Bob is one of lhe games, the colonists beat the heit SCOrm on the team and s Huron South Dakotas college a d.3ad shot from tne ivol si quintet by a score of 86 to 80 in tion. . (Friday Section) 1 Jan. 27. City Transfer '"'""" vs. A. . t ; Snjith ,.u w Mugwumps vs. Para- mounts. Cloverleafs vs. Left- Transfer, Gyro vs, Mugwumps. Feb. 24 A, E, Smith vs. Mugwumps, Leftovers vs. Thorn S.iijet Metal, Gyro vs, Cloverleafs, Paramounts vs. City Transfer. (Sunday Section) Jan. 29-Pr. Rupert Piumbine vs. W.E.A.C., Royal Hotel vs. 99 Taxi. . - Feb. 1299 Taxi vs. Prince Rupert Plumbing, Liquor Control Board vs. Royal Hotel, Commercial Hotel vs. Grotto, W.E.A.C vs. Savoy. Feb. 19 Liquor Control Board vs. Savoy, Commercial Hotel vs. 99- Taxi, W.E.A.C. vs. Royal Hotel. Prince Rupert Plumbing . vs. Grotto. Feb. 26 Grotto vs. W.E.A.C, Pv. Rupert Plumbing vs. Liquor Control Board, Savoy vs. Com- n,,lH - vs. v Taxi, r j -2Pr-''.;;:u ' j! TlUi dvrtlinitnt is not ptiliUibtd or dlaplaytd by tu Liquor Control Board or by tin OoYrnmt ot British Columbia. VkWC.WAVJVwV. Always Prompt and CourteoufJ We're Here to Serve' VOO Commodore Cafe "Hospitality and Good Food'' Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders 3rd Ave. . David Chow, Mgr J IT'S OUR FIRST BIRTHDAY ! ! And to Celebrate We're Offering Yu 20 OFF ON ALTy RADIO REPAIRS UNTIL FEBRUARY 6th' -CALI, BLUE 992 ' KEN'S RAD, For Satisfactory Service . 118 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 he lefthanH . resent Wit: KAIEN TPI FOR ROCK ANI)I BASEMENT It J Phone Blue ! MATTS UPHOLSi Phone Blue III 330 Second! Pr!nc Ru? FOR V ROCK & CONCi call bl; M. J. SAl New, Modern I All Work G j A P. GARDN CHARTERED Al A. L. Bell, C A.. Ho: Approx. I'j Jan. 13-31 Prirj Feb. 1-10-OfPsj Bflii Feb. 11-April H pert. TcrraH MARGARET OPTOME1 Room STONE BD ' PH0K BLUE P.O. BOX GEORGE RO Public Accoimtai tors. Income! compi O. L. RORI S. B. LAIRD, Besner Block - " HAND1 HOME s: GENERAL C01 Building and! ROOFS - OIL PH01 Black 334 p. O. Be B & W T Cord Woorl. ( Kindling wt)(1 PHONE 1 r . T r ' , Zm : i W. I. Stages. , 1 Feb. 20 D& S vj W. I. Stages. jO.PA. vs Grand Uufe, Manson's-vs Coht Storage, Thorn Shee? 'Metal vs Rupert Motors, Undesirables vs Stones, J. C's No. 1 v? . Blain's, Ma'tet? vs Commercials J Scotians vs Home Oil, Brownwoods vs Triple C's, J. C's No, 2 j vs Oddfellows, Crescents vs Am- bassadors, Philpott Evitt vs Can ! Legion. I Feb. 27 Crescents vs Oddfel ' lows, Philpott Evitt vs Ambas sadors, Mullets vs Can. Legion Scotians vs Commercials. Thotr I Sheet Metal vs Home Oil. Cold ' vs Blain's, C PA. vs W. I. Stages Manson's vs Grand Cafe, Brown woods vs Rupert Motors, Undes-rabies vs D & S, J. C's No. 1 v." Stones. I Was Nearly Craz With Fiery Itch- Until I discovered Dr D. D LKnnK'nriain-) iii-t rot ii-l I). 1). I). Pri i ijAttin. '.. ut id potMilar. this pure, cotiltni;, liquid medi. aiton bn't ih in'Mi.-f ami nnr.ior'. from t ruti i'.i-tmiB I.y, nni)l(j.i, raphes, athlflttt fool and other itch trouiiics. 'lnal botlle. 'A'.tt First apiihi iii ion rnx'kscvcn tii most int-re t itiont y bim,. Axk ututiKiM lor u. 1 L). rilJlion (Ordinary or txira kkruihl X., y& L (& JT 'A Sleeping comtort One blanket on your bed to keep you ia "Just-Ri(ht" keeping comfort all night long automatically no matter bow cold your room gets. That's the amazing feature of the new (i-E Automatic Ulanket. On chilly nights too you can enioy the luxury of getting into a prewarmed bed with the safe, easy-to-wash G-E lilanket . . . the only blanket that gives you the warmth you want without (he weight you don't want. Come into our store and see them on display. Three models to choose SS from ia three beautiful shades, all with rich satin- xWSJ bound edges. GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC BLANKET 1. DOUBLE BED one control $39.50 I. DOlBLE BED two control : $49.50 1. TWIN BED one control S37.50 ea! NORTHERN B.C" POWER CO. LTD. Bcsner Block Phone 210 The Sunday Section of the Ten Fin Bowling League is in its third week now and the Royal i 110101 is we" on t0P of tne leane iwitn twelve points, followed by the Grotto with eignt points. The rest of the league is fairly wey bunched from there on down. In the Friday section of the league, Cloverleafs are heading the pack with 7 points but the Friday section has only played twice to the Sunday Section's three times' . on Friday Cloverleafs bowled ,the hish aeereeate score with 2577 pins. Sunday's high aggre- gate team was 99 Taxi with, 2487 pins. , , . Results of the Friday nlghjt bowling were: ! ' Leftovers 4. Gyros 0 Thorn Sheet Metal 2, Smith 2 Mugwumps 2, City transfer 2. Cloverleafs 4, Paramounts 0 Sunday's results were: W.E.A.C. 1, 99 Taxi 3. Royal Hotel 4, Commercial 0 Grotto 4, Liquor Store 0 Savoy 3, P. R. Plumbing (Sunday League Standings) Royal Hotel ...... 12 Grotto 8 Commercial Hotel 7 Savoy 6 , W. E. A. C. 5 P. R. Plumbing 5 99 Taxi 4 Liquor Cohtroi Board . 1 (Friday League Standings) Cloverleafs . 