WUtice Rupert Daflp i3cto Thursday, October 28, 138 77e " m Experts Say MAY CRUISE TO ALASKA , j Instead of annual cruise CHRISTMAS DOLLS FOR POOR TOTS WINNERSH, Berkshire, England (P) Ruth Eveling, known here as "Mrs. Santa Claus," is I already preparing for Christ-. mas. Now 81. she has for 30 Jrainees from H.M.C.S. Chatham going south to take sea training out of Esquimau, naval., authorities are considering "sending one of the Canadian years dressed-more than 3,000 pepper, and other seasonings Cook onion slowly in butter five minutes. Blend In fiour Add stock and other lngred' ients. Season to taste. Brinu to boiling point and simmer for 30 minutes. Serves eight. Chicken a La Kingingrecl lents: three tablespoons butter-three tablespoons flour; one-half cup chicken stock' y cups rich milk; two tablespoons pimento, or green pepper; salt and pepper; two egg yolks. Melt butter. Blend m flour Add liquid. Stir constantly until mixture, thickens. Add chicken, mushrooms, choDDed CHICKEN DINNERS Introduce a chicken dinner as the big meal of the week-end. The family will love it. If the housewife wants to get beyond the humdrum of roast chicken she might try baking the bird for a change. For a five to six-pound chicken she will require milk' flour or fine crumbs, one-half cup butter or other fat, one-half cup hot water, salt and pepper. Cut breast, thighs and legs of chicken in pieces for serving. Dip each piece in milk and seasoned flour or crumbs. Fry in butter in skillet until nicely browned. Arrange chicken ln covered casserole or baking I. . I dons and given them to children in the poorer districts of London. "There are grown men with families of their own in Limehouse who still have dolls I gave them when they were kiddies," Miss Eveling said. 'My eyesight is not what warships stationed on the Pacific Coast to Prince Rupert to take them north to Alaska, it is learned from Lt. Cdr. J. D. Mc-Rae, commanding officer of Catham. The idea is looked on with favor at Ottawa whence Lt. Cdr. McRae returned recently. Calls would be made at such 1 ports as Ketchikan and Juneau' in the course of such a cruise. ' All, of course, is dependent I w v 4- '.M ' f' flkf r' f f-'(r III K it was and I always get someone to thread the needles for me but I still dress the dolls myself." Unable to go to school because of ill-health in childhood, Miss Eveling nevertheless, became a nurse and has travelled throughout the world. dish. Pour hot water and fat over chicken and bake in moderate oven at 325 decrees Fahr whether or not the strength of Chatham is brought up to the level necessary to it being retained as a division at Prince Rupert. u t. pimento and seasonings. Heat thoroughly. Pour some of,mix-ture over beaten egg yolkj Add to mixture and cook two minutes. Serve on hot toast or waffles. Serves six. ELECTRICITY FROM GAS UNITY, Bask., ) Towns and villages In this central Saskatchewan district near the Alberta border are using electricity supplied here by natural gas resources. Classified Advertising Pays! CANADIAN PREMIERE Madelaine Carroll, English stage and screen star, is being seen in her first stage performance in North America at London, Ontario, this week. Miss Carroll has the leading role in "Goodbye, My Fancy," first full-length play by Fay Kanln, also beinK premiered in London. Shown here shortly after Miss Carroll's arrival in London Monday are leading members of the cast: Conrad Nagel, left, featured actor; Miss Kanin, author of the play; Miss Carroll; and Sam Wanamaker, leading man and director. (CP Photo) I BUYS ao WHYS by ' jnuuifiiiw iw i ii ui maiiun ivrrici war raodv wnain s 1 1 mumklai,. Uct. 28th Dcroialor'a Droam! . . . tliis colourfully patterned VLWLITE Plastic b i the yardl One look at it and vou'll rv insnin .1 easonable Ideas for Housekeepers tO Hluke it into riirtllinc unit tnkta nrwno fn- QUICK, MAKE-EASY MEALS DREAM OF your kitchen shower curtains for your bathroeir Yes, it will add sparkling gaiety to your home . . and VOu'll be dptiirhtnH with thp wair it 'em to scuffing, repels moi.