and concurred In by members, i another dentist to Prince Ru-Mr. Wilson suggested that the pert for the express purpose of Trince Rupert Health Unit be child tooth carer Prince Rupert Daily News , Tuesday, January 24, 1930 are HflDDBB I requested to carry out a survey St-ckinS Announcements j Salvation Army NaUve Iome.' Birthday Tua and Sale, Jan: 2G.' Canadian Legion Card party lit" city and ,W the 1- c power Com- ...lUt'l Civic Centre Bridge changed to Thursday the 2Cth. (19) Sale of tiyoci used Clothes and Tea Conrad United Hall Jan. 20. 2:30 p. m. VMM ru'Kl'la Moose I5" -fi Meeting, Tuesday $sSp'jan.-24 at 8 p. m. in .sy common Lounge at Civic Centre. Members please attend. U9 nu- .he Pri'u'c of the condition of local children's teeth a survey which members feared would bring out anything but favorable results. Since many parents had anxiously complained that tliev had been unable to obtain appointments for the care of their children's teeth with any of the local dentists, who are reported booked up months in advance, Mr. Wilson suggested that if, upon inquiry, local dentists found themselves unable to squeeze in more time for the care of children's teeth, the Health Unit take strps to bring Cour.cil I- ' ' ? -'-Ms r. A V i '.' - f,i' vjfd. f 1 : i : - 4 ifj if ' 4. - v I . "J&0 Vfr'l if--! . montlily niMt"';; iwl evem"'!- n-th ) of vital mr- Members decided unanimously to send a note or condolence to Mrs. D. W. MacLeod of Vancouver, president of the B. C.1 Parent-Teacher Federation, on the sudden death of her husband. Mrs. MacLeod visited the city in September 1948, and is remembered by all P.. T. A. members It was 'reported that the Conrad Street P. T. A. will hold a panel discussion on the subject 'Federal Aid to Education" at its February 14 meetinj. Three members of the King Edward School P. T. A. have been invited to take part In the discussion along with three ol Conrad's own members. A letter expressing regret at, his departure from the city and his resignation as President of the Parent-Teacher Council, will be sent Martin F. Stuart, thanking him for his excellent work on the Council in the past, February 1. Card tournament, Catholic Hall, February 2. Shrine Band Concert, Civic Centre Auditorium. Friday February 3rd at 8:15 p. m. Tickets from members. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking Feb. 11th. Boy Scout Concert, Civic Centre, Feb 17. Canadian Legion Easter Sale April 5th. Cathedral Sale April 13. St. Peters Spring Sale April 20. 5WueM iK'io.c Fashion g Wilson, i'"" .. Street School. Mrs. J. Laurie in leaving on night's train lor Winnipeg for a holiday visit with her parents. Reaular monthly ineetinir of the Music and Drama Festival i Committee will be held in the Civic Centre on Wednesday. Jan 2a at 8 o. m. . !! )K - RESTFUL NIGHTS h Call j Appeal of Joseph Fellt-.r, con ' vicfed on a liquor charge Novem-' ber 23, has been adjourned until I. ':A tilt h ( H .niinioijS.i'i1';! i;!'r:i!iti.i:!;;rtSi!;t ifi.ii.jiilUijniiti:! LUXtm 5EAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILjS FOR Made To Measure and wishing him success in his Wednesday when he will appear new position in Vancouver. I belore Judge W. O. Fulton. Feller The next Council meeting will was .sentenced to six months by CLOTHING ' Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court. be held on February 27 Gloria Colussi's Birthday Party W. N. Camnbell. special re- and Intermedial Ports SALE i Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. i pre.senlative of thfc Forest , Branch, will be tlie speaker at litis week's regular luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club or. Thursday. Moving pictures, with which Mr Campbell Is touring the province, will be shown. Little Gloria Colussi, three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Make Colussi, entertained little friends with a birthday party at the home of her par iur riLiiviiirvmi WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT J For Reseivationa 1 u BUY YOUR SUIT NOW DURING THE FASHION-CRAFT SALE, AND SAVE $15 00 TO .