v.: y Stalin Lashes I PROVINCIAL 1 wmlw no Out at Alleged PHONE f STARCABS down L 29TH War Mongers 1 NORTHERN AND CKNTRAL BRITISH OULUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVH, No. 254. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS 0) IvafcoD of Europe Only tofin) Q)lnnlo MOSCOW, Vh Prime Minis- ter Joseph Stalin today accused Great Britain, the United States and so-called "neutral states," including Canada of supporting a policy wnich can lead to the unleashing of a new war. He added, however, that the present International crisis "can only end in ignominous failure on the part or instigators oi a new war." Stalin criticized Canada, China, Colombo, Syria, Belgium and Argentina for actions in the United Nations during the Berlin discussion. 'Those gentlemen are obviously lending their support to a policy of aggression." Continuing, Stalin said: "The Without Weapon, Slavery '!( CRACKS DOWN OK PARKING I JEROW RESIDENTIAL STREETS l0ice will "crack down" on motorists who ...vp the narkinc bylaw which Drohibits Would Result - Churchill Calls For Bolstering of Defences and Cultivation of German Co-operation nate parking on narrow streets at night, N, Potterton saia mis morning ioiiowing ,'n from city council to tighten its obser 'tel : A t : fx m -in t -". : j . point is man inspirers oi tne I aggressive policy of the United i. i.iiuv liil vjiiiv Liic.State3 and Britain (Jo riot con- . . p -m L.. i s rtpr thpmsplvps interested in agreement and co-operation vance. However, drivers who for years have parked their cars on residential streets without molesta- f 1 tVn 1An, ,tlf kA atom Domo prevents eiioiavciuciii. ui uuiup "j communist forces directed from the Kremlin." The w i; egation with the TJ.SJ3JI." He said that J war-time Prime Minister called for both secret and they fear, above all else, an 4 , i turn iiiiu uic law, win given lniDrClt a few days to make other ar open debate on the state of British defences. He de agreement with ' Russia since 5 agreement would undermine the j clared that western powers il 1 1 T v I J F rangements for leaving their cars , i- - position of the war mongers and ; should put no obstacles in the at night, Egt. Potterton said. He Lrary anil 3f0 would deprive their aggressive way of reconciliation with Ger docs not plan to take action policy of Its objective. ? Ifcjrres Conferred many and added: "There can NEW UNION IS SNUBBED AGAIN until after November 1. 'Precisely for this reason, ? be no revival in Europe without "That will give them time to Stalin said, "they disrupt agree- find other places to put their ments already reached, disa- I active and loyal support of German tribes." University of British vehicles," he said. vow their representatives who 1 have reached agreements with The bylaw Is an ancient one autumn congregation ;;day afternoon an )f 2,500 people, parotids of the graduatr . Vancouver Labor Council Refuces Its Application For Affiliation VANCOUVER, ffli The Van the U.S.S.R. and transfer the auestlon. in violation of the COMPLETING HER FLIGHT FRIDAY which apparently has been enforced only periodically. The last time It was enforced was about four years ago when a United Nations charter, to the hembers, saw degrees couver Labor Council last night d on 360 students Today's Douglas aircraft out turned down an application oi the newly-formed Woodwork police drive resulted In scores of armories. Chancel- of Vancouver returned there, Lmber officiated. ers' Industrial Union for affili warnings and a few prosecu tions. without getting as far as Port security council where they passess an assured majority and where they can prove anything" All this is done to demonstrate the necessity of a new war and to prepare conditions for the unleashing of a new war. t:ul processions unu Hardy, to receive mechanical It provides that