-ture and dirt and does ,i rot or mildew. What's more wrinkles fall u-after hnnirinfr irwl it nona nn;i., ..'tU - .J.... -- " "-ii, uwv-.if-vu, ji-vjui in-ro Every homemaker wish for a several dishes which may be pre-Utopia where delicious meals Dared eariv anH finici-. DEEP PLUMPl 1 iMimii r vfl Annriv nlr.,1. Fi ,.l. r enheit for about l'2 hours or until chicken is tender. The chicken may also be cooked on top of the stove over a low heat ln a pan with a tight fitting cover. Allow same time as for baked chicken. Chicken Virginia style Remove bones from roasting chicken and cut pieces for serving. Wrap each of six portions ln thin slice of uncooked smoked ham. Vie well or fasten with toothpicks or small kewers and stick a few cloves ln each roll. Place in a greased baking dish. Sprinkle lightly with one tablespoon flour. Pour one-half cup maple syrup (or one-quarter cup brown sugar) in pan. Bake in moderate oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for. one hour, basting every 19 minutes. Serve garnished with sections of glazed apples. Serves six. Fowl is Cheaper The housewife finds she pays less money for fowl, and there are plenty of ways in which this older bird can be turned into a tasty dish. Chicken Gumbo Ingredients: one small onion, finely chopped; two tablespoons butter (or chicken fat); two tablespoons flour; one quart chicken stock; two cups canned toma printed Vinylite Plastic by the yard. in top of double jiler. Blend flour with remaining cup cold milk and add to heated milk. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Add 2 cup grated cheese and stir until melted. Add the catsup or chill sauce, season with salt and pepper and add the cooked beans. Pour half this mixture into a j ..v J VUUIVlilg could be prepared and served In ; in the last half-hour before din the twinkling of an eye 'In,. Meals, either simple of elabor Pumpkin. Will Glow . . . witches will ride their , broomsUcks ... on Hallowe'en, the children's night for adventure 1 And oj course you'll be making candy! V hy not this gorgeous Chocolate Fudge? Perfect for a larty or for a children's " handout "but be sure VOII miik'P if VL-'ttU U A T.'T? r 'O TTvon-r..,.. ate, require careful planing' be Mb wl"nCvouAIt- &A&!' deep chocoUte-y .coda ner. FIVE-LAYER DINNER 1 pound ground beef 2 tablespoons fat 4 medium potatoes, sliced 1 medium onion, sliced 3 cups canned tomatoes 1 small green pepper, cut into rings Brown beef in fat. Arranee greased baking dish, cover with sliced hard-cooked eggs and add remaining bean mixture. Sprinkle top with bread crumbs forehand and often much time and labor in preparation. It is, however, possible to cut dow:i last minute, time-consuming details if some of the preparation is done ahead of time, This may be accomplished by buying cooked or partially cooked foods, or by pre-cooking the food at home . JO uiutuimc mat s all pure chocolate. GLOSSY CHOCOLATE FUDGE Cho""teBaker' Unsweeten Dash of salt. t cud milk ' 5 tablespoons butter, i cup, uear. a tePoon vanilla. ,. ,Chhfatt,!?.jlkLPl"e over. km heat, Cook unt.I mixture is which have been mixed with the remaining y2 cup of cheese. Bake in a moderate oven, 250 degrees Mil i layers of meat, potatoes, onion, r ., until the cheese is melted and mixture is heated, about 20 min so that it requires only re-heat tomatoes and green pepper in a t uttered flat baking dish. Season utes. Yield: six servings. ing, or the addition of a special J " - umrea. mien com, cut in squares. asmi ror mis Giiumin wj sauce or garnish' to make an ap- ;each layer wlth salt and PePPer-Detizine petizing dish dish. i Cover and bake 3a of an hour As the winter season opens, BLACKPOOL, Eng., There were 3,500 applicants for a two- in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F. Remove cover. Continue '.. . m . of PACQU1NS sfrf 7 HAND CREAM CL J -"-'-"" - 4 and you'll not be J Va,tf bothered by chap- Ujf ' -L "October" CXS C A I I E 0 F 0 0 D Si there are many meetings, church