J3rfnce Utipcrt DaHp rectos Thursday, October 28, 1943 TERRACE Trip to Queen Charlottes (Continued Irom Page 1) hfl iirdiuuiuiii of totems. The carving on slate , This brought fishermen from the which could be ranked as an art distant Puget 8ound. Thy have up to 30 years ago has depen- the necessary equipment to fish erated Into a crude, notching tuna Watih.it u rr tnni fluh HONORED BY MOOSE WOMEN AT STEWART executed for the tourist trade of SAUDER, PROl'KlflUK i around the Charlottes. The landscape In these islands STEWART Last Thursday Men s Work Pant Reg. $4.00 CO at NOW of lofty trees and blue hills and Prince Rupert and Vancouver.! It has not the polish, the re- j finement of design and the amazing relief of the old , i-i-.Vit PUiKPd 0 n tn Runrlnvc I , v- ' i Fa , night the Stewart Women of the Moose Chapter held a farewell party for Mrs. Hugh Mc mi mi'""v- r J" nE and dance ' , friends and enjoy yourselves Men's Dress Pants Reg. $6.50- , fl IZCi Donald. Senior Regent WTlkin- PRESERVED IN MUSEUMS choppy seas under the lambent September sun is a dream of unspoiled beauty transposed into reality. But a French-Canadian journalist in these part must : necessarily be an ambassador of S bonne entente, and of national tSNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 son presented her with the The finest slate pieces I have If Chapter's .farewell gift. NOW - V Boys' All-Wool Tweed Pants Reg. $4.50- Eft ever seen are treasured in the McCord Museum, at MeGill Uni Following the meeting, the Mooseheart committee, under versity, Montreal, and In the 4N unity or something of the sort. now North British Columbia Museum He must have an answer ready of Prince Rupert. The latter's for all questions on priests, edu- Boys' Shirts All Sizes FROM collection consists of some two cation, patrols, conscript'on. pad-dozen miniature poles which locks, Intolerance,, etc. Was this gleam like real gems through to be part of a vacation or was $I25 Ladies' Umbrellas . $3;95-; ; $2,95 the chairmanship of Mrs. Sadie Young, assisted by Catherine Gibson, presented some fins numbers in music, solos and dramatic skits,' after which an excellent repast was served to members and guests. Mrs. H. McDonald has been a member of the chapter for the past nine years and a resident of Stweart for nineteen years. Her husband being Public Works Superintendent has been superannuated and ' they are moving south for a well earned the glass of a rudimentary show- it to be a mission? I was be-case. Insurance against theft on ginning to wonder. Fven if I these precious vestiges of an ex- had concealed the fact that I tinct Canadian art amounts to worked for a newspaper, I could three or four thousand dollars not have prevented the ques- 1 Knitting Wool Best Kind-Reg. 40c NOW 31 only. Yet, if they were lost. Can- tions put to me-by th? hard ada's cultural resources would working men I found myself if Boys' Raincoats 7 II L; $4.85 vacation. I be the more impoverished. Dr with. I came from QuebPC prnv-Marius Burneau, Canada's ex- ince, and my accent betrayed pert on such subjects, who is me. Yet, I did not feel estranged known in the Queen Charlotte here at the entrance of '.he Gulf Islands and in the Indian re- of Alaska. There is nothing to , servations along the Skeenc, do apparently, during the long has made an offer, I am told, fall evenings in Queen Cliar-l to secure the slate totems of lotte City but to trlk, play t.trds ! Prince Rupert for the hotter and sip a coca-cola. Th? record? N B. U. GETS NEW PRESIDENT A new president for the University of New Brunswick takes his' oath of office. Dr. A. W. Trueman, the new incumbent, repeats the oath as it is administered by Hon. D. L. MacLaren, lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick visitor to the university on behalf of His Majesty. The ceremony took place in the Lady Beaverbrook gymnasium on the university campus at Fredericton, N.B. C.P.R. freighter Nootka, under charter to the Frank Water-house Line, Is due "at Massett tomorrow afternoon to load 300,-000 feet of lumber. She will then come on here, being due about Monday, to take on a large parcel of canned salmon from the ocean dock for Vancouver. S I j and more appropriate