. H. O. Archibald mb . .. Fish Company Donates $25 to Film Council lng on the Prince George tontahil AIR b 8 jtfnce Rupctt Dailg J3rtu$ Thursday, October 28, 1948 on a trip to Ocean Fall i n rpn The Prince Rupert Film he will speak at a public meet Vailc-opur- Pr, lng. He will also visit othp", lm'lh Council's drive for funds to chase its own projector was glv points In the southern TVar'! part of I in en another substantial gift this week with receipt of a $25 con tribution from the Canadian Mrs. Edward Pongs of Massett 'shf4 who has been here receiving 'llmai medical treatment, will sail Mi. Fish and Cold Storage Co. The ,1 O'Vn the Coquitlam tomorrow nith. n ' ' t amount was In addition , to $5 membership which the company took out in the council. Objec It's WALLACE'S For BLANKETS PILLOW SLIPS BEDSPREADS SHEETS-PILLOWS on her return to her home at' Massett. tive of the council, which has about 60 member groups, is $500 for new equipment. w jr. A " Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS NORWEGIAN LEADER HERE Supreme President E. B. Hauke of Minneapolis is Visiting City One of the outstanding Norwegian leaders of the continent, E. B. Hauke of Minneapolis, supreme president of the Sons of Norway for United States, and Canada, is a visitor In Prince Rupert. He arriver by chartered plane this afternoon from Ketchikan and will be here until Saturday morning when he will return north. Leaders of , the Sons of Norway organizations In Ketchikan and Petersburg are accompanying him. Tonight, there will be a banquet by the local lodg ein the Sons of Norway Hall and tomorrow night a lodge meeting and initiation will be held at which Mr. Hauke will take a leading part. During the war Mr. Hauke was in charge of organized relief on behalf of Norway and for his work was honored by the King. He is at present making a tour of all Sons of Norway lodges in Alaska and British Columbia. He is the first supreme president of the Sons of Norway to visit Prince Rupert. For guaranteed sleep satisfaction, DONT buy from just any old store. Buy from the store of your choice. WALLACE'S of Course ' t ess And jot i "Belvedere-He's jot I technique all his own! ROBERT YOUNG 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "They bought two dozens of oranges." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "cognomen"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Kimono,- keen-ess, kangaroo. 4. What does the word "pomp Oh Hotel. . V1 Ca tOUVE! U.S. ENVOY TO RUSSIA REPORTS TO TRUMAN Lieut.-Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, U.S. ambassador to Moscow, gives a personal report on the Russian situation to President Truman, left, aboard the latters presidential campaign train en-route to Bonham, Texas. Smith, who flew from Washington to deliver the first-hand report, declared that U.S. relations with the Soviet Union had never been more "critical" than today. r cot a Vlian Ch ous" mean? 5. What Is a word beginning with la that means "expending or bestowing profusely"? WEEK tit O'HARA K 11 .rfitatio also e: export ANSWERS I. Say, "They bought two dozen oranges." 2. Pronounce SITTI kog-no-men, first o as In on, GYROS SET FOR HOEDOWN DANCE Arrangements Well Uunder Way Appeal for Boy Scouts Chartering Convention Ship President Orme Stuart and Chairman Bill Stone told the Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday that arrangements for the club's annual hoedown dance to be held at the Civic Centre tomorrow night are well under way. The proceeds are for the club's playground fund which is in need of substantial bolstering at this time in view of the heavy financial obligations arising out of the McClymont Park swimming pool undertaking. Auditorium, rotunda and 'teen-town room of the Civic Centre will be given over to the big fall party, one of the features of SHIPS AND WATERFRONT second o as in no, e as In men, fUSE m accent on second syllable. 3 J Local News Items Keenness. 