With The Cos of Egg Going Up Up Up! . . . and butttr a big item on your budget ... the cakes you make just have to be nnnrl ' Thora'. toes or tomato juice; one cup bedroom aDartment at $3.50 weekly here. one-half cup canned corn; salt. and civic, which the public-spirited woman will attend in the afternoon, as well as social baking A of an hour, or the casserole may be removed from the oven after of an hour and returned to the oven for 20 minutes just before serving.' ,'Yield: Vi an rl ptoo m rnf n Procter & Gamble's new WE makes washday's most occasions such as teas and her bridge club, which means rushing home to start dinner before her husband gets there. ' The main course is always the big problem under these circum six servings. J ; i Lt'NCHEON CASSEROLE 1!4 cups dried lima or ravy beans 4 cups boiling water Ted by more women than any other hand cream in the world. , ust a Jittle smoothed on jour bands alter dishes or the weekly wash are done and your hands . will, magically, have that "lady of leisure" look. Originally made for doctors and nurses who wash their hands thirty to, forty times day, Pacquins is- now yours for ,, the asking! Simply write to me (.; Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q.--for your free sample and when it's' done, just ask for Pacquins Hand Cream at .....your nearest drug or department store! stances. Meat loaves are one answer, as they have two advantages. They are excellent waste of precious ingredients when , you flavour your cakes deliriously with SHIRRIFF3 TRUE VANILLA . . . best way I know to mule sure your cakes are absolutely Ravour-right! You see, Shirriff's True Vanilla is made from genuine vanilla beans. Its mellow, full-bodied richness does full justice to the finest of ingredients That's why I urge you to try feliirriff's True Vanilla next time you bake a cake ... and write to me Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. for this free booklet ..." FLAVOUR ARTISTRY ". I,'S .chw,,r of flavour tricks both budget-wise and flavour perfect! A Header Writes: "Before I read about Varjair r 1 small onion, sliced l'i teaspoon 6alt Vb teaspoon pepper meat stretchers and are a ready-to-serve meat, cold or reheated. K1A Canned meat loaves, already cooked, may also be served cold or reheated and served in many l'A cups milk 2 'j tablespoons flour 1 cup grated cheese " 2 tablespoons catsup or chili sauce 2 hard-cooked eggs " V- CUD soft tarearl rrnmh: Ho soap-no other "suds"-no other washing product known-will get your family wash as CLEAH as Tide! ways, casserole dishes or pne-dish meals are also a great help, as they may be prepared in the morning and reheated just before meal time. for Pleasure or "" For tuiiniu, . . tcre's that long-awaited oppor- -sunity ti o r that long drcamed-of trip to Britain! 4 Soak beans overnight in water in your column, I had trouble with stuffy clothes closets. If I left the doors open to air them the HnirwniiM to cover. Drain. Add boliinf get in and chew the shoes to bits! t&$M :7M The pressure saucepan is also water and onion. Cover and cdok a valuable utensil in preparing over low heat until tender and these hurry-up meals. very little liquid remains. Add Home economists recommend salt and pepper. Heat J cup milk Wfimermiik-in acjy eatj ! r Vv. And, at new reduced excursion ' i fares that can save you up to ; 138.60 for a thirty-day visit! ' These now low fares are in effect until March 31st, 1949. And T.C.A.'g spacious, comfortable "North Star" Sky liners whisk you overseas overnight from Montreal, allowing you to spend . your time in Britain, not in gct-,..ting there. You save valuable time und money when you go T.C.A., the "North Star" way, to Britain. T.CA. gives you every fc.travel comfort . . . delicious complimentary meals served aloft . . . roomy, club-like accommodations .7- courteous, considerate steward i,.i,l ut. ISow when a closet gets stuffy I simply uncap a bottle of Vapair, place it inside and when I open the door in a few minutes, the closet is fresh and