public of the juke box were old and i display of the National Gallery terribly groved. The music was i in Ottawa. Incidentally, If Dr. all laded away. The batterv radio iBarbeau is today vn authority emitted but a few cryptic mes WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlar'Mne QUICK SERVICE Amateur and realists. and their crews, reports when I found out I needed very little necessary on the vast personnel persuasion to put the case of of the lumber operations in on Indian and Canadian lore sages of the Coquitlam enroute and crafts, he owes It to Rt. Hon.! to the Islands from Buper: and L. S. St. Laurent. As a young negotiating high winds. Mrs. Peter Byrne is sail'ng to REALISTIC AUDIENCE Quebec forward for I learned Moresby Island, compiles me Professional 'Snnnlies a trip to Vancouver. Ullr Ul tyt UfOl; V'Ul Mia, ill VItU.1 .-5i.tii.iOLv.o ixa " ' 1 . . the fishing fleets cruising around on the trickle of liquor coming here is a man named Brillon to the islands by airman order. student, the Liberal lender had won a Rhodes scholarship which he thought could be used with advantage by his schoolmate and friend Martus Barbeau. in favor of whom he resigned the great pED IN YEAR 5709 The shofar ram's horn) The men I was talking to had earnest and open faces. They were prosperous and at the height of a lucrative season it was possible for them t'J earn a French-Canadian who, is not j Vital statistics are interesting, only a fast worker but a hard- The Haida tribe attars to be i homr of old Israel by 81-year old Hersch Be-orated the Jewish New Year Rosh Hashonaht. -j t u &TA.. Vn. - nf RTflQ To HirrVl Vlfilv rlnVS boiled business mp'i who saveu the only one in Canada to ac For Mr. St. Laurent' up to $200 a day for severpl days lea t r iicw "'""v"1 i nrivilege nav nf Atonement lYom Kippur) on October lp ; , tually increase in population, and this, to the dismay of the B.C his money and became the owner of his boat. He always picks the best crew and arts the larger in succession, Incredible amounts of money even if you see for yourself the size of the tuna and :.cance this year for the Jews Is a prayer for i,y-es'bllshed homeland of Israel. police agent who explains to me was ambitious w siart in nisi career as a lawyer and could not afford to wait the two or three years that long studies in Oxford would have taken from halibut they can catch. I shot amounts of fish. I had this from i what a problem the Indians con-the B.C. provincial police agent stitute on the coast for the B.C. stationed in. Queen CtnrloUe government. There'll always be City. ja certain amount of s'u.h prob- vnoN m Page It back an answer to every one of their questions on Quebec with the most congenial saiile I could Society of Canada for outstanding work In history. He has written many books on Canadian history as well as memoirs and fiction. Dr. Luther Evans was born in him. The slate you nick un on ihe shores of the Queen Charlotte i No considerable enforcement lems in this vast Canada whore University of work up. I enjoyed this now. b and prior to ! Islands is not as schistous as it You can always explain an ln-jof the law is required in the many races, new and old. great escaoable fact to a realistic i Charlottes. Many doors are left and small, have settle ; for good is In the east. It Is harder and miriionno an rt thp harr' nmi'kinff '. unlocked. The nrovincial nolice with no particular wish to die .: ;,:.,tv nf Vn not altogether black. The bigger Your Dealer can supply you GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBErt CO. LTD. Local Distributors: PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Pnce Rupert, B.C. Til Second Ave. -or of English ;- rved as a Ma- Ifrum 1815-18. -uriled the Ty- by the Royal har rorlril-iH mnts men 01 tne unanouts are an surveys uie movement ui niups ui vu wu. . . H It Jl VI v- ' -J oh etar.fr,rrt H, tiiii.