7 , Mugwumps 6 City Transfer ; 6 . A. E. Smith 4 , Leftovers 4 I Thorn Sheet Metal 3 Paramounts 2 Gyros 0 TRAIK SCHEDULE i Foe the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:15 p.m. i A" ' A OFF 4 SEE I00j 50 ffjS SHOE SALE EVENT OFF Vi TO Vt OFF REGULAR PRICES . QUALITY REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heeli tod Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 ' Second Ave Catherine Laurie ' " PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West tPrlnce Rupert Realty Co.) ' Fhones: Green 667Days New Residence Phone ' Number Red f64 Bytown Machine Works Sales Service and Parts-Simplex Oas Engines, h p.' 185 h p. t Cummins Dependable Diesels ' 65 h p, 550 h p. Inquire about our long term . Warranty and Service SIDNEY. GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual AnalysU 1 . OrFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block . Telephone 218 EVenliigs by Appointment DR. GARNET E. H. , MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone. 525 P.O. Box i216 HELEN'S . BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In an Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 055 11 1 1 , PIANO 'TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 ' 972 10th, East DR. ; P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 8, SMITH BLOCK Phpne 765 P.O. Bo' 1401 N,ercpaper advertising pays off In dividend. BROWNWOODS TOM GATZEK, forward, 5 8' flaved cuUege ball at TbX Christian and this- is his seo- ond season with tne Davids Tom is one of the best set.shots j basketball and has turned down offers from tha Pro-Lea- gue. , .CK BLOOM, guard' fi'2", . Hails from Indiana nnrl t.hl ik . 1 his . third season with the Dav- : ids. Is a good team man an j ' long shot. DlJAME MARJCr.RV fi d" for. ' v.ard. Is a first year' man' with the Davids, is a very good rebound nun and scores often Also a pitcher on the baseball team. BOB BOTTENGER. guard, 6' One of the best high school basketball players that evet came out of Richmond,. Ind. Is fast, a good ball handler and scorer. Belongs to the Boston Braves. VINCE STANKEWITZ, forward, I 6'4T Was All-State player at Belo'it, Wis. and has been ' a large factor in the success ot the Davids. Is a good scorei and re-obund m a n. Second season with Davids. II your suD.scrlpilon Is in arrears ar.d you. do not receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the new boy or the post office, j.jr do a little straight talking U yourself. Co-oucration of .sui scribers in this :eari wouk be appreciated. It would savt a lot of trouble and every body would De nappier. Sub scriptions ari payable in advance. CHOW- . M w l r i. ft - VICKERS' IS DISTIllEO IN CANADA I and it Dintiiuiio trCalvrtt Tin's avprtistrin(-n( is f,ot published of fill playfj by tlie I.i'uir Control Hoard By the Ciovernmrnt of Iiritish Columbia vhat turned out to be a carm- val, of basketshootmg by both K's; , Take from Anderson and the playevs, travelling by day and playing in all kinds, shapes 'i,u K,m' uj rugged, but the ooys love n, including daily practice ses- sions. . . KTint. Til 1U. A l Diuuiu, une ui me rama cest long shots, recently expressed the opinion of his teammates when he said.: It has given me an opportunity to see almost every state in the Un- ion." THE TEAM was organized ini tary of the Israelite House of David as re-organized by Mary Purnell and located at Benton Harbor, Michigan. With the exception of the war years 1942 to 1945, they have averaged playing 125 games per season and have a winning percentage of 738. They travel in their own bus and play every night. Their annual tours have taken them from border to bor-c.-sr and from coast to coast, and plans are now under-way to. send them to Alaska for a series In February of 1950. Last seasons record was 158 games 57 lost. The Davids play several lead ing professional teams, and Col lege teams every season- They hold the distinction of' being the only bearded team to ever play in the worlds professional; tournaments held in Chicncrn! and sponsored by the Chicago Examiner. They also played in International Three-Day Tournaments held in Havana Cuba in 1947. The personnel of this season's team is composed of some new and some veteran David players. However, all have had some college or pro experience. Following is their line-up: BOB HALLISEY, eapt. and guard, 61". Has played with the Davids since. 1939 and is still going strong. Bob is noted for his ball handling and showmanship qnd plays a very heady game at all times. GEORGE ANpERSON, mr. and guard, 6' Has been in charge of the Davids since 1937 with the exception of the three years he spent in the Anny. He is a member of the Colony at Benton Harbor, Michigan and also plays and manages the I House of David baseball team. BOB WEGNER, center 6'6". ) Is a third season player with I the Davids and was an All- Slate player during his high TXT. 'v..VAv.vvvvv.vv.v.w".v..v j Under New Management lhe stork slioppe BEE GRANT ;:303 3rd Aye. ' , .'. ; Blue' 810 MANSON'S JEWEUERS Stock Reducing Sale o P o CABS Stand: York Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEARLY ALL MERCHANDISE INCLUDED IN THIS SALE 50