sweet-smelling!" Yes, VAPAIR is a wonderworker! It's the instantly effective room deodorant that baniihes all kinds of unpleasant odors from stale cooking to bird-cage tmells What's more it costs less than i cent each time to use! You'll fine it (best buv is the biw.uoi,,,. it. vnni- fav ten-ounce bottle)- 1 fc'Mf' ourite drug or department. tnrf.r the world's CLEANEST, BRIGHTEST, WHITEST wash . . . only Tide give, you all this. Tide promises you a cleaner wash .than any other washday product will give you. Tide leaves even your heaviest family wash free from dirt, and actually removes soap film, too. with all that cleaning power; Tide i, truly safe for washable colors! U hat s more, Tide actually brithtens Map-dulled colors. And white things? In hardest water, Tide gets them whiter than any soap or any other washing product known! These are amazlnH promises, but Tide-and only Tide-will keep them every washday! For a Delitiou, Hurry-Up Stew, clip and treasure this ta8te-secret HZ TOMATO KET- CHUP!) " BtLEF RAGOUT SUPREME rt 9 it, fa.lb-.,r.n eak ln' '"eh cubes. Brown In .. 'r , vuspns. Hour. Add 3 CUDS hot water cfelectablv se..n.H i, iL;:;Lqu.c"; fa, it tastes as if it had been mil cooked ked o hours. Sefveri "'"" ln" "hero's a Lot of Your grocer has a fresh supply right notf! . toiytone. in Luck! I admit I'm a lazy-fa o n e e when it comrs to Hninu Talk about that brand new, grand new way to bake a c:tkf to ; 1 1. i. i -. . r -t. a uiweiioia cnores. JTiJ;f MAZOLA! Yes, J' Vf it's a real cooking aiscovcry, lor Maz- fluf- ola Salad Oil makes lighter Jier. more floticiiuiu o..L-n every .-time. Tastint? im lu.im-i.rt u: Your tea or coffee will taste better with Borden's Evaporated Milk. And your cereals, and yotir fruits and desserts. Yes, and any cooked dish that calls for milk! uniiMjr iiiply J 1 hat s why I know ,. " , Tni lucky to have discovered GILLKTTS DRAIN CLF.ANER ... it saves me the chore of tinkering with clogged and sluw-running drains. Just two tablespoons a week of Gillett'a Drain Cleaner in your drains prevails trouble . . . keeps drains fast-running and sediment-free! ,. '"....fe4 try the scrumtrfinna . Hfny,Jn i Hecipet you'll find in Mazola lie-Sheet AIM. Wt yours for the X" ? j-Clll CLOTHES CLEANER THAN ANT OTHH f I S V-W"H" M0DUCT YOU CAN tsZtff f s . 1 1 1 v 1411 , iung . . . juaroara llreut Crescent St, Montreal, P.Q, remember Mazola makcx And deli- Mtef! cious salud dressings makes fried on re- eimply follow the directions the tin for truly "magical" suits! r '7.7 . .loods taste better, too! suds thai nf. Icel mJerfu' Wo; too! pun dishes. row If Weor It Constantly! , . . this uoreeous Bl.n,lo " called FASHION PINK, Such aTrsSXde it looks beautiful with everything from suits to silks' with almost any colour you can think of! Pcekv feage bnnira it to you in Fashion Pink " Shimmer '' Lipstick with "Sheer" or " Reitular " Nail I'oliMi to match. At a new, budget-right price . too! for the Prgtiy Sage Fushion Pink Set with Linstirk ENJOY BORDEN'S QUALITY EVERY DAY! Borden's Evaporated Milk is concentrated from onlv fine quality, fresh, whole milk. Borden's is irradiated for extra sunshine vitamin D Borden's is homogenized to make every drop eauallv rich and nourishing. Borden's is sterilized to make it completely safe Borden's is specially easy to digest, even for Infants Borden's pours lihe cream. YOI R GROCER HAS A FRESH SUPPLY TODAY. spa wiping! anu iau Polish . . . onirina v 1.7r in ,.i i i a i. t better stores ll '.,.." t "",Jr lor 11 rSV'A 1 V I tiemnt.V" , 0Ut V If rfcot Smeo-ofh Breakfast Cereal that thousnn.U of " happy brc-akfasters vote "Most Popular". I mean smoothly delicious "CREAM OF WHEAT fi J1,II,"C' "f. Wheat" that cooks to lus'cou. digrst.bjlity in only 5 minutes of boiling. It's good and good for for you, jt contains blood-enriching Iror and provider extra Calcium and Phosphorus for dieU Ttt i 'VITAMIN ti nil ii EVAPORATED IfllLU and got Unit good " Ciwun of Wheat " babitl w 1 ' ' If it's Borden's; it's' GOT to be good! ' mm