no one shall ation. Yesterday it had been announced in Ottawa by the Canadian Congress of Labor, attention and, having started out again; will not reach Sands- leave a car unattended on city , . i . m nn i 1 IMMIGRATION CHECK-UP Dr. Andre C. E. Boussat, one of four Frenchmen in Canada-charged with collaboration with the enemy in France during '..the Second World War, leaves Montreal Immigration headquarters with his. family f( ilowing : a routine medical check-up. Bouaat was allowed to remain In Canada by a federal cabinet order-in-councll after immigration authorities had ordered his deportation for entering the eountry on a false passport. Shown with Boussat are his wife and four children, Francois, Michel, Marie-Jose and Marie. Marie-Jose Is carrying four-months old Marie in her arms. ?; (CP Photo) ne more class reach-:.cial farewell of Its Eight Honorary De-conferred at the Dit until late this afternoon with which the Vancouver La All this can only end in Ig Accordingly, the Canso from I on Ira Dilworth, Col- nominious failure of the insti here, which left for the Islands bor Council is affiliated, that a letter had been sent to the W. I.U. pointing out that the In is Fairey, Alexander gators of a new war, asserted at 2 o'clock this afternoon, will not be back until tomorrow Stalin. " (Winston) Churchill, a, John Dennett ue- ternational Woodworkers of LOCAL WOMAN'S SISTER-IN-LAW the main instigator, has already Jfssie Fisher Gordon, morning when it will bring in streets ana avenues oi u ice or less in width during the hours of darkness unless the vehicles have parking lights turned on This will hit motorists living in residential districts with narrow streets where the lots arc too narrow to permit construction of driveways or garages. Sgt. Potterton received. Instructions to enforce the bylaw .following Monday night's city Punished For America, as a C.C.L. affiliate, Evans, William Stew- m!n?aH Z r" Passengers and mail, held jurisdiction , in the wood- K , managed to deprive himself of the trust of his peopde. The samp fstp awaits other war and Dr. William SUCCUMBS TO RUSSIAN CRUELTY working industry. I The W.I.U. was formed In Bri War Crimes 1 r.h, director of the In- j mongers." tish Columbia - - last month by - a Vloiild Car C Service of the CBC, r!y principal of Vlc- 1VHS., l illlilU lbUllucv in iici ia. Wilhelra Runge, a brother of Mrs. Hugo Kraupner;k"a, '"n?..?; of thiicity, died recently i a, hospital. at Pthageni council meeting. v t. School and then a j t Terms Ranging From Three. Years to Ut Ar Meted j-Out at Nuernberg However, the council did not Communists U.S. PRODUCE CONING AGAIN VANCOUVER, 0) Lettuce, Issue any Instructions lnregaid to the parking situation In front in trie British-occupied .zone of Western Germany from endocarditis, the direct result of horrible experiences during the war while in flight with her of the Post Office building ai staff of U.B.C.'s de-of English. Ho Is .n anthology of Cana-y and a literary critic iEie Fisher Gordon tomatoes and grapes will roll NUERNBERG W Sentence, ranging from three years to life were Imposed on Germany's family Deiore tne aavancing though complaints have been received of day-long parking Russians in eastern Germany. into Vancouver from California Monday, dealers reported Wednesday. It will be the first ship- which obstructs traffic in from eleven top-ranking military TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) KHKKKHS CHWHKHHHWHSHJH9H Vancouver - Bralorne 7.20 B.R. Con .03 V B R 08 . Cariboo Quartz 11 5 Dentonia 01 Vi Grull Wihksne , -04 '2 ' Hedle'y Mascot - 32 ! A .letter received by Mrs. Kraupner from her brothor, who Crofton House School of the building during the busy :n 1898, comina from TORONTO WINS OVER MONTREAL Detroit Improves Lead in ' was a machinist in Stettin be periods of the day ment of American produce since barriers were thrown up at the fore the war in which he seryed commanders for wartime atrocities. Lt.