4. Characterised by Prince Rupert J. B. Holt, Esquimalt; G. Green, Vancouver; B. Sparks, Vancouver; W. H. Smith, Vancouver; Capt. H. Milward, Vancouver; G. Naylor, Vancouver; C. L. Robertson, Vancouver; W. Arnold,' Vancouver; C. J. Eaton, Vancouver; -A. R. Bromley, Vancouver; J. Benoit jr.. Terrace; N. Carson, Esquimalt; A. A. Ship, Prince George; R. Keugh, Saskatoon; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Beam, Port Essington; L. Waite, Vancouver; J. H. Bordwick, Vancouver; Miss F. Linaker, city; R. Linaker, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Buck, West Vancouver; N. Sheppard, Alice Arm; E. J. Carruthers, Vancouver; G. E excessive self-importance; pre tentlous. "The pompous van MacArth 1 oday to lty of the old schoolmistress." Edward Couglan of the provincial social service cj?partment here and A. A. Shipp, regional THURS. and r?.; Thackeray. 5. Lavish. charged at Kincolith following which she will proceed to AU-e Arm and Stewart. From Portland Canal, the vessel will sail for Skagway with cement and other cargo. SATt; frobed fcTON ' director. Prince George, are 2:00 - 4 B1C7UAL VOTE... ' XTHE FUNNIEST PICTURE EVER MADE" TRY A CLASSIFIED ADI Advertise m ine uauy News! P-rV sailing tonight on the Prince George on a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. J. J.' Payne and her cousin, Miss Florence H. Arm Foster, Vancouver; D. M. Hay- Alaska Flct Idle Local Boy on Sunken Boat Up to within a week ago the Seattle-Alaska fleet of passenger ships and freighters had dwindled to four active ships as a consequence of the maritime strike. At tha ttime, the relief craft Square Sinnet was enroute to Nome., The Coastal Rambler, which later called to Prince Rupert t odischarge salmon and lumber, was anchored at Naked Island. The Chief Washakie had gone to Juneau and the Palis-ana was discharging at Prince Rupert. In Puget Sound, 16 vessels were moored. which will be a competition and ' ward Vancouver; F. WUker, prize-giving for the best cos- Vancouver; B. E. Wilson, Van couver. COMfQ!! TUES. i ON THE STAGE - strong, of Dublin, Ireland, who has been her guest here for the last month, are sailing tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver and Victoria. Miss Arm nmira FOR THE FIRST TIME IN K tiations being opened with Canadian National Steamships with a view to chartering the steamer Prince George to bring 200 Luuica ui tiic evening. . F. E. Anfield, chairman of the Prince Rupert Boy Scouts' Association .appeared before the club at yestreday's luncheon and made an appeal for support of members of the club by their attendance and, that of their friends at the Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra concert to be staged November 5 in aid of Men's Fashions strong is on her way to New York to return to Ireland-They will spend the next couple of weeks in Vancouver ard Victoria. Miss Armstrong is matron of a hospital near Dublm. She will sail on the America Novem delegates from southern British Still CostsV Less Than A I 1 J a Serving! Columbia and Washington and Oregon states. For the Apple Day commit Raymond Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bell of this city,, was a member of the crew of the fish GIRLS! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE OVER SEVERAL HANDSOM ber 15 from New York for Kobh, the Scouts, the financial needs of which are increasing through tee Chairman Grant Stewart mm reported that 215 boxes had1 MODELS IN THE MEN'S "NEtf the fact that there are now no SPONSORED BY - been disposed of on Apple Day. A stag party will be held November 10 as another ways and less than 200 Scouts and Cubs in the city. W. J. Scott, chairman for the district convention to be held here next May, reported nego RUPERT MENS AND BOYS packer Pine Leaf which sank in eight feet of water while moored at a dock at Steveston, near Vancouver, at the" end of the week. The Pine Leafe, which had spent some time ia this area packing for the Anglo-British Columbia Packing Co., had left here not long ago for Vancouver. means event for the playground fund. Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Murraj are sailing tonight on the Prince George on a trip to Vancouver. Reader aia ciassiried advertisers are requested to submlf their copy to the office. Telephoned advertisements often lead to mistakes against which the Daily News cannot guarantee CAPITOL T II E AT R reject oft'.ci aferenc United tment st nigr. 4d by as tup t "pur sole c ID! KIDDIES EATURING -A f: I I STROMBERG-CARL Combination Console Recei Modernize your kitchen your own mother won't know you in one of our HALLOWE'EN MASKS. They are scarev enough to make a Goblin shudder. See our full line of FIREWORKS and other NOVELTIES. Get your paoer TABLECLOTHS ..and ..NAPKINS for a Hallowe'en Party at Resuming service on her regular Vancouver-Prince Rupeit-Quecn Charlotte Islands route, Union steamer Coquitlam, Cant. Alf Aspinall, is due in port at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from Vancouver, Namu and Butedale. She will sail at 10 p.m. for Massett Inlet points and return here Sunday to sail at 11 p.m. on her return south. A Masterpiece at a New Low of SEE AND HEAR QUALITY AND BEAL" . . with shiny, easy-to-clean, stainless steel equipment RUPERT RADIO & W ess r4rT 1HW that will last f'-rl and last. ( Wrr.fl TSZtl 3 - Frank Waterhouse freighter Ffo?4 fan 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 WHEN YOU BUY A WAT Chillivvack, Capt. II. F. Stc.tiens, is at present at the Queen Char-jlott-j Islands discharging freight i from Vancouver at various points and is due here on Saturday. She will take on here lumber and building supplies for Naas River points which will be dis- PHONE 108 , PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING AND HEATING Bud Schuman Second Ave. musnl ex? Keen this In mlnd-you something "high grade" unless you price. D -HTPnt nricc" we don't mean reallv must pay a lot of money. . j irnri as mu Watches naven i nf nther things. ... . ..... ,,.n-twc bought tl At icasi ours turn-" - of our stock quite a while ago. Professional Hairdressing is a skilled service obtainable only from specialists whose qualifications are based on long periods of training. This skill, embracing all branches of hairdressing and allied services, requires intensified study. Each Hairdresser in B.C. must pass a Board of Examiners proving they know thoroughly the various methods, treatments and solutions which are correct for each of the individual types of hair texture . . . and only this knowledge can assure you of safety and satisfaction with your permanent. No . . . there is no substitute for professional hairdressing. pn birds. are quite all right been . actually Railroad watches have inw as before the war. Out w5MAUFii BtllS; watch it lst But for a reliable hoinw tan.no to $40.00. If you come here ui" fnr 15 to 20 years. , etches' Ask Your Lumbtr Deafer HHit 0r3)lm HOME INSULATION! If you ve oft-u - on us. called little bit, it's time you THE 25-POINT INSULATION These Services Are Available Only at Your Beauty Sliop Uniform, tamperproof density. Low thermal conductivity. Low installation cost. Dual insulation value. Constant fuel saving Comfortable summer and winter temperatures. For air conditioned homes. Chemically inert. Vermin and rodentproof. Rotproof. Fireproof. Safe. Dielectric. ' 14. Odorless. 15. Clean. 16. No settlement. 17. Permanent. 18. Will not absorb moisture. 19. Sound deadening. 20. Easy to install. . 21. Light in weight 22. Thick insulation. 23. No waste 24. Complete fill. 25. Recommended by leading V architects, builders and insulation experts. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. This Message Inserted by the IB APT O N 1 idr 9 ' 'fa TIBt'l AVAILABLE AT WHITE IVORY TEACH DAWN PINK MELLOW BUFF PAGODA GREEN HAIRDRESSERS' ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Wonder Wall Faint The PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phones 651 -652 P.O. Box 748 COAL LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES KINO OEORGE HOST TO VISITORS . FROM AFRICA His Majesty King George VI is shown on the steps of Buckinham Palace with the delegation of African chiefs whom he received. The delegation, from various parts of Africa, is attending the colonial conference in London. At right is Nang Sir Taibu Dar-ku, African Gold Coast chief. THOMPSON HARDWARE Cj