$20.00. .- f t nil Wrtte or CaU CITY OR DEFOT OFFICE PRINCE RUFW B.C. OVALTlNfi Norman Walton's Funeral Is Held Many Digeatories at Funeral ALL SIZES Canadian athletes on the British Empire Games team come In all sizes as this photo reveals. Flyweight boxer Ronnie Muir of Toronto, 4 feet 1134 inches tall and weighing 112 lbs., has to stand well up on the loading platform of the Sanadian Pac-Air Lines plane which carried the team to Auckland, to talk to towering Ed Clarke, 6 foot, 4 inch Montrealer who is a member of the fencing team. (CP. Photo) ents, 972 East Tenth, the hours being from 2 to 4. In the after-1 noon. A dozen little friends' brought interesting gifts and ! played games and sang. Dainty ; ! refreshments were provided. J j Those present were Annie, Jim-; ' ; my and Jerry Colussi, Patsy Harper. Bobby Viereck, Loretta ; Vaccher. Jean and Gloria Mul-1 roney, Bobby Dixon, Mary and i Susan White, Sharon Wilson and Patsy Pearson. World's Most Popular iMhlcup" le ir T. IBS Smart Styling Fine Tailoring j Your Choice of Fabrics At GRcATLY REDUCED PRICES BALAGNO FLORISTS Phone Green 787 Box WW ALUMINUM WARE by "SUPREME" nit: FINEST AVAILABLE TODAY ;e. Ice Hits CHIROPRACTOR ! Rites Yesterday MONTREAL The funeral service of the late Norman B. Walton, C.B.E., executive vice-president of the Canadian National Railway system yesterday afternoon was conducted by Rev. D j M. Grant of St. Andrew s-West -mount United Church and interment took place at Mount Royal Cemetery. : The Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent, was represented by the Hon. Douglas Abbott, Minister of Finance, who is also Acting Minister of Transport. Donald Gordon, Chair-1 i man and President, w ith mem- 4 John F. L. Hughes, D.C, Ph C ' 21-22 Besner Block j 6 c PANS Fur boiling, sauces, frying, baking, etc. SEE THEM TODAY annenes ' Phone BLUE 442 fot Appointment hoiks 10:30 a.m. to p ra. and 3 to 6 r n. KKMN(IS MonjRj and Friday, 7 -.30 p m. tor , . tho8 unabtp to comi; durtnsr the i PHOTO FRAMES . Frame Type Mounts See our line selection of glass . and metal frames ...'; WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing . . ; day. RECEPTIONIST in attend- 4 C '.-ZJ. r"V',f.-i Jak ' - Hnce afternoouf. msmm bers of the Board of Directors ll 1 118 Red ton Wharf at North Pacific Partially Wrecked Oslaud Isolated 4,Jltuviiig lea ouihe Skeenn Rtvtsr has caused considerable ' damage to canneries located along its banks. North Pacific, it was reported yesterday, had taken the brunt of the ice forcsr as a .section of the wharf and a few pilings have been demolished. Moving of machinery had commenced last week but no further reports have been received up to the present lime. re band Concert. Feb. 3. Civic Centre 1 and principal officers, represented the Canadian National Railway system. Geoice A. Walker, chairman, and offieers heart -'Jng the various uetiviiies of th--Canadian Pacific Railway were present as were representatives of the railway brotherhoods ai?d unions and heads of t lie large in- tlustrial and financial institu- 11 L I Wafcfa for Ihe . . . . . NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH You get the Good Things first from the Chrysler Corporation High Compression Engines Hydraulic Brakes O Floating Power 9 All Steel Bodies , 0 Automatic Over Drive Transmission