-Gen. Walter Warlimont. aged 54, found to be one of Adoif Hitler's top advisers in drafting in 1886. She retired ice in 1937 after 40 leading educatlonal- border last year to conserve United States dollars. Prices will be reasonable, the dealers Canadian Chamber Urges They be Denied Labor Privileges Birks New President VANCOUVER, iW The Canadian Chamber of Commerce yesterday Expressed the belief that privileges and protection of all labor relations legislation should be withheld from any organization led or dominated by communists or their sympathizers. The declaration was made in a statement of Chamber policy. "Communlsis," said the de as a tradesman for the German Army, describes terrifying, experiences of the flight. It says: summary 1 execution orders) TO PATROL ON HALLOWE'EN state. ' f. T. Fairey was born While Emmi with her chil )1, England, and came dren, her mother and sisters and f- in 1907, He taunht at TWO DIE III brothers were fleeing west, Rus hi later at Boys' Cen National Hockey League NEW YORK, P While Detroit Red Wings moved into a ihree-point lead by defeating New York Rangers 3 to 2 last night, the Montreal Canadiens dropped their first game of the season to Toronto Maple Leafs 3 to 2. against Allied military commandos, was sentenced to life Imprisonment. The sentencing followed the conviction by a United States court of eight German generals sian low-flying planes attackedJ Law and order m Prince Ru-nert on Hallowe'en night will the refugees with whom the jum r&tK iscnoois, He taught at King Ed- AIR CRASH road was veritably plugged. be bolstered by patrols supplied by the Junior Chamber of Com i School from 1914-21 There were mountains of dead EDMONTON A Northwest out for overseas ser- claration "should be barred and three other officers, an ad from government employment, be and uncounted wounded. Emmi's life was saved by a miracle. She Minto V2 Pend Oreille 5.65 Pioneer 2.70 Premier Border 02 y2 Privateer 11 Reeves McDonald 2.80 Reno 06Va Salmon Gold ". 10 Sheep Creek 140 Taylor Bridge 33 Taku River -25 Vananda 39 Congress -03 Spud Valley 06 Central Zeballos 01 Silbak Premier 28 Oils Air Lines plane, bound from St. Paul to Anchorage1, crashed and miral being acquitted. The three-man tribunal found that Boston and Chicago will playing in Chicago tonight. 1 1929-38 he was vlce-of Vancouver Techni-' and in 1938 was ap- education, transportation, com merce which will prove lour cars and personnel to cruise the city during the crucial period when pranksters may be abroad. The patrols will' be similar to those suDnlied a year ago by had travelled ahead on a bicycle. munications and similar vital burned 35 miles north of Ed four others were innocent of Her relatives, together with our ?rovinc!al Director of services." clotting World War II, saying monton Wednesday night. Two members of the crew were re- ' two children, were travelling on Education. He dir- that they did not rate high The Chamber urged that the term treason be re-deflned and a horsedrawn wagon which was War EmerRcncy Train- BIG DEAL IN B.C. TIMBER ported killed and three injured. n in British Colum- the Junior Chamber and which were held partly responsible for an orderly observance of loaded with the few belongings nhle to save. After enough to make policy. i Yesterday the tribunal had announced the acquittal of thirteen leading Nazi war chiefs )rld War II, was an- strengthened In the Criminal Code and that provisions of the code be strictly enforced. ;uporintei'ident of Edu- It was a cargo plane and there were no passengers. THE WEATHER Synopsis Interests or Gibson Brothers 1945, and now server Volunteers number about A P C.nn .H three field marsnais, nine gen- i ' Minister of Educa-! and East Asiatic Co. Being Merged l a dozen wlli man the four cars. erals. one admiral on charges. B.C. The offer was made to ponce the attack had ended, Emmi was frantically looking for her loved ones but without result. The road had in the meantime been cleared of the wreckage and the dead had been piled up. Since she could not find her people omnrlCf fhp livine. she had to A weak disturbance was mov of conspiracy to wage aggressive VANCOUVER, XP Organiza ing across southern British Col !,rd was born In Nova d is a Graduate of Henry G. Birks of Montreal was elected president of the Chamber in succession to C. Bruce Hill of St. Catharines, Ontario. A. Brice of Klrkland Lake and Toronto was elected vice-president and D. L. Mor-rell of Montreal was- re-elected executive secretary. tion of a new British Columbia umbia this morning followed Dy Calmont : 5 C. & E 5.85 Home 10.15 Toronto Athona 12Vi Aumaque 16 Beattie 56 He was srhnril t-irlnH- Sergeant L. A. N. Potterton this week and was accepted in the Interests of an orderly celebration. Members of the Junior ( Chamber approved the idea at timber company was announced woHnnsrtnv hv Prince Axel a weak northwesterly circulation of cool Pacific air. Another lowna and Vancouver war. At that time the court found Field Marshal William von Leeb guilty of one sub-charge under a count involving crimes against civilians in occupied countries. they of Denmark, head of the East take It for granted that inspector of Schools at active storm is located about Asiatic Co. It will involve a also were dead. 'Pert 1915-19. Okana. their monthly business meeting 900 miles west of the queen '-22, Vancouver 1922- at the Civic Centre last night. "After three weeks aimless wanderings Emmi arrived In Charlottes and Is expected to brine eale force winds to the roal Srhnni merger of Gibson Bros, interests and the East Asiatic Co. of Denmark and will be capitalized at between $2,000,000 and hfl 1930-31, Inspector of MINERS-TROOPS northern coast by Friday morn Stettin. There, for no parUcular reason, she looked up the for Trip To Queen Charlottes ing. 'w Vancouver 1931-36 c'pal of Vancouver Nor- STILL BATTLING on Prince Axel arrived here Tuesday. ; m 193G. He is presl-1 Canadian Education Montreal Writer Describes Life; Native PARIS 0 Walling sirens mer apartment of her sister and there to her horror found htv little girl and her mother lying on the floor, near starvation. The little boy had been somewhat stronger and had on. Presidpnt. nf (lip railed out French miners for Forecast North Coast and Charlottes-Southern Section: variable cloudiness today, clearing' this evening. Clear Friday morning, becoming overcast Friday afternoon. Intermittent rain begin-nine Friday night. Winds north Totems and Craftsmanship Disappearing r niTY JASMIN in Windsor Star TIGERS IN battle today as troops moved ! Aid Society 1916, and of the Community 1942. Df'T.nnr, 1 1.. Into the pro-communist Pas de Charlottetown to Queen Char If vou sav "From Calais area to take over strike ;i DOG HOUSE bound northern mines. A gov been able to keep them supplied with water. As if by a miracle, Emmi had been able to save her mother and her two little chil ,ih wan uui u in l,nvic!5 aild is a gradu- lotte City," it means as much a stretch across wruc d "ii inA flvrvcirvh "From nail- ernment announcement ' said westerly (20 m.p.h) today, decreasing to light tonight and Increasing to southwest (20), Friday night. Little change la . university of New ! Came to B.C. in 1910 that a large force of troops and "Covering t'p'' Tactics in Binding Players I'psct by Commissioner Chandler dren from death by starvation. large convoy of police were as to use me oiien icpcatcu ti.w -- ' ChSte City is a Utile toWn of fishermen nn Craham Island, the northern part oi ueen nar- Rpfnri the