-ht at fragments here and there, and the Indians . ... i in ; in;-- , -;- ' - , ' ' "1 1 New York. Dartmouth and HOTOS Princeton Universities. He dir- wann umi, h" - of the museum In The curator Hlstor- ected Roosevelt's W.P A. citizen - the town ,cal Records Survey, "The great-, Rupert (every of of Rupert uses the abbreviation est single achievement any f '''i ii '"i i'"n "ti mil lii' nil' " 'I''' ' i ' ' ' in " "i inni " "full n"f i -3 L - - f '' if 1 11 flnt Al)tsl f l ( believes that only jade a.rly nation tn describing and inter- Ruperti FISHERMEN ntments GREEN 389 BLACK CIS Street Repairs to .HIGH SPEED ENGINES is our specialty. We have the latest in modern machinery and specially TRAINED MECHANICS to handle this class of work. Let us have your pnirinp now. do not wait until the last minute for pretin" the records oi u "ttTC people"' uble lustre to the black nine In 1939 he received a position inches long totem poles of which in the library of Congress and he has the care, was appointed Chief Assistant The flight from Rupert to the Librarian in 1940. He became islands lasts an hour. W land librarian of Congress In June in a place called Sanclsplt, on 1915. (the tip of the southern island The Library of Congress con- j f Moresby. Water taxi north in tains more than six million j a small power boat across a that overhaul. If you are thinking of an over-n A1LABLE DOOKS ana puuipincLa uu I rougn siraiu uiiiib" - and-H-half v million maps and ; fishing fleet anchored oft Queen , charts, as well as uncoumea i charlotte City. 1 nappenea io haul, we will be glad to look your motor over and make our recommendation. PHONE us or better still DROP IN and talk it over with our Shop Foreman. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 for millions of manuscripts. It was ; the first tourist there instituted 145 years ago. I weeks. The odd names on Dr. William Kaye Lamb was reeister 0f the local hotel the be- localities B.C. hum n Npw westminsier uu ,1 cma received his B.A. and M.A. from S like Port Hardy. Ocean fans, nu- U.B.C., and his Ph. D. from Lon I looked nert and Terrace port THE , ED AND pi are slid on sale. : : Y a ' .. this. wack lj through the pages of the register, up to 1946, for the name of an easterner, but in vain. FISHERMEN ASK QUESTIONS The house did not correspond to the most modern standards of comfort but the hosts were very t;on University, studying economics under the direction of Professor H J. Laskl In 1933. He became provincial librarian and archivist in September, 1934, and came to U.B.C. as librarian in 1940. He was appointed as a member of the British Columbia Public Library Commission In 1943. He hns written KITE 41 LABEL charming. I had my dinner wiui ; two or three fishermen who were still sneaking with interest of Wiring or Lighting can be effective only IF PROPERLY PLANNED We can assist you in getting the best value for money expendad. FOR" WIRING, LIGHTING, HEATING, REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE The Northern B.C. Power Go. inumeraoie uuum u h-'""- I they were d tuna catches and the gooa t,ui lets on Canadian history ; .m-.. M,ne,iirh chron- able to make in those norJiern ROYAL Li - uer your order in rcdatf & &Y 4 xl PlaySak ' -SzveNow! fifhlj f AD C 2948 ' "rW- :. . .. ,UM I waters thanks to a God-sent deviation of the Japanese current this year, closer to shore. 1EI icles of the Empress liners. He was recently appointed Dominion archivist. W From Home Phone 210 tot and Coin LIMITED Phone 209 pater ILL TELL YOU WHY I LIKE QrQTE (XPIIESS PERT B.C. pO Boi 1 SEE-THE Ml ROYAL PORTABLE "I like State Expire because they re just nplit tor inv taste. 1 l'-VtiK( , , with FINGER FORM KEYS New! The most sensational typewriter improvement in years FINGER FORM KEYS de .. ami vet not too mild. f k VyiWJ x I . . firmly' parked ami do- I; W Vft k i They're a smootli smoke Tl.oo sir nlwiivs fresh . igned to cradle your finger tips! 7 not stick to my lips. Yes. State Express give me everything I want VV4-N V " S in a cigarette." bating Place RSE Mr Ai c 5 A ' And only the New ROYAL PORTABLE the world't first truly modern typewriter has this revolutionary feature! And more, besides I New Beauty! Speed Spacw! Rapid Ribbon Changer I "Mauic" Margin! And many other important 10 p.m. pet Hall improvements and perfectionsl Come in and see the New Royal Portablel New Quiet De Luxo model, rns, Dinners rartios of Royal Typewriter Co, LW: Magic" Is a registered trade-mark fse Dishes ADWAY 'AT PRICES POPULAR ME llr Phone 200 fci M T