Fluid Drive . And Many Other Firsts , ' Sec your local Chrysler Plymouth Dealer 'RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED I '""' Is payaoie In advance. Please refrain from Al Osland, the goernmenl float tlons of the city, has disappeared and all that re- Tim principal mourners v ''remains are fir pilings, like gliiostly the late railway officers widow sentinels, slren-hing from the Eva Tail, son, Norman, damili-shoie of the ice covered river. ter, Mrs. John 1). Horn. anc. brolhers, Ernest of Westmount. "Spencer! Where are your glasses?" tijMlifds. 2ii H'r word per Insertion, minimum Birih Notie....s One. Cards ol Thanks. Iath Notices. . Manuje and fciwaueinenl Announcement: bl'tClAl, LliJl'LAY. DOUBLE PRICE . i Newspaer advert isin;; pays ofi Jin dividends and Edward of Calgary. It was ie)orici i assiar tannery was in grave danger, but the Brooksbank Presenilation uitjua. LOST AM" i caretaker assured the Daily News United bet ween Fridav, A home that will! LOHT Church and Booth Sehool. I'lrls brown Plume Green 24(i. High iy plume yesterday I hat no dam-Wi,,"i'jV Oge liacl been caused except for u few ice-gnawed piles. , CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT 8TUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging, Flash riioti.- laken at Hum f hone Green 38!) 216 4th fe TRINCE RUPERT. BC b r.H'in tiiui-i' with 1 ''''it'll Sl.,iiu cash! ; "''lit from rooms! 'Iun D.iv the nav-1 fr T Nmton"; 'il E-Uite and In-! i (20' ! , if CfXitCcrtt'A IOST-Jeneo wrist watch with blaek si ran between Fulton and Eraser Street -and Third Avenue Phone lied 5H8. '20' Pl.USONAI . PEKHONAJ, Have Vou seen the new liexau 1 mmidil ier and air eondit inner'.' It is the iiiost elleelive vaeuuin el'-.ilier Miat has ever been ilrodueed. Tins is the fnl time il has been ottered lor sale in Prince Ru- STADIUM BOOTS The residents there have been trekking for a mile or more up I he railway tracks for the past week for supplies (if water. H'sidenl.s at Oslniul were isolated for a few days following the destruction by ice of the bridge which connect the south end of the eommunily with the northern section . They managed to escape a ! riiuuu in '' '''.on kilehen M: Kid 171, mil ."ll'l's lor cabin i "'II Will ill' reeeiveil i";lv :h. Twenlv-i 11 1). Uni-: ('.HI l)r S(... ! 1'. O. l).,Xl;i ,11 l?jl j 'Ijl'Hl '''''iee I' dir.; V,!,, nuns ' bl Phone Blaek (22) McBride St. . 4 if- S i it t WARM and Arthur lirooksbank, well known business man of this cily and a resident for over 40 years, was present i d with a lealher travelling .ease by nieinbers of the Sluine Club at a. dinner meeting. Mi', and Mrs. Iirooksbank are leaving shortly for u trip to Kng-iland and Euro)". They will sail tiom New York February 15 on the Queen Mary for Cherbourg. Following their vacation, Mr. Bionksbank expects to retire on Vancouver Island. Retiring president of the club, Roy Van der Sluys, made the presentation and expressed the Hood v!.;hes of the organization. Mr. Brooksbank replied. Business was taken up with installation of officers. New president is A. W. Burntp. Vice-president, is C. A. Berner and W. D. Fiaser is secretary. nert A nli'iisant 4 to Prine Rupert awaits vou For tree demon- ,,, ony route siraiion anniv uus 'jj u.". News is by I he south east end of the Rkeena slough. -('hesterfiekl Set 119) iff 3 ? Hcodquortcrs for -V S WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT Skis end Ski Equipment irv . ; ' C.C.M. Matched Ice Skate Outfits Campbell Badminton Racquets and Shuttlecocks . Sleighs Burner Site-; -and Repairs. Phone Blaek (21) SPECIALIST Oil eialist. .Service O D. Konson. !)