attack bv the Rus surrounding mines and closing appointed Provincial of Schools In 1945. He 1945. (P Detroit Tigers, sinn nlanes. her mother with T"iTTTROTT Bevcourt -2 Bobjo 1 Buffalo Canadian 08 Vi Consol. Smelters 122.50 Conwest 1-19 Donalda 62 Eldona I-08 East' Sullivan 3.15 Giant Yellowknife 5.00 God's Lake 45 Hardrock 25 2 Harricana - 07 Heva ' U Hosco 20 Jacknife -03 V Jollet Quebec 54 Lake Rowan 06 Lapaska I 5 Little Long Lac 72 Lynx 07 Madsen Red Lake 2.43 McKenzie Red Lake .... -35 McLeod Cpckshutt 91 Moneta 35 Negus 216 Noranda 53.50 Louvlcourt 55 Pickle Crow 2.05 Regcourt 05 San Antonio 3.65 Senator Rouyn 53 Sherrit Gordon 2.35 "Steep Rock 1-66 Sturgeon River 115 temperature. Low tonight and high Friday at .Port Hardy. 37 in. ' - harb- in hnsphall's dOChOUSC, anA Vo ntbpr rpla- Two-thirds of the striking " i- UUI LlillUl M. W- ww.-- - be seen in museums ana llt na- lotte archinelaeo off the north and 50. '"'am Stewart Wallace in f,pnt'nnf,M.,v Mil miners are employed in north Northern Section Clear to British Columbia coast I flew tnrougnoui, uic -r wco nttu -- tlonal parks mainland of Canada, I enjoyed league players by a ruling of jand got logt and it was 0my by T .... op m,.rii Commissioner A. B. (Happy) ,ihis mira.P.uioua chance that huvvn, wu- ium Q 1 ls a Graduate of the day except for variable cloudi from Prince Rupert early lasc month because, this time, I ness this afternoon. Cloudy to tne prospeuo ui o.i..s ia mnkPS the " . : . , ... ern fields. The area has been almost without gas and lights since the wage strike arose four weeks ago. oi Toronto and Bal-Oxford, He has been night, becoming overcast Friday wu..,..! . a EiMlIUl 1UU11U U1C1I1 Uaill " uuvu anantc ann P11T.S .. nlavcrs more Of tnis inieretunB in thp home islands of the net; Rkviiw m..u " tin. morning. Light rain beginning wanted to go the farthest west possible in Canada, having only reached Vancouver and This was only a minor expert fV Or, r. f Dockers have stopped unload Friday morning. Winds wester Halda Indians. But nothing re across "covering up" tactics used to bind them orally to Detroit farm clubs. ence of all tha hotrors that Emmi ing 22 shins in seven ports and ly (15 m.D.h.) today, decreasing had to live through." to light tonight and increasing the government is considering rETUVL NOTICE mains in Queen Charlotte uity and the neighboring reservation of Skldegate of the old splendor sending troops- to do th work. In to southeast (25) by Friday morning and to southeast (45) Victoria on two previous occasions, last year and during a hltch-hlklng tour of the U.S. and Canada back in 1931. After dreaming for many TnpsHnv LOCAL TIDES The dockers' move appears r,ir 26, i(ua 33 Marv jean by Friday afternoon. Little aimed at frustrating govern- hVahi nrfS'be,'oved 'wife of Friday, October 29, 1948 mpnt nlans to import extra BENEFIT ASS'N IS REFUSED LICENCE VICTORIA S, W. Taylor, superintendent of Insurance, yesterday refused to grant a lirpnce to the North Pacific Knd J?firtRe Cove- R. f at it i rirr;"cori"uet gr ' conduct ser- serin 2 2 nri 0 rlnv'"e 1jvrJ?urt.?hia" Court Cha- High 11:05 21.0 feet 23:31 20.5 feet millions of tons of coal to com of craftsmanship but three rotting totem poles, gray, weather-beaten, one of which was broken in two and Invaded by weeds. A photograph of the Skldegate of 1914 showed a whole forest (Continued on Page 7) change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Friday: Mas-sett and Prince Rupert, 40 and 50. years at tne signt oi,e,uui- totem poles and very skilful . Tnt":m ora Fndav. Octo- . . K i ,nfnv pensate for three million tons Low 4:49 4.8 feet "'k mpnt c i o ota o ruinir nun uctiuwi" lost In the strike. fakpp, Yfwtery. B.C. Un-1 ,nr.prf oanoes of the industrious 17:24 4.9 feet Benefit Association. J K char"e of Hida tribe, all of which are to