(I0 K.mOWn NAMES v "MCUI.PS- 4,. .... It Suunyside and Inverness canneries have not been greatly damaged. Greatest threat to alt canneries was last Saturday w hen ice danger was at its peak Advertise in r:c unity. News- PLUMBING a n d lleatimr .Sheet Metal work. ar and era vet rooltii'V I'hnue 5-la ol : ' ....I, .., : ,1. A... t'...l 11 l.itlleturriHros.1 Kwui Muntenanee n(1-M " Ruck Uranules: Clamsliel ! . Cimi-rete Mix.-r--; ' Nelson' 1 ,-"'k's; :irm. Cvlll ....Mil IV, n.. . (Ill Lclouri'.eau and Suns. I It IVys in Advertise! WOKK tt'ANTtll j WORK WANTED Steam en-i I'inecr 41 h class naoi'i's mnnyi fe and FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING For Your Interior Pointing and Decorating Call SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 21 5 233 1 1 Street In the Siirrmc Court of British ColunilJiii iuilln: Nmii,..,i vears exueiirnee seeks tion. Box U44 Daily News. In County Court, the Houston Meat Market obtained judgement for the full amount of $197.04 and costs from Fred Bjorkman. T. W. Brown acted for the plaintiff and solicitor for the defendant was R. M. MacLeod . "HsuiiiI r..i.. FAMILY SHOE STORK LIMITED Charlie Roberts 3rd Ave. l.ux 1 Ph. 357 In Pniiin the MmUiT lit (he EstlltC rn trom Na-' of fo'iiiprv Co. U,i, (tfi or V. Silent VVAN'llll WANTED -Furnished Ant house. Phone Red 3H0. FOR RINT THOMAS KINO IllKl in I lip Mutter of Um Ailmliilstmllon Act'1 TAKK NOTIl'K Unit )' OlMcT ) Ills lii.noiii- .lil'ke W. O. t"'1""-m;cl till' llll'a liny Jiii"-'y A ,1' Ktr.n 1 u'.tu mmiitlltl-rl A(llllllll8tr::0Ot Glow Oil condition. (24 it 922, I it l - 1 room Bill Scuby's dc- large Seal ol tin- Folate ol I nonius iviB, Cove. FOR RENT- One cabin. Furnished. Phone Blue 825. Tro- d '., ". "lUialnted ' new i"1 ."'""dilion i 91 I I .m.l lute of Miiswelt. 1" te - i vilin- of flrll Nil C-iillllllbiu. See Us First FOR BOYS WEAR 0 SNOWSUITS Q parkas' : jackets' " and complete outfits for the school boy -Comfortable sleep-miiet home. (22i IVkOIiI.. . B.f.'WK. B. C' FOR RENT-Ing room Green 438 AM. PARTIES linvins ''"' niii.Ht tin- wilil rtntc nrc h.-ri'ljy n-qnln-U to furnish sumo, properly vcririitl to in.! on or before the 15th ,.y of March. A. D. 150. after wli ell ,ll,le eliilin.s filed may be Palf 'Y' whim ,-vit rclVreiiee to any claims of CLEARANCE SALE of Fine FURS CONEY (dyed rabbitl S8!.'- SIVSRRAT (flank) Jfili.5 Convenient Terms Arranged 19-18 M'.Ti , "ue Jtll'ee "'I' mimm 1 jnireuinu room G50 till 1 'is ,1 UW-52 152' 7U1 E. Red 471. ..?S' . lU'o c,.,,,wl , i.i.. 1 1 then lulu no Miuwi'h- ntirt.ible : i,.i,t,.d to the ' ho. iKiii c,.'V rear ' Uxl "Xlc. ' iip De FOR RENT Electric CHARMING CKEE Margarel Dick, pretty, full-bloded Cro"e Indian, is hunting more than rabbits these days. Margaret her Indian name Is Princess Kewatinook I Princess from the north) - is one of five contestants for the title of Fur Queen at The Pas Northern Manitoba Trappers Festival scheduled for early next month. The winner will receive a fur coat, symbol of the frosty north. CP Photo" $5.00 a ,.,',. nPp' hpiebv reouiied to sewing uun'hiifc.s. uniD h7,v Ilcuw ",taV,duty dntv 'Llu Ant hoist varris ti, .."V"7l- month. Call 801 ing Centre. Singer 1;;' the Bmot of their lndebted- UIMness to me forthwith. "V liin' 'vuvv uutv used for PS' BILL SCUBY FURS THE SPORTS SHOP B22 3rd Ave. What nfr Vli RENT SKvmmg room oi Ter s0,el?' board and room. Phone Bkiek Ru.orl.V' l!1 . rash. 0. (tf) V t. DATED at tile III)1 w ' "'V " , pert in the Province of British Columbia. thlB 20th day oi January A. D. 19S0. Gordon F. Forbes Officinl Administrator Piinee Knpert, B. C. t) Win t- 't;"'ri MO 302 3rd Ave. Black 416 Box 1362 i.e Huin. cj. uavcv. Box FOR RENT Liuhthousekeep- ine room, suitable for one. 